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H2OrbitalsAnimation.gif (300 × 204 пиксела, величина датотеке: 411 kB, MIME тип: image/gif, петља, 91 кадар)


English: Electron wavefunctions for the 1s orbital of the hydrogen atom (left and right) and the corresponding bonding (bottom) and antibonding (top) orbitals of the dihydrogen molecule. The real part of the wavefunction is the blue curve, the imaginary part is the red curve. The red dots mark the locations of the protons. The electron wavefunction oscillates according to the Schrödinger equation, and the orbitals are standing waves. The standing wave frequency is proportional to the energy of the orbital. Hydrogen is really a 3D system, but this is a 1D slice. These are schematic plots: I did not bother to solve the Schrödinger equation quantitatively. The plots are arranged like a molecular orbital diagram.
Извор Сопствено дело
Аутор Sbyrnes321
This diagram was created with Mathematica by n.
(*Source code written in Mathematica 6.0 by Steve Byrnes, March 2011. This source code is public domain.*)
(*Shows schematic electron wavefunctions for 1s orbital of hydrogen atom, and 1s bonding and
antibonding orbitals of hydrogen molecule. Plotted as a 1D slice of a 3D system.
All graphs are schematic: I'm not actually solving the Schrodinger equation, but hopefully it looks like I did. *)


(***Oscillation frequencies, in units of oscillations per cycle of the animated gif***)

sfreq = 4;
bondfreq = 3;
antibondfreq = 5;

(***Wavefunction normalization coefficients***)

scoef = 0.893;
bondcoef = 0.618;
antibondcoef = 0.646;

(***Define wavefunctions***)

s[x_, t_] := scoef * Exp[-(x - 1.25)^2]*Exp[-2*Pi*I*sfreq*t];
bond[x_, t_] := bondcoef * (Exp[-x^2] + Exp[-(x - 2.5)^2]) * Exp[-2*Pi*I*bondfreq*t];
antibond[x_, t_] := antibondcoef * (Exp[-x^2] - Exp[-(x - 2.5)^2]) * Exp[-2*Pi*I*antibondfreq*t];

(***Make individual graphs***)

SetOptions[Plot, {Ticks -> None, PlotStyle -> {Directive[Thick, Blue], Directive[Thick, Pink]}, 
   Axes -> {True, False}, PlotRange -> {{-2.5, 5}, {-1, 1}}, 
   AspectRatio -> 1.1}, Frame -> True, FrameTicks -> None];
SetOptions[ListPlot, {Ticks -> None, PlotStyle -> Directive[Red, AbsolutePointSize[10]]}, Axes -> {True, False}];
OneProton = ListPlot[{{1.25, 0}}];
TwoProtons = ListPlot[{{0, 0}, {2.5, 0}}];
SWaves[t_] := Plot[{Re[s[x, t]], Im[s[x, t]]}, {x, -2.5, 5}];
BondWaves[t_] := Plot[{Re[bond[x, t]], Im[bond[x, t]]}, {x, -2.5, 5}];
AntibondWaves[t_] := Plot[{Re[antibond[x, t]], Im[antibond[x, t]]}, {x, -2.5, 5}];
SPlot[t_] := Show[SWaves[t], OneProton];
BondPlot[t_] := Show[BondWaves[t], TwoProtons];
AntibondPlot[t_] := Show[AntibondWaves[t], TwoProtons];

(***Draw all graphs together, arranged in the shape of a molecular orbital diagram***)

TotalPlot[t_] := 
 Graphics[{White, Rectangle[{0, 0}, {1.5, 1}], 
   Inset[SPlot[t], ImageScaled[{0, 0.5}], ImageScaled[{0, 0.5}], .45],
   Inset[SPlot[t], ImageScaled[{1, 0.5}], ImageScaled[{1, 0.5}], .45], 
   Inset[BondPlot[t], ImageScaled[{0.5, 0}], ImageScaled[{0.5, 0}], .45],
   Inset[AntibondPlot[t], ImageScaled[{0.5, 1}], ImageScaled[{0.5, 1}], .45]}, ImageSize -> 300]

(***Export animation***)
output = Table[TotalPlot[t], {t, 0, 90/91, 1/91}];
Export["test.gif", output]


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Creative Commons CC-Zero Ова датотека је доступна под лиценцом Creative Commons 1.0 Универзална – посвећивање јавном власништву.
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Creative Commons CC0 License Serbian (Cyrillic script) (транслитерација)

28. март 2011

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна09:35, 28. март 2011.Минијатура за верзију на дан 09:35, 28. март 2011.300 × 204 (411 kB)Sbyrnes321Fixed the sign of the complex phase oscillation
09:28, 28. март 2011.Минијатура за верзију на дан 09:28, 28. март 2011.300 × 204 (411 kB)Sbyrnes321{{Information |Description ={{en|1=Electron wavefunctions for the 1s orbital of the hydrogen atom (left and right) and the corresponding bonding (bottom) and antibonding (top) orbitals of the dihydrogen molecule. The real part of the wavefunction is th

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