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Датотека:Adenocarcinoma of the stomach 2.jpg

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Adenocarcinoma_of_the_stomach_2.jpg (600 × 279 пиксела, величина датотеке: 17 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)



This picture shows the same case seen in Image:Adenocarcinoma of the stomach.jpg

This is a longitudinal section cut in the plane of the lesser curvature. The pylorus is to the left. Note several prominent nodes of the lesser omentum; these contained metastatic cancer.

A more subtle featue of the cancer can be seen by comparing the gastric wall on the left and right sides of the ulcer. To the left, the normal anatomic layers (mucosa, submucosa, muscularis propria, and serosa) are clearly identifiable, and no tumor is grossly present. The wall to the right of the ulcer also shows identifiable anatomic layers, but they are all cemented together by the white carcinoma that extends between the layers, like icing in a layer cake.

Photograph by Ed Uthman, MD. Public domain. Posted 3 Jan 99
Извор http://web2.airmail.net/uthman/specimens/index.html
(Поновно коришћење ове датотеке)


Public domain Ово дело је њен носилац ауторских права Ed Uthman предао у јавно власништво. Ово се односи на цео свет.
У неким земљама, ово није законски могуће; у том случају:
Ed Uthman творац овог дела дозвољава свакоме да користи ово дело за било коју намену, без било каквих услова, осим услова које намеће закон.


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279 пиксел

600 пиксел

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тренутна23:40, 4. јун 2006.Минијатура за верзију на дан 23:40, 4. јун 2006.600 × 279 (17 kB)Patho{{Information| |Description=This cancer presented in a 40-year-old woman complaining of abdominal pain. Endoscopically it was a "very suspicious" ulcer. Biopsy showed diffusely infiltrating signet ring cell adenocarcinoma. These are gross photos of the su

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