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Source: Taken from the San Diego article, in the english wikipedia. See this entry for more information. (Response: Why on earth would a photo of san jose have been in the san diego article? I suspect the person who moved this meant San Jose. Elf (talk) 20:23, 16 May 2009 (UTC))
Description: Downtown San Jose from the Adobe towers. This photo looks east-south-east over downtown towards Mount Hamilton in the background--the highest peak, on which the Lick Observatory is barely visible.
The building to the left is the Fairmont Hotel. The tangerine building near center is the The Tech Museum of Innovation; its purplish dome is its IMAX theater. To the Tech's right, with the red-tile roof, is the Civic Auditorium. On the far right to the rear, with the curved roof and the red-and-white tile mural on the front, is the San Jose Convention Center.
Full-height palm trees lining the streets have been added as part of the ongoing urban renewal projects taking place since the 1970s.
Photographer: Taken by Elf | Talk January, 2005, of the english wikipedia.