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Identifier: lifeofgreeksroma00guhl (find matches)
Title: The life of the Greeks and Romans
Year: 1875 (1870s)
Authors: Guhl, E. (Ernst), 1819-1862 Koner, W. (Wilhelm), 1817-1887, joint author Hueffer, Francis, 1843-1889, tr
Publisher: London, Chapman and Hall
Contributing Library: The Library of Congress
Digitizing Sponsor: The Library of Congress

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About This Book: Catalog Entry
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268 THE SYMPOSION. soon as the goblets were filled a king of the feast (fiaaiXevs, ctpxtt)VTjj9 itooem, ovfmoGLapyos, eTrioTaOfios) was chosen. His electionwas generally decided by casting the dice, unless one of thetopers chose himself. This ruler had to decide the right mixtureof the wine, the number of goblets to be drunk by each guest,and the general rules of the feast (rpoTros Ti/9 irodews), whichhe occasionally had to enforce by penalties, The drinkingwas begun with small goblets, soon followed by larger ones,
Text Appearing After Image:
Fig. 304. which had to be emptied by each guest at one draught (aizvev-gtl or d/jLvarl TTLveiv) to the health of his right-hand neigh-bour. All this somewhat reminds one of the customs of Germanstudents at their drinking-bouts. The southern vivacity and witof the Greeks gave a peculiar charm to these feasts, which,however, frequently ended in sacrifices to Aphrodite Pandemos, asis but too easily explainable from the presence of beautiful girlsas singers, players of flute and kithara and cup-bearers. Fre-quently these feasts were held at the houses of celebrated hetairai.* * The presence of female slaves as cupbearers at these feats is proved by a bas-relief (Micali, Llt. av. il Dominio d. Eom. Atlas pi. 107), where a female slavefills the goblets of two couples reclining on couches, while three girls are playingon a flute, lyre, and syrinx, respectively. JUGGLERS. 269 Fig. 304 represents one of these scenes, which in later times wereundoubtedly of frequent occurrence, and have often b

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тренутна16:14, 6. октобар 2015.Минијатура за верзију на дан 16:14, 6. октобар 2015.2.100 × 1.310 (456 kB)== {{int:filedesc}} == {{information |description={{en|1=<br> '''Identifier''': lifeofgreeksroma00guhl ([https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=Search&search=insource%3A%2Flifeofgreeksroma00guhl%2F fin...

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