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Датотека:Astronaut Riding a Horse (SDXL).jpg

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Оригинална датотека (1.024 × 1.024 пиксела, величина датотеке: 98 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: A synthograph of an astronaut riding a horse created in NightCafe Studio with Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL). Prompt is a photograph of an astronaut riding a horse with weight of 1.0 (NightCafe Studio scale). Runtime is medium and overall prompt weight is 70%. This artwork was created with text-to-image (txt2img) process.
日本語:​描画 AI の Stable Diffusion XL が自動生成した「乗馬する宇宙飛行士の写真」
Извор Generated with NightCafe Studio in Stable Diffusion XL mode (1.0), archived at https://archive.org/details/vulcansphere-ai-art-raw
Аутор VulcanSphere
(Поновно коришћење ове датотеке)

For licensing information, see the licence section

NightCafe Studio is based in Australia, where AI-generated things are presumably copyrighted to it without explicit copyright transfer.

Regarding artworks generated in NightCafe Studio, as stated in its Terms of Service (https://nightcafe.studio/policies/terms-of-service):

Once your Artwork has been created and delivered to you, all Intellectual Property Rights subsisting in that specific Artwork is transferred to you and you may use your Artwork for personal or commercial purposes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) (https://creator.nightcafe.studio/faqs):

In jurisdictions where NightCafe is deemed the Copyright holder (as the AI-generation platform), we agree to transfer the Copyright ownership to you - the creator - to use however you like, provided that you didn't use any Copyright restricted images to create it.
Остале верзије


In countries where this artwork is eligible for copyright registration (United Kingdom, Mainland China):

Creative Commons CC-Zero Ова датотека је доступна под лиценцом Creative Commons 1.0 Универзална – посвећивање јавном власништву.
Особа која је учествовало у раду на овом документу посветила је дело јавном власништву, одричући се свих права на то дело широм света, по закону о ауторским правима и повезаним или сродним законским правима које би имао/имала, у мери дозвољеној законом. Можете да умножавате, мењате, расподељујете и прилагођавате дело, чак и у комерцијалне сврхе, без тражења дозволе.

In countries where this artwork is not eligible for copyright registration (United States):

Public domain
Ова датотека је у јавном власништву зато што је рад рачунарског алгоритма или вештачке интелигенције односно нема људског аутора који може бити носилац ауторских права.

У Великој Британији ауторско право за рачунарски генерисан рад важи 50 година од настанка. [1]
AI derivative works Legal disclaimer
Most images-generating AI models were trained using works that are protected by copyright. In some cases, such assets and models can produce images that contain major copyrightable elements of those copyrighted training images, making these outputs derivative works. Accordingly, there is a risk that AI-generated art uploaded on Commons may violate the rights of the authors of the original works. See Commons:AI-generated media for additional details.

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Licensing information:

This artificial intelligence artwork was generated by VulcanSphere with text-to-image (txt2img) process and placed under CC-Zero.

VulcanSphere artworks are made in Republic of Indonesia, where relevant AI-generated section does not exist in that country Copyright Law of 2014 although a recent (informal) discussion in Indonesia is leaning towards raw txt2img artwork being too simple to be copyrightable.

You can attribute me as stated on the Attribution section, if you are reusing this artwork outside Wikimedia projects kindly leave me a tip at mail@vulcansphere.com but it is not mandatory.


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује
A synthography of an astronaut riding a horse

Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


AI-generated image енглески

17. август 2023


1.024 пиксел

1.024 пиксел

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна03:12, 17. август 2023.Минијатура за верзију на дан 03:12, 17. август 2023.1.024 × 1.024 (98 kB)VulcanSphere{{Information |Description= {{en|1=A synthography of an astronaut riding a horse created in NightCafe Studio with Stable Diffusion XL (SDXL)}} {{ja|1=描画 AI の Stable Diffusion XL が自動生成した「乗馬する宇宙飛行士の写真」}} |Source=Generated with NightCafe Studio in Stable Diffusion XL mode (1.0) |Date=2023-08-17 |Author=© VulcanSphere / CC BY 4.0 |Permission=For licensing information, see the licence section NightCafe Studio is based in Australia, where AI-generated things are presumably copyrighted to it withou...

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