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S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

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Opis izmene

English: The Yellow Emperor, one of the mythical Five Sovereigns. Inscription reads: 'The Yellow Emperor created and changed a great many things; he invented weapons and the wells and fields system; he devised upper and lower garments, and established palaces and houses' (Birrell, Chinese Mythology, ISBN 0-8018-6183-7, p.48) / The Yellow Emperor, one of the mythical Five Sovereigns. Inscription reads: 'The Yellow Emperor created and changed a great many things; he invented weapons; he divide fields; he devised upper and lower garments, and established palaces and houses' (周家华, translated according to another understanding. )
Datum AD 151
Izvor Li Ung Bin, Outlines of Chinese History, Shanghai 1914
Autor mural painting from Han dynasty


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175.116 bajt

visina Serbian (transliteracija)

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556 piksel

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trenutna07:41, 1. maj 2022.Minijatura za verziju na dan 07:41, 1. maj 2022.556 × 750 (171 kB)Meidosensei.
23:43, 29. jun 2008.Minijatura za verziju na dan 23:43, 29. jun 2008.565 × 757 (67 kB)Guss{{Information |Description={{en|1=The Yellow Emperor, one of the mythical Five Sovereigns. Inscription reads: 'The Yellow Emperor created and changed a great many things; he invented weapons and the wells and fields system; he devised upper and lower garm

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