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ОписMap of Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania Highlighted.png
A United States Census Bureau/government work is in the public domain, however, my modifications are licensed as follows: You may not use this image on your own web site or anywhere else unless you release this image and any derivative works by following the terms of one of the following licenses. Any other use will be considered a breach of copyright. If you have not read the terms of these licenses or do not understand them, then do not use this image.
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2008-03-14 04:22 "Country" Bushrod Washington 736×477 (30023 bytes) == Summary == {{Information |Description=A map of [[Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania|Schuylkill County]] showing [[Pottsville, Pennsylvania]] highlighted on the map. |Source=Source image taken from the United States Census Bureau’s website [http://www2.c