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Датотека:UK tax NIC percentages.svg

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Оригинална датотека (SVG датотека, номинално 512 × 384 пиксела, величина: 220 kB)


English: Charges to w:UK income tax and w:National Insurance as a percentage of taxable/NICable pay for the tax year 6 April 2010 thru 5 April 2011. This takes account only of straightforward income tax and Class I employee NICs without contracted-out pension contributions.

Made in w:MATLAB and finished with w:Inkscape. See below for MATLAB source.

According to w:HMRC, the tax and National Insurance rates and allowances for 2010/11 are [1]:

Income tax (per annum)
  • Up to personal allowance, 0%: £6, 475pa.
  • Basic rate, 20%: First £37, 400pa above personal allowance.
  • Higher rate, 40%: £37, 401pa to £150, 000pa above the personal allowance.
  • Additional rate, 50%: Everything more than £150, 000pa above the personal allowance.
National Insurance contributions (per annum)
  • Up to primary threshold, 0%: £5, 720pa.
  • Up to 'upper earnings limit', 11%: First £38, 168pa above the primary threshold.
  • Above 'upper earnings limit', 1%: Everything more than £38, 168pa above the primary threshold.
Versions for earlier tax years can be found in the upload history, where the comments indicate to which year a particular version applies. Note that there are two versions for the 2008-9 tax year owing to the mid-year changes announced by the Government.
Извор Сопствено дело
Аутор Splash
(Поновно коришћење ове датотеке)
See below. Licensing choices are applicable to both image and MATLAB source code.
SVG genesis
The SVG code is valid.
This diagram was created with MATLAB.
Изворни код


function [it_pounds, it_pct, nic_pounds, nic_pct, total_pounds, total_pct, takehome_pounds] = tax(gross, tax_rates, tax_widths, claw_start, claw_rate, nic_rates, nic_widths, plot_all)
%TAX: Compute the pounds and percentage cost of taxable pay of income tax
%and National Insurance. (Or just tax in places without NI).
%[it_pounds it_pct nic_pounds nic_pct total_pounds total_pct takehome_pounds] = tax(gross, tax_rates, tax_widths, nic_rates, nic_widths, plot_all)
%   GROSS:      Vector of taxable pay amounts to compute all outputs for.
%   TAX_RATES:  Percentages of tax rates matching entries in tax_widths.
%   TAX_WIDTHS: Width in pounds of each tax band, ended by Inf. NOT the
%   income levels at which they begin to apply. For example, for 2007-08:
%   Personal allowance, or 0% band          = £5225.
%   10% band = First £2230 taxable          = £2230 in width.
%   22% band = £2230 - £34600 taxable       = £32370 in width.
%   40% band = £34600 - (unlimited) taxable = £Inf in width.
%   Therefore, tax_rates and tax_widths are set up as follows:
%   TAX_RATES  = [ 0    10    22   40];
%   TAX_WIDTHS = [5225 2230 32370 Inf];
%   CLAW_START: Value of GROSS at which the clawback of personal allowance
%   starts.
%   CLAW_RATE: A 2-vector, [PER STEP], where PER is the clawback for each
%   increment in GROSS of STEP. E.g. a clawback of £1 for every £2 of GROSS
%   is expressed as CLAW_RATE = [1 2].
%   NIC_RATES:  As TAX_RATES. (Omit if no NIC-equivalent needed).
%   NIC_WIDTHS: As TAX_WIDTHS. (Omit if no NIC-equivalent needed).
%   PLOT_ALL :  Single boolean true/false whether to draw the output plot.
%   These all have obvious names, and each produce a vector with entries
%   corresponding to the entries of input GROSS.

for g = 1:length(gross)
    it_pounds(g)       = tax_calc(gross(g), tax_rates, tax_widths, claw_start, claw_rate);
    it_pct(g)          = 100*it_pounds(g)/gross(g);

    nic_pounds(g)      = tax_calc(gross(g), nic_rates, nic_widths);
    nic_pct(g)         = 100*nic_pounds(g)/gross(g);

    total_pounds(g)    = it_pounds(g) + nic_pounds(g);
    total_pct(g)       = 100*total_pounds(g)/gross(g);
    takehome_pounds(g) = gross(g) - total_pounds(g);

if exist('plot_all', 'var') && plot_all

    %Plots for amounts in pounds
    plot(gross, it_pounds, 'b', gross, nic_pounds, 'r', gross, total_pounds, 'm', gross, takehome_pounds, 'g');
    set(get(gca, 'Children'), 'LineWidth',2);
    set(gca, 'XMinorTick', 'off', 'YMinorTick', 'on');
    legend('Income tax', 'National insurance', 'Combined', 'Take home');
    xlabel('Annual taxable pay, GBP');
    ylabel('Annual amount, GBP');
    grid on;
    %Plots for percentages
    plot(gross, it_pct, 'b', gross, nic_pct, 'r', gross, total_pct, 'm');
    set(get(gca, 'Children'), 'LineWidth',2);
    set(gca, 'XMinorTick', 'off', 'YMinorTick', 'on');
    legend('Income tax', 'National insurance', 'Combined');
    xlabel('Annual taxable pay, GBP');
    ylabel('Percentage of taxable pay');
    grid on;

%%%%Calculation engine%%%%
function total_tax = tax_calc(gross, rates, widths, claw_start, claw_rate)

tax_band    = 1;
income_left = gross;
total_tax   = 0;

%Clawback if necessary
if exist('claw_start', 'var') && exist('claw_rate', 'var')
    widths(1) = clawback(gross, claw_start, claw_rate, widths(1));

while tax_band <= length(widths) && income_left > 0
    taxable_this_band = min([widths(tax_band) income_left]);
    total_tax         = total_tax + taxable_this_band*rates(tax_band)/100;
    income_left       = income_left - taxable_this_band;
    tax_band          = tax_band + 1;

function new_limit = clawback(gross, claw_start, claw_rate, initial_limit)
%GROSS:      Vector of taxable pay amounts to compute all outputs for.
%CLAW_START: Values of GROSS at which the clawback starts
%CLAW_RATE: A 2-vector, [PER STEP], where PER is the clawback for each
%increment in GROSS of STEP. E.g. a clawback of £1 for every £2 of GROSS
%is expressed as CLAW_RATE = [1 2].
%INITIAL_LIMIT: The un-clawedback value to begin with.
%NEW_LIMIT is the clawed-back value of INITIAL_LIMIT.

claw_length = max(gross - claw_start, 0);
claw        = claw_rate(1) * floor(claw_length/claw_rate(2));
new_limit   = max(initial_limit - claw, 0);

;For the 2010-11 tax year:
<source lang="matlab">
tax_rates  = [0 20 40 50];
tax_widths = [6475 37400 112600 Inf];
claw_start = 100000;
claw_rate  = [1 2];
nic_rates  = [0 11 1];
nic_widths = [110*52 (844-110)*52 Inf];


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Ова датотека је доступна под лиценцом Creative Commons Ауторство-Делити под истим условима 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Генеричка, 2.0 Генеричка и 1.0 Генеричка.
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See also


Укратко шта ова датотека представља/приказује

Ставке приказане у овој датотеци


Нека вредност без ставке на Википодаци

1. мај 2010

Историја датотеке

Кликните на датум/време да бисте видели тадашњу верзију датотеке.

тренутна01:25, 2. мај 2010.Минијатура за верзију на дан 01:25, 2. мај 2010.512 × 384 (220 kB)Splashupdated for tax year 2010-11
11:41, 27. април 2009.Минијатура за верзију на дан 11:41, 27. април 2009.501 × 391 (55 kB)Splashcorrected version of 2009-10
00:58, 27. април 2009.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:58, 27. април 2009.496 × 387 (62 kB)Splashtry to fix layout of 2009-10 version
00:41, 27. април 2009.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:41, 27. април 2009.496 × 387 (62 kB)Splashupdated for tax year 2009-10
00:40, 27. април 2009.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:40, 27. април 2009.507 × 396 (65 kB)Splashrevision for change to income tax rates announced post-Budget by Chancellor, and backdated to start of tax year for pay dates from 7 Sep 08.
00:40, 27. април 2009.Минијатура за верзију на дан 00:40, 27. април 2009.573 × 414 (56 kB)Splash{{Information |Description={{en|1=Tax+NIC percentages of gross income for 2008-9. This file will hold versions for future years also.}} |Source=Own work by uploader |Author=Splash |Date=2009-04-27 |Permission= |other_versions= }} <!--{{Im

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