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Датотека:Armoiries Monastir.svg

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Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 495 × 887 пиксела, величина: 402 kB)


English: Coat of arms of Monastir - Tunisia
Français : Armoiries de la ville de Monastir - Tunisie
العربية: شعار مدينة المنستير
Извор Сопствено дело à partir de Mohamed Saleh Sayadi, Histoire sociale de Moanstir au troisième quart du XIX e siècle
Аутор Habib M'henni
Habib M'henni  (1977–)  wikidata:Q105725266
Habib M'henni
Друга имена
Опис туниски викимедијанац, академик, грађевински инжењер, видео уредник и фотограф
University teacher in civil engineering
Датум рођења 1977 Уреди на Википодацима
Место рођења Триполи Уреди на Википодацима
Нормативна контрола
creator QS:P170,Q105725266

This illustration was made by Habib M’henni (User:Dyolf77) and released under the license(s) stated above.
You are free to use it for any purpose as long as you credit me and follow the terms of the license.

English: Credits to Habib Mhenni / Wikimedia Commons
Français : Crédits à Habib Mhenni / Wikimedia Commons
العربية : بترخيص الحبيب مهني / ويكيميديا كومنز

If you use this image outside the Wikimedia projects,
I would be happy to hear from you by ( mail habib.mhenni @ gmail.com ). Thanks!
Note: This file has been released under a license which is incompatible with Facebook's licensing terms. It is not allowed to upload this file to Facebook.

Other files from me can be found in Category:Files by User:Dyolf77
SVG genesis
The source code of this SVG is invalid due to 6 errors.
This W3C-invalid coat of arms was created with Inkscape.
 This coat of arms uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.


Public domain
This work was first published in Tunisia and is now in the public domain because its copyright protection has expired by virtue of the Law No. 94-36 of February 24, 1994, on Literary and Artistic Property, enacted 1994, amended 2009 (more details). The work meets one of the following criteria:
  • It is an anonymous work or pseudonymous work and 50 years have passed since the date of its publication (or creation, whatever date is the latest)
  • It is a photographic work, and 50 years have passed since the date of its creation
  • It is another kind of work, and 50 years have passed since the year of death of the author (or last surviving author)
  • It is one of "official texts of legislative, administrative or legal nature and their official translations"
Before July 5, 2009, a photographic work was protected for 25 years. Pictures created before July 5, 1984 have already been placed into the public domain.

العربية  Deutsch  English  français  +/−


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује

Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


26. мај 2010



887 пиксел

495 пиксел

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна14:31, 6. јун 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 14:31, 6. јун 2010.495 × 887 (402 kB)Dyolf77Text modifying
14:19, 6. јун 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 14:19, 6. јун 2010.495 × 887 (392 kB)Dyolf77Updating the light
00:34, 31. мај 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:34, 31. мај 2010.495 × 887 (392 kB)Dyolf77Color correction
10:53, 27. мај 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 10:53, 27. мај 2010.495 × 887 (392 kB)Dyolf77Correction
22:15, 26. мај 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 22:15, 26. мај 2010.495 × 887 (391 kB)Dyolf77{{Information |Description={{en|1=Coat of arms of Monastir - Tunisia}} {{fr|1=Armoiries de la ville de Monastir - Tunisie}} {{ar|1=شعار مدينة المنستير}} |Source={{own}} à partir de Mohamed Saleh Sayadi, ''Histoire sociale de Moanstir au

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