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Датотека:Themba Dlamini 2007.jpg

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Оригинална датотека (734 × 979 пиксела, величина датотеке: 131 kB, MIME тип: image/jpeg)


English: Themba Dlamini
Извор 外交部長黃志芳以總統特使身分訪問史瓦濟蘭會晤當地政要
Аутор Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Остале верзије
image extraction process
This file has been extracted from another file
: James C. F. Huang with Themba Dlamini.jpg
original file


© Носилац ауторског права над овом датотеком, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, дозвољава свакоме да је користи у било које сврхе, уз услов да се носилац ауторског права прописно наведе. Даља дистрибуција, изведени радови, комерцијална употреба и све остале употребе су дозвољене.

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In order to facilitate the public to better utilize the website information, all of Ministry of Foreign Affairs (中華民國外交部)’s publicly posted information and materials that are protected under copyright provisions may be reauthorized for public use without cost in a non-exclusive manner. The users are not limited to time and by region to reproduce, adapt, edit, publicly transmit or utilize with other methods, and as well as to develop various products or services (herein known as derivations). This authorization will not be retracted hereafter, and the users do not have to acquire any written or other methods of authorization from the Administration. However, when using it, the user should state the source.
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тренутна13:22, 14. август 2022.Минијатура за верзију на дан 13:22, 14. август 2022.734 × 979 (131 kB)Mike RohsophtFile:James C. F. Huang with Themba Dlamini.jpg cropped 63 % horizontally, 26 % vertically using CropTool with lossless mode.

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