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Датотека:UNICEF UK (14281378624) (cropped).jpg

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S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Originalna datoteka (881 × 1.416 piksela, veličina datoteke: 213 kB, MIME tip: image/jpeg)

Opis izmene

Opis Amal Clooney, meeting with Foreign Secretary William Hague in London, 27 May 2014.
Autor Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Положај камере51° 30′ 08,54″ С, 0° 07′ 40,22″ З Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Ова и друге слике снимљене у близини на: OpenStreetMapinfo


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Royal Coat of Arms of the United Kingdom
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w:sr:Krijejtiv komons
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This image was originally posted to Flickr by Foreign and Commonwealth Office at It was reviewed on 19. jun 2014. by FlickreviewR and was confirmed to be licensed under the terms of the cc-by-2.0.

19. jun 2014.

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: UNICEF UK (14281378624).jpg
original file


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Amal Kluni Serbian (transliteracija)

Neka vrednost bez stavke na projektu Vikipodaci

skraćeno ime autora Serbian (transliteracija): Foreign and Commonwealth Office
Flikr Serbian (transliteracija): 10246637@N04

status autorskog prava Serbian (transliteracija)

zaštićeno autorskim pravima Serbian (transliteracija)

Vikimedijin VRTS tiket Serbian (transliteracija)

model kamere Serbian (transliteracija)

51°30'8.536"N, 0°7'40.220"W

27. maj 2014

vreme ekspozicije Serbian (transliteracija)

0.01666666666666666666 sekunda

žižna razmera Serbian (transliteracija)


žižna daljina Serbian (transliteracija)

20 milimetar

ISO brzina Serbian (transliteracija)


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trenutna11:00, 23. novembar 2014.Minijatura za verziju na dan 11:00, 23. novembar 2014.881 × 1.416 (213 kB)Cantab12Amal Clooney. Cropped version of File:UNICEF UK (14281378624).jpg usi0ng CropTool.

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