This logo was created for the "w:en:Bulletin board system" Wikipedia article. I want people to experience ASCII art felt like in the BBS era.
This was created with the w:en:JavE editor using w:en:FIGlet fonts red_phoenix, roman, s-relief. Then it was rendered as a gif file with w:en:Lucida Sans Typewriter font at 17 pt to create this file.
This is the text so it can be used to regenerate the graphics as needed.
Ово дело је њен носилац ауторских права MicahDCochran на енглески Википедија предао у јавно власништво. Ово се односи на цео свет. У неким земљама, ово није законски могуће; у том случају: MicahDCochran творац овог дела дозвољава свакоме да користи ово дело за било коју намену, без било каквих услова, осим услова које намеће закон.Public domainPublic domainfalsefalse
<a href="/wiki/ASCII_art" title="ASCII art">ASCII art</a> logo of BBS This logo was created for the "<a href="/wiki/Bulletin_board_system" title="Bulletin board system">Bulletin board system</a>" Wikipedia article. I want people to experience ASCII art felt like in the BBS era. This was created with the <a href="/wiki/JavE" title="JavE">JavE</a> editor using <a href="/wiki/FIGlet" title="FIGlet">FIGlet</a> fonts red_phoenix, roman,
(<a href="/wiki/ASCII_art" title="ASCII art">ASCII art</a> logo of BBS This logo was created for the "<a href="/wiki/Bulletin_board_system" title="Bulletin board system">Bulletin board system</a>" Wikipedia article. I want people to experience ASCII art felt like in the BBS era. This was created with the <a href="/wiki/JavE" title="JavE">JavE</a> editor using <a href="/wiki/FIGlet" title="FIGlet">FIGlet</a> fonts red_phoenix, roman,)