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Шаблон:Space en dash space/док

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије

This is the spaced en dash space template; it renders like this (without the quote marks): " – "

It works similarly to the HTML markup sequence  –  i.e. a non-breaking space (which will not line-break and will not collapse together with normal spaces that come before the template), a short dash (known as an en dash), and another non-breaking space (which will not line-break and will not collapse together with words that come after the template).

The recommended usage is to use no space before the template and no space after the template, like this:

January 4, 1909{{spaced en dash space}}February 29, 1971
This will render one space on each side of the dash, like this:
January 4, 1909 – February 29, 1971
A line break will not come before one of the dashes nor will a line break come after one of the dashes as rendered here:
Salt – Pepper – Curry – Saffron
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The template is used to conjoin words with an en dash but with a non-breaking space before and after the en dash. Others uses of the template "spaced en dash space" are within other templates, tables, lists, and similar things to provide a separator between items. It is also to be consistent so that the article editor can use their choice of {{bull}}, {{dot}}, {{middot}}, {{spaced en dash}}, or {{spaced en dash space}} and not have to insert the  • ,  · ,  · ,  – , or  –  symbols; they can use any of these templates as a simple macro. See above and right for shortcuts editors can use to easily implement this template in articles.

· middot
· bold {{middot}}
small bullet
bold bullet
{{en dash}}
{{em dash}}