The usage of reproductions of the cultural monuments No. 5427 for commercial purposes is restricted by the Slovenian Cultural Heritage Protection Act, which requires a consensus of the owner of the monument for any use of image and name of the monument (article 44). Wikimedia Commons is not required to comply as it is hosted in the United States of America. Users who are citizens of Slovenia are warned that they are solely responsible for any possible violation of local laws. See our general disclaimer for more information. These restrictions are independent of the copyright status of the depicted work.
The definition of a cultural monument is the following (article 3): heritage, which has been statutorily protected as a monument or entered in the inventory of an authorised museum. As much as it concerns immovable cultural heritage, the national catalog is publicly accessible at
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2005-09-09 05:23 Janeznovak 1600×1200× (267652 bytes) Vhod v JAlnovo rojstno hišo, Rodine na Gorenjskem Fotografiral Janez Novak, Ljubljana, Slovenija v Jalnovi rojstni hiši, Rodine, 19.08.2005
{{Information |Description={{sl|Vhod v Jalnovo rojstno hišo, Rodine na Gorenjskem.}} {{en|Entrance to the Janez Jalen's birth house, Rodine, Žirovnica municipality, Slovenia.}} |Source=Transferred from [ sl.wikipedia] |Date={{Date