Википедија:Масовни унос/Имена места/I
скраћеница | кратки опис на енглеском | кратки опис на српском | дуги опис на енглеском | дуги опис на српском | тип податка на енглеском | тип податка на српском |
INDS | industrial area | None | an area characterized by industrial activity | None | L - Area | None |
INLT | inlet | морски рукавац | a narrow waterway extending into the land, or connecting a bay or lagoon with a larger body of water | None | H - Hydrographic | None |
INLTQ | former inlet | None | an inlet which has been filled in, or blocked by deposits | None | H - Hydrographic | None |
INSM | military installation | None | a facility for use of and control by armed forces | None | S - Spot Feature | None |
INTF | interfluve | None | a relatively undissected upland between adjacent stream valleys | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISL | island | острво | a tract of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISLF | artificial island | None | an island created by landfill or diking and filling in a wetland, bay, or lagoon | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISLM | mangrove island | None | a mangrove swamp surrounded by a waterbody | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISLS | islands | None | tracts of land, smaller than a continent, surrounded by water at high water | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISLT | land-tied island | острво повезано са копном | a coastal island connected to the mainland by barrier beaches, levees or dikes | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ISLX | section of island | None | None | T - Hypsographic | None | |
ISTH | isthmus | None | a narrow strip of land connecting two larger land masses and bordered by water | None | T - Hypsographic | None |
ITTR | research institute | None | a facility where research is carried out | None | S - Spot Feature | None |