Screen, 1885-1910, designed by John Henry Dearle V&A Museum no. CIRC.848-1956
Techniques -
Glazed mahogany frame, with panels of canvas embroidered with silks in darning, stem and satin stitch
Artist/designer -
John Henry Dearle (designer)
Morris & Co. (manufacturer)
Place -
London, England
Dimensions -
Height 162.9 cm
Width 166.2 cm (maximum)
Depth 2.8 cm
Object Type -
A three-panelled furnishing screen made by Morris & Co. inset with embroidered panels showing 'Parrot Tulip', 'Large Horned Poppy' and 'Anemone' designs. Screens were available from Morris & Co. either as kits, sold with a marked ground and silk threads, to be worked at home, or as completed wall hangings or screens. Although the panels were designed in the mid-1880s, this screen was made at a later date. The donor has suggested '... the screen was worked and made up in the William Morris shop prior to 1914'.
Trading -
The screen was purchased from Morris & Co.'s shop at 449 Oxford Street, London. An identical screen showing two of these panels was illustrated in Morris & Co.'s 'Embroidery Work' catalogue published about 1910, priced at £17 10s.
People -
J.H. Dearle (1860-1932), who designed the screen panels, was William Morris's assistant. He eventually became Artistic Director of the Morris firm. May Morris, the younger daughter of William Morris, directed the embroidery section of Morris & Co. from 1885 until 1896.
Places -
Morris screens of this type can be seen in contemporary photographs of a number of large houses including Bullerswood in Kent, Stanmore Hall in Middlesex and in the homes of the Barr Smith family in Adelaide, Australia.
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== Summary == Screen, 1885-1910, designed by John Henry Dearle V&A Museum no. CIRC.848-1956 Techniques - Glazed mahogany frame, with panels of canvas embroidered with silks in darning, stem and satin stitch Artist/designer - John Henry Dearle (designer)