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Prolikopenska izomeraza

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
Prolikopenska izomeraza
EC broj5.2.1.13
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KEGGKEGG pristup
MetaCycmetabolički put

Prolikopenska izomeraza (EC, CRTISO, karoten cis-trans izomeraza, ZEBRA2 (gen), karotenska izomeraza, karotenoidna izomeraza) je enzim sa sistematskim imenom 7,9,7',9'-tetracis-likopen cis-trans-izomeraza.[1][2][3][4] Ovaj enzim katalizuje sledeću hemijsku reakciju

7,9,7',9'-tetracis-likopen sve-trans-likopen

Za dejstvo ovog enzima je neophodan FADH2.

  1. ^ Yu, Q., Ghisla, S., Hirschberg, J., Mann, V. and Beyer, P. (2011). „Plant carotene cis-trans isomerase CRTISO: a new member of the FADred-dependent flavoproteins catalyzing non-redox reactions”. J. Biol. Chem. 286: 8666—8676. PMID 21209101. 
  2. ^ Li, Q., Farre, G., Naqvi, S., Breitenbach, J., Sanahuja, G., Bai, C., Sandmann, G., Capell, T., Christou, P. and Zhu, C. (2010). „Cloning and functional characterization of the maize carotenoid isomerase and β-carotene hydroxylase genes and their regulation during endosperm maturation”. Transgenic Res. 19: 1053—1068. PMID 20221689. 
  3. ^ Isaacson, T., Ronen, G., Zamir, D. and Hirschberg, J. (2002). „Cloning of tangerine from tomato reveals a carotenoid isomerase essential for the production of β-carotene and xanthophylls in plants”. Plant Cell. 14: 333—342. PMID 11884678. 
  4. ^ Chai, C., Fang, J., Liu, Y., Tong, H., Gong, Y., Wang, Y., Liu, M., Wang, Y., Qian, Q., Cheng, Z. and Chu, C. (2011). „ZEBRA2, encoding a carotenoid isomerase, is involved in photoprotection in rice”. Plant Mol. Biol. 75: 211—221. PMID 21161331. 

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