Ова coat of arms слика требало би да буду поново израђене као векторска графика у SVG формату. Тиме се остварује неколико предности. Више информација потражите на Commons:Media for cleanup. Ако је ова слика већ доступна у SVG формату, отпремите је. Након отпремања датотеке, овај шаблон замените шаблоном {{vector version available|new image name.svg}}.
This coat of arms image was uploaded in the JPEG format even though it consists of non-photographic data. This information could be stored more efficiently or accurately in the PNG or SVG format. If possible, please upload a PNG or SVG version of this image without compression artifacts, derived from a non-JPEG source (or with existing artifacts removed). After doing so, please tag the JPEG version with {{Superseded|NewImage.ext}} and remove this tag. This tag should not be applied to photographs or scans. If this image is a diagram or other image suitable for vectorisation, please tag this image with {{Convert to SVG}} instead of {{BadJPEG}}. If not suitable for vectorisation, use {{Convert to PNG}}. For more information, see {{BadJPEG}}.
Español: Escudo de Juchitlan, Jalisco Diseñado por Jose Maria Covarrubias
English: Coat of Juchitlan, Jalisco Designed by Jose Maria Covarrubias
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{{Information |Description={{es|1=Escudo de Juchitlan, Jalisco Diseñado por Jose Maria Covarrubias}} {{en|1=Coat of Juchitlan, Jalisco Designed by Jose Maria Covarrubias}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Myguelh |Date=2009-04-29 |Pe