Датотека:AntiKosovo flag.png
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AntiKosovo_flag.png (800 × 571 пиксела, величина датотеке: 34 kB, MIME тип: image/png)
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ОписAntiKosovo flag.png |
English: Anti Kosovo flag. |
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Ово је ретуширана слика, што значи да је дигитално измењена у односу на своју изворну верзију. Измене: strikethrough flag of Kosovo. Изворна верзија се може видети овде: Flag of Kosovo.svg. Измене је направио: Dialnica.
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Ова лиценца је додата на ову датотеку као део ажурирања GFDL лиценце.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/CC BY-SA 3.0Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0truetrue |
Првобитан дневник отпремања
This image is a derivative work of the following images:
- File:Flag_of_Kosovo.svg licensed with Cc-by-sa-3.0-migrated, GFDL
- 2010-08-28T18:40:16Z ManxManStats 840x600 (7503 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:14, 4 December 2009
- 2010-08-28T18:25:46Z ManxManStats 900x600 (16844 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 21:50, 17 February 2008
- 2009-12-04T20:14:56Z Zscout370 840x600 (7503 Bytes) I noticed the PDF colors changed. They are still in the CMYK format and Inkscape can open PDF files directly, so no special conversions had to be done.
- 2009-12-03T09:01:23Z Zscout370 840x600 (7503 Bytes) Code somewhat back to normal
- 2009-12-03T08:53:36Z Zscout370 840x600 (8229 Bytes) Ratio officially set at 1x1.4 http://www.gazetazyrtare.com/e-gov/tr/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=351&Itemid=28
- 2009-04-28T14:52:42Z Zscout370 900x600 (7476 Bytes) Ok, then still keeping the colors, but reducing the total SVG used in the file.
- 2009-04-28T08:48:25Z Chandler 900x600 (9121 Bytes) Reverted, sorry a random selfpub site doesnt override the gov.
- 2009-04-20T21:23:41Z Zscout370 900x600 (7476 Bytes) Making stars even in sizes and also balanced. Using colors from http://www.kosovothanksyou.com/news/?p=258
- 2008-07-23T14:17:28Z Cradel 900x600 (9121 Bytes) sorry but the ratio is required to be 2:3, as it said on the contest
- 2008-07-23T10:34:42Z Chandler 830x561 (7483 Bytes) Everything except that this ratio is from the PM
- 2008-07-22T23:08:42Z Zscout370 900x600 (9121 Bytes) The official contest for the flag said the ratio needed to be 2:3, so I have made it so. Everything else says the same.
- 2008-07-14T15:27:41Z Chandler 830x561 (7483 Bytes) Optimized, at least smaller should be the exactly right forms ratios etc that can be found at the site for the PM of kosovo
- 2008-07-14T15:01:05Z Chandler 830x561 (102172 Bytes) rv. I know its big, but its from the offical website of kosovo, so changing positions of stars and Kosovo would not be right
- 2008-07-14T04:36:40Z Reisio 900x600 (8789 Bytes) Xhandler's colors & outline, previous stars, ratio, centering
- 2008-07-13T15:36:44Z Chandler 830x561 (102172 Bytes) Source: [http://www.ks-gov.net/pm/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=uaepczKkktU%3d&tabid=36 ks-gov.net] so both colours and shapes should be right
- 2008-07-07T02:11:00Z Zscout370 900x600 (9270 Bytes) However, I have to do one correction. The stars looked a bit off and the ratio was required to be 2:3 for all contest entries.
- 2008-07-07T02:00:07Z Zscout370 885x598 (13505 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 10:53, 6 July 2008 (ok, I stand corrected, it seems all government offices are using this goldish color, accept my apologies)
- 2008-07-07T01:54:46Z Zscout370 900x600 (15559 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 20:03, 26 March 2008 (sorry, but two people disagree with the change)
- 2008-07-06T10:53:28Z Cradel 885x598 (13505 Bytes) official version, SVG-fied from [http://www.ks-gov.net/pm/LinkClick.aspx?fileticket=uaepczKkktU%3d&tabid=36]
- 2008-03-26T20:03:00Z Zscout370 900x600 (15559 Bytes) I fixed the pattern according to http://www.ks-gov.net/pm/ (as requested on en.wikipedia) but didn't touch the colors.
- 2008-03-18T06:34:50Z Zscout370 900x600 (15373 Bytes) Made the central emblem bigger, as suggested from http://www.ks-gov.net/pm/Portals/0/Flamuri.bmp, and something about the stars bothered me, so I fixed it.
- 2008-02-17T21:50:38Z Zscout370 900x600 (16844 Bytes) Something bothered me about the code; I don't have official specs yet.
- 2008-02-17T17:10:08Z Ningyou 1000x666 (20947 Bytes)
- 2008-02-17T17:04:36Z Ningyou 1000x666 (20950 Bytes)
- 2008-02-17T16:02:51Z Ragimiri 225x150 (2550 Bytes) Reverted to version as of 06:53, 8 February 2008
- 2008-02-17T15:42:24Z Belb 800x533 (1852 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source=self-made |Date= |Author= [[User:Belb|Belb]] |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 2008-02-17T15:30:05Z Belb 800x529 (1828 Bytes) {{Information |Description= |Source=self-made |Date= |Author= [[User:Belb|Belb]] |Permission= |other_versions= }}
- 2008-02-08T06:53:14Z The Tom 225x150 (2550 Bytes) {{Information |Description=Placeholder graphic for use in Kosovo-related articles. Simply a new name for Sin_bandera.svg in order to conform it to the file naming convention for flags. {{es|Hecho por Huhsunqu. Basado en [[:c
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Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
Ставке приказане у овој датотеци
11. септембар 2010
34.824 бајт
571 пиксел
800 пиксел
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Датум/време | Минијатура | Димензије | Корисник | Коментар | |
тренутна | 15:44, 23. мај 2013. | ![]() | 800 × 571 (34 kB) | Milicevic01 | thicker red lines |
20:28, 11. септембар 2010. | ![]() | 800 × 571 (35 kB) | Dialnica | {{Information |Description={{en|Anti Kosovo flag.}} |Source=*File:Flag_of_Kosovo.svg |Date=2010-09-11 19:27 (UTC) |Author=*File:Flag_of_Kosovo.svg: Cradel (current version), earlier version by Ningyou *derivati |
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Датум и време последње промене датотеке | 18:40, 28. август 2010. |