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{{subst:Upload marker added by en.wp UW}} {{Information |Description = {{en|The path of the comet Tycho Brahe saw in 1577.}} |Source = available online |Date = October 2013 |Author = All images courtesy History of Science Collections, University of...
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Courtesy History of Science Collections, University of Oklahoma Libraries.
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Tycho Brahe, "Tychonis Brahe mathim: eminent: Dani Opera omnia, sive, astronomiae instravratae progymnasmata, in duas partes distributa, qvorvm prima de restitvtione motvvm solis & lunae, stellarum q{ue} inerrantium tractat. Secvnda avtem de mvndi aetherei recentioribus phaenomensis agit" (1648).
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