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Датотека:Josif Papamihali.jpg

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Оригинална датотека (573 × 782 пиксела, величина датотеке: 551 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: Blessed Papàs Josif Papamihali † (1912 - 1948 deceased), Albanian priest of the Byzantine rite, martyr of the Albanian Greek-Catholic Church. He was arrested, sentenced to forced labor and brutally killed for the Christian faith during the communist dictatorship in Albania. He trained at the Italo-Albanian monastic community of the Abbey of Grottaferrata, Rome.
Italiano: Beato Papàs Josif Papamihali † (1912 – 1948 deceduto), sacerdote albanese di rito bizantino, martire della Chiesa greco-cattolica albanese. Fu arrestato, condannato ai lavori forzati e barbaramente ucciso per la fede cristiana durante la dittatura comunista in Albania. Si formò presso la comunità monastica italo-albanese dell'Abbazia di Grottaferrata, Roma.
Shqip: Bekuar Papa Josif Papamihali (1912 - 1948 i vdekur), prift shqiptar i ritit bizantin, dëshmor i Kishës Greko-Katolike Shqiptare (ose Kisha Katolike Shqiptare me ritë bizantin). U arrestua, u dënua me punë të detyruar dhe u vra brutalisht për besimin e krishterë gjatë diktaturës komuniste në Shqipëri. Ai stërviti në bashkësinë monastike arbëreshe të Abacisë së Grottaferratës, Romë.
Датум before 1948
date QS:P,+1948-00-00T00:00:00Z/7,P1326,+1948-00-00T00:00:00Z/9
Извор Arkivi Digjital i Elbasanit
Аутор НепознатUnknown author


Public domain
This image was created in Albania and is now classified as being in the public domain because its term of copyright has now expired (details). According to the Albania: Copyright, Law (Consolidation), 19/05/1992 (19/04/1995), No. 7564 (No. 7923), generally copyright has expired as follows:
Authorship Copyright duration
 A  Except as below moral rights of a work are protected forever and the economic rights of a work are protected during the whole author’s life and 70 years after his/her death.
 B  Anonymous or pseudonymous work protected for 70 years from the first day of the first legal publication of the work.
 C  Photographic and Audiovisual Works of Joint Authorship protected for 70 years from the day this work is legally offered to the public or in a contrary case, for 70 years from the day of the production of the work, i.e. 70 years after its creation.
 D  Protection of Works of Applied Art protected for 25 years from the day of its production.
The term provided lasts to the end of a calendar year.

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тренутна02:15, 27. август 2019.Минијатура за верзију на дан 02:15, 27. август 2019.573 × 782 (551 kB)Kj1595User created page with UploadWizard

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