ОписPrirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu 06.jpg |
Српски / srpski: Prirodno-matematički fakultet Univerziteta u Novom Sadu je obrazovna i naučna ustanova na kojoj se stiču znanja i obavljaju naučna istraživanja iz oblasti biologije, hemije, fizike, matematike, informatike, geografije, turizmološke struke i zaštite životne sredine na pet departmana: Departmanu za biologiju i ekologiju, Departmanu za fiziku, Departmanu za geografiju, turizam i hotelijerstvo, Departmanu za hemiju i Departmanu za matematiku i informatiku. Fakultet je osnovan 1969. godine, mada počeci bavljenja prirodnim i matematičkim naukama na ovim prostorima dosežu u mnogo dalju prošlost. Danas fakultet izvodi nastavu na osnovnim (31 obrazovni profil) i posledimplomskim studijama iz oblasti: biologije, ekologije i zaštite životne sredine, fizike, astronomije, geografije, turizma, hotelijerstva, hemije, biohemije, matematike i informatike.
English: Faculty of Science and Mathematics of the University of Novi Sad is an educational and scientific institution where knowledge is acquired and scientific research is carried out in the fields of biology, chemistry, physics, mathematics, informatics, geography, tourism and environmental protection in five departments: the Department of Biology and ecology, the Department of Physics, the Department of Geography, Tourism and Hospitality, the Department of Chemistry and the Department of Mathematics and Informatics. The faculty was founded in 1969, although the beginnings of dealing with natural and mathematical sciences in these areas go back much further. Today, the faculty teaches basic (31 educational profiles) and postgraduate studies in the fields of: biology, ecology and environmental protection, physics, astronomy, geography, tourism, hotel management, chemistry, biochemistry, mathematics and informatics. |