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Датотека:Satellite image of United Arab Emirates in October.jpg

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Originalna datoteka (2.200 × 1.700 piksela, veličina datoteke: 410 kB, MIME tip: image/jpeg)

Opis izmene

English: Satellite image of United Arab Emirates. The United Arab Emirates lies along the inside of the Arabian Peninsula’s southern curve, between Oman, Saudi Arabia, and the Persian Gulf. Though comprised mostly of desert, the UAE also has the spectacular Trucial Coast. In order to increase its appeal to tourists and diversify its economic base, a number of projects are occurring, including a massive land-formation project visible in this image. Palm Island, which is located on the upper eastern coast, is entirely constructed, using sand dredged from the approach channel to the Jebel Ali Airport. This island is one of two to be completed by 2006, and will form a resort that will provide approximately 1200 single-family residences with private beach-fronts, 600 multi-family residences, an aquatic theme park, shopping centers, cinemas, and more.
Datum Taken on 12. oktobar 2003.
Autor Jacques Descloitres, MODIS Rapid Response Team, NASA/GSFC


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12. oktobar 2003

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trenutna15:07, 18. decembar 2004.Minijatura za verziju na dan 15:07, 18. decembar 2004.2.200 × 1.700 (410 kB)Hautala{{PD-USGov-NASA}} Satellite image of United Arab Emirates. Taken from NASA's Visible Earth . The United Arab Emirates lies along the inside of the Arabian Peninsula’s southern curve, between Oman,

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