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Датотека:Air-free sublimation.png

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Air-free_sublimation.png (800 × 475 пиксела, величина датотеке: 31 kB, MIME тип: image/png)



Air-free sublimation


a = Rubber cone (typically used to form a vacuum seal in a Büchner flask filtration) which is selected so as to fit snugly around the neck of the Schlenk tube

b = Schlenk tube

c = Gas/vacuum inlet

d = Teflon tap (or stopcock)

e = Syringe

Method steps

1 = Impure solid to sublime (brown) is placed in a Schlenk tube, avoiding contaminating the sides of the tube (e.g. by careful evaporation from a solution containing the brown solid).

2 = Rubber cone (black) is pushed near top of the Schlenk tube (forming a tight seal around flask) and filled with a coolant such as dry ice/acetone (blue/white) to cool the neck of the Schlenk tube. The bottom of the Schlenk tube is heated (red shading) under vacuum (blue arrow), so that the impure solid (brown) sublimes as a pure solid (purple) at the cooled neck area (blue shading).

3 = After sublimation, the cooling-cone (black) is removed, leaving the concentrated impurity as a residue (dark brown) in the bottom of the flask, and the purified sublimed solid (purple) at the neck of the Schlenk tube.

4 = Solvent (blue) is inserted via syringe to dissolve the residue (green/brown), taking care to avoid washing off the sublimed solid (purple).

5 = Residue solution is then removed by syringe (green/brown) (Steps 4 and 5 can be repeated as required).

6 = Purified sublimed solid (purple) is washed off the neck of the flask with fresh solvent (blue) via a syringe.

(In steps 3 to 6 the flask is held under an atmosphere of an inert gas via Schlenk tube side arm).

7 = Solvent is removed under vacuum to give the purified sublimed solid (dark purple).

Steps 6 and 7 are not essential
Извор Сопствено дело
Аутор Quantockgoblin


Public domain Ја, творац овог дела, предајем га у јавно власништво. Ово се односи на цео свет.
У неким земљама, ово није законски могуће; у том случају:
Ја, творац овог дела дозвољавам свакоме да користи ово дело за било коју намену, без било каквих услова, осим услова које намеће закон.


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Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


Нека вредност без ставке на Википодаци


475 пиксел

800 пиксел

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна00:40, 14. март 2008.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:40, 14. март 2008.800 × 475 (31 kB)Quantockgoblin~commonswiki{{Information |Description=air-free sublimation a b c d e f g 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 |Source=self-made |Date= |Author= Quantockgoblin |Permission= |other_versions= }}

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