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Датотека:Acanthamoeba pathology.jpg

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Оригинална датотека (500 × 1.038 пиксела, величина датотеке: 155 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


Опис Public Domain rationale
Извор Meersseman W, Lagrou K, Sciot R, de Jonckheere J, Haberler C, Walochnik J, Peetermans W, van Wijngaerden E. "Rapidly Fatal Acanthamoeba Encephalitis and Treatment of Cryoglobulinemia". Emerg Infect Dis [serial on the Internet]. 2007 March [cited 2007 Feb 23]. Available from US gov
Аутор US gov


Public domain
This file is a work of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, part of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, taken or made as part of an employee's official duties. As a work of the U.S. federal government, the file is in the public domain.

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Оригиналан опис странице је био овде. Сва наведена корисничка имена воде на en.wikipedia.
  • 2007-02-24 03:24 Joelmills 500×1038×8 (158911 bytes) A) Cysts in a vessel wall (arrows) of the patient ([[H&E stain|hematoxylin and eosin stain]], magnification ×250). Inset shows a cyst at higher magnification (hematoxylin and eosin stain, magnification ×800). B) Immunohistochemical staining with antibod


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1.038 пиксел

500 пиксел

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тренутна19:19, 26. март 2007.Минијатура за верзију на дан 19:19, 26. март 2007.500 × 1.038 (155 kB)Angusmclellan{{Information |Description=A) Cysts in a vessel wall (arrows) of the patient (hematoxylin and eosin stain, magnification ×250). Inset shows a cyst at higher magnification (hematoxylin and eosin stain, magnification ×800). B) Immunohist

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