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Датотека:Alice Roosevelt Christens Sub TR.jpg

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Оригинална датотека (2.744 × 2.312 пиксела, величина датотеке: 564 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: en:Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of US President, Theodore Roosevelt, after launching the USS Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600) at Mare Island on October 3, 1959. The shipyard's newspaper described the story of this picture. "She didn't do it, but she was supposed to -- break the champagne bottle on the bow of the Theodore Roosevelt, first Polaris submarine built on the West Coast, and launched at Mare Island on October 3, 1959. Mrs. Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of the late President for whom the ship was named, was the sponsor. She was also the first, and last, Mare Island sponsor who declined a dress rehearsal for the launching ceremony. She missed the ship when she swung the bottle, and in desperation threw the bottle at the ship and missed again. Fortunately, a member of the crew up on the ship pulled the bottle up by the attached cable, and quickly smashed the bottle on the bow before the ship hit the water. He did a fine job as evidence by the broken bottle held by the tearful sponsor." In the photo Alice wears the costly string of pearls given her by the government of Cuba upon her marriage to Nicholas Longworth in 1906.


U.S. Navy photo NY9 45983-10-59

Source URL - http://www.navsource.org/archives/08/08600.htm
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  • 2006-04-16 16:17 SimonATL 2744×2312×8 (577321 bytes) [[Alice Roosevelt Longworth]], daughter of US President, [[Theodore Roosevelt]], after launching the [[USS Theodore Roosevelt]] (SSBN-600) at [[Mare Island]] on Island on October 3, 1959. . The shipyard's newpaper described the story of this picture. "Sh


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује

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3. октобар 1959


2.312 пиксел

2.744 пиксел

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тренутна14:38, 29. новембар 2007.Минијатура за верзију на дан 14:38, 29. новембар 2007.2.744 × 2.312 (564 kB)Riana{{Information |Description={{en|en:Alice Roosevelt Longworth, daughter of US President, en:Theodore Roosevelt, after launching the en:USS Theodore Roosevelt (SSBN-600) at en:Mare Island on October 3, 1959. The shipyard's newspaper des

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