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Датотека:John Cade 1971 (cropped).jpg

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Оригинална датотека (446 × 624 пиксела, величина датотеке: 36 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: Australian psychiatrist John Cade
Извор National Archives of Australia: Item ID 11898650
Аутор Australian Information Service
Остале верзије
image extraction process
This file has been extracted from another file
: John Cade 1971.jpg
original file


Public domain
This image is protected by Crown Copyright because it is owned by the Australian Government or that of the states or territories, and is in the public domain because it was created or published prior to 1974 and the copyright has therefore expired. The government of Australia has declared that the expiration of Crown Copyrights applies worldwide. This has been confirmed by correspondence received by the Volunteer Response Team (Ticket:2017062010010417).

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тренутна04:17, 14. новембар 2023.Минијатура за верзију на дан 04:17, 14. новембар 2023.446 × 624 (36 kB)ITBFFile:John Cade 1971.jpg cropped 36 % horizontally, 9 % vertically using CropTool with precise mode.

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