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Датотека:Prime number theorem absolute error.svg

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Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 283 × 178 пиксела, величина: 94 kB)


English: A log-log plot showing the absolute error of two estimates to the prime-counting function , given by and . The x axis is and is logarithmic (labelled in evenly spaced powers of 10), going up to 1024, the largest for which is currently known. The y axis is also logarithmic, going up to the absolute error of at 1024. The error of both functions appears to increase as a power of , with Li(x)'s power being smaller; both clearly diverge. The error of Li(x) appears to smooth out after 109 but this is an artifact due to less data availability for in the larger region. Source used to generate this chart is shown below.
Извор Сопствено дело
Аутор Dcoetzee
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This trigonometry was created with Mathematica.
and with Inkscape.
 This trigonometry uses embedded text that can be easily translated using a text editor.
Изворни код

Mathematica code

base = N[][10]/600)];
diffs = Table[][base^x], 
    N[][][base^x] - (base^x/(x*Log[base]))]}, {x, 1, 
    Floor[][2, base]}];
diffsli = 
    N[][][base^x] - (LogIntegral[base^x] - LogIntegral[2])]}, {x, 
    Ceiling[][base, 2], Floor[][2, base]}];
(* Supplement with larger known PrimePi values that are too large for \
Mathematica to compute *)
LargePiPrime = {{10^13, 346065536839}, {10^14, 3204941750802}, {10^15,
     29844570422669}, {10^16, 279238341033925}, {10^17, 
    2623557157654233}, {10^18, 24739954287740860}, {10^19, 
    234057667276344607}, {10^20, 2220819602560918840}, {10^21, 
    21127269486018731928}, {10^22, 201467286689315906290}, {10^23, 
    1925320391606803968923}, {10^24, 18435599767349200867866}};
diffs2 = Abs[][][][[1]], N[][[2]]] - (#[[1]]/(Log[][[1]]]))} &, 
diffsli2 = 
       N[][[2]]] - (LogIntegral[][[1]]] - LogIntegral[2])} &, 
(* Plot with log x axis, together with the horizontal line y=1 *)
Show[][1, {x, 1, 10^24}, PlotRange -> {1, 10^21}], 
 ListLogLogPlot[{diffs2, diffsli2}, Joined -> True, 
  PlotRange -> {1, 10^21}], LabelStyle -> FontSize -> 14]

LaTeX source for labels code

$$ {\pi(x)} - {\frac{x}{\ln x}} $$
$$ {\int_2^x \frac{1}{\ln t} \mathrm{d}t} - {\pi(x)} $$


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Creative Commons CC-Zero Ова датотека је доступна под лиценцом Creative Commons 1.0 Универзална – посвећивање јавном власништву.
Особа која је учествовало у раду на овом документу посветила је дело јавном власништву, одричући се свих права на то дело широм света, по закону о ауторским правима и повезаним или сродним законским правима које би имао/имала, у мери дозвољеној законом. Можете да умножавате, мењате, расподељујете и прилагођавате дело, чак и у комерцијалне сврхе, без тражења дозволе.


All source released under CC0 waiver.

Mathematica source to generate graph (which was then saved as SVG from Mathematica):

These were converted to SVG with [1] and then the graph was embedded into the resulting document in Inkscape. Axis fonts were also converted to Liberation Serif in Inkscape.


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује

Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


Creative Commons CC0 License Serbian (Cyrillic script) (транслитерација)

21. март 2013

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна15:47, 21. март 2013.Минијатура за верзију на дан 15:47, 21. март 2013.283 × 178 (94 kB)Dcoetzee== {{int:filedesc}} == {{Information |Description ={{en|1=A log-log plot showing the absolute error of two estimates to the prime-counting function <math>\pi(x)</math>, given by <math>\frac{x}{\ln x}</math> and <math>\int_2^x \frac{1}{\ln t} \mathrm...

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