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Датотека:Porfirio Diaz in uniform.jpg

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С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

Оригинална датотека (554 × 729 пиксела, величина датотеке: 65 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


Unidentified photographer  
Опис Unidentified, Unspecified, Unattributed, Not provided, Not mentioned, НепознатUnknown or Anonymous 20th-century photographer.
English: "General Porfirio Diaz (1830-1915), President of Mexico, dominating. Diaz was re-elected to the Presidency for December 1, 1884. From that period until the present day (1919) he has held the office continuously seven Presidential terms, a régime which has partaken more of the nature of a hereditary sovereignty than of an elective post. It is to be recollected, however, that in all Spanish-American countries and Mexico has been no exception- intimidation and bribery at the polls and breaches of constitutional law have been potent factors in election matters." This version of scanned Project Gutenberg image taken from: http://projects.ericshalov.com/freeimages/image.php?id=32.
Historical Note: General Porfirio Diaz Mori was the undisputed hero of the Battle of 5 de Mayo 1862, when as a young General he ordered the San Luis Rifles regiment to launch into the battlefield and prevent the French contingent from encircling the Mexican position. He was promoted by President Juarez upon General Zaragoza's recommendation. Don Porfirio chose to spare the lives of the French soliders and had them deported back to France. Many years later when he accepted French political asylum (after the convoluted Mexican Revolution was launched) he was welcomed in Paris with a State Reception and was awarded the Grand Cross of the French Legion of Merit and given Napoleon I sword he used at Austerlitz as a symbol of honour and respect. True Historians do not perpetuate the FALSE narrative of a dictatorship. He was Mexico's founding Father and created most of today's Mexican government Institutions and celebrated cultural landmarks like the Angel of Independence, which he commissioned for the 100 years of Mexico's Independence from Spain. He was the most influential and consequential President of all Mexican history to this day. Source: Centre de documentation de l'Ecole militaire. Paris
Извор Mexico: Its Ancient and Modern Civilisation by Charles Reginald (1919).
(Поновно коришћење ове датотеке)
Public domain


Public domain
Public domain
Ова мултимедијална датотека је у јавном власништву у Сједињеним Државама. Ово важи за радове америчких аутора где је истекло ауторско право, углавном због тога што је објављена пре 1. јануара 1929. За више информација погледајте ову страницу.

United States
United States
Ова слика можда није у јавном власништу ван Сједињених Држава; ово нарочито важи за државе које не примењују правило краћег рока за америчке радове, као што су Канада, Кина (не Хонгконг и Макао), Немачка, Мексико и Швајцарска. Обавезно морате навести име аутора и годину објављивања. За више информација погледајте Википедија:Јавно власништво и Википедија:Ауторско право.


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тренутна00:20, 16. новембар 2008.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:20, 16. новембар 2008.554 × 729 (65 kB)Eric Shalov{{Information |Description={{en|1="General Porfirio Diaz, President of Mexico, in uniform. Diaz was re-elected to the Presidency for December 1, 1884. From that period until the present day (1919) he has held the office continuously seven Presidential ter

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