English: Croatian Fans, on January 24th 2007 in Mannheim , SAP-Arena (Germany), during the Handball World Championchip game Denmark - Croatia 26:28 (12:15)
To be able to make this picture, I've spent lots of my own money (mainly equipment) and time. If you want to use this picture (even commercially), you can use it free of charge — if you comply with the license under which this image is released. This is required in any medium (internet, print, ...). The image has to appear with a copy of, or a full (hyperlinked) URL to the license. In addition, attribution of this image to "Armin Kübelbeck" is required in a prominent location near to the image. You can modify this image in any way you like, as long as you respect the personality rights of people probably shown in this image. You are required to release the image, or any subsequent derivatives of it, under the same license. No other conditions may be added to, or removed from this license without my permission.
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Под следећим условима:
ауторство – Морате да дате одговарајуће заслуге, обезбедите везу ка лиценци и назначите да ли су измене направљене. Можете то урадити на било који разуман манир, али не на начин који предлаже да лиценцатор одобрава вас или ваше коришћење.
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Ова лиценца је додата на ову датотеку као део ажурирања GFDL лиценце.http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/CC BY-SA 3.0Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0truetrue
== Description == {{Information |Description=Croatian Fans, on January 24th 2007 in Mannheim , SAP-Arena (Germany), during the Handball World Championchip game Denmark - Croatia 26:28 (12:15) |Source=http://galerie.best4sports.de - my webs ite and my own