Amphibia Временски распон:
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Вајтова гаталинка (Litoria caerulea) | |
Научна класификација ![]() | |
Домен: | Eukaryota |
Царство: | Animalia |
Тип: | Chordata |
Кладус: | Batrachomorpha |
Класа: | Amphibia L., 1758 |
групе | |
Водоземци или амфибије (лат. Amphibia)[1] су први становници копна међу кичмењацима (копнени кичмењаци) и истовремено њихови еволуционо најнижи представници.
[уреди | уреди извор]Прва велика група водоземаца развила се у периоду девона, пре око 370 милиона година, од Саркоптеригије сличним целекантима и дводихалицама,[2] код којих су се развила пераја слична ногама, са више зглобова и прстију, што им је омогућавало пузање по морском дну. Неке рибе развиле су примитивна плућа како би могле дисати, будући да су стагнантни базени у девонским мочварама садржавали врло мало кисеоника. Снажним перајама су се такође могле извући из воде на копно уколико је то било потребно. На крају ће се њихова коштана пераја развити у удове те ће оне тиме постати преци свих тетрапода, у које спадају данашњи водоземци, гмизавци, птице и сисари. Упркос томе што су могле пузати по копну, многе од тих праисторијских тетраподоморфних риба и даље су проводиле већину времена у води. Почеле су развијати плућа, али још увијек су већином користиле шкрге.[3]
Ichthyostega је била један од првих водоземаца, са носницама и ефикаснијим плућима. Имала је четири здепаста уда, врат, реп са перајама и лобању врло сличну лобањи месоперке Eusthenopteronа.[2] Водоземци су развили прилагодбе које су им омогућавале да дуже остају изван воде. Плућа су им постала развијенија, а скелети тежи и јачи, те су се боље носили са јачим ефектом гравитације на копну. Развили су "руке" и "стопала" са пет или више прстију;[4] кожа им је постала боља у задржавању телесних течности и одолевању сушењу.[3] Os hyomandibulare у пределу подјезичне кости (иза шкрги) смањила се и постала узенгија у уву водоземаца, што им је било неопходно за чуло слуха изван воде.[5] Једна сличност између водоземаца и правих кошљориба су структура зуба и упарене надпотиљачне кости, са стражње стране главе - ни једна од те двије особине не јавља се игде другде у животињском царству.[6]

Крајем периода девона (пре 360 милиона година) мора, реке и језера врвила су животом, док је копно било царство раних биљака, лишено кичмењака,[6] мада су се неки, попут Ichthyostege, некада можда извлачили из воде. Сматра се да су се кретале предњим удовима, вукући задње удове слично као морски слон.[4] Током раног карбона (пре између 360 и 345 милиона година), клима је постала топла и влажна. Појавиле су се простране шуме са маховинама, папратима, преслицама и сличним биљкама (род Calamites). Такође су се појавили и зглавкари који удишу ваздух; населили су копно, где су били храна водоземцима-месождерима, који су се почели прилагођавати копненом станишту. На копну нису постојали други тетраподи, те су водоземци били на врху прехрамбеног ланца, заузимајући нишу коју данас заузимају крокодили. Иако су имали удове и способност удисања ваздуха, већина их је још увијек имала дуго, шиљасто тијело и јак реп.[6] Били су главни грабежљивци на копну, понекада достижући неколико метара дужине, а ловили су велике инсекте тог доба и многе врсте риба присутне у води. Још увијек су се морали вратити у воду како би положили своја јаја без љуске. Чак и данас већина водоземаца пролази кроз водени стадиј ларве, током којег имају шкрге, као њихови преци. Развој амниотског јајета, које спрјечава исушивање ембрија у себи, омогућио је гмизавцима размножавање на копну, што је довело до њихове еколошке доминантности у наредном периоду.[2]
Током тријаског су периода (пре између 250 и 200 милиона година) гмазови почели надмашивати водоземце, довевши до смањења њихове величине и важности за биосферу. Према фосилним су се остацима припадници Lissamphibia, у које спадају сви данашњи водоземци и која је једина преживела линија водоземаца, у периоду између касног карбона и раног тријаса одвојили од изумрлих група Temnospondyli и Lepospondyli. Релативна ријеткост фосилних остатака онемогућава прецизно датирање,[3] али најновије молекуларно истраживање, проведено МЛСТ-ом (енг. Multilocus sequence typing), одредило је касни карбон/рани перм као време настанка данашњих водоземаца.[7]
Порекло и еволутивне везе између три главне групе водоземаца предмет је расправа. Молекуларна филогенија из 2005. године, проведена анализом рДНК, одредила је да су даждевњаци и цецилије у ближем међусобном сродству него са жабама. Такође се чини да се дивергенција те три групе десила у палеозоику или раном мезозоику (пре око 250 милиона година), пре распада суперконтинента Пангеа и недуго након дивергенције од месоперки. Краткоћа тог периода и брзина којом се ширење одвило дало би одговор на питање релативне реткости фосила примитивних водоземаца.[8] Постоје велике рупе у фосилним записима, али откриће једне врсте пражабе из раног перма у Тексасу 2008. године довело је до попуњења мјеста карике која недостаје са многим особинама данашњих жаба. Једна молекуларна анализа одредила је да је до дивергенције између жаба и даждевњака дошло много раније него што то палеонтолошки докази показују.[9]
Док су еволуирали од риба са плућима, водоземци су морали развити одређене прилагодбе животу на копну, укључујући и нове начине кретања. У води их је замахивање репом с једне стране на другу померало, али су на копну били неопходни сасвим другачији механизми. Њихови кичмени стубови, удови и мускулатура морали су бити довољно снажни да их одигну са тла у сврху кретања и прехране. Одрасле јединке које су прешле на живот на копну одбацивали су своје латералне системе (бочна линија код риба) и прилагођавали свој сензорни систем на примање подражаја преко ваздуха. Морали су развити нове методе регулирања телесне температуре како би се носили са флуктацијама у спољној температури. Развили су и понашање које одговара размножавању у копненом станишту. Кожа им је по први пут била изложена штетним ултраљубичастим зрацима, које је вода прије тога апсорбирала, па им је кожа имала већи фактор заштите и спрјечавала претјерани губитак воде.[10]
[уреди | уреди извор]
Реч амфибија потиче од старогрчког појма ἀμφίβιος [amphíbios], који значи "обе врсте живота" (ἀμφί – "обе врсте" и βιος — "живот"). Појам се првобитно користио као општи придев за животиње које су могле живети и у води и на тлу, укључујући и фоке и видре.[11] Традиционално разред Amphibia укључује све кичмењаке-тетраподе који нису амниоти. Amphibia се у свом најширем смислу (sensu lato) дели на три подразреда, од којих су два изумрла:[12]
- Подразред Labyrinthodontia† (разнолика палеозојска и раномезозојска група)
- Подразред Lepospondyli† (малена палеозојска група, која се понекада укључује у Labyrinthodontia и која је можда у ближем сродству са амниотима него припадницима Lissamphibia)
- Подразред Lissamphibia (сви данашњи водоземци, укључујући жабе, даждевњаке и цецилије)
- Ред Anura (жабе): јура до данас - 6.200 врста у 53 породице
- Ред Caudata или Urodela (даждевњаци): јура до данас - 652 врсте у 9 породица
- Ред Gymnophiona или Apoda (цецилије): јура до данас - 192 врсте у 10 породица
Стварни број врста у свакој групи овиси о томе која се таксономска класификација слиједи. Два најчешћа система су класификација које је усвојио веб сајт AmphibiaWeb и класификација према херпетологу Дарл Фросту, доступна на онлајн бази података Amphibian Species of the World.[13] Горенаведени број врста следи Фростову класификацију, а укупни број познатих врста водоземаца је преко 7000, од којих су готово 90% жабе.[14]
Са филогенетском је класификацијом таксон Labyrinthodontia одбачен јер је он парафилетична група без јединствене особине која ју издваја, осим заједничких примитивних особина. Класификације се разликују зависно од филогеније коју аутор преферира и од тога да ли користе класификацију према стабљици или према чвору (двије од три различите дефиниције кладуса). Традиционално се водоземци дефинирају као сви тетраподи са стадијем ларве, док се група, која укључује и заједничке претке свих живућих водоземаца и све њихове потомке, назива Lissamphibia. Филогенија палеозојских водоземаца није сигурно устврђена, те Lissamphibia можда спада у изумрле групе, попут Temnospondyli (традиционално у подразреду Labyrinthodontia) или Lepospondyli, а према неким анализама можда спада чак и у амниоте. То значи да су присталице филогенетске номенклатуре уклонили велики број примитивних девонских и карбонских група тетрапода сличних водоземцима, који су се у Линеовој таксономији сврставали у водоземце, те их укључили негдје друго у кладистичкој таксономији.[15] Ако је заједнички предак водоземаца и амниота укључен у Amhibia, она постаје парафилетична група.[16]
Сви данашњи водоземци спадају у подразред Lissamphibia, који се обично сматра кладусом, групом врста које су еволуирале од заједничког претка. Три данашња реда су Anura (жабе), Caudata (или Urodela, даждевњаци) и Gymnophiona (или Apoda, цецилије).[17] Предложено је да су се даждевњаци појавили одвојено од темноспондилоликог претка, те чак да су цецилије сестринска група напредних рептилиоморфних водоземаца, те, према томе, амниоти.[9] Иако су познати фосили неколико старијих пражаба са примитивним осовинама, најстарија "права жаба" је Prosalirus bitis, из ранојурске формације Kayenta у Аризони. Анатомски је врло слична данашњим жабама.[18] Најстарија позната цецилија је још једна ранојурска врста, Eocaecilia micropodia, такође из Аризоне.[19] Најранији даждевњак је Beiyanerpeton jianpingensis из каснојурске североисточне Кине.[20]
Стручњаци се не слажу по питању тога да ли је Salientia надред у који спада ред Анура или је Анура подред у реду Салиентиа. Припадници Lissamphibia се традиционално деле на три реда, али се једна изумрла породица водоземаца сличних даждевњацима, Albanerpetontidae, сада сматра дијелом Лиссампхибиа, заједно са надредом Salientia. Надаље, у Salientia спадају сва три нова реда и тријаска пражаба, Triadobatrachus.[21]
[уреди | уреди извор]
Водоземци се јављају на свим континентима (осим Антарктика), од умјерено хладних до тропских зона. Њихова зависност од слатких вода (мада неке толерирају и сланкасту) ограничава им станиште на подручја с тим елементом. Суха подручја настањују само специјализиране врсте, попут представника америчке породице Scaphiopodidae, чији пуноглавци имају најбржи развој забиљежен међу свим познатим водоземцима. Такођер, за већину врста ни хладне високе планине нису одговарајуће станиште. Цецилије су ограничене на тропске пределе Африке, Азије и Америке. Распрострањеност даждевњака углавном је (осим неких представника из Јужне Америке) ограничена на северну хемисферу. Жабе настањују готово све дијелове свијета, чак и острва.
Биогеографски регион холарктика упоредиво је сиромашан врстама, нарочито палеоарктик Евроазије. Жаришта разноврсности налазе се у суптропским и тропским зонама - у неотропима, палеотропима и аустралском региону. Најбитније жариште је Латинска Америка. У државе с највећим бројем врста спадају Бразил (864 врсте водоземаца) и Колумбија (748 врста водоземаца). Трећа и четврта земља по реду такођер су јужноамеричке: Еквадор и Перу. У Азији су три врстама најбогатије државе Кина, Индонезија и Индија. У Африци су то острво Мадагаскар, Демократска Република Конго и Камерун. У Аустралији је забиљежено 230 врста, док тај број јасно претиче острвска држава Папуа Нова Гвинеја, са 323 врсте. Од европских земаља највећи број врста водоземаца има Италија, са 48 врста.[23]
[уреди | уреди извор]Надразред Tetrapoda дели се на четири разреда кичмењака са четири уда.[24] Гмизавци, птице и сисари су амниоти, чија јаја или полаже или носи женка и која су обложена са неколико мембрана, од којих су неке непропустљиве.[25] Пошто немају те мембране, водоземцима треба вода за размножавање, мада су неке врсте развиле разнолике стратегије за заштиту или заобилажење рањивог стадија ларве.[10] Не могу се наћи у мору, са изузетком једне или две врсте жаба које живе у брактичној води мангрових мочвара.[26] On land, amphibians are restricted to moist habitats because of the need to keep their skin damp.[10]
Најмањи водоземац (и кичмењак) на свету је једна жаба из Нове Гвинеје (Paedophryne amauensis), откривена тек 2012. године. Има просечну дужину од 7,7мм и припада роду у који спадају четири од десет најмањих жаба на свету.[27] Највећи живући водоземац је дивовски кинески даждевњак (Andrias davidianus), дуг 1,8 метара,[28] али је и даље много мањи од највећег водоземца који је икада постојао - изумрлог Prionosuchusa, дужине 9 м, који је током средњег перма живио на подручју данашњег Бразила.[29] Највећа жаба је Conraua goliath, која можете достићи дужину од 32 cm и тежину од 3 kg.[28]
Водоземци су ектотермни (хладнокрвни) кичмењаци, који не одржавају температуру тела унутрашњих физиолошким процесима. Ниво њиховог метаболизма је низак и због тога не требају много хране. У одраслом стадију имају сузнице и покретљиве очне капке, а већина врста има уши којима може осјетити вибрације у ваздуху и тлу. Имају мишићаве језике, које већина врста може избацити из уста. Данашњи водоземци имају потпуно окоштале пршљене са зигапофизама. Ребра су им обично кратка и могу бити срасла са пршљеном. Лобање су им већином широке и кратке и често не сасвим окоштале. У кожи имају мало кератина и немају крљушти, осим неколико риболиких крљушти код неких цецилија. С друге стране, у кожи имају много мукозних жлијезда, а неке врсте и жлијезде с отровом. Срце водоземаца има три коморе. Имају мокраћни мјехур и нитрогенске отпадне твари претежно се избацују у виду сата. Већина водоземаца полаже јаја у води и има водене ларве које пролазе кроз процес метаморфозе како би постале копнене, одрасле јединке. Водоземци дишу путем пумпања, где се ваздух прво носницама увлачи у подручје мембране (Membrana buccopharyngea). Носнице се потом затварају и ваздух се контракцијама грла гура у плућа.[30] То допуњавају разменом гасова преко коже.[10]
[уреди | уреди извор]
Ред Anura (од старогрчког a(н)- - „без” и oura - „реп”) обухвата све врсте жаба. Оне обично имају дуге задње удове које савијају испод тијела, краће предње удове, прсте повезане кожицом (без канџи), велике очи и влажну кожу са много жлезда, а немају реп.[17] Припадници тог реда са глатком кожом обично се називају жабе, а оне са квргавом кожом крастаче. У таксономском смислу та разлика није озваничена и постоје безбројни изузеци код тог правила. Жабе по величини варирају између 30цм дуге Conraua goliath из западне АФрике[31] do 7,7mm дуге Paedophryne amauensis, која је први пут описана у Папуи Новој Гвинеји 2012. године и која је такођер најмањи кичмењак на свету.[32] Иако се жабе већином асоцирају са водом и влажним стаништима, неке су се специјализирале за живот на дрвећу или у пустињама. Могу се наћи у целом свету, осим у поларним подручјима.[33]
Безрепци се деле на три подреда, што је прихватио велики део научне заједнице, али сродство међу неким породицама остаје нејасно. Будућа молекуларна истраживања требало би да пруже даљњи увид у њихову еволутивну сродност.[34] Подред Archaeobatrachia садржи четири породице примитивних жаба. То су Ascaphidae, Bombinatoridae, Discoglossidae и Leiopelmatidae, које имају врло мало напредних особина и вероватно су парафилетичне у односу на остале линије жаба.[35] Шест породица из еволутивно напреднијег подреда Mesobatrachia су фосоријалне Megophryidae, Pelobatidae, Pelodytidae, Scaphiopodidae и Rhinophrynidae, те облигаторно водена породица Pipidae. Оне имају неке особине које су осредње између друга два подреда.[35] Neobatrachia је највећи подред у који спадају све остале породице жаба и врсте које човек најчешће виђа. 96% од преко 5.000 постојећих врста жаба спада у ту скупину.[36]
Разноврсност и значај водоземаца
[уреди | уреди извор]-
Шарени даждевњак живи у влажним листопадним шумама. Креће се споро. Из отровних жлезда које се налазе иза главе, он излучује отровну течност. Њоме се брани од непријатеља.
Гаталинка је мала зелена жаба. На врховима прстију има јастучиће којима се, као пијавкама, припија за лишће или траву у којој живи.
Краставе жабе имају у кожи бројне жлезде које луче отровне материје. Зато је кожа тих жаба квргава - крастава.
Зелена жаба
Зелене жабе живе поред река, језера, бара. У јесен се укопавају у муљ и падају у зимски сан. У пролеће, када се вода угреје, жабе се буде.
- Мужјак зелене жабе са обе бочне стране главе има по један мехур. Они се пуне и празне ваздухом и помажу им да се оглашава - крекеће. Неке жабе имају само једну кесу с доње стране главе.
- Леђна страна тела је зелене боје, па је жабу тешко уочити међу воденим биљкама.
- Као и све жабе, и зелена жаба се креће у скоковима. Скаче тако што се од тла одбацује дугим задњим, а дочекује кратким предњим ногама. Прсти на задњим ногама спојени су танком кожицом. Захваљујући њој зелена жаба добро плива.
- Жабе су грабљивице. Плен лове дугачким лепљивим језиком. Чим примети неки плен, жаба избацује језик и у скоку хвата плен. Затим се поново примири.
- Жаба дише тако што гута ваздух. А пошто је водоземац, дише и преко коже. Кожа јој служи и да преко ње "пије воду."
- Да жабе веома добро виде и чују, уверили сте се и сами. Чим им се мало приближите, хитро скоче у воду. У води се скривају од непријатеља - роде, чапље, белоушке, али ни ту није сасвим безбедно. У води их чекају штука, сом, видра, а белоушка их и тамо може уловити.
Подела водоземаца
[уреди | уреди извор]Сви данашњи (рецентни) водоземци припадају поткласи Lissamphibia, која се дели на три реда:
1. ред безноги водоземци (гимнофиони) или Apoda (Gimnophiones) - најпознатији представник је цецилија (тропски, црволики водоземац); тело им је покривено коштаним плочицама по чему се разликују од свих осталих водоземаца;
2. ред репати водоземци или Urodela (Caudata) – имају реп током читавог живота; представници: даждевњак, мрмољак, човечија рибица; човечија рибица је неотеничан облик (неотенија – појава стицања полне зрелости на ларвеном ступњу);
3. ред безрепи водоземци (жабе) или Anura (Batrachia, Salientia)– у одраслом стадијуму без репа; развиће путем метаморфозе, ларва пуноглавац; представници: зелена жаба, крастача, гаталинка.
- видети класификација водоземаца
[уреди | уреди извор]- Allophrynidae Goin, Goin and Zug, 1978
- Alsodidae Mivart, 1869
- Alytidae Fitzinger, 1843
- Ambystomatidae Gray, 1850
- Amphiumidae Gray, 1825
- Aromobatidae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Arthroleptidae Mivart, 1869
- Ascaphidae Fejérváry, 1923
- Batrachylidae Gallardo, 1965
- Bombinatoridae Gray, 1825
- Brachycephalidae Günther, 1858
- Brevicipitidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Bufonidae Gray, 1825
- Caeciliidae Rafinesque, 1814
- Calyptocephalellidae Reig, 1960
- Centrolenidae Taylor, 1951
- Ceratobatrachidae Boulenger, 1884
- Ceratophryidae Tschudi, 1838
- Chikilidae Kamei, San Mauro, Gower, Van Bocxlaer, Sherratt, Thomas, Babu, Bossuyt, Wilkinson and Biju, 2012
- Conrauidae Dubois, 1992
- Craugastoridae Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Cryptobranchidae Fitzinger, 1826
- Cycloramphidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Dendrobatidae Cope, 1865
- Dermophiidae Taylor, 1969
- Dicroglossidae Anderson, 1871
- Eleutherodactylidae Lutz, 1954
- Heleophrynidae Noble, 1931
- Hemiphractidae Peters, 1862
- Hemisotidae Cope, 1867
- Herpelidae Laurent, 1984
- Hylidae Rafinesque, 1815
- Hylodidae Günther, 1858
- Hynobiidae Cope, 1859
- Hyperoliidae Laurent, 1943
- Ichthyophiidae Taylor, 1968
- Indotyphlidae Lescure, Renous and Gasc, 1986
- Leiopelmatidae Mivart, 1869
- Leptodactylidae Werner, 1896
- Limnodynastidae Lynch, 1969
- Mantellidae Laurent, 1946
- Megophryidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Micrixalidae Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001
- Microhylidae Günther, 1858
- Myobatrachidae Schlegel in Gray, 1850
- Nasikabatrachidae Biju and Bossuyt, 2003
- Nyctibatrachidae Blommers-Schlösser, 1993
- Odontobatrachidae Barej, Schmitz, Günther, Loader, Mahlow and Rödel, 2014
- Odontophrynidae Lynch, 1969
- Pelobatidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Pelodryadidae Günther, 1858
- Pelodytidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Petropedetidae Noble, 1931
- Phrynobatrachidae Laurent, 1941
- Phyllomedusidae Günther, 1858
- Pipidae Gray, 1825
- Plethodontidae Gray, 1850
- Proteidae Bonaparte, 1831
- Ptychadenidae Dubois, 1987
- Pyxicephalidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Ranidae Batsch, 1796
- Ranixalidae Dubois, 1987
- Rhacophoridae Hoffman, 1932
- Rhinatrematidae Nussbaum, 1977
- Rhinodermatidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Rhinophrynidae Günther, 1859
- Rhyacotritonidae Tihen, 1958
- Salamandridae Goldfuss, 1820
- Scaphiopodidae Cope, 1865
- Scolecomorphidae Taylor, 1969
- Siphonopidae Bonaparte, 1850
- Sirenidae Gray, 1825
- Sooglossidae Noble, 1931
- Telmatobiidae Fitzinger, 1843
- Typhlonectidae Taylor, 1968
[уреди | уреди извор]- Acridinae Mivart, 1869
- Adelastinae Peloso, Frost, Richards, Rodrigues, Donnellan, Matsui, Raxworthy, Biju, Lemmon et al., 2016
- Alcalinae Brown, Siler, Richards, Diesmos and Cannatella, 2015
- Allobatinae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Anomaloglossinae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Aromobatinae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Arthroleptinae Mivart, 1869
- Asterophryinae Günther, 1858
- Astrobatrachinae Vijayakumar, Pyron, Dinesh, Torsekar, Srikanthan, Swamy, Stanley, Blackburn and Shanker, 2019
- Astylosterninae Noble, 1927
- Boophinae Vences and Glaw, 2001
- Buergeriinae Channing, 1989
- Cacosterninae Noble, 1931
- Centroleninae Taylor, 1951
- Ceratobatrachinae Boulenger, 1884
- Ceuthomantinae Heinicke, Duellman, Trueb, Means, MacCulloch and Hedges, 2009
- Chaperininae Peloso, Frost, Richards, Rodrigues, Donnellan, Matsui, Raxworthy, Biju, Lemmon et al., 2016
- Colostethinae Cope, 1867
- Cophomantinae Hoffman, 1878
- Cophylinae Cope, 1889
- Craugastorinae Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Cryptobatrachinae Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Dendrobatinae Cope, 1865
- Dendropsophinae Fitzinger, 1843
- Dicroglossinae Anderson, 1871
- Dyscophinae Boulenger, 1882
- Eleutherodactylinae Lutz, 1954
- Gastrophryninae Fitzinger, 1843
- Hemidactyliinae Hallowell, 1856
- Hemiphractinae Peters, 1862
- Holoadeninae Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Hoplophryninae Noble, 1931
- Hyalinobatrachinae Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Hylinae Rafinesque, 1815
- Hyloxalinae Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Hynobiinae Cope, 1859
- Kalophryninae Mivart, 1869
- Laliostominae Vences and Glaw, 2001
- Lankanectinae Dubois and Ohler, 2001
- Leiuperinae Bonaparte, 1850
- Leptodactylinae Werner, 1896
- Leptopelinae Laurent, 1972
- Litoriinae Dubois and Frétey, 2016
- Liuraninae Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2010
- Lophyohylinae Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926
- Mantellinae Laurent, 1946
- Melanobatrachinae Noble, 1931
- Microhylinae Günther, 1858
- Nyctibatrachinae Blommers-Schlösser, 1993
- Occidozyginae Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Onychodactylinae Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2012
- Otophryninae Wassersug and Pyburn, 1987
- Paratelmatobiinae Ohler and Dubois, 2012
- Pelodryadinae Günther, 1858
- Phrynomerinae Noble, 1931
- Phyzelaphryninae Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Plethodontinae Gray, 1850
- Pleurodelinae Tschudi, 1838
- Pseudinae Fitzinger, 1843
- Pyxicephalinae Bonaparte, 1850
- Rhacophorinae Hoffman, 1932
- Salamandrinae Goldfuss, 1820
- Salamandrininae Fitzinger, 1843
- Scaphiophryninae Laurent, 1946
- Scinaxinae Duellman, Marion and Hedges, 2016
[уреди | уреди извор]- Abavorana Oliver, Prendini, Kraus and Raxworthy, 2015
- Acanthixalus Laurent, 1944
- Acris Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Adelastes Zweifel, 1986
- Adelophryne Hoogmoed and Lescure, 1984
- Adelotus Ogilby, 1907
- Adelphobates Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Adenomera Steindachner, 1867
- Adenomus Cope, 1861
- Afghanodon Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2012
- Afrixalus Laurent, 1944
- Agalychnis Cope, 1864
- Aglyptodactylus Boulenger, 1918
- Alcalus Brown, Siler, Richards, Diesmos and Cannatella, 2015
- Alexteroon Perret, 1988
- Allobates Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988
- Allopaa Ohler and Dubois, 2006
- Allophryne Gaige, 1926
- Alsodes Bell, 1843
- Altiphrynoides Dubois, 1987
- Alytes Wagler, 1830
- Amazophrynella Fouquet, Recoder, Teixeira, Cassimiro, Amaro, Camacho, Damasceno, Carnaval, Moritz et al., 2012
- Ambystoma Tschudi, 1838
- Ameerega Bauer, 1986
- Amietia Dubois, 1987
- Amnirana Dubois, 1992
- Amolops Cope, 1865
- Amphiuma Garden in Smith, 1821
- Anaxyrus Tschudi, 1845
- Andinobates Twomey, Brown, Amézquita and Mejía-Vargas, 2011
- Andrias Tschudi, 1837
- Aneides Baird, 1851
- Anhydrophryne Hewitt, 1919
- Anilany Scherz, Vences, Rakotoarison, Andreone, Köhler, Glaw and Crottini, 2016
- Anodonthyla Müller, 1892
- Anomaloglossus Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Ansonia Stoliczka, 1870
- Aparasphenodon Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Aphantophryne Fry, 1917
- Aplastodiscus Lutz, 1950
- Aquiloeurycea Rovito, Parra-Olea, Recuero and Wake, 2015
- Arcovomer Carvalho, 1954
- Arenophryne Tyler, 1976
- Argenteohyla Trueb, 1970
- Arlequinus Perret, 1988
- Aromobates Myers, Paolillo-O. and Daly, 1991
- Arthroleptella Hewitt, 1926
- Arthroleptides Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis Smith, 1849
- Ascaphus Stejneger, 1899
- Assa Tyler, 1972
- Asterophrys Tschudi, 1838
- Astrobatrachus Vijayakumar, Pyron, Dinesh, Torsekar, Srikanthan, Swamy, Stanley, Blackburn and Shanker, 2019
- Astylosternus Werner, 1898
- Atelognathus Lynch, 1978
- Atelopus Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Atlantihyla Faivovich, Pereyra, Luna, Hertz, Blotto, Vásquez-Almazán, McCranie, Sánchez, Baêta et al., 2018
- Atopophrynus Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1982
- Atretochoana Nussbaum and Wilkinson, 1995
- Aubria Boulenger, 1917
- Austrochaperina Fry, 1912
- Babina Thompson, 1912
- Balebreviceps Largen and Drewes, 1989
- Barbarophryne Beukema, de Pous, Donaire-Barroso, Bogaerts, Garcia-Porta, Escoriza, Arribas et al., 2013
- Barbourula Taylor and Noble, 1924
- Barycholos Heyer, 1969
- Barygenys Parker, 1936
- Batrachoseps Bonaparte, 1839
- Batrachuperus Boulenger, 1878
- Batrachyla Bell, 1843
- Beddomixalus Abraham, Pyron, Ansil, Zachariah and Zachariah, 2013
- Blommersia Dubois, 1992
- Blythophryne Chandramouli, Vasudevan, Harikrishnan, Dutta, Janani, Sharma, Das and Aggarwal, 2016
- Boana Gray, 1825
- Boehmantis Glaw and Vences, 2006
- Bokermannohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Bolitoglossa Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854
- Bombina Oken, 1816
- Boophis Tschudi, 1838
- Boulengerula Tornier, 1896
- Brachycephalus Fitzinger, 1826
- Bradytriton Wake and Elias, 1983
- Brasilotyphlus Taylor, 1968
- Breviceps Merrem, 1820
- Bromeliohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Bryophryne Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Buergeria Tschudi, 1838
- Bufo Garsault, 1764
- Bufoides Pillai and Yazdani, 1973
- Bufotes Rafinesque, 1815
- Cacosternum Boulenger, 1887
- Caecilia Linnaeus, 1758
- Callimedusa Duellman, Marion and Hedges, 2016
- Callixalus Laurent, 1950
- Callulina Nieden, 1911
- Callulops Boulenger, 1888
- Calotriton Gray, 1858
- Calyptocephalella Strand, 1928
- Capensibufo Grandison, 1980
- Cardioglossa Boulenger, 1900
- Celsiella Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Centrolene Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Ceratophrys Wied-Neuwied, 1824
- Ceuthomantis Heinicke, Duellman, Trueb, Means, MacCulloch and Hedges, 2009
- Chacophrys Reig and Limeses, 1963
- Chalcorana Dubois, 1992
- Chaltenobatrachus Basso, Úbeda, Bunge and Martinazzo, 2011
- Chaperina Mocquard, 1892
- Charadrahyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Chiasmocleis Méhely, 1904
- Chikila Kamei, San Mauro, Gower, Van Bocxlaer, Sherratt, Thomas, Babu, Bossuyt, Wilkinson and Biju, 2012
- Chimerella Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Chioglossa Bocage, 1864
- Chiromantis Peters, 1854
- Chiropterotriton Taylor, 1944
- Choerophryne Van Kampen, 1914
- Chrysobatrachus Laurent, 1951
- Chrysopaa Ohler and Dubois, 2006
- Chthonerpeton Peters, 1880
- Churamiti Channing and Stanley, 2002
- Clinotarsus Mivart, 1869
- Cochranella Taylor, 1951
- Colostethus Cope, 1866
- Conraua Nieden, 1908
- Cophixalus Boettger, 1892
- Cophyla Boettger, 1880
- Copiula Méhely, 1901
- Cornufer Tschudi, 1838
- Corythomantis Boulenger, 1896
- Craugastor Cope, 1862
- Crinia Tschudi, 1838
- Crossodactylodes Cochran, 1938
- Crossodactylus Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Crotaphatrema Nussbaum, 1985
- Cruziohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Cryptobatrachus Ruthven, 1916
- Cryptobranchus Leuckart, 1821
- Cryptothylax Laurent and Combaz, 1950
- Cryptotriton García-París and Wake, 2000
- Ctenophryne Mocquard, 1904
- Cycloramphus Tschudi, 1838
- Cynops Tschudi, 1838
- Dasypops Miranda-Ribeiro, 1924
- Dendrobates Wagler, 1830
- Dendrophryniscus Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Dendropsophus Fitzinger, 1843
- Dendrotriton Wake and Elias, 1983
- Dermatonotus Méhely, 1904
- Dermophis Peters, 1880
- Desmognathus Baird, 1850
- Diasporus Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Dicamptodon Strauch, 1870
- Didynamipus Andersson, 1903
- Dischidodactylus Lynch, 1979
- Discoglossus Otth, 1837
- Dryaderces Jungfer, Faivovich, Padial, Castroviejo-Fisher, Lyra, Berneck, Iglesias, Kok et al., 2013
- Dryophytes Fitzinger, 1843
- Duellmanohyla Campbell and Smith, 1992
- Duttaphrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Dyscophus Grandidier, 1872
- Echinotriton Nussbaum and Brodie, 1982
- Ecnomiohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Ectopoglossus Grant, Rada, Anganoy-Criollo, Batista, Dias, Jeckel, Machado and Rueda-Almonacid, 2017
- Edalorhina Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Elachistocleis Parker, 1927
- Eleutherodactylus Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Engystomops Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Ensatina Gray, 1850
- Epicrionops Boulenger, 1883
- Epidalea Cope, 1864
- Epipedobates Myers, 1987
- Ericabatrachus Largen, 1991
- Espadarana Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Euparkerella Griffiths, 1959
- Euphlyctis Fitzinger, 1843
- Euproctus Gené, 1838
- Eupsophus Fitzinger, 1843
- Eurycea Rafinesque, 1822
- Excidobates Twomey and Brown, 2008
- Exerodonta Brocchi, 1879
- Feihyla Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Fejervarya Bolkay, 1915
- Flectonotus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926
- Fritziana Mello-Leitão, 1937
- Frostius Cannatella, 1986
- Gastrophryne Fitzinger, 1843
- Gastrophrynoides Noble, 1926
- Gastrotheca Fitzinger, 1843
- Gegeneophis Peters, 1880
- Geobatrachus Ruthven, 1915
- Geocrinia Blake, 1973
- Geotrypetes Peters, 1880
- Gephyromantis Methuen, 1920
- Ghatixalus Biju, Roelants and Bossuyt, 2008
- Ghatophryne Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Giri, Loader and Bossuyt, 2009
- Glandirana Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Glyphoglossus Günther, 1869
- Gracixalus Delorme, Dubois, Grosjean and Ohler, 2005
- Grandisonia Taylor, 1968
- Guibemantis Dubois, 1992
- Gymnopis Peters, 1874
- Gyrinophilus Cope, 1869
- Haddadus Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Hadromophryne Van Dijk, 2008
- Hamptophryne Carvalho, 1954
- Heleioporus Gray, 1841
- Heleophryne Sclater, 1898
- Hemidactylium Tschudi, 1838
- Hemiphractus Wagler, 1828
- Hemisus Günther, 1859
- Herpele Peters, 1880
- Heterixalus Laurent, 1944
- Hildebrandtia Nieden, 1907
- Holoaden Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Hoplobatrachus Peters, 1863
- Hoplophryne Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Huia Yang, 1991
- Humerana Dubois, 1992
- Hyalinobatrachium Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Hydrolaetare Gallardo, 1963
- Hydromantes Gistel, 1848
- Hydrophylax Fitzinger, 1843
- Hyla Laurenti, 1768
- Hylarana Tschudi, 1838
- Hylodes Fitzinger, 1826
- Hylomantis Peters, 1873
- Hylophorbus Macleay, 1878
- Hylorina Bell, 1843
- Hyloscirtus Peters, 1882
- Hyloxalus Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Hymenochirus Boulenger, 1896
- Hynobius Tschudi, 1838
- Hyperolius Rapp, 1842
- Hypogeophis Peters, 1880
- Hypopachus Keferstein, 1867
- Ichthyophis Fitzinger, 1826
- Ichthyosaura Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801
- Idiocranium Parker, 1936
- Ikakogi Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Incilius Cope, 1863
- Indirana Laurent, 1986
- Indosylvirana Oliver, Prendini, Kraus and Raxworthy, 2015
- Indotyphlus Taylor, 1960
- Ingerana Dubois, 1987
- Ingerophrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Insuetophrynus Barrio, 1970
- Ischnocnema Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862
- Isthmohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Isthmura Dubois and Raffaelli, 2012
- Itapotihyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Ixalotriton Wake and Johnson, 1989
- Julianus Duellman, Marion and Hedges, 2016
- Kalophrynus Tschudi, 1838
- Kaloula Gray, 1831
- Karsenia Min, Yang, Bonett, Vieites, Brandon and Wake, 2005
- Kassina Girard, 1853
- Kassinula Laurent, 1940
- Kurixalus Ye, Fei and Dubois in Fei, 1999
- Laliostoma Glaw, Vences and Böhme, 1998
- Lankanectes Dubois and Ohler, 2001
- Lanzarana Clarke, 1982
- Laotriton Dubois and Raffaëlli, 2009
- Latonia Meyer, 1843
- Laurentophryne Tihen, 1960
- Lechriodus Boulenger, 1882
- Leiopelma Fitzinger, 1861
- Lepidobatrachus Budgett, 1899
- Leptobrachella Smith, 1925
- Leptobrachium Tschudi, 1838
- Leptodactylodon Andersson, 1903
- Leptodactylus Fitzinger, 1826
- Leptomantis Peters, 1867
- Leptopelis Günther, 1859
- Leptophryne Fitzinger, 1843
- Leucostethus Grant, Rada, Anganoy-Criollo, Batista, Dias, Jeckel, Machado and Rueda-Almonacid, 2017
- Limnodynastes Fitzinger, 1843
- Limnomedusa Fitzinger, 1843
- Limnonectes Fitzinger, 1843
- Lissotriton Bell, 1839
- Lithobates Fitzinger, 1843
- Lithodytes Fitzinger, 1843
- Litoria Tschudi, 1838
- Liua Zhao and Hu, 1983
- Liuixalus Li, Che, Bain, Zhao and Zhang, 2008
- Liurana Dubois, 1987
- Luetkenotyphlus Taylor, 1968
- Lyciasalamandra Veith and Steinfartz, 2004
- Lynchius Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Lysapsus Cope, 1862
- Macrogenioglottus Carvalho, 1946
- Madecassophryne Guibé, 1974
- Mannophryne La Marca, 1992
- Mantella Boulenger, 1882
- Mantidactylus Boulenger, 1895
- Mantophryne Boulenger, 1897
- Megaelosia Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923
- Megastomatohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Megophrys Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
- Melanobatrachus Beddome, 1878
- Melanophryniscus Gallardo, 1961
- Mercurana Abraham, Pyron, Ansil, Zachariah and Zachariah, 2013
- Meristogenys Yang, 1991
- Mertensiella Wolterstorff, 1925
- Mertensophryne Tihen, 1960
- Metacrinia Parker, 1940
- Metaphrynella Parker, 1934
- Metaphryniscus Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1994
- Micrixalus Boulenger, 1888
- Microbatrachella Hewitt, 1926
- Microcaecilia Taylor, 1968
- Microhyla Tschudi, 1838
- Microkayla De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Micryletta Dubois, 1987
- Mimosiphonops Taylor, 1968
- Minervarya Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001
- Mini Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Minyobates Myers, 1987
- Mixophyes Günther, 1864
- Morerella Rödel, Kosuch, Grafe, Boistel and Veith, 2009
- Myersiella Carvalho, 1954
- Myersiohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Myobatrachus Schlegel in Gray, 1850
- Mysticellus Garg and Biju, 2019
- Nannophryne Günther, 1870
- Nannophrys Günther, 1869
- Nanorana Günther, 1896
- Nasikabatrachus Biju and Bossuyt, 2003
- Nasutixalus Jiang, Yan, Wang and Che, 2016
- Natalobatrachus Hewitt and Methuen, 1912
- Nectocaecilia Taylor, 1968
- Nectophryne Buchholz and Peters in Peters, 1875
- Nectophrynoides Noble, 1926
- Necturus Rafinesque, 1819
- Neobatrachus Peters, 1863
- Nesorohyla Pinheiro, Kok, Noonan, Means and Haddad, 2018
- Neurergus Cope, 1862
- Niceforonia Goin and Cochran, 1963
- Nidirana Dubois, 1992
- Nimbaphrynoides Dubois, 1987
- Noblella Barbour, 1930
- Notaden Günther, 1873
- Nothophryne Poynton, 1963
- Notophthalmus Rafinesque, 1820
- Nototriton Wake and Elias, 1983
- Nyctanolis Elias and Wake, 1983
- Nyctibates Boulenger, 1904
- Nyctibatrachus Boulenger, 1882
- Nyctimantis Boulenger, 1882
- Nyctimystes Stejneger, 1916
- Nyctixalus Boulenger, 1882
- Nymphargus Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2007
- Occidozyga Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
- Odontobatrachus Barej, Rödel, Loader and Schmitz in Barj, Rödel, Loader, Menegon, Gonwouo, Penner et al., 2014
- Odontophrynus Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862
- Odorrana Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Oedipina Keferstein, 1868
- Ololygon Fitzinger, 1843
- Ombrana Dubois, 1992
- Ommatotriton Gray, 1850
- Oninia Günther, Stelbrink and von Rintelen, 2010
- Onychodactylus Tschudi, 1838
- Oophaga Bauer, 1994
- Opisthothylax Perret, 1966
- Oreobates Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Oreolalax Myers and Leviton, 1962
- Oreophryne Boettger, 1895
- Oreophrynella Boulenger, 1895
- Oscaecilia Taylor, 1968
- Osornophryne Ruiz-Carranza and Hernández-Camacho, 1976
- Osteocephalus Steindachner, 1862
- Osteopilus Fitzinger, 1843
- Otophryne Boulenger, 1900
- Pachyhynobius Fei, Qu and Wu, 1983
- Pachytriton Boulenger, 1878
- Paedophryne Kraus, 2010
- Papurana Dubois, 1992
- Paracassina Peracca, 1907
- Paracrinia Heyer and Liem, 1976
- Paradactylodon Risch, 1984
- Paradoxophyla Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc, 1991
- Paramesotriton Chang, 1935
- Parapelophryne Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2003
- Paratelmatobius Lutz and Carvalho, 1958
- Parhoplophryne Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Paruwrobates Bauer, 1994
- Parvimolge Taylor, 1944
- Pedostibes Günther, 1876
- Pelobates Wagler, 1830
- Pelodytes Bonaparte, 1838
- Pelophryne Barbour, 1938
- Pelophylax Fitzinger, 1843
- Peltophryne Fitzinger, 1843
- Petropedetes Reichenow, 1874
- Phaeognathus Highton, 1961
- Phasmahyla Cruz, 1991
- Philautus Gistel, 1848
- Philoria Spencer, 1901
- Phlyctimantis Laurent and Combaz, 1950
- Phrynella Boulenger, 1887
- Phrynobatrachus Günther, 1862
- Phrynoidis Fitzinger in Treitschke, 1842
- Phrynomantis Peters, 1867
- Phrynomedusa Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923
- Phrynopus Peters, 1873
- Phyllobates Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Phyllodytes Wagler, 1830
- Phyllomedusa Wagler, 1830
- Physalaemus Fitzinger, 1826
- Phytotriades Jowers, Downieb and Cohen, 2009
- Phyzelaphryne Heyer, 1977
- Pipa Laurenti, 1768
- Pithecopus Cope, 1866
- Platymantis Günther, 1858
- Platyplectrum Günther, 1863
- Plectrohyla Brocchi, 1877
- Plethodon Tschudi, 1838
- Plethodontohyla Boulenger, 1882
- Pleurodeles Michahelles, 1830
- Pleurodema Tschudi, 1838
- Polypedates Tschudi, 1838
- Potamotyphlus Taylor, 1968
- Poyntonia Channing and Boycott, 1989
- Poyntonophrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Praslinia Boulenger, 1909
- Pristimantis Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Probreviceps Parker, 1931
- Proceratophrys Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Proteus Laurenti, 1768
- Pseudacris Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudhymenochirus Chabanaud, 1920
- Pseudis Wagler, 1830
- Pseudobranchus Gray, 1825
- Pseudobufo Tschudi, 1838
- Pseudoeurycea Taylor, 1944
- Pseudohynobius Fei and Yang, 1983
- Pseudopaludicola Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926
- Pseudophilautus Laurent, 1943
- Pseudophryne Fitzinger, 1843
- Pseudorana Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Pseudotriton Tschudi, 1838
- Psychrophrynella Hedges, Duellman and Heinicke, 2008
- Pterorana Kiyasetuo and Khare, 1986
- Ptychadena Boulenger, 1917
- Ptychohyla Taylor, 1944
- Pulchrana Dubois, 1992
- Pyxicephalus Tschudi, 1838
- Quasipaa Dubois, 1992
- Quilticohyla Faivovich, Pereyra, Luna, Hertz, Blotto, Vásquez-Almazán, McCranie, Sánchez, Baêta et al., 2018
- Rana Linnaeus, 1758
- Ranitomeya Bauer, 1986
- Ranodon Kessler, 1866
- Ranoidea Tschudi, 1838
- Raorchestes Biju, Shouche, Dubois, Dutta and Bossuyt, 2010
- Rentapia Chan, Grismer, Zachariah, Brown and Abraham, 2016
- Rhacophorus Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
- Rhaebo Cope, 1862
- Rheobates Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Rheobatrachus Liem, 1973
- Rheohyla Duellman, Marion and Hedges, 2016
- Rhinatrema Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Rhinella Fitzinger, 1826
- Rhinoderma Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Rhinophrynus Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Rhombophryne Boettger, 1880
- Rhyacotriton Dunn, 1920
- Rulyrana Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Rupirana Heyer, 1999
- Sabahphrynus Matsui, Yambun and Sudin, 2007
- Sachatamia Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Salamandra Garsault, 1764
- Salamandrella Dybowski, 1870
- Salamandrina Fitzinger, 1826
- Sanguirana Dubois, 1992
- Sarcohyla Duellman, Marion and Hedges, 2016
- Scaphiophryne Boulenger, 1882
- Scaphiopus Holbrook, 1836
- Scarthyla Duellman and de Sá, 1988
- Schismaderma Smith, 1849
- Schistometopum Parker, 1941
- Scinax Wagler, 1830
- Sclerophrys Tschudi, 1838
- Scolecomorphus Boulenger, 1883
- Scotobleps Boulenger, 1900
- Scutiger Theobald, 1868
- Scythrophrys Lynch, 1971
- Sechellophryne Nussbaum and Wu, 2007
- Semnodactylus Hoffman, 1939
- Siamophryne Suwannapoom, Sumontha, Tunprasert, Ruangsuwan, Pawangkhanant, Korost and Poyarkov, 2018
- Sigalegalephrynus Smart, Sarker, Arifin, Harvey, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan and Smith, 2017
- Silverstoneia Grant, Frost, Caldwell, Gagliardo, Haddad, Kok, Means, Noonan, Schargel and Wheeler, 2006
- Siphonops Wagler, 1828
- Siren Österdam, 1766
- Smilisca Cope, 1865
- Sooglossus Boulenger, 1906
- Spea Cope, 1866
- Spelaeophryne Ahl, 1924
- Speleomantes Dubois, 1984
- Sphaenorhynchus Tschudi, 1838
- Sphaerotheca Günther, 1859
- Sphenophryne Peters and Doria, 1878
- Spicospina Roberts, Horwitz, Wardell-Johnson, Maxson and Mahony, 1997
- Spinomantis Dubois, 1992
- Staurois Cope, 1865
- Stefania Rivero, 1968
- Stereochilus Cope, 1869
- Stereocyclops Cope, 1870
- Strabomantis Peters, 1863
- Strauchbufo Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2012
- Strongylopus Tschudi, 1838
- Stumpffia Boettger, 1881
- Sumaterana Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar and Haas, 2018
- Sylvacaecilia Wake, 1987
- Sylvirana Dubois, 1992
- Synapturanus Carvalho, 1954
- Tachiramantis Heinicke, Barrio-Amorós and Hedges, 2015
- Tachycnemis Fitzinger, 1843
- Taricha Gray, 1850
- Taruga Meegaskumbura, Meegaskumbura, Bowatte, Manamendra-Arachchi, Pethiyagoda, Hanken and Schneider, 2010
- Taudactylus Straughan and Lee, 1966
- Telmatobius Wiegmann, 1834
- Telmatobufo Schmidt, 1952
- Tepuihyla Ayarzagüena, Señaris and Gorzula, 1993
- Teratohyla Taylor, 1951
- Theloderma Tschudi, 1838
- Thorius Cope, 1869
- Thoropa Cope, 1865
- Tlalocohyla Faivovich, Haddad, Garcia, Frost, Campbell and Wheeler, 2005
- Tomopterna Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Trachycephalus Tschudi, 1838
- Trichobatrachus Boulenger, 1900
- Triprion Cope, 1866
- Triturus Rafinesque, 1815
- Truebella Graybeal and Cannatella, 1995
- Tsingymantis Glaw, Hoegg and Vences, 2006
- Tylototriton Anderson, 1871
- Typhlonectes Peters, 1880
- Uperodon Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Uperoleia Gray, 1841
- Uraeotyphlus Peters, 1880
- Urspelerpes Camp, Peterman, Milanovich, Lamb, Maerz and Wake, 2009
- Vandijkophrynus Frost, Grant, Faivovich, Bain, Haas, Haddad, de Sá, Channing, Wilkinson, Donnellan et al., 2006
- Vietnamophryne Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost and Che, 2018
- Vitreorana Guayasamin, Castroviejo-Fisher, Trueb, Ayarzagüena, Rada and Vilà, 2009
- Wakea Glaw and Vences, 2006
- Walkerana Dahanukar, Modak, Krutha, Nameer, Padhye and Molur, 2016
- Werneria Poche, 1903
- Wolterstorffina Mertens, 1939
- Xanthophryne Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Giri, Loader and Bossuyt, 2009
- Xenohyla Izecksohn, 1998
- Xenopus Wagler, 1827
- Xenorhina Peters, 1863
- Yunganastes Padial, Castroviejo-Fisher, Köhler, Domic and De la Riva, 2007
- Zachaenus Cope, 1866
- Zhangixalus Li, Jiang, Ren and Jiang, 2019
[уреди | уреди извор]- Abavorana luctuosa (Peters, 1871)
- Abavorana nazgul Quah, Anuar, Grismer, Wood, Azizah and Muin, 2017
- Acanthixalus sonjae Rödel, Kosuch, Veith and Ernst, 2003
- Acanthixalus spinosus (Buchholz and Peters in Peters, 1875)
- Acris blanchardi Harper, 1947
- Acris crepitans Baird, 1854
- Acris gryllus (LeConte, 1825)
- Adelastes hylonomos Zweifel, 1986
- Adelophryne adiastola Hoogmoed and Lescure, 1984
- Adelophryne baturitensis Hoogmoed, Borges and Cascon, 1994
- Adelophryne glandulata Lourenço de Moraes, Ferreira, Fouquet and Bastos, 2014
- Adelophryne gutturosa Hoogmoed and Lescure, 1984
- Adelophryne maranguapensis Hoogmoed, Borges and Cascon, 1994
- Adelophryne meridionalis Santana, Fonseca, Neves and Carvalho, 2012
- Adelophryne michelin Lourenço-de-Moraes, Dias, Mira-Mendes, Oliveira, Barth, Ruas, Vences, Solé and Bastos, 2018
- Adelophryne mucronata Lourenço-de-Moraes, Solé and Toledo, 2012
- Adelophryne pachydactyla Hoogmoed, Borges and Cascon, 1994
- Adelophryne patamona MacCulloch, Lathrop, Kok, Minter, Khan and Barrio-Amoros, 2008
- Adelotus brevis (Günther, 1863)
- Adelphobates castaneoticus (Caldwell and Myers, 1990)
- Adelphobates galactonotus (Steindachner, 1864)
- Adelphobates quinquevittatus (Steindachner, 1864)
- Adenomera ajurauna (Berneck, Costa and Garcia, 2008)
- Adenomera andreae (Müller, 1923)
- Adenomera araucaria Kwet and Angulo, 2002
- Adenomera bokermanni (Heyer, 1973)
- Adenomera coca (Angulo and Reichle, 2008)
- Adenomera cotuba Carvalho and Giaretta, 2013
- Adenomera diptyx (Boettger, 1885)
- Adenomera engelsi Kwet, Steiner and Zillikens, 2009
- Adenomera heyeri Boistel, Massary and Angulo, 2006
- Adenomera hylaedactyla (Cope, 1868)
- Adenomera juikitam Carvalho and Giaretta, 2013
- Adenomera kweti Carvalho, Cassini, Taucce and Haddad, 2019
- Adenomera lutzi Heyer, 1975
- Adenomera marmorata Steindachner, 1867
- Adenomera martinezi (Bokermann, 1956)
- Adenomera nana (Müller, 1922)
- Adenomera phonotriccus Carvalho, Giaretta, Angulo, Haddad and Peloso, 2019
- Adenomera saci Carvalho and Giaretta, 2013
- Adenomera simonstuarti (Angulo and Icochea, 2010)
- Adenomera thomei (Almeida and Angulo, 2006)
- Adenomus kandianus (Günther, 1872)
- Adenomus kelaartii (Günther, 1858)
- Afghanodon mustersi (Smith, 1940)
- Afrixalus aureus Pickersgill, 1984
- Afrixalus brachycnemis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Afrixalus clarkei Largen, 1974
- Afrixalus crotalus Pickersgill, 1984
- Afrixalus delicatus Pickersgill, 1984
- Afrixalus dorsalis (Peters, 1875)
- Afrixalus dorsimaculatus (Ahl, 1930)
- Afrixalus enseticola Largen, 1974
- Afrixalus equatorialis (Laurent, 1941)
- Afrixalus fornasini (Bianconi, 1849)
- Afrixalus fulvovittatus (Cope, 1861)
- Afrixalus knysnae (Loveridge, 1954)
- Afrixalus lacteus Perret, 1976
- Afrixalus laevis (Ahl, 1930)
- Afrixalus leucostictus Laurent, 1950
- Afrixalus lindholmi (Andersson, 1907)
- Afrixalus morerei Dubois, 1986
- Afrixalus nigeriensis Schiøtz, 1963
- Afrixalus orophilus (Laurent, 1947)
- Afrixalus osorioi (Ferreira, 1906)
- Afrixalus paradorsalis Perret, 1960
- Afrixalus quadrivittatus (Werner, 1908)
- Afrixalus schneideri (Boettger, 1889)
- Afrixalus septentrionalis Schiøtz, 1974
- Afrixalus spinifrons (Cope, 1862)
- Afrixalus stuhlmanni (Pfeffer, 1893)
- Afrixalus sylvaticus Schiøtz, 1974
- Afrixalus uluguruensis (Barbour and Loveridge, 1928)
- Afrixalus upembae (Laurent, 1941)
- Afrixalus vibekensis Schiøtz, 1967
- Afrixalus vittiger (Peters, 1876)
- Afrixalus weidholzi (Mertens, 1938)
- Afrixalus wittei (Laurent, 1941)
- Agalychnis annae (Duellman, 1963)
- Agalychnis buckleyi (Boulenger, 1882)
- Agalychnis callidryas (Cope, 1862)
- Agalychnis dacnicolor (Cope, 1864)
- Agalychnis danieli (Ruiz-Carranza, Hernández-Camacho and Rueda-Almonacid, 1988)
- Agalychnis hulli (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
- Agalychnis lemur (Boulenger, 1882)
- Agalychnis medinae (Funkhouser, 1962)
- Agalychnis moreletii (Duméril, 1853)
- Agalychnis psilopygion (Cannatella, 1980)
- Agalychnis saltator Taylor, 1955
- Agalychnis spurrelli Boulenger, 1913
- Agalychnis terranova Rivera-Correa, Duarte-Cubides, Rueda-Almonacid and Daza-R., 2013
- Aglyptodactylus australis Köhler, Glaw, Pabijan and Vences, 2015
- Aglyptodactylus chorus Köhler, Glaw, Pabijan and Vences, 2015
- Aglyptodactylus inguinalis (Günther, 1877)
- Aglyptodactylus laticeps Glaw, Vences and Böhme, 1998
- Aglyptodactylus madagascariensis (Duméril, 1853)
- Aglyptodactylus securifer Glaw, Vences and Böhme, 1998
- Alcalus baluensis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Alcalus mariae (Inger, 1954)
- Alcalus rajae (Iskandar, Bickford and Arifin, 2011)
- Alcalus sariba (Shelford, 1905)
- Alcalus tasanae (Smith, 1921)
- Alexteroon hypsiphonus Amiet, 2000
- Alexteroon jynx Amiet, 2000
- Alexteroon obstetricans (Ahl, 1931)
- Allobates alessandroi (Grant and Rodríguez, 2001)
- Allobates algorei Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2009
- Allobates amissibilis Kok, Hölting and Ernst, 2013
- Allobates bacurau Simões, 2016
- Allobates bromelicola (Test, 1956)
- Allobates brunneus (Cope, 1887)
- Allobates caeruleodactylus (Lima and Caldwell, 2001)
- Allobates carajas Simões, Rojas and Lima, 2019
- Allobates caribe (Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor and Kaiser, 2006)
- Allobates cepedai (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates chalcopis (Kaiser, Coloma and Gray, 1994)
- Allobates conspicuus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates crombiei (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates femoralis (Boulenger, 1884)
- Allobates flaviventris Melo-Sampaio, Souza and Peloso, 2013
- Allobates fratisenescus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates fuscellus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates gasconi (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates goianus (Bokermann, 1975)
- Allobates granti (Kok, MacCulloch, Gaucher, Poelman, Bourne, Lathrop and Lenglet, 2006)
- Allobates grillisimilis Simões, Sturaro, Peloso and Lima, 2013
- Allobates hodli Simões, Lima and Farias, 2010
- Allobates humilis (Rivero, 1980)
- Allobates ignotus Anganoy-Criollo, 2012
- Allobates insperatus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates juami Simões, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Rojas-Runjaic and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018
- Allobates juanii (Morales, 1994)
- Allobates kingsburyi (Boulenger, 1918)
- Allobates magnussoni Lima, Simões and Kaefer, 2014
- Allobates mandelorum (Schmidt, 1932)
- Allobates marchesianus (Melin, 1941)
- Allobates masniger (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates mcdiarmidi (Reynolds and Foster, 1992)
- Allobates melanolaemus (Grant and Rodríguez, 2001)
- Allobates myersi (Pyburn, 1981)
- Allobates nidicola (Caldwell and Lima, 2003)
- Allobates niputidea Grant, Acosta-Galvis and Rada, 2007
- Allobates olfersioides (Lutz, 1925)
- Allobates ornatus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates paleovarzensis Lima, Caldwell, Biavati and Montanarin, 2010
- Allobates picachos (Ardila-Robayo, Acosta-Galvis and Coloma, 2000)
- Allobates pittieri (La Marca, Manzanilla and Mijares-Urrutia, 2004)
- Allobates ranoides (Boulenger, 1918)
- Allobates sanmartini (Rivero, Langone and Prigioni, 1986)
- Allobates subfolionidificans (Lima, Sanchez and Souza, 2007)
- Allobates sumtuosus (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates talamancae (Cope, 1875)
- Allobates tapajos Lima, Simões and Kaefer, 2015
- Allobates tinae Melo-Sampaio, Oliveira and Prates, 2018
- Allobates trilineatus (Boulenger, 1884)
- Allobates undulatus (Myers and Donnelly, 2001)
- Allobates vanzolinius (Morales, 2002)
- Allobates wayuu (Acosta-Galvis, Cuentas and Coloma, 1999)
- Allobates zaparo (Silverstone, 1976)
- Allopaa barmoachensis (Khan and Tasnim, 1989)
- Allopaa hazarensis (Dubois and Khan, 1979)
- Allophryne relicta Caramaschi, Orrico, Faivovich, Dias and Solé, 2013
- Allophryne resplendens Castroviejo-Fisher, Pérez-Peña, Padial and Guayasamin, 2012
- Allophryne ruthveni Gaige, 1926
- Alsodes australis Formas, Úbeda, Cuevas and Nuñez, 1997
- Alsodes barrioi Veloso, Diaz, Iturra-Constant and Penna, 1981
- Alsodes cantillanensis Charrier, Correa-Quezada, Castro and Méndez-Torres, 2015
- Alsodes coppingeri (Günther, 1881)
- Alsodes gargola Gallardo, 1970
- Alsodes hugoi Cuevas and Formas, 2001
- Alsodes igneus Cuevas and Formas, 2005
- Alsodes kaweshkari Formas, Cuevas and Nuñez, 1998
- Alsodes montanus (Lataste in Philippi, 1902)
- Alsodes monticola Bell, 1843
- Alsodes neuquensis Cei, 1976
- Alsodes nodosus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Alsodes norae Cuevas, 2008
- Alsodes pehuenche Cei, 1976
- Alsodes tumultuosus Veloso, Iturra-Constant and Galleguillos-G., 1979
- Alsodes valdiviensis Formas, Cuevas and Brieva, 2002
- Alsodes vanzolinii (Donoso-Barros, 1974)
- Alsodes verrucosus (Philippi, 1902)
- Alsodes vittatus (Philippi, 1902)
- Altiphrynoides malcolmi (Grandison, 1978)
- Altiphrynoides osgoodi (Loveridge, 1932)
- Alytes cisternasii Boscá, 1879
- Alytes dickhilleni Arntzen and García-París, 1995
- Alytes maurus Pasteur and Bons, 1962
- Alytes muletensis (Sanchíz and Adrover, 1979)
- Alytes obstetricans (Laurenti, 1768)
- Amazophrynella amazonicola Rojas, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias, Gordo and Hrbek, 2015
- Amazophrynella bilinguis Kaefer, Rojas-Zamora, Ferrão, Farias and Lima, 2019
- Amazophrynella bokermanni (Izecksohn, 1994)
- Amazophrynella javierbustamantei Rojas-Zamora, Chaparro, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias, Hrbek and Gordo, 2016
- Amazophrynella manaos Rojas, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias and Hrbek, 2014
- Amazophrynella matses Rojas, Carvalho, Ávila, Farias, Gordo and Hrbek, 2015
- Amazophrynella minuta (Melin, 1941)
- Amazophrynella moisesii Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho et al., 2018
- Amazophrynella siona Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho et al., 2018
- Amazophrynella teko Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho et al., 2018
- Amazophrynella vote Ávila, Carvalho, Gordo, Kawashita-Ribeiro and Morais, 2012
- Amazophrynella xinguensis Rojas-Zamora, Fouquet, Ron, Hernández-Ruz, Melo-Sampaio, Chaparro, Vogt, Carvalho et al., 2018
- Ambystoma altamirani Dugès, 1895
- Ambystoma amblycephalum Taylor, 1940
- Ambystoma andersoni Krebs and Brandon, 1984
- Ambystoma annulatum Cope, 1886
- Ambystoma barbouri Kraus and Petranka, 1989
- Ambystoma bishopi Goin, 1950
- Ambystoma bombypellum Taylor, 1940
- Ambystoma californiense Gray, 1853
- Ambystoma cingulatum Cope, 1868
- Ambystoma dumerilii (Dugès, 1870)
- Ambystoma flavipiperatum Dixon, 1963
- Ambystoma gracile (Baird, 1859)
- Ambystoma granulosum Taylor, 1944
- Ambystoma jeffersonianum (Green, 1827)
- Ambystoma laterale Hallowell, 1856
- Ambystoma leorae (Taylor, 1943)
- Ambystoma lermaense (Taylor, 1940)
- Ambystoma mabeei Bishop, 1928
- Ambystoma macrodactylum Baird, 1850
- Ambystoma maculatum (Shaw, 1802)
- Ambystoma mavortium Baird, 1850
- Ambystoma mexicanum (Shaw and Nodder, 1798)
- Ambystoma opacum (Gravenhorst, 1807)
- Ambystoma ordinarium Taylor, 1940
- Ambystoma rivulare (Taylor, 1940)
- Ambystoma rosaceum Taylor, 1941
- Ambystoma silvense Webb, 2004
- Ambystoma subsalsum Taylor, 1943
- Ambystoma talpoideum (Holbrook, 1838)
- Ambystoma taylori Brandon, Maruska and Rumph, 1982
- Ambystoma texanum (Matthes, 1855)
- Ambystoma tigrinum (Green, 1825)
- Ambystoma velasci Dugès, 1888
- Ameerega altamazonica Twomey and Brown, 2008
- Ameerega bassleri (Melin, 1941)
- Ameerega berohoka Vaz-Silva and Maciel, 2011
- Ameerega bilinguis (Jungfer, 1989)
- Ameerega boehmei Lötters, Schmitz, Reichle, Rödder and Quennet, 2009
- Ameerega boliviana (Boulenger, 1902)
- Ameerega braccata (Steindachner, 1864)
- Ameerega cainarachi (Schulte, 1989)
- Ameerega flavopicta (Lutz, 1925)
- Ameerega hahneli (Boulenger, 1884)
- Ameerega ignipedis Brown and Twomey, 2009
- Ameerega ingeri (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Ameerega labialis (Cope, 1874)
- Ameerega macero (Rodríguez and Myers, 1993)
- Ameerega munduruku Neves, Silva, Akieda, Cabrera, Koroiva and Santana, 2017
- Ameerega parvula (Boulenger, 1882)
- Ameerega pepperi Brown and Twomey, 2009
- Ameerega peruviridis Bauer, 1986
- Ameerega petersi (Silverstone, 1976)
- Ameerega picta (Tschudi, 1838)
- Ameerega planipaleae (Morales and Velazco, 1998)
- Ameerega pongoensis (Schulte, 1999)
- Ameerega pulchripecta (Silverstone, 1976)
- Ameerega rubriventris (Lötters, Debold, Henle, Glaw and Kneller, 1997)
- Ameerega shihuemoy Serrano-Rojas, Whitworth, Villacampa-Ortega, von May, Gutiérrez, Padial and Chaparro, 2017
- Ameerega silverstonei (Myers and Daly, 1979)
- Ameerega simulans (Myers, Rodríguez and Icochea, 1998)
- Ameerega trivittata (Spix, 1824)
- Ameerega yoshina Brown and Twomey, 2009
- Ameerega yungicola (Lötters, Schmitz and Reichle, 2005)
- Amietia angolensis (Bocage, 1866)
- Amietia chapini (Noble, 1924)
- Amietia delalandii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Amietia desaegeri (Laurent, 1972)
- Amietia fuscigula (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Amietia hymenopus (Boulenger, 1920)
- Amietia inyangae (Poynton, 1966)
- Amietia johnstoni (Günther, 1894)
- Amietia moyerorum Channing, Dehling, Lötters and Ernst, 2016
- Amietia nutti (Boulenger, 1896)
- Amietia poyntoni Channing and Baptista, 2013
- Amietia ruwenzorica (Laurent, 1972)
- Amietia tenuoplicata (Pickersgill, 2007)
- Amietia vandijki (Visser and Channing, 1997)
- Amietia vertebralis (Hewitt, 1927)
- Amietia wittei (Angel, 1924)
- Amnirana albolabris (Hallowell, 1856)
- Amnirana amnicola (Perret, 1977)
- Amnirana asperrima (Perret, 1977)
- Amnirana darlingi (Boulenger, 1902)
- Amnirana fonensis Rödel and Bangoura, 2004
- Amnirana galamensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Amnirana lemairei (De Witte, 1921)
- Amnirana lepus (Andersson, 1903)
- Amnirana nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Amnirana occidentalis (Perret, 1960)
- Amnirana parkeriana (Mertens, 1938)
- Amolops afghanus (Günther, 1858)
- Amolops akhaorum Stuart, Bain, Phimmachak and Spence, 2010
- Amolops albispinus Sung, Hu, Wang, Liu and Wang, 2016
- Amolops aniqiaoensis Dong, Rao and Lü in Zhao, Rao, Lü and Dong, 2005
- Amolops archotaphus (Inger and Chan-ard, 1997)
- Amolops assamensis Sengupta, Hussain, Choudhury, Gogoi, Ahmed and Choudhury, 2008
- Amolops australis Chan, Abraham, Grismer and Grismer, 2018
- Amolops bellulus Liu, Yang, Ferraris and Matsui, 2000
- Amolops caelumnoctis Rao and Wilkinson, 2007
- Amolops chakrataensis Ray, 1992
- Amolops chayuensis Sun, Luo, Sun and Zhang, 2013
- Amolops chunganensis (Pope, 1929)
- Amolops compotrix (Bain, Stuart and Orlov, 2006)
- Amolops cremnobatus Inger and Kottelat, 1998
- Amolops cucae (Bain, Stuart and Orlov, 2006)
- Amolops daiyunensis (Liu and Hu, 1975)
- Amolops daorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 2003)
- Amolops formosus (Günther, 1876)
- Amolops gerbillus (Annandale, 1912)
- Amolops gerutu Chan, Abraham, Grismer and Grismer, 2018
- Amolops granulosus (Liu and Hu, 1961)
- Amolops hainanensis (Boulenger, 1900)
- Amolops himalayanus (Boulenger, 1888)
- Amolops hongkongensis (Pope and Romer, 1951)
- Amolops indoburmanensis Dever, Fuiten, Konu and Wilkinson, 2012
- Amolops iriodes (Bain and Nguyen, 2004)
- Amolops jaunsari Ray, 1992
- Amolops jinjiangensis Su, Yang and Li, 1986
- Amolops kaulbacki (Smith, 1940)
- Amolops kohimaensis Biju, Mahony and Kamei, 2010
- Amolops larutensis (Boulenger, 1899)
- Amolops lifanensis (Liu, 1945)
- Amolops loloensis (Liu, 1950)
- Amolops longimanus (Andersson, 1939)
- Amolops mantzorum (David, 1872)
- Amolops marmoratus (Blyth, 1855)
- Amolops medogensis Li and Rao in Zhao, Rao, Lü and Dong, 2005
- Amolops mengdingensis Yu, Wu and Yang, 2019
- Amolops mengyangensis Wu and Tian, 1995
- Amolops minutus Orlov and Ho, 2007
- Amolops monticola (Anderson, 1871)
- Amolops nidorbellus Biju, Mahony and Kamei, 2010
- Amolops nyingchiensis Jiang, Wang, Xie, Jiang and Che, 2016
- Amolops panhai Matsui and Nabhitabhata, 2006
- Amolops ricketti (Boulenger, 1899)
- Amolops shuichengicus Lyu and Wang, 2019
- Amolops sinensis Lyu, Wang and Wang, 2019
- Amolops spinapectoralis Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999
- Amolops splendissimus Orlov and Ho, 2007
- Amolops torrentis (Smith, 1923)
- Amolops tuberodepressus Liu and Yang, 2000
- Amolops viridimaculatus (Jiang, 1983)
- Amolops vitreus (Bain, Stuart and Orlov, 2006)
- Amolops wenshanensis Yuan, Jin, Li, Stuart and Wu, 2018
- Amolops wuyiensis (Liu and Hu, 1975)
- Amolops xinduqiao Fei, Ye, Wang and Jiang, 2017
- Amolops yatseni Lyu, Wang and Wang, 2019
- Amolops yunkaiensis Lyu, Wang, Liu, Zeng and Wang, 2018
- Amphiuma means Garden in Smith, 1821
- Amphiuma pholeter Neill, 1964
- Amphiuma tridactylum Cuvier, 1827
- Anaxyrus americanus (Holbrook, 1836)
- Anaxyrus baxteri (Porter, 1968)
- Anaxyrus boreas (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Anaxyrus californicus (Camp, 1915)
- Anaxyrus canorus (Camp, 1916)
- Anaxyrus cognatus (Say in James, 1822)
- Anaxyrus compactilis (Wiegmann, 1833)
- Anaxyrus debilis (Girard, 1854)
- Anaxyrus exsul (Myers, 1942)
- Anaxyrus fowleri (Hinckley, 1882)
- Anaxyrus hemiophrys (Cope, 1886)
- Anaxyrus houstonensis (Sanders, 1953)
- Anaxyrus kelloggi (Taylor, 1938)
- Anaxyrus mexicanus (Brocchi, 1879)
- Anaxyrus microscaphus (Cope, 1867)
- Anaxyrus nelsoni (Stejneger, 1893)
- Anaxyrus punctatus (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Anaxyrus quercicus (Holbrook, 1840)
- Anaxyrus retiformis (Sanders and Smith, 1951)
- Anaxyrus speciosus (Girard, 1854)
- Anaxyrus terrestris (Bonnaterre, 1789)
- Anaxyrus williamsi (Gordon, Simandle and Tracy, 2017)
- Anaxyrus woodhousii (Girard, 1854)
- Andinobates abditus (Myers and Daly, 1976)
- Andinobates altobueyensis (Silverstone, 1975)
- Andinobates bombetes (Myers and Daly, 1980)
- Andinobates cassidyhornae Amézquita, Márquez, Mejía-Vargas, Kahn, Suárez and Mazariegos, 2013
- Andinobates claudiae (Jungfer, Lötters and Jörgens, 2000)
- Andinobates daleswansoni (Rueda-Almonacid, Rada, Sánchez-Pacheco, Velásquez-Álvarez and Quevedo-Gil, 2006)
- Andinobates dorisswansonae (Rueda-Almonacid, Rada, Sánchez-Pacheco, Velásquez-Álvarez and Quevedo-Gil, 2006)
- Andinobates fulguritus (Silverstone, 1975)
- Andinobates geminisae Batista, Jaramillo, Ponce and Crawford, 2014
- Andinobates minutus (Shreve, 1935)
- Andinobates opisthomelas (Boulenger, 1899)
- Andinobates tolimensis (Bernal-Bautista, Luna-Mora, Gallego and Quevedo-Gil, 2007)
- Andinobates victimatus Márquez, Mejía-Vargas, Palacios-Rodríguez, Ramírez-Castañeda and Amézquita, 2017
- Andinobates viridis (Myers and Daly, 1976)
- Andinobates virolinensis (Ruiz-Carranza and Ramírez-Pinilla, 1992)
- Andrias davidianus (Blanchard, 1871)
- Andrias japonicus (Temminck, 1836)
- Aneides aeneus (Cope and Packard, 1881)
- Aneides ferreus Cope, 1869
- Aneides flavipunctatus (Strauch, 1870)
- Aneides hardii (Taylor, 1941)
- Aneides iecanus (Cope, 1883)
- Aneides lugubris (Hallowell, 1849)
- Aneides niger Myers and Maslin, 1948
- Aneides vagrans Wake and Jackman, 1999
- Anhydrophryne hewitti (FitzSimons, 1947)
- Anhydrophryne ngongoniensis (Bishop and Passmore, 1993)
- Anhydrophryne rattrayi Hewitt, 1919
- Anilany helenae (Vallan, 2000)
- Anodonthyla boulengerii Müller, 1892
- Anodonthyla emilei Vences, Glaw, Köhler and Wollenberg, 2010
- Anodonthyla eximia Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Anodonthyla hutchisoni Fenolio, Walvoord, Stout, Randrianirina and Andreone, 2007
- Anodonthyla jeanbai Vences, Glaw, Köhler and Wollenberg, 2010
- Anodonthyla montana Angel, 1925
- Anodonthyla moramora Glaw and Vences, 2005
- Anodonthyla nigrigularis Glaw and Vences, 1992
- Anodonthyla pollicaris (Boettger, 1913)
- Anodonthyla rouxae Guibé, 1974
- Anodonthyla theoi Vences, Glaw, Köhler and Wollenberg, 2010
- Anodonthyla vallani Vences, Glaw, Köhler and Wollenberg, 2010
- Anomaloglossus apiau Fouquet, Souza, Nunes, Kok, Curcio, Carvalho, Grant and Rodrigues, 2015
- Anomaloglossus ayarzaguenai (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus baeobatrachus (Boistel and Massary, 1999)
- Anomaloglossus beebei (Noble, 1923)
- Anomaloglossus blanci Fouquet, Vacher, Courtois, Villette, Reizine, Gaucher, Jairam, Ouboter and Kok, 2018
- Anomaloglossus breweri (Barrio-Amorós, 2006)
- Anomaloglossus degranvillei (Lescure, 1975)
- Anomaloglossus dewynteri Fouquet, Vacher, Courtois, Villette, Reizine, Gaucher, Jairam, Ouboter and Kok, 2018
- Anomaloglossus guanayensis (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus kaiei (Kok, Sambhu, Roopsind, Lenglet and Bourne, 2006)
- Anomaloglossus leopardus Ouboter and Jairam, 2012
- Anomaloglossus meansi Kok, Nicolaï, Lathrop and MacCulloch, 2018
- Anomaloglossus megacephalus Kok, MacCulloch, Lathrop, Willaert and Bossuyt, 2010
- Anomaloglossus mitaraka Fouquet, Vacher, Courtois, Deschamps, Ouboter, Jairam, Gaucher, Dubois and Kok, 2019
- Anomaloglossus moffetti Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008
- Anomaloglossus murisipanensis (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus parimae (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus parkerae (Meinhardt and Parmalee, 1996)
- Anomaloglossus praderioi (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus roraima (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus rufulus (Gorzula, 1990)
- Anomaloglossus shrevei (Rivero, 1961)
- Anomaloglossus stepheni (Martins, 1989)
- Anomaloglossus surinamensis Ouboter and Jairam, 2012
- Anomaloglossus tamacuarensis (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus tepequem Fouquet, Souza, Nunes, Kok, Curcio, Carvalho, Grant and Rodrigues, 2015
- Anomaloglossus tepuyensis (La Marca, 1997)
- Anomaloglossus triunfo (Barrio-Amorós, Fuentes-Ramos and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2004)
- Anomaloglossus verbeeksnyderorum Barrio-Amorós, Santos and Jovanovic, 2010
- Anomaloglossus wothuja (Barrio-Amorós, Fuentes-Ramos and Rivas-Fuenmayor, 2004)
- Ansonia albomaculata Inger, 1960
- Ansonia echinata Inger and Stuebing, 2009
- Ansonia endauensis Grismer, 2006
- Ansonia fuliginea (Mocquard, 1890)
- Ansonia glandulosa Iskandar and Mumpuni, 2004
- Ansonia guibei Inger, 1966
- Ansonia hanitschi Inger, 1960
- Ansonia inthanon Matsui, Nabhitabhata and Panha, 1998
- Ansonia jeetsukumarani Wood, Grismer, Ahmad and Senawi, 2008
- Ansonia khaochangensis Grismer, Wood, Aowphol, Cota, Grismer, Murdoch, Aguilar and Grismer, 2016
- Ansonia kraensis Matsui, Khonsue and Nabhitabhata, 2005
- Ansonia latidisca Inger, 1966
- Ansonia latiffi Wood, Grismer, Ahmad and Senawi, 2008
- Ansonia latirostra Grismer, 2006
- Ansonia leptopus (Günther, 1872)
- Ansonia longidigita Inger, 1960
- Ansonia lumut Chan, Wood, Anuar, Muin, Quah, Sumarli and Grismer, 2014
- Ansonia malayana Inger, 1960
- Ansonia mcgregori (Taylor, 1922)
- Ansonia minuta Inger, 1960
- Ansonia muelleri (Boulenger, 1887)
- Ansonia penangensis Stoliczka, 1870
- Ansonia phuketensis Matsui, Khonsue and Panha, 2018
- Ansonia pilokensis Matsui, Khonsue and Panha, 2018
- Ansonia platysoma Inger, 1960
- Ansonia siamensis Kiew, 1985
- Ansonia smeagol Davis, Grismer, Klabacka, Muin, Quah, Anuar, Wood and Sites, 2016
- Ansonia spinulifer (Mocquard, 1890)
- Ansonia teneritas Waser, Schweizer, Haas, Das, Jankowski, Min and Hertwig, 2017
- Ansonia thinthinae Wilkinson, Sellas and Vindum, 2012
- Ansonia tiomanica Hendrickson, 1966
- Ansonia torrentis Dring, 1983
- Ansonia vidua Hertwig, Min, Haas and Das, 2014
- Aparasphenodon arapapa Pimenta, Napoli and Haddad, 2009
- Aparasphenodon bokermanni Pombal, 1993
- Aparasphenodon brunoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Aparasphenodon pomba Assis, Santana, Silva, Quintela and Feio, 2013
- Aparasphenodon venezolanus (Mertens, 1950)
- Aphantophryne minuta Zweifel and Parker, 1989
- Aphantophryne nana (Brown and Alcala, 1967)
- Aphantophryne pansa Fry, 1917
- Aphantophryne parkeri (Loveridge, 1955)
- Aphantophryne sabini Zweifel and Parker, 1989
- Aplastodiscus albofrenatus (Lutz, 1924)
- Aplastodiscus albosignatus (Lutz and Lutz, 1938)
- Aplastodiscus arildae (Cruz and Peixoto, 1987)
- Aplastodiscus cavicola (Cruz and Peixoto, 1985)
- Aplastodiscus cochranae (Mertens, 1952)
- Aplastodiscus ehrhardti (Müller, 1924)
- Aplastodiscus eugenioi (Carvalho-e-Silva and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2005)
- Aplastodiscus flumineus (Cruz and Peixoto, 1985)
- Aplastodiscus ibirapitanga (Cruz, Pimenta and Silvano, 2003)
- Aplastodiscus leucopygius (Cruz and Peixoto, 1985)
- Aplastodiscus lutzorum Berneck, Giaretta, Brandão, Cruz and Haddad, 2017
- Aplastodiscus musicus (Lutz, 1949)
- Aplastodiscus perviridis Lutz, 1950
- Aplastodiscus sibilatus (Cruz, Pimenta and Silvano, 2003)
- Aplastodiscus weygoldti (Cruz and Peixoto, 1987)
- Aquiloeurycea cafetalera (Parra-Olea, Rovito, Márquez-Valdelmar, Cruz, Murrieta-Galindo and Wake, 2010)
- Aquiloeurycea cephalica (Cope, 1865)
- Aquiloeurycea galeanae (Taylor, 1941)
- Aquiloeurycea praecellens (Rabb, 1955)
- Aquiloeurycea quetzalanensis (Parra-Olea, Canseco-Márquez and García-París, 2004)
- Aquiloeurycea scandens (Walker, 1955)
- Arcovomer passarellii Carvalho, 1954
- Arenophryne rotunda Tyler, 1976
- Arenophryne xiphorhyncha Doughty and Edwards, 2008
- Argenteohyla siemersi (Mertens, 1937)
- Arlequinus krebsi (Mertens, 1938)
- Aromobates alboguttatus (Boulenger, 1903)
- Aromobates cannatellai Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
- Aromobates capurinensis (Péfaur, 1993)
- Aromobates duranti (Péfaur, 1985)
- Aromobates ericksonae Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
- Aromobates haydeeae (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates leopardalis (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates mayorgai (Rivero, 1980)
- Aromobates meridensis (Dole and Durant, 1972)
- Aromobates molinarii (La Marca, 1985)
- Aromobates nocturnus Myers, Paolillo-O. and Daly, 1991
- Aromobates ornatissimus Barrio-Amorós, Rivero and Santos, 2011
- Aromobates orostoma (Rivero, 1978)
- Aromobates saltuensis (Rivero, 1980)
- Aromobates serranus (Péfaur, 1985)
- Aromobates tokuko Rojas-Runjaic, Infante-Rivero and Barrio-Amorós, 2011
- Aromobates walterarpi La Marca and Otero-López, 2012
- Aromobates zippeli Barrio-Amorós and Santos, 2012
- Arthroleptella atermina Turner and Channing, 2017
- Arthroleptella bicolor Hewitt, 1926
- Arthroleptella draconella Turner and Channing, 2017
- Arthroleptella drewesii Channing, Hendricks and Dawood, 1994
- Arthroleptella kogelbergensis Turner and Channing, 2017
- Arthroleptella landdrosia Dawood and Channing, 2000
- Arthroleptella lightfooti (Boulenger, 1910)
- Arthroleptella rugosa Turner and Channing, 2008
- Arthroleptella subvoce Turner, de Villiers, Dawood and Channing, 2004
- Arthroleptella villiersi Hewitt, 1935
- Arthroleptides dutoiti Loveridge, 1935
- Arthroleptides martiensseni Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptides yakusini Channing, Moyer and Howell, 2002
- Arthroleptis adelphus Perret, 1966
- Arthroleptis adolfifriederici Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis affinis Ahl, 1939
- Arthroleptis anotis Loader, Poynton, Lawson, Blackburn and Menegon, 2011
- Arthroleptis aureoli (Schiøtz, 1964)
- Arthroleptis bioko Blackburn, 2010
- Arthroleptis bivittatus Müller, 1885
- Arthroleptis brevipes Ahl, 1924
- Arthroleptis carquejai Ferreira, 1906
- Arthroleptis crusculum Angel, 1950
- Arthroleptis fichika Blackburn, 2009
- Arthroleptis formosus Rödel, Kouamé, Doumbia and Sandberger, 2011
- Arthroleptis francei Loveridge, 1953
- Arthroleptis hematogaster (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis kidogo Blackburn, 2009
- Arthroleptis krokosua Ernst, Agyei and Rödel, 2008
- Arthroleptis kutogundua Blackburn, 2012
- Arthroleptis lameerei De Witte, 1921
- Arthroleptis langeri Rödel, Doumbia, Johnson and Hillers, 2009
- Arthroleptis loveridgei De Witte, 1933
- Arthroleptis mossoensis (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis nguruensis Poynton, Menegon and Loader, 2009
- Arthroleptis nikeae Poynton, 2003
- Arthroleptis nimbaensis Angel, 1950
- Arthroleptis nlonakoensis (Plath, Herrmann and Böhme, 2006)
- Arthroleptis palava Blackburn, Gvozdík and Leaché, 2010
- Arthroleptis perreti Blackburn, Gonwouo, Ernst and Rödel, 2009
- Arthroleptis phrynoides (Laurent, 1976)
- Arthroleptis poecilonotus Peters, 1863
- Arthroleptis pyrrhoscelis Laurent, 1952
- Arthroleptis reichei Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis schubotzi Nieden, 1911
- Arthroleptis spinalis Boulenger, 1919
- Arthroleptis stenodactylus Pfeffer, 1893
- Arthroleptis stridens (Pickersgill, 2007)
- Arthroleptis sylvaticus (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis taeniatus Boulenger, 1906
- Arthroleptis tanneri Grandison, 1983
- Arthroleptis troglodytes Poynton, 1963
- Arthroleptis tuberosus Andersson, 1905
- Arthroleptis variabilis Matschie, 1893
- Arthroleptis vercammeni (Laurent, 1954)
- Arthroleptis wageri FitzSimons, 1930
- Arthroleptis wahlbergii Smith, 1849
- Arthroleptis xenochirus Boulenger, 1905
- Arthroleptis xenodactyloides Hewitt, 1933
- Arthroleptis xenodactylus Boulenger, 1909
- Arthroleptis zimmeri (Ahl, 1925)
- Ascaphus montanus Mittleman and Myers, 1949
- Ascaphus truei Stejneger, 1899
- Assa darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1933)
- Asterophrys eurydactyla (Zweifel, 1972)
- Asterophrys foja (Günther, Richards and Tjaturadi, 2016)
- Asterophrys leucopus Richards, Johnston and Burton, 1994
- Asterophrys marani (Günther, 2009)
- Asterophrys pullifer (Günther, 2006)
- Asterophrys slateri Loveridge, 1955
- Asterophrys turpicola (Schlegel, 1837)
- Astrobatrachus kurichiyana Vijayakumar, Pyron, Dinesh, Torsekar, Srikanthan, Swamy, Stanley, Blackburn and Shanker, 2019
- Astylosternus batesi (Boulenger, 1900)
- Astylosternus diadematus Werner, 1898
- Astylosternus fallax Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus laticephalus Rödel, Hillers, Leaché, Kouamé, Ofori-Boateng, Diaz and Sandberger, 2012
- Astylosternus laurenti Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus montanus Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus nganhanus Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus occidentalis Parker, 1931
- Astylosternus perreti Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus ranoides Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus rheophilus Amiet, 1978
- Astylosternus schioetzi Amiet, 1978
- Atelognathus nitoi (Barrio, 1973)
- Atelognathus patagonicus (Gallardo, 1962)
- Atelognathus praebasalticus (Cei and Roig, 1968)
- Atelognathus reverberii (Cei, 1969)
- Atelognathus solitarius (Cei, 1970)
- Atelopus andinus Rivero, 1968
- Atelopus angelito Ardila-Robayo and Ruiz-Carranza, 1998
- Atelopus ardila Coloma, Duellman, Almendáriz, Ron, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Atelopus arsyecue Rueda-Almonacid, 1994
- Atelopus arthuri Peters, 1973
- Atelopus balios Peters, 1973
- Atelopus barbotini Lescure, 1981
- Atelopus bomolochos Peters, 1973
- Atelopus boulengeri Peracca, 1904
- Atelopus carauta Ruiz-Carranza and Hernández-Camacho, 1978
- Atelopus carbonerensis Rivero, 1974
- Atelopus carrikeri Ruthven, 1916
- Atelopus certus Barbour, 1923
- Atelopus chiriquiensis Shreve, 1936
- Atelopus chirripoensis Savage and Bolaños, 2009
- Atelopus chocoensis Lötters, 1992
- Atelopus chrysocorallus La Marca, 1996
- Atelopus coynei Miyata, 1980
- Atelopus cruciger (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856)
- Atelopus dimorphus Lötters, 2003
- Atelopus ebenoides Rivero, 1963
- Atelopus elegans (Boulenger, 1882)
- Atelopus epikeisthos Lötters, Schulte and Duellman, 2005
- Atelopus erythropus Boulenger, 1903
- Atelopus eusebianus Rivero and Granados-Díaz, 1993
- Atelopus eusebiodiazi Venegas, Catenazzi, Siu-Ting and Carrillo, 2008
- Atelopus exiguus (Boettger, 1892)
- Atelopus famelicus Rivero and Morales, 1995
- Atelopus farci Lynch, 1993
- Atelopus flavescens Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Atelopus franciscus Lescure, 1974
- Atelopus galactogaster Rivero and Serna, 1993
- Atelopus gigas Coloma, Duellman, Almendáriz, Ron, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Atelopus glyphus Dunn, 1931
- Atelopus guanujo Coloma, 2002
- Atelopus guitarraensis Osorno-Muñoz, Ardila-Robayo and Ruiz-Carranza, 2001
- Atelopus halihelos Peters, 1973
- Atelopus hoogmoedi Lescure, 1974
- Atelopus ignescens (Cornalia, 1849)
- Atelopus laetissimus Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo and Hernández-Camacho, 1994
- Atelopus limosus Ibáñez, Jaramillo and Solís, 1995
- Atelopus loettersi De la Riva, Castroviejo-Fisher, Chaparro, Boistel and Padial, 2011
- Atelopus longibrachius Rivero, 1963
- Atelopus longirostris Cope, 1868
- Atelopus lozanoi Osorno-Muñoz, Ardila-Robayo and Ruiz-Carranza, 2001
- Atelopus lynchi Cannatella, 1981
- Atelopus mandingues Osorno-Muñoz, Ardila-Robayo and Ruiz-Carranza, 2001
- Atelopus marinkellei Cochran and Goin, 1970
- Atelopus mindoensis Peters, 1973
- Atelopus minutulus Ruiz-Carranza, Hernández-Camacho and Ardila-Robayo, 1988
- Atelopus mittermeieri Acosta-Galvis, Rueda-Almonacid, Velásquez-Álvarez, Sánchez-Pacheco and Peña-Prieto, 2006
- Atelopus monohernandezii Ardila-Robayo, Osorno-Muñoz and Ruiz-Carranza, 2002
- Atelopus mucubajiensis Rivero, 1974
- Atelopus muisca Rueda-Almonacid and Hoyos, 1992
- Atelopus nahumae Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo and Hernández-Camacho, 1994
- Atelopus nanay Coloma, 2002
- Atelopus nepiozomus Peters, 1973
- Atelopus nicefori Rivero, 1963
- Atelopus nocturnus Bravo-Valencia and Rivera-Correa, 2011
- Atelopus onorei Coloma, Lötters, Duellman and Miranda-Leiva, 2007
- Atelopus orcesi Coloma, Duellman, Almendáriz, Ron, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Atelopus oxapampae Lehr, Lötters and Lundberg, 2008
- Atelopus oxyrhynchus Boulenger, 1903
- Atelopus pachydermus (Schmidt, 1857)
- Atelopus palmatus Andersson, 1945
- Atelopus pastuso Coloma, Duellman, Almendáriz, Ron, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Atelopus patazensis Venegas, Catenazzi, Siu-Ting and Carrillo, 2008
- Atelopus pedimarmoratus Rivero, 1963
- Atelopus peruensis Gray and Cannatella, 1985
- Atelopus petersi Coloma, Lötters, Duellman and Miranda-Leiva, 2007
- Atelopus petriruizi Ardila-Robayo, 1999
- Atelopus pictiventris Kattan, 1986
- Atelopus pinangoi Rivero, 1982
- Atelopus planispina Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
- Atelopus podocarpus Coloma, Duellman, Almendáriz, Ron, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Atelopus pulcher (Boulenger, 1882)
- Atelopus pyrodactylus Venegas and Barrio, 2006
- Atelopus quimbaya Ruiz-Carranza and Osorno-Muñoz, 1994
- Atelopus reticulatus Lötters, Haas, Schick and Böhme, 2002
- Atelopus sanjosei Rivero and Serna, 1989
- Atelopus seminiferus Cope, 1874
- Atelopus senex Taylor, 1952
- Atelopus sernai Ruiz-Carranza and Osorno-Muñoz, 1994
- Atelopus simulatus Ruiz-Carranza and Osorno-Muñoz, 1994
- Atelopus siranus Lötters and Henzl, 2000
- Atelopus sonsonensis Vélez-Rodriguez and Ruiz-Carranza, 1997
- Atelopus sorianoi La Marca, 1983
- Atelopus spumarius Cope, 1871
- Atelopus spurrelli Boulenger, 1914
- Atelopus subornatus Werner, 1899
- Atelopus tamaense La Marca, García-Pérez and Renjifo, 1990
- Atelopus tricolor Boulenger, 1902
- Atelopus varius (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856)
- Atelopus vogli Müller, 1934
- Atelopus walkeri Rivero, 1963
- Atelopus zeteki Dunn, 1933
- Atlantihyla panchoi (Duellman and Campbell, 1982)
- Atlantihyla spinipollex (Schmidt, 1936)
- Atopophrynus syntomopus Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1982
- Atretochoana eiselti (Taylor, 1968)
- Aubria masako Ohler and Kazadi, 1990
- Aubria subsigillata (Duméril, 1856)
- Austrochaperina adamantina Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina adelphe (Zweifel, 1985)
- Austrochaperina alexanderi Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Austrochaperina aquilonia Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina archboldi Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina basipalmata (Van Kampen, 1906)
- Austrochaperina blumi Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina brevipes (Boulenger, 1897)
- Austrochaperina fryi (Zweifel, 1962)
- Austrochaperina gracilipes Fry, 1912
- Austrochaperina hooglandi (Zweifel, 1967)
- Austrochaperina kosarek Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina laurae Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Austrochaperina macrorhyncha (Van Kampen, 1906)
- Austrochaperina mehelyi (Parker, 1934)
- Austrochaperina minutissima Günther, 2009
- Austrochaperina novaebritanniae Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina palmipes (Zweifel, 1956)
- Austrochaperina parkeri Zweifel, 2000
- Austrochaperina pluvialis (Zweifel, 1965)
- Austrochaperina polysticta (Méhely, 1901)
- Austrochaperina punctata (Van Kampen, 1913)
- Austrochaperina robusta Fry, 1912
- Austrochaperina rudolfarndti Günther, 2017
- Austrochaperina septentrionalis Allison and Kraus, 2003
- Austrochaperina yelaensis Zweifel, 2000
- Babina holsti (Boulenger, 1892)
- Babina subaspera (Barbour, 1908)
- Balebreviceps hillmani Largen and Drewes, 1989
- Barbarophryne brongersmai (Hoogmoed, 1972)
- Barbourula busuangensis Taylor and Noble, 1924
- Barbourula kalimantanensis Iskandar, 1978
- Barycholos pulcher (Boulenger, 1898)
- Barycholos ternetzi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Barygenys apodasta Kraus, 2013
- Barygenys atra (Günther, 1896)
- Barygenys cheesmanae Parker, 1936
- Barygenys exsul Zweifel, 1963
- Barygenys flavigularis Zweifel, 1972
- Barygenys maculata Menzies and Tyler, 1977
- Barygenys nana Zweifel, 1972
- Barygenys parvula Zweifel, 1981
- Barygenys resima Kraus, 2013
- Batrachoseps altasierrae Jockusch, Martínez-Solano, Hansen and Wake, 2012
- Batrachoseps attenuatus (Eschscholtz, 1833)
- Batrachoseps bramei Jockusch, Martínez-Solano, Hansen and Wake, 2012
- Batrachoseps campi Marlow, Brode and Wake, 1979
- Batrachoseps diabolicus Jockusch, Wake and Yanev, 1998
- Batrachoseps gabrieli Wake, 1996
- Batrachoseps gavilanensis Jockusch, Yanev and Wake, 2001
- Batrachoseps gregarius Jockusch, Wake and Yanev, 1998
- Batrachoseps incognitus Jockusch, Yanev and Wake, 2001
- Batrachoseps kawia Jockusch, Wake and Yanev, 1998
- Batrachoseps luciae Jockusch, Yanev and Wake, 2001
- Batrachoseps major Camp, 1915
- Batrachoseps minor Jockusch, Yanev and Wake, 2001
- Batrachoseps nigriventris Cope, 1869
- Batrachoseps pacificus (Cope, 1865)
- Batrachoseps regius Jockusch, Wake and Yanev, 1998
- Batrachoseps relictus Brame and Murray, 1968
- Batrachoseps robustus Wake, Yanev and Hansen, 2002
- Batrachoseps simatus Brame and Murray, 1968
- Batrachoseps stebbinsi Brame and Murray, 1968
- Batrachoseps wrighti (Bishop, 1937)
- Batrachuperus karlschmidti Liu, 1950
- Batrachuperus londongensis Liu and Tian in Liu, Hu, Tian and Wu, 1978
- Batrachuperus pinchonii (David, 1872)
- Batrachuperus tibetanus Schmidt, 1925
- Batrachuperus yenyuanensis Liu, 1950
- Batrachyla antartandica Barrio, 1967
- Batrachyla fitzroya Basso, 1994
- Batrachyla leptopus Bell, 1843
- Batrachyla nibaldoi Formas, 1997
- Batrachyla taeniata (Girard, 1855)
- Beddomixalus bijui (Zachariah, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Kunhikrishnan, Palot and Vishnudas, 2011)
- Blommersia angolafa Andreone, Rosa, Noël, Crottini, Vences and Raxworthy, 2010
- Blommersia blommersae (Guibé, 1975)
- Blommersia dejongi Vences, Köhler, Pabijan and Glaw, 2010
- Blommersia domerguei (Guibé, 1974)
- Blommersia galani Vences, Köhler, Pabijan and Glaw, 2010
- Blommersia grandisonae (Guibé, 1974)
- Blommersia kely (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
- Blommersia sarotra (Glaw and Vences, 2002)
- Blommersia transmarina Glaw, Hawlitschek, Glaw and Vences, 2019
- Blommersia variabilis Pabijan, Gehring, Köhler, Glaw and Vences, 2011
- Blommersia wittei (Guibé, 1974)
- Blythophryne beryet Chandramouli, Vasudevan, Harikrishnan, Dutta, Janani, Sharma, Das and Aggarwal, 2016
- Boana aguilari (Lehr, Faivovich and Jungfer, 2010)
- Boana albomarginata (Spix, 1824)
- Boana albonigra (Nieden, 1923)
- Boana albopunctata (Spix, 1824)
- Boana alemani (Rivero, 1964)
- Boana alfaroi (Caminer and Ron, 2014)
- Boana almendarizae (Caminer and Ron, 2014)
- Boana atlantica (Caramaschi and Velosa, 1996)
- Boana balzani (Boulenger, 1898)
- Boana bandeirantes (Caramaschi and Cruz, 2013)
- Boana beckeri (Caramaschi and Cruz, 2004)
- Boana benitezi (Rivero, 1961)
- Boana bischoffi (Boulenger, 1887)
- Boana boans (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Boana botumirim (Caramaschi, Cruz and Nascimento, 2009)
- Boana buriti (Caramaschi and Cruz, 1999)
- Boana caiapo Pinheiro, Cintra, Valdujo, Silva, Martins, Silva and Garcia, 2018
- Boana caingua (Carrizo, 1991)
- Boana caipora (Antunes, Faivovich and Haddad, 2008)
- Boana calcarata (Troschel, 1848)
- Boana callipleura (Boulenger, 1902)
- Boana cambui (Pinheiro, Pezzuti, Leite, Garcia, Haddad and Faivovich, 2016)
- Boana cinerascens (Spix, 1824)
- Boana cipoensis (Lutz, 1968)
- Boana cordobae (Barrio, 1965)
- Boana crepitans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)
- Boana curupi (Garcia, Faivovich and Haddad, 2007)
- Boana cymbalum (Bokermann, 1963)
- Boana dentei (Bokermann, 1967)
- Boana diabolica (Fouquet, Martinez, Zeidler, Courtois, Gaucher, Blanc, Lima, Souza, Rodrigues and Kok, 2016)
- Boana ericae (Caramaschi and Cruz, 2000)
- Boana exastis (Caramaschi and Rodrigues, 2003)
- Boana faber (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
- Boana fasciata (Günther, 1858)
- Boana freicanecae (Carnaval and Peixoto, 2004)
- Boana geographica (Spix, 1824)
- Boana gladiator (Köhler, Koscinski, Padial, Chaparro, Handford, Lougheed and De la Riva, 2010)
- Boana goiana (Lutz, 1968)
- Boana guentheri (Boulenger, 1886)
- Boana heilprini (Noble, 1923)
- Boana hobbsi (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Boana hutchinsi (Pyburn and Hall, 1984)
- Boana icamiaba Peloso, Oliveira, Sturaro, Rodrigues, Lima, Bitar, Wheeler and Aleixo, 2018
- Boana jaguariaivensis (Caramaschi, Cruz and Segalla, 2010)
- Boana jimenezi (Señaris and Ayarzagüena, 2006)
- Boana joaquini (Lutz, 1968)
- Boana lanciformis (Cope, 1871)
- Boana latistriata (Caramaschi and Cruz, 2004)
- Boana lemai (Rivero, 1972)
- Boana leptolineata (Braun and Braun, 1977)
- Boana leucocheila (Caramaschi and Niemeyer, 2003)
- Boana lundii (Burmeister, 1856)
- Boana maculateralis (Caminer and Ron, 2014)
- Boana marginata (Boulenger, 1887)
- Boana marianitae (Carrizo, 1992)
- Boana melanopleura (Boulenger, 1912)
- Boana microderma (Pyburn, 1977)
- Boana multifasciata (Günther, 1859)
- Boana nympha (Faivovich, Moravec, Cisneros-Heredia and Köhler, 2006)
- Boana ornatissima (Noble, 1923)
- Boana palaestes (Duellman, De la Riva and Wild, 1997)
- Boana paranaiba (Carvalho, Giaretta and Facure, 2010)
- Boana pardalis (Spix, 1824)
- Boana pellucens (Werner, 1901)
- Boana phaeopleura (Caramaschi and Cruz, 2000)
- Boana picturata (Boulenger, 1899)
- Boana poaju (Garcia, Peixoto and Haddad, 2008)
- Boana polytaenia (Cope, 1870)
- Boana pombali (Caramaschi, Pimenta and Feio, 2004)
- Boana prasina (Burmeister, 1856)
- Boana pugnax (Schmidt, 1857)
- Boana pulchella (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Boana pulidoi (Rivero, 1968)
- Boana punctata (Schneider, 1799)
- Boana raniceps (Cope, 1862)
- Boana rhythmica (Señaris and Ayarzagüena, 2002)
- Boana riojana (Koslowsky, 1895)
- Boana roraima (Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1992)
- Boana rosenbergi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Boana rubracyla (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Boana rufitela (Fouquette, 1961)
- Boana secedens (Lutz, 1963)
- Boana semiguttata (Lutz, 1925)
- Boana semilineata (Spix, 1824)
- Boana sibleszi (Rivero, 1972)
- Boana steinbachi (Boulenger, 1905)
- Boana stellae (Kwet, 2008)
- Boana stenocephala (Caramaschi and Cruz, 1999)
- Boana tepuiana (Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008)
- Boana tetete (Caminer and Ron, 2014)
- Boana varelae (Carrizo, 1992)
- Boana wavrini (Parker, 1936)
- Boana xerophylla (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Boehmantis microtympanum (Angel, 1935)
- Bokermannohyla ahenea (Napoli and Caramaschi, 2004)
- Bokermannohyla alvarengai (Bokermann, 1956)
- Bokermannohyla astartea (Bokermann, 1967)
- Bokermannohyla capra Napoli and Pimenta, 2009
- Bokermannohyla caramaschii (Napoli, 2005)
- Bokermannohyla carvalhoi (Peixoto, 1981)
- Bokermannohyla circumdata (Cope, 1871)
- Bokermannohyla claresignata (Lutz and Lutz, 1939)
- Bokermannohyla clepsydra (Lutz, 1925)
- Bokermannohyla diamantina Napoli and Juncá, 2006
- Bokermannohyla flavopicta Leite, Pezzuti and Garcia, 2012
- Bokermannohyla gouveai (Peixoto and Cruz, 1992)
- Bokermannohyla hylax (Heyer, 1985)
- Bokermannohyla ibitiguara (Cardoso, 1983)
- Bokermannohyla ibitipoca (Caramaschi and Feio, 1990)
- Bokermannohyla itapoty Lugli and Haddad, 2006
- Bokermannohyla izecksohni (Jim and Caramaschi, 1979)
- Bokermannohyla juiju Faivovich, Lugli, Lourenço and Haddad, 2009
- Bokermannohyla langei (Bokermann, 1965)
- Bokermannohyla lucianae (Napoli and Pimenta, 2003)
- Bokermannohyla luctuosa (Pombal and Haddad, 1993)
- Bokermannohyla martinsi (Bokermann, 1964)
- Bokermannohyla nanuzae (Bokermann and Sazima, 1973)
- Bokermannohyla napolii Carvalho, Giaretta and Magrini, 2012
- Bokermannohyla oxente Lugli and Haddad, 2006
- Bokermannohyla pseudopseudis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Bokermannohyla ravida (Caramaschi, Napoli and Bernardes, 2001)
- Bokermannohyla sagarana Leite, Pezzuti and Drummond, 2011
- Bokermannohyla sapiranga Brandão, Magalhães, Garda, Campos, Sebben and Maciel, 2012
- Bokermannohyla saxicola (Bokermann, 1964)
- Bokermannohyla sazimai (Cardoso and Andrade, 1982)
- Bokermannohyla vulcaniae (Vasconcelos and Giaretta, 2005)
- Bolitoglossa adspersa (Peters, 1863)
- Bolitoglossa alberchi García-París, Parra-Olea, Brame and Wake, 2002
- Bolitoglossa altamazonica (Cope, 1874)
- Bolitoglossa alvaradoi Taylor, 1954
- Bolitoglossa anthracina Brame, Savage, Wake and Hanken, 2001
- Bolitoglossa aurae Kubicki and Arias, 2016
- Bolitoglossa aureogularis Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños and Wake, 2012
- Bolitoglossa biseriata Tanner, 1962
- Bolitoglossa borburata Trapido, 1942
- Bolitoglossa bramei Wake, Savage and Hanken, 2007
- Bolitoglossa caldwellae Brcko, Hoogmoed and Neckel-Oliveira, 2013
- Bolitoglossa capitana Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa carri McCranie and Wilson, 1993
- Bolitoglossa cataguana Townsend, Butler, Wilson and Austin, 2009
- Bolitoglossa celaque McCranie and Wilson, 1993
- Bolitoglossa centenorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa cerroensis (Taylor, 1952)
- Bolitoglossa chica Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa chinanteca Rovito, Parra-Olea, Lee and Wake, 2012
- Bolitoglossa chucantiensis Batista, Köhler, Mebert and Vesely, 2014
- Bolitoglossa colonnea (Dunn, 1924)
- Bolitoglossa compacta Wake, Brame and Duellman, 1973
- Bolitoglossa conanti McCranie and Wilson, 1993
- Bolitoglossa copia Wake, Hanken and Ibáñez, 2005
- Bolitoglossa cuchumatana (Stuart, 1943)
- Bolitoglossa cuna Wake, Brame and Duellman, 1973
- Bolitoglossa daryorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa decora McCranie and Wilson, 1997
- Bolitoglossa diaphora McCranie and Wilson, 1995
- Bolitoglossa digitigrada Wake, Brame and Thomas, 1982
- Bolitoglossa diminuta Robinson, 1976
- Bolitoglossa dofleini (Werner, 1903)
- Bolitoglossa dunni (Schmidt, 1933)
- Bolitoglossa engelhardti (Schmidt, 1936)
- Bolitoglossa epimela Wake and Brame, 1963
- Bolitoglossa equatoriana Brame and Wake, 1972
- Bolitoglossa eremia Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa flavimembris (Schmidt, 1936)
- Bolitoglossa flaviventris (Schmidt, 1936)
- Bolitoglossa franklini (Schmidt, 1936)
- Bolitoglossa gomezi Wake, Savage and Hanken, 2007
- Bolitoglossa gracilis Bolaños, Robinson and Wake, 1987
- Bolitoglossa guaneae Acosta-Galvis and Gutiérrez-Lamus, 2012
- Bolitoglossa guaramacalensis Schargel, García-Pérez and Smith, 2002
- Bolitoglossa hartwegi Wake and Brame, 1969
- Bolitoglossa heiroreias Greenbaum, 2004
- Bolitoglossa helmrichi (Schmidt, 1936)
- Bolitoglossa hermosa Papenfuss, Wake and Adler, 1984
- Bolitoglossa hiemalis Lynch, 2001
- Bolitoglossa huehuetenanguensis Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa hypacra (Brame and Wake, 1962)
- Bolitoglossa indio Sunyer, Lotzkat, Hertz, Wake, Aléman, Robleto and Köhler, 2008
- Bolitoglossa insularis Sunyer, Lotzkat, Hertz, Wake, Aléman, Robleto and Köhler, 2008
- Bolitoglossa jacksoni Elias, 1984
- Bolitoglossa jugivagans Hertz, Lotzkat and Köhler, 2013
- Bolitoglossa kamuk Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños and Wake, 2012
- Bolitoglossa kaqchikelorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa la Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa leandrae Acevedo, Wake, Márquez, Silva, Franco and Amézquita, 2013
- Bolitoglossa lignicolor (Peters, 1873)
- Bolitoglossa lincolni (Stuart, 1943)
- Bolitoglossa longissima McCranie and Cruz-Díaz, 1996
- Bolitoglossa lozanoi Acosta-Galvis and Restrepo, 2001
- Bolitoglossa macrinii (Lafrentz, 1930)
- Bolitoglossa madeira Brcko, Hoogmoed and Neckel-Oliveira, 2013
- Bolitoglossa magnifica Hanken, Wake and Savage, 2005
- Bolitoglossa marmorea (Tanner and Brame, 1961)
- Bolitoglossa medemi Brame and Wake, 1972
- Bolitoglossa meliana Wake and Lynch, 1982
- Bolitoglossa mexicana Duméril, Bibron and Duméril, 1854
- Bolitoglossa minutula Wake, Brame and Duellman, 1973
- Bolitoglossa mombachoensis Köhler and McCranie, 1999
- Bolitoglossa morio (Cope, 1869)
- Bolitoglossa mucuyensis García-Gutiérrez, Escalona, Mora, de Pascual and Fermin, 2013
- Bolitoglossa mulleri (Brocchi, 1883)
- Bolitoglossa nicefori Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa nigrescens (Taylor, 1949)
- Bolitoglossa ninadormida Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa nussbaumi Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa nympha Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa oaxacensis Parra-Olea, García-París and Wake, 2002
- Bolitoglossa obscura Hanken, Wake and Savage, 2005
- Bolitoglossa occidentalis Taylor, 1941
- Bolitoglossa odonnelli (Stuart, 1943)
- Bolitoglossa omniumsanctorum (Stuart, 1952)
- Bolitoglossa oresbia McCranie, Espinal and Wilson, 2005
- Bolitoglossa orestes Brame and Wake, 1962
- Bolitoglossa pacaya Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa palmata (Werner, 1897)
- Bolitoglossa pandi Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa paraensis (Unterstein, 1930)
- Bolitoglossa peruviana (Boulenger, 1883)
- Bolitoglossa pesrubra (Taylor, 1952)
- Bolitoglossa phalarosoma Wake and Brame, 1962
- Bolitoglossa platydactyla (Gray, 1831)
- Bolitoglossa porrasorum McCranie and Wilson, 1995
- Bolitoglossa psephena Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa pygmaea Bolaños and Wake, 2009
- Bolitoglossa ramosi Brame and Wake, 1972
- Bolitoglossa riletti Holman, 1964
- Bolitoglossa robinsoni Bolaños and Wake, 2009
- Bolitoglossa robusta (Cope, 1894)
- Bolitoglossa rostrata (Brocchi, 1883)
- Bolitoglossa rufescens (Cope, 1869)
- Bolitoglossa salvinii (Gray, 1868)
- Bolitoglossa savagei Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa schizodactyla Wake and Brame, 1966
- Bolitoglossa silverstonei Brame and Wake, 1972
- Bolitoglossa sima (Vaillant, 1911)
- Bolitoglossa sombra Hanken, Wake and Savage, 2005
- Bolitoglossa sooyorum Vial, 1963
- Bolitoglossa splendida Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños and Wake, 2012
- Bolitoglossa striatula (Noble, 1918)
- Bolitoglossa stuarti Wake and Brame, 1969
- Bolitoglossa subpalmata (Boulenger, 1896)
- Bolitoglossa suchitanensis Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa synoria McCranie and Köhler, 1999
- Bolitoglossa tamaense Acevedo, Wake, Márquez, Silva, Franco and Amézquita, 2013
- Bolitoglossa tapajonica Brcko, Hoogmoed and Neckel-Oliveira, 2013
- Bolitoglossa tatamae Acosta-Galvis and Hoyos, 2006
- Bolitoglossa taylori Wake, Brame and Myers, 1970
- Bolitoglossa tenebrosa Vazquez-Almazán and Rovito, 2014
- Bolitoglossa tica García-París, Parra-Olea and Wake, 2008
- Bolitoglossa tzultacaj Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa vallecula Brame and Wake, 1963
- Bolitoglossa veracrucis Taylor, 1951
- Bolitoglossa walkeri Brame and Wake, 1972
- Bolitoglossa xibalba Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Bolitoglossa yariguiensis Meza-Joya, Hernández-Jaimes and Ramos-Pallares, 2017
- Bolitoglossa yucatana (Peters, 1882)
- Bolitoglossa zacapensis Rovito, Vásquez-Almazán and Papenfuss, 2010
- Bolitoglossa zapoteca Parra-Olea, García-París and Wake, 2002
- Bombina bombina (Linnaeus, 1761)
- Bombina maxima (Boulenger, 1905)
- Bombina microdeladigitora Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960
- Bombina orientalis (Boulenger, 1890)
- Bombina pachypus (Bonaparte, 1838)
- Bombina variegata (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Boophis albilabris (Boulenger, 1888)
- Boophis albipunctatus Glaw and Thiesmeier, 1993
- Boophis andohahela Andreone, Nincheri and Piazza, 1995
- Boophis andrangoloaka (Ahl, 1928)
- Boophis andreonei Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis anjanaharibeensis Andreone, 1996
- Boophis ankarafensis Penny, Andreone, Crottini, Holderied, Rakotizafy, Schwitzer and Rosa, 2014
- Boophis ankaratra Andreone, 1993
- Boophis arcanus Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis axelmeyeri Vences, Andreone and Vieites, 2005
- Boophis baetkei Köhler, Glaw and Vences, 2008
- Boophis blommersae Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis boehmei Glaw and Vences, 1992
- Boophis boppa Hutter, Lambert, Cobb, Andriampenomanana and Vences, 2015
- Boophis bottae Vences and Glaw, 2002
- Boophis brachychir (Boettger, 1882)
- Boophis burgeri Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis calcaratus Vallan, Vences and Glaw, 2010
- Boophis doulioti (Angel, 1934)
- Boophis elenae Andreone, 1993
- Boophis englaenderi Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis entingae Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis erythrodactylus (Guibé, 1953)
- Boophis fayi Köhler, Glaw, Rosa, Gehring, Pabijan, Andreone and Vences, 2011
- Boophis feonnyala Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
- Boophis goudotii Tschudi, 1838
- Boophis guibei (McCarthy, 1978)
- Boophis haematopus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
- Boophis haingana Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis idae (Steindachner, 1867)
- Boophis jaegeri Glaw and Vences, 1992
- Boophis laurenti Guibé, 1947
- Boophis liami Vallan, Vences and Glaw, 2003
- Boophis lichenoides Vallan, Glaw, Andreone and Cadle, 1998
- Boophis lilianae Köhler, Glaw and Vences, 2008
- Boophis luciae Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis luteus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Boophis madagascariensis (Peters, 1874)
- Boophis majori (Boulenger, 1896)
- Boophis mandraka Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
- Boophis marojezensis Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis masoala Glaw, Scherz, Prötzel and Vences, 2018
- Boophis miadana Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis microtympanum (Boettger, 1881)
- Boophis miniatus (Mocquard, 1902)
- Boophis narinsi Vences, Gehara, Köhler and Glaw, 2012
- Boophis nauticus Glaw, Hawlitschek, Glaw and Vences, 2019
- Boophis obscurus (Boettger, 1913)
- Boophis occidentalis Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis opisthodon (Boulenger, 1888)
- Boophis pauliani (Guibé, 1953)
- Boophis periegetes Cadle, 1995
- Boophis picturatus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
- Boophis piperatus Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis popi Köhler, Glaw, Rosa, Gehring, Pabijan, Andreone and Vences, 2011
- Boophis praedictus Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis pyrrhus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
- Boophis quasiboehmei Vences, Köhler, Crottini and Glaw, 2010
- Boophis rappiodes (Ahl, 1928)
- Boophis reticulatus Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
- Boophis rhodoscelis (Boulenger, 1882)
- Boophis roseipalmatus Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis rufioculis Glaw and Vences, 1997
- Boophis sambirano Vences and Glaw, 2005
- Boophis sandrae Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis schuboeae Glaw and Vences, 2002
- Boophis septentrionalis Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Boophis sibilans Glaw and Thiesmeier, 1993
- Boophis solomaso Vallan, Vences and Glaw, 2003
- Boophis spinophis Glaw, Köhler, De la Riva, Vieites and Vences, 2010
- Boophis tampoka Köhler, Glaw and Vences, 2008
- Boophis tasymena Vences and Glaw, 2002
- Boophis tephraeomystax (Duméril, 1853)
- Boophis tsilomaro Vences, Andreone, Glos and Glaw, 2010
- Boophis ulftunni Wollenberg, Andreone, Glaw and Vences, 2008
- Boophis viridis Blommers-Schlösser, 1979
- Boophis vittatus Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Vallan, 2001
- Boophis williamsi (Guibé, 1974)
- Boophis xerophilus Glaw and Vences, 1997
- Boulengerula boulengeri Tornier, 1896
- Boulengerula changamwensis Loveridge, 1932
- Boulengerula denhardti Nieden, 1912
- Boulengerula fischeri Nussbaum and Hinkel, 1994
- Boulengerula niedeni Müller, Measey, Loader and Malonza, 2005
- Boulengerula spawlsi Wilkinson, Malonza, Campbell and Loader, 2017
- Boulengerula taitana Loveridge, 1935
- Boulengerula uluguruensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Brachycephalus actaeus Monteiro, Condez, Garcia, Comitti, Amaral and Haddad, 2018
- Brachycephalus albolineatus Bornschein, Ribeiro, Blackburn, Stanley and Pie, 2016
- Brachycephalus alipioi Pombal and Gasparini, 2006
- Brachycephalus atelopoide Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Brachycephalus auroguttatus Ribeiro, Firkowski, Bornschein and Pie, 2015
- Brachycephalus boticario Pie, Bornschein, Firkowski, Belmonte-Lopes and Ribeiro, 2015
- Brachycephalus brunneus Ribeiro, Alves, Haddad and Reis, 2005
- Brachycephalus bufonoides Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Brachycephalus coloratus Ribeiro, Blackburn, Stanley, Pie and Bornschein, 2017
- Brachycephalus crispus Condez, Clemente-Carvalho, Haddad and Reis, 2014
- Brachycephalus curupira Ribeiro, Blackburn, Stanley, Pie and Bornschein, 2017
- Brachycephalus darkside Guimarães, Luz, Rocha and Feio, 2017
- Brachycephalus didactylus (Izecksohn, 1971)
- Brachycephalus ephippium (Spix, 1824)
- Brachycephalus ferruginus Alves, Ribeiro, Haddad and Reis, 2006
- Brachycephalus fuscolineatus Pie, Bornschein, Firkowski, Belmonte-Lopes and Ribeiro, 2015
- Brachycephalus garbeanus Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Brachycephalus guarani Clemente-Carvalho, Giaretta, Condez, Haddad and Reis, 2012
- Brachycephalus hermogenesi (Giaretta and Sawaya, 1998)
- Brachycephalus izecksohni Ribeiro, Alves, Haddad and Reis, 2005
- Brachycephalus leopardus Ribeiro, Firkowski and Pie, 2015
- Brachycephalus margaritatus Pombal and Izecksohn, 2011
- Brachycephalus mariaeterezae Bornschein, Morato, Firkowski, Ribeiro and Pie, 2015
- Brachycephalus mirissimus Pie, Ribeiro, Confetti, Nadaline and Bornschein, 2018
- Brachycephalus nodoterga Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Brachycephalus olivaceus Bornschein, Morato, Firkowski, Ribeiro and Pie, 2015
- Brachycephalus pernix Pombal, Wistuba and Bornschein, 1998
- Brachycephalus pitanga Alves, Sawaya, Reis and Haddad, 2009
- Brachycephalus pombali Alves, Ribeiro, Haddad and Reis, 2006
- Brachycephalus pulex Napoli, Caramaschi, Cruz and Dias, 2011
- Brachycephalus quiririensis Pie and Ribeiro, 2015
- Brachycephalus sulfuratus Condez, Monteiro, Comitti, Garcia, Amaral and Haddad, 2016
- Brachycephalus toby Haddad, Alves, Clemente-Carvalho and Reis, 2010
- Brachycephalus tridactylus Garey, Lima, Hartmann and Haddad, 2012
- Brachycephalus verrucosus Ribeiro, Firkowski, Bornschein and Pie, 2015
- Brachycephalus vertebralis Pombal, 2001
- Bradytriton silus Wake and Elias, 1983
- Brasilotyphlus braziliensis (Dunn, 1945)
- Brasilotyphlus dubium Correia, Nunes, Gamble, Maciel, Marques-Souza, Fouquet, Rodrigues and Mott, 2018
- Brasilotyphlus guarantanus Maciel, Mott and Hoogmoed, 2009
- Breviceps acutirostris Poynton, 1963
- Breviceps adspersus Peters, 1882
- Breviceps bagginsi Minter, 2003
- Breviceps branchi Channing, 2012
- Breviceps carruthersi Du Preez, Netherlands and Minter, 2017
- Breviceps fichus Channing and Minter, 2004
- Breviceps fuscus Hewitt, 1925
- Breviceps gibbosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Breviceps macrops Boulenger, 1907
- Breviceps montanus Power, 1926
- Breviceps mossambicus Peters, 1854
- Breviceps namaquensis Power, 1926
- Breviceps passmorei Minter, Netherlands and Du Preez, 2017
- Breviceps pentheri Werner, 1899
- Breviceps poweri Parker, 1934
- Breviceps rosei Power, 1926
- Breviceps sopranus Minter, 2003
- Breviceps sylvestris FitzSimons, 1930
- Breviceps verrucosus Rapp, 1842
- Bromeliohyla bromeliacia (Schmidt, 1933)
- Bromeliohyla dendroscarta (Taylor, 1940)
- Bromeliohyla melacaena (McCranie and Castañeda, 2006)
- Bryophryne abramalagae Lehr and Catenazzi, 2010
- Bryophryne bakersfield Chaparro, Padial, Gutiérrez and De la Riva, 2015
- Bryophryne bustamantei (Chaparro, De la Riva, Padial, Ochoa and Lehr, 2007)
- Bryophryne cophites (Lynch, 1975)
- Bryophryne flammiventris Lehr and Catenazzi, 2010
- Bryophryne gymnotis Lehr and Catenazzi, 2009
- Bryophryne hanssaueri Lehr and Catenazzi, 2009
- Bryophryne mancoinca Mamani, Catenazzi, Ttito, Mallqui and Chaparro, 2017
- Bryophryne nubilosus Lehr and Catenazzi, 2008
- Bryophryne phuyuhampatu Catenazzi, Ttito, Diaz and Shepack, 2017
- Bryophryne quellokunka De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Bryophryne tocra De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Bryophryne wilakunka De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Bryophryne zonalis Lehr and Catenazzi, 2009
- Buergeria buergeri (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Buergeria japonica (Hallowell, 1861)
- Buergeria otai Wang, Hsiao, Lee, Tseng, Lin, Komaki and Lin, 2018
- Buergeria oxycephala (Boulenger, 1900)
- Buergeria robusta (Boulenger, 1909)
- Bufo ailaoanus Kou, 1984
- Bufo aspinius (Rao and Yang, 1994)
- Bufo bankorensis Barbour, 1908
- Bufo bufo (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Bufo cryptotympanicus Liu and Hu, 1962
- Bufo eichwaldi Litvinchuk, Borkin, Skorinov and Rosanov, 2008
- Bufo gargarizans Cantor, 1842
- Bufo hadramautinus Cherchi, 1963
- Bufo japonicus Temminck and Schlegel, 1838
- Bufo luchunnicus (Yang and Rao in Yang, 2008)
- Bufo menglianus (Yang, 2008)
- Bufo pageoti Bourret, 1937
- Bufo scorteccii Balletto and Cherchi, 1970
- Bufo spinosus Daudin, 1803
- Bufo stejnegeri Schmidt, 1931
- Bufo torrenticola Matsui, 1976
- Bufo tuberculatus Zarevskij, 1926
- Bufo tuberospinius (Yang, Liu and Rao, 1996)
- Bufo verrucosissimus (Pallas, 1814)
- Bufoides kempi (Boulenger, 1919)
- Bufoides meghalayanus (Yazdani and Chanda, 1971)
- Bufotes balearicus (Boettger, 1880)
- Bufotes baturae (Stöck, Schmid, Steinlein and Grosse, 1999)
- Bufotes boulengeri (Lataste, 1879)
- Bufotes latastii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Bufotes luristanicus (Schmidt, 1952)
- Bufotes oblongus (Nikolskii, 1896)
- Bufotes pewzowi (Bedriaga, 1898)
- Bufotes pseudoraddei (Mertens, 1971)
- Bufotes shaartusiensis (Pisanets, Mezhzherin and Shcherbak, 1996)
- Bufotes siculus (Stöck, Sicilia, Belfiore, Buckley, Lo-Brutto, Lo-Valvo and Arculeo, 2008)
- Bufotes surdus (Boulenger, 1891)
- Bufotes turanensis (Hemmer, Schmidtler and Böhme, 1978)
- Bufotes variabilis (Pallas, 1769)
- Bufotes viridis (Laurenti, 1768)
- Bufotes zamdaensis (Fei, Ye and Huang in Fei, Ye, Huang and Chen, 1999)
- Bufotes zugmayeri (Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1973)
- Cacosternum aggestum Channing, Schmitz, Burger and Kielgast, 2013
- Cacosternum australis Channing, Schmitz, Burger and Kielgast, 2013
- Cacosternum boettgeri (Boulenger, 1882)
- Cacosternum capense Hewitt, 1925
- Cacosternum karooicum Boycott, de Villiers and Scott, 2002
- Cacosternum kinangopensis Channing and Schmitz, 2009
- Cacosternum leleupi Laurent, 1950
- Cacosternum namaquense Werner, 1910
- Cacosternum nanogularum Channing, Schmitz, Burger and Kielgast, 2013
- Cacosternum nanum Boulenger, 1887
- Cacosternum parvum Poynton, 1963
- Cacosternum platys Rose, 1950
- Cacosternum plimptoni Channing, Brun, Burger, Febvre and Moyer, 2005
- Cacosternum rhythmum Channing, Schmitz, Burger and Kielgast, 2013
- Cacosternum striatum FitzSimons, 1947
- Cacosternum thorini Conradie, 2014
- Caecilia abitaguae Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia albiventris Daudin, 1803
- Caecilia antioquiaensis Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia armata Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia attenuata Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia bokermanni Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia caribea Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia corpulenta Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia crassisquama Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia degenerata Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia disossea Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia dunni Hershkovitz, 1938
- Caecilia flavopunctata Roze and Solano, 1963
- Caecilia gracilis Shaw, 1802
- Caecilia guntheri Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia inca Taylor, 1973
- Caecilia isthmica Cope, 1877
- Caecilia leucocephala Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia marcusi Wake, 1985
- Caecilia mertensi Taylor, 1973
- Caecilia museugoeldi Maciel and Hoogmoed, 2018
- Caecilia nigricans Boulenger, 1902
- Caecilia occidentalis Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia orientalis Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia pachynema Günther, 1859
- Caecilia perdita Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia pressula Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia subdermalis Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia subnigricans Dunn, 1942
- Caecilia subterminalis Taylor, 1968
- Caecilia tentaculata Linnaeus, 1758
- Caecilia tenuissima Taylor, 1973
- Caecilia thompsoni Boulenger, 1902
- Caecilia volcani Taylor, 1969
- Callimedusa atelopoides (Duellman, Cadle and Cannatella, 1988)
- Callimedusa baltea (Duellman and Toft, 1979)
- Callimedusa duellmani (Cannatella, 1982)
- Callimedusa ecuatoriana (Cannatella, 1982)
- Callimedusa perinesos (Duellman, 1973)
- Callimedusa tomopterna (Cope, 1868)
- Callixalus pictus Laurent, 1950
- Callulina dawida Loader, Measey, de Sá and Malonza, 2009
- Callulina hanseni Loader, Gower, Müller and Menegon, 2010
- Callulina kanga Loader, Gower, Müller and Menegon, 2010
- Callulina kisiwamsitu de Sá, Loader and Channing, 2004
- Callulina kreffti Nieden, 1911
- Callulina laphami Loader, Gower, Ngalason and Menegon, 2010
- Callulina meteora Menegon, Gower and Loader, 2011
- Callulina shengena Loader, Gower, Ngalason and Menegon, 2010
- Callulina stanleyi Loader, Gower, Ngalason and Menegon, 2010
- Callulops argus Kraus, 2019
- Callulops biakensis Günther, Stelbrink and von Rintelen, 2012
- Callulops bicolor Kraus, 2019
- Callulops boettgeri (Méhely, 1901)
- Callulops comptus (Zweifel, 1972)
- Callulops doriae Boulenger, 1888
- Callulops dubius (Boettger, 1895)
- Callulops eremnosphax Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Callulops fojaensis Oliver, Richards and Tjaturadi, 2012
- Callulops fuscus (Peters, 1867)
- Callulops glandulosus (Zweifel, 1972)
- Callulops humicola (Zweifel, 1972)
- Callulops kampeni (Boulenger, 1914)
- Callulops kopsteini (Mertens, 1930)
- Callulops marmoratus Kraus and Allison, 2003
- Callulops mediodiscus Oliver, Richards and Tjaturadi, 2012
- Callulops microtis (Werner, 1901)
- Callulops neuhaussi (Vogt, 1911)
- Callulops omnistriatus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Callulops personatus (Zweifel, 1972)
- Callulops robustus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Callulops sagittatus Richards, Burton, Cunningham and Dennis, 1995
- Callulops stellatus Kraus, 2019
- Callulops stictogaster (Zweifel, 1972)
- Callulops taxispilotus Kraus, 2019
- Callulops valvifer (Barbour, 1910)
- Callulops wilhelmanus (Loveridge, 1948)
- Callulops wondiwoiensis Günther, Stelbrink and von Rintelen, 2012
- Callulops yapenensis Günther, Stelbrink and von Rintelen, 2012
- Calotriton arnoldi Carranza and Amat, 2005
- Calotriton asper (Dugès, 1852)
- Calyptocephalella gayi (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Capensibufo deceptus Channing, Measey, De Villiers, Turner and Tolley, 2017
- Capensibufo magistratus Channing, Measey, De Villiers, Turner and Tolley, 2017
- Capensibufo rosei (Hewitt, 1926)
- Capensibufo selenophos Channing, Measey, De Villiers, Turner and Tolley, 2017
- Capensibufo tradouwi (Hewitt, 1926)
- Cardioglossa alsco Herrmann, Herrmann, Schmitz and Böhme, 2004
- Cardioglossa annulata Hirschfeld, Blackburn, Burger, Zassi-Boulou and Rödel, 2015
- Cardioglossa congolia Hirschfeld, Blackburn, Greenbaum and Rödel, 2015
- Cardioglossa cyaneospila Laurent, 1950
- Cardioglossa elegans Boulenger, 1906
- Cardioglossa escalerae Boulenger, 1903
- Cardioglossa gracilis Boulenger, 1900
- Cardioglossa gratiosa Amiet, 1972
- Cardioglossa inornata Laurent, 1952
- Cardioglossa leucomystax (Boulenger, 1903)
- Cardioglossa manengouba Blackburn, 2008
- Cardioglossa melanogaster Amiet, 1972
- Cardioglossa nigromaculata Nieden, 1908
- Cardioglossa occidentalis Blackburn, Kosuch, Schmitz, Burger, Wagner, Gonwouo, Hillers and Rödel, 2008
- Cardioglossa oreas Amiet, 1972
- Cardioglossa pulchra Schiøtz, 1963
- Cardioglossa schioetzi Amiet, 1982
- Cardioglossa trifasciata Amiet, 1972
- Cardioglossa venusta Amiet, 1972
- Celsiella revocata (Rivero, 1985)
- Celsiella vozmedianoi (Ayarzagüena and Señaris, 1997)
- Centrolene acanthidiocephalum (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1989)
- Centrolene altitudinale (Rivero, 1968)
- Centrolene antioquiense (Noble, 1920)
- Centrolene azulae (Flores and McDiarmid, 1989)
- Centrolene bacatum Wild, 1994
- Centrolene ballux (Duellman and Burrowes, 1989)
- Centrolene buckleyi (Boulenger, 1882)
- Centrolene charapita Twomey, Delia and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2014
- Centrolene condor Cisneros-Heredia and Morales-Mite, 2008
- Centrolene daidaleum (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Centrolene geckoideum Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Centrolene gemmatum (Flores, 1985)
- Centrolene guanacarum Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995
- Centrolene heloderma (Duellman, 1981)
- Centrolene hesperium (Cadle and McDiarmid, 1990)
- Centrolene huilense Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995
- Centrolene hybrida Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Centrolene lemniscatum Duellman and Schulte, 1993
- Centrolene lynchi (Duellman, 1980)
- Centrolene medemi (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Centrolene muelleri Duellman and Schulte, 1993
- Centrolene notostictum Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Centrolene paezorum Ruiz-Carranza, Hernández-Camacho and Ardila-Robayo, 1986
- Centrolene peristictum (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Centrolene petrophilum Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Centrolene pipilatum (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Centrolene quindianum Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995
- Centrolene robledoi Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995
- Centrolene sabini Catenazzi, Von May, Lehr, Gagliardi-Urrutia and Guayasamin, 2012
- Centrolene sanchezi Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Centrolene savagei (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Centrolene scirtetes (Duellman and Burrowes, 1989)
- Centrolene solitaria (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Centrolene venezuelense (Rivero, 1968)
- Ceratophrys aurita (Raddi, 1823)
- Ceratophrys calcarata Boulenger, 1890
- Ceratophrys cornuta (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ceratophrys cranwelli Barrio, 1980
- Ceratophrys joazeirensis Mercadal de Barrio, 1986
- Ceratophrys ornata (Bell, 1843)
- Ceratophrys stolzmanni Steindachner, 1882
- Ceratophrys testudo Andersson, 1945
- Ceuthomantis aracamuni (Barrio-Amorós and Molina, 2006)
- Ceuthomantis cavernibardus (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
- Ceuthomantis duellmani Barrio-Amorós, 2010
- Ceuthomantis smaragdinus Heinicke, Duellman, Trueb, Means, MacCulloch and Hedges, 2009
- Chacophrys pierottii (Vellard, 1948)
- Chalcorana chalconota (Schlegel, 1837)
- Chalcorana eschatia (Inger, Stuart and Iskandar, 2009)
- Chalcorana labialis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Chalcorana macrops (Boulenger, 1897)
- Chalcorana megalonesa (Inger, Stuart and Iskandar, 2009)
- Chalcorana mocquardi (Werner, 1901)
- Chalcorana parvaccola (Inger, Stuart and Iskandar, 2009)
- Chalcorana raniceps (Peters, 1871)
- Chalcorana rufipes (Inger, Stuart and Iskandar, 2009)
- Chalcorana scutigera (Andersson, 1916)
- Chaltenobatrachus grandisonae (Lynch, 1975)
- Chaperina fusca Mocquard, 1892
- Charadrahyla altipotens (Duellman, 1968)
- Charadrahyla chaneque (Duellman, 1961)
- Charadrahyla esperancensis Canseco-Márquez, Ramírez-González and González-Bernal, 2017
- Charadrahyla juanitae (Snyder, 1972)
- Charadrahyla nephila (Mendelson and Campbell, 1999)
- Charadrahyla pinorum (Taylor, 1937)
- Charadrahyla sakbah Jiménez-Arcos, Calzada-Arciniega, Alfaro-Juantorena, Vázquez-Reyes, Blair and Parra-Olea, 2019
- Charadrahyla taeniopus (Günther, 1901)
- Charadrahyla tecuani Campbell, Blancas-Hernández and Smith, 2009
- Charadrahyla trux (Adler and Dennis, 1972)
- Chiasmocleis alagoana Cruz, Caramaschi and Freire, 1999
- Chiasmocleis albopunctata (Boettger, 1885)
- Chiasmocleis altomontana Forlani, Tonini, Cruz, Zaher and de Sá, 2017
- Chiasmocleis anatipes Walker and Duellman, 1974
- Chiasmocleis antenori (Walker, 1973)
- Chiasmocleis atlantica Cruz, Caramaschi and Izecksohn, 1997
- Chiasmocleis avilapiresae Peloso and Sturaro, 2008
- Chiasmocleis bassleri Dunn, 1949
- Chiasmocleis bicegoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Chiasmocleis capixaba Cruz, Caramaschi and Izecksohn, 1997
- Chiasmocleis carvalhoi (Nelson, 1975)
- Chiasmocleis centralis Bokermann, 1952
- Chiasmocleis cordeiroi Caramaschi and Pimenta, 2003
- Chiasmocleis crucis Caramaschi and Pimenta, 2003
- Chiasmocleis devriesi Funk and Cannatella, 2009
- Chiasmocleis gnoma Canedo, Dixo and Pombal, 2004
- Chiasmocleis haddadi Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta and Wheeler, 2014
- Chiasmocleis hudsoni Parker, 1940
- Chiasmocleis jimi Caramaschi and Cruz, 2001
- Chiasmocleis lacrimae Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta and Wheeler, 2014
- Chiasmocleis leucosticta (Boulenger, 1888)
- Chiasmocleis magnova Moravec and Köhler, 2007
- Chiasmocleis mantiqueira Cruz, Feio and Cassini, 2007
- Chiasmocleis mehelyi Caramaschi and Cruz, 1997
- Chiasmocleis migueli Forlani, Tonini, Cruz, Zaher and de Sá, 2017
- Chiasmocleis papachibe Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta and Wheeler, 2014
- Chiasmocleis parkeri Almendáriz C., Brito-M., Batallas-R., Vaca-Guerrero and Ron, 2017
- Chiasmocleis quilombola Tonini, Forlani and de Sá, 2014
- Chiasmocleis royi Peloso, Sturaro, Forlani, Gaucher, Motta and Wheeler, 2014
- Chiasmocleis sapiranga Cruz, Caramaschi and Napoli, 2007
- Chiasmocleis schubarti Bokermann, 1952
- Chiasmocleis shudikarensis Dunn, 1949
- Chiasmocleis supercilialba Morales and McDiarmid, 2009
- Chiasmocleis tridactyla (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
- Chiasmocleis ventrimaculata (Andersson, 1945)
- Chiasmocleis veracruz Forlani, Tonini, Cruz, Zaher and de Sá, 2017
- Chikila alcocki Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson and Biju, 2013
- Chikila darlong Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson and Biju, 2013
- Chikila fulleri (Alcock, 1904)
- Chikila gaiduwani Kamei, Gower, Wilkinson and Biju, 2013
- Chimerella corleone Twomey, Delia and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2014
- Chimerella mariaelenae (Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2006)
- Chioglossa lusitanica Bocage, 1864
- Chiromantis baladika Riyanto and Kurniati, 2014
- Chiromantis cherrapunjiae (Roonwal and Kripalani, 1966)
- Chiromantis doriae (Boulenger, 1893)
- Chiromantis dudhwaensis (Ray, 1992)
- Chiromantis kelleri Boettger, 1893
- Chiromantis marginis Chan, Grismer, Anuar, Quah, Grismer, Wood, Muin and Ahmad, 2011
- Chiromantis nauli Riyanto and Kurniati, 2014
- Chiromantis nongkhorensis (Cochran, 1927)
- Chiromantis petersii Boulenger, 1882
- Chiromantis punctatus (Wilkinson, Win, Thin, Lwin, Shein and Tun, 2003)
- Chiromantis rufescens (Günther, 1869)
- Chiromantis samkosensis Grismer, Neang, Chav and Holden, 2007
- Chiromantis senapatiensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Chiromantis shyamrupus (Chanda and Ghosh, 1989)
- Chiromantis simus (Annandale, 1915)
- Chiromantis trilaksonoi Riyanto and Kurniati, 2014
- Chiromantis vittiger (Boulenger, 1897)
- Chiromantis xerampelina Peters, 1854
- Chiropterotriton arboreus (Taylor, 1941)
- Chiropterotriton aureus García-Castillo, Soto-Pozos, Aguilar-López, Pineda-Arredondo and Parra-Olea, 2018
- Chiropterotriton chico García-Castillo, Rovito, Wake and Parra-Olea, 2017
- Chiropterotriton chiropterus (Cope, 1863)
- Chiropterotriton chondrostega (Taylor, 1941)
- Chiropterotriton cieloensis Rovito and Parra-Olea, 2015
- Chiropterotriton cracens Rabb, 1958
- Chiropterotriton dimidiatus (Taylor, 1940)
- Chiropterotriton infernalis Rovito and Parra-Olea, 2015
- Chiropterotriton lavae (Taylor, 1942)
- Chiropterotriton magnipes Rabb, 1965
- Chiropterotriton miquihuanus Campbell, Streicher, Cox and Brodie, 2014
- Chiropterotriton mosaueri (Woodall, 1941)
- Chiropterotriton multidentatus (Taylor, 1939)
- Chiropterotriton nubilus García-Castillo, Soto-Pozos, Aguilar-López, Pineda-Arredondo and Parra-Olea, 2018
- Chiropterotriton orculus (Cope, 1865)
- Chiropterotriton priscus Rabb, 1956
- Chiropterotriton terrestris (Taylor, 1941)
- Choerophryne alainduboisi Günther and Richards, 2018
- Choerophryne allisoni Richards and Burton, 2003
- Choerophryne alpestris (Kraus, 2010)
- Choerophryne amomani Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne arndtorum Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne bickfordi Kraus, 2018
- Choerophryne bisyllaba Günther and Richards, 2017
- Choerophryne brevicrus (Günther and Richards, 2012)
- Choerophryne brunhildae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne bryonopsis Kraus, 2013
- Choerophryne burtoni Richards, Dahl and Hiaso, 2007
- Choerophryne crucifer Günther and Richards, 2017
- Choerophryne darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1948)
- Choerophryne epirrhina Iannella, Oliver and Richards, 2015
- Choerophryne exclamitans (Kraus and Allison, 2005)
- Choerophryne fafniri (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne gracilirostris Iannella, Richards and Oliver, 2014
- Choerophryne grylloides Iannella, Oliver and Richards, 2015
- Choerophryne gudrunae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne gunnari (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne laurini (Günther, 2000)
- Choerophryne longirostris Kraus and Allison, 2001
- Choerophryne microps Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne multisyllaba Günther and Richards, 2017
- Choerophryne murrita (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Choerophryne nigrescens Günther, 2008
- Choerophryne pandanicola (Günther and Richards, 2012)
- Choerophryne pipiens Günther, Richards and Tjaturadi, 2018
- Choerophryne proboscidea Van Kampen, 1914
- Choerophryne rhenaurum (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne rostellifer (Wandolleck, 1911)
- Choerophryne sanguinopicta (Kraus and Allison, 2005)
- Choerophryne siegfriedi (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne swanhildae (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne tubercula (Richards, Johnston and Burton, 1992)
- Choerophryne valkuriarum (Menzies, 1999)
- Choerophryne variegata (Van Kampen, 1923)
- Chrysobatrachus cupreonitens Laurent, 1951
- Chrysopaa sternosignata (Murray, 1885)
- Chthonerpeton arii Cascon and Lima-Verde, 1994
- Chthonerpeton braestrupi Taylor, 1968
- Chthonerpeton exile Nussbaum and Wilkinson, 1987
- Chthonerpeton indistinctum (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Chthonerpeton noctinectes Silva, Britto-Pereira and Caramaschi, 2003
- Chthonerpeton onorei Nussbaum, 1986
- Chthonerpeton perissodus Nussbaum and Wilkinson, 1987
- Chthonerpeton tremembe Maciel, Leite, Silva-Leite, Leite and Cascon, 2015
- Chthonerpeton viviparum Parker and Wettstein, 1929
- Churamiti maridadi Channing and Stanley, 2002
- Clinotarsus alticola (Boulenger, 1882)
- Clinotarsus curtipes (Jerdon, 1853)
- Clinotarsus penelope Grosjean, Bordoloi, Chuaynkern, Chakravarty and Ohler, 2015
- Cochranella duidaeana (Ayarzagüena, 1992)
- Cochranella erminea Torres-Gastello, Suárez-Segovia and Cisneros-Heredia, 2007
- Cochranella euhystrix (Cadle and McDiarmid, 1990)
- Cochranella euknemos (Savage and Starrett, 1967)
- Cochranella geijskesi (Goin, 1966)
- Cochranella granulosa (Taylor, 1949)
- Cochranella guayasamini Twomey, Delia and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2014
- Cochranella litoralis (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1996)
- Cochranella mache Guayasamin and Bonaccorso, 2004
- Cochranella megista (Rivero, 1985)
- Cochranella nola Harvey, 1996
- Cochranella phryxa Aguayo-Vedia and Harvey, 2006
- Cochranella ramirezi Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991
- Cochranella resplendens (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Cochranella riveroi (Ayarzagüena, 1992)
- Cochranella xanthocheridia Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995
- Colostethus agilis Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985
- Colostethus alacris Rivero and Granados-Díaz, 1990
- Colostethus dysprosium Rivero and Serna, 2000
- Colostethus furviventris Rivero and Serna, 1991
- Colostethus imbricolus Silverstone, 1975
- Colostethus inguinalis (Cope, 1868)
- Colostethus jacobuspetersi Rivero, 1991
- Colostethus latinasus (Cope, 1863)
- Colostethus lynchi Grant, 1998
- Colostethus mertensi (Cochran and Goin, 1964)
- Colostethus panamansis (Dunn, 1933)
- Colostethus poecilonotus Rivero, 1991
- Colostethus pratti (Boulenger, 1899)
- Colostethus ruthveni Kaplan, 1997
- Colostethus thorntoni (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Colostethus ucumari Grant, 2007
- Colostethus yaguara Rivero and Serna, 1991
- Conraua alleni (Barbour and Loveridge, 1927)
- Conraua beccarii (Boulenger, 1911)
- Conraua crassipes (Buchholz and Peters in Peters, 1875)
- Conraua derooi Hulselmans, 1972
- Conraua goliath (Boulenger, 1906)
- Conraua robusta Nieden, 1908
- Cophixalus aenigma Hoskin, 2004
- Cophixalus albolineatus Kraus, 2012
- Cophixalus amabilis Kraus, 2012
- Cophixalus ateles (Boulenger, 1898)
- Cophixalus australis Hoskin, 2012
- Cophixalus balbus Günther, 2003
- Cophixalus bewaniensis Kraus and Allison, 2000
- Cophixalus biroi (Méhely, 1901)
- Cophixalus bombiens Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus cateae Richards and Günther, 2019
- Cophixalus caverniphilus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus cheesmanae Parker, 1934
- Cophixalus clapporum Kraus, 2012
- Cophixalus concinnus Tyler, 1979
- Cophixalus crepitans Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus cryptotympanum Zweifel, 1956
- Cophixalus cupricarenus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus daymani Zweifel, 1956
- Cophixalus desticans Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus exiguus Zweifel and Parker, 1969
- Cophixalus hannahae Richards and Günther, 2019
- Cophixalus hinchinbrookensis Hoskin, 2012
- Cophixalus hosmeri Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus humicola Günther, 2006
- Cophixalus infacetus Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus interruptus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus iovaorum Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus kaindiensis Zweifel, 1979
- Cophixalus kethuk Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus kulakula Hoskin and Aland, 2011
- Cophixalus linnaeus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus mcdonaldi Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus melanops Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus misimae Richards and Oliver, 2007
- Cophixalus monosyllabus Günther, 2010
- Cophixalus montanus (Boettger, 1895)
- Cophixalus monticola Richards, Dennis, Trenerry and Werren, 1994
- Cophixalus neglectus Zweifel, 1962
- Cophixalus nexipus Kraus, 2012
- Cophixalus nubicola Zweifel, 1962
- Cophixalus ornatus (Fry, 1912)
- Cophixalus pakayakulangun Hoskin and Aland, 2011
- Cophixalus parkeri Loveridge, 1948
- Cophixalus peninsularis Zweifel, 1985
- Cophixalus petrophilus Hoskin, 2013
- Cophixalus phaeobalius Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus pictus Kraus, 2012
- Cophixalus pipilans Zweifel, 1980
- Cophixalus pulchellus Kraus and Allison, 2000
- Cophixalus rajampatensis Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi and Krey, 2015
- Cophixalus riparius Zweifel, 1962
- Cophixalus salawatiensis Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi and Krey, 2015
- Cophixalus saxatilis Zweifel and Parker, 1977
- Cophixalus shellyi Zweifel, 1956
- Cophixalus sphagnicola Zweifel and Allison, 1982
- Cophixalus tagulensis Zweifel, 1963
- Cophixalus tenuidactylus Günther and Richards, 2012
- Cophixalus tetzlaffi Günther, 2003
- Cophixalus timidus Kraus and Allison, 2006
- Cophixalus tomaiodactylus Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Cophixalus tridactylus Günther, 2006
- Cophixalus variabilis Kraus and Allison, 2006
- Cophixalus verecundus Zweifel and Parker, 1989
- Cophixalus verrucosus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Cophixalus viridis Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Cophixalus wempi Richards and Oliver, 2010
- Cophixalus zweifeli Davies and McDonald, 1998
- Cophyla alticola (Guibé, 1974)
- Cophyla barbouri (Noble, 1940)
- Cophyla berara Vences, Andreone and Glaw, 2005
- Cophyla cowanii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Cophyla grandis (Boulenger, 1889)
- Cophyla karenae (Rosa, Crottini, Noël, Rabibisoa, Raxworthy and Andreone, 2014)
- Cophyla maharipeo Rakotoarison, Crottini, Müller, Rödel, Glaw and Vences, 2015
- Cophyla mavomavo (Andreone, Fenolio and Walvoord, 2003)
- Cophyla milloti (Guibé, 1950)
- Cophyla noromalalae Rakotoarison, Crottini, Müller, Rödel, Glaw and Vences, 2015
- Cophyla occultans (Glaw and Vences, 1992)
- Cophyla olgae (Rakotoarison, Glaw, Vieites, Raminosoa and Vences, 2012)
- Cophyla phyllodactyla Boettger, 1880
- Cophyla pollicaris (Boulenger, 1888)
- Cophyla puellarum Rakotoarison, Crottini, Müller, Rödel, Glaw and Vences, 2015
- Cophyla rava (Glaw, Köhler and Vences, 2012)
- Cophyla tetra (Andreone, Fenolio and Walvoord, 2003)
- Cophyla tsaratananaensis (Guibé, 1974)
- Cophyla tuberifera (Methuen, 1920)
- Copiula alpestris (Zweifel, 2000)
- Copiula annanoreenae Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Copiula derongo (Zweifel, 2000)
- Copiula exspectata Günther, 2002
- Copiula fistulans Menzies and Tyler, 1977
- Copiula guttata (Zweifel, 2000)
- Copiula lennarti Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Copiula major Günther, 2002
- Copiula minor Menzies and Tyler, 1977
- Copiula obsti Günther, 2002
- Copiula oxyrhina (Boulenger, 1898)
- Copiula pipiens Burton and Stocks, 1986
- Copiula rivularis (Zweifel, 2000)
- Copiula tyleri Burton, 1990
- Cornufer acrochordus Brown, 1965
- Cornufer aculeodactylus (Brown, 1952)
- Cornufer adiastolus (Brown, Richards, Sukumaran and Foufopoulos, 2006)
- Cornufer admiraltiensis (Richards, Mack and Austin, 2007)
- Cornufer akarithymus (Brown and Tyler, 1968)
- Cornufer batantae (Zweifel, 1969)
- Cornufer bimaculatus (Günther, 1999)
- Cornufer boulengeri Boettger, 1892
- Cornufer browni (Allison and Kraus, 2001)
- Cornufer bufoniformis (Boulenger, 1884)
- Cornufer bufonulus (Kraus and Allison, 2007)
- Cornufer caesiops (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Cornufer cheesmanae (Parker, 1940)
- Cornufer citrinospilus (Brown, Richards and Broadhead, 2013)
- Cornufer cryptotis (Günther, 1999)
- Cornufer custos (Richards, Oliver and Brown, 2015)
- Cornufer desticans (Brown and Richards, 2008)
- Cornufer elegans (Brown and Parker, 1970)
- Cornufer exedrus Travers, Richards, Broadhead and Brown, 2018
- Cornufer gigas (Brown and Parker, 1970)
- Cornufer gilliardi (Zweifel, 1960)
- Cornufer guentheri (Boulenger, 1884)
- Cornufer guppyi (Boulenger, 1884)
- Cornufer hedigeri Brown, Siler, Richards, Diesmos and Cannatella, 2015
- Cornufer heffernani (Kinghorn, 1928)
- Cornufer latro (Richards, Mack and Austin, 2007)
- Cornufer macrops Brown, 1965
- Cornufer macrosceles (Zweifel, 1975)
- Cornufer magnus (Brown and Menzies, 1979)
- Cornufer malukuna (Brown and Webster, 1969)
- Cornufer mamusiorum (Foufopoulos and Brown, 2004)
- Cornufer manus (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Cornufer mediodiscus (Brown and Parker, 1970)
- Cornufer mimicus (Brown and Tyler, 1968)
- Cornufer minutus (Brown and Parker, 1970)
- Cornufer montanus (Brown and Parker, 1970)
- Cornufer myersi (Brown, 1949)
- Cornufer nakanaiorum (Brown, Foufopoulos and Richards, 2006)
- Cornufer neckeri Brown and Myers, 1949
- Cornufer nexipus (Zweifel, 1975)
- Cornufer opisthodon (Boulenger, 1884)
- Cornufer paepkei (Günther, 2015)
- Cornufer papuensis (Meyer, 1875)
- Cornufer parilis (Brown and Richards, 2008)
- Cornufer parkeri Brown, 1965
- Cornufer pelewensis (Peters, 1867)
- Cornufer punctatus (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Cornufer schmidti (Brown and Tyler, 1968)
- Cornufer solomonis Boulenger, 1884
- Cornufer sulcatus (Kraus and Allison, 2007)
- Cornufer trossulus (Brown and Myers, 1949)
- Cornufer vertebralis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Cornufer vitianus (Duméril, 1853)
- Cornufer vitiensis (Girard, 1853)
- Cornufer vogti (Hediger, 1934)
- Cornufer weberi (Schmidt, 1932)
- Cornufer wolfi (Sternfeld, 1920)
- Cornufer wuenscheorum (Günther, 2006)
- Corythomantis galeata Pombal, Menezes, Fontes, Nunes, Rocha and Van Sluys, 2012
- Corythomantis greeningi Boulenger, 1896
- Craugastor adamastus (Campbell, 1994)
- Craugastor aenigmaticus Arias, Chaves and Parra-Olea, 2018
- Craugastor alfredi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Craugastor amniscola (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor anciano (Savage, McCranie and Wilson, 1988)
- Craugastor andi (Savage, 1974)
- Craugastor angelicus (Savage, 1975)
- Craugastor aphanus (Campbell, 1994)
- Craugastor augusti (Dugès in Brocchi, 1879)
- Craugastor aurilegulus (Savage, McCranie and Wilson, 1988)
- Craugastor azueroensis (Savage, 1975)
- Craugastor batrachylus (Taylor, 1940)
- Craugastor berkenbuschii (Peters, 1870)
- Craugastor blairi (Barbour, 1928)
- Craugastor bocourti (Brocchi, 1877)
- Craugastor bransfordii (Cope, 1886)
- Craugastor brocchi (Boulenger in Brocchi, 1882)
- Craugastor campbelli (Smith, 2005)
- Craugastor castanedai McCranie, 2018
- Craugastor catalinae (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor chac (Savage, 1987)
- Craugastor charadra (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor chingopetaca Köhler and Sunyer, 2006
- Craugastor chrysozetetes (McCranie, Savage and Wilson, 1989)
- Craugastor coffeus (McCranie and Köhler, 1999)
- Craugastor crassidigitus (Taylor, 1952)
- Craugastor cruzi (McCranie, Savage and Wilson, 1989)
- Craugastor cuaquero (Savage, 1980)
- Craugastor cyanochthebius McCranie and Smith, 2006
- Craugastor daryi (Ford and Savage, 1984)
- Craugastor decoratus (Taylor, 1942)
- Craugastor emcelae (Lynch, 1985)
- Craugastor emleni (Dunn, 1932)
- Craugastor epochthidius (McCranie and Wilson, 1997)
- Craugastor escoces (Savage, 1975)
- Craugastor evanesco Ryan, Savage, Lips and Giermakowski, 2010
- Craugastor fecundus (McCranie and Wilson, 1997)
- Craugastor fitzingeri (Schmidt, 1857)
- Craugastor fleischmanni (Boettger, 1892)
- Craugastor gabbi Arias, Chaves, Crawford and Parra-Olea, 2016
- Craugastor galacticorhinus (Canseco-Márquez and Smith, 2004)
- Craugastor glaucus (Lynch, 1967)
- Craugastor gollmeri (Peters, 1863)
- Craugastor greggi (Bumzahem, 1955)
- Craugastor guerreroensis (Lynch, 1967)
- Craugastor gulosus (Cope, 1875)
- Craugastor gutschei McCranie, 2018
- Craugastor hobartsmithi (Taylor, 1937)
- Craugastor inachus (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor laevissimus (Werner, 1896)
- Craugastor laticeps (Duméril, 1853)
- Craugastor lauraster (Savage, McCranie and Espinal, 1996)
- Craugastor lineatus (Brocchi, 1879)
- Craugastor loki (Shannon and Werler, 1955)
- Craugastor longirostris (Boulenger, 1898)
- Craugastor matudai (Taylor, 1941)
- Craugastor megacephalus (Cope, 1875)
- Craugastor megalotympanum (Shannon and Werler, 1955)
- Craugastor melanostictus (Cope, 1875)
- Craugastor merendonensis (Schmidt, 1933)
- Craugastor metriosistus Ospina-Sarria, Angarita-Sierra and Pedroza-Banda, 2015
- Craugastor mexicanus (Brocchi, 1877)
- Craugastor milesi (Schmidt, 1933)
- Craugastor mimus (Taylor, 1955)
- Craugastor monnichorum (Dunn, 1940)
- Craugastor montanus (Taylor, 1942)
- Craugastor myllomyllon (Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor nefrens (Smith, 2005)
- Craugastor noblei (Barbour and Dunn, 1921)
- Craugastor obesus (Barbour, 1928)
- Craugastor occidentalis (Taylor, 1941)
- Craugastor olanchano (McCranie and Wilson, 1999)
- Craugastor omiltemanus (Günther, 1900)
- Craugastor omoaensis (McCranie and Wilson, 1997)
- Craugastor opimus (Savage and Myers, 2002)
- Craugastor palenque (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor pechorum (McCranie and Wilson, 1999)
- Craugastor pelorus (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor persimilis (Barbour, 1926)
- Craugastor phasma (Lips and Savage, 1996)
- Craugastor podiciferus (Cope, 1875)
- Craugastor polymniae (Campbell, Lamar and Hillis, 1989)
- Craugastor polyptychus (Cope, 1886)
- Craugastor pozo (Johnson and Savage, 1995)
- Craugastor psephosypharus (Campbell, Savage and Meyer, 1994)
- Craugastor punctariolus (Peters, 1863)
- Craugastor pygmaeus (Taylor, 1937)
- Craugastor raniformis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Craugastor ranoides (Cope, 1886)
- Craugastor rayo (Savage and DeWeese, 1979)
- Craugastor rhodopis (Cope, 1867)
- Craugastor rhyacobatrachus (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor rivulus (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor rostralis (Werner, 1896)
- Craugastor rugosus (Peters, 1873)
- Craugastor rugulosus (Cope, 1870)
- Craugastor rupinius (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor sabrinus (Campbell and Savage, 2000)
- Craugastor sagui Arias, Hertz and Parra-Olea, 2019
- Craugastor saltator (Taylor, 1941)
- Craugastor saltuarius (McCranie and Wilson, 1997)
- Craugastor sandersoni (Schmidt, 1941)
- Craugastor silvicola (Lynch, 1967)
- Craugastor spatulatus (Smith, 1939)
- Craugastor stadelmani (Schmidt, 1936)
- Craugastor stejnegerianus (Cope, 1893)
- Craugastor stuarti (Lynch, 1967)
- Craugastor tabasarae (Savage, Hollingsworth, Lips and Jaslow, 2004)
- Craugastor talamancae (Dunn, 1931)
- Craugastor tarahumaraensis (Taylor, 1940)
- Craugastor taurus (Taylor, 1958)
- Craugastor taylori (Lynch, 1966)
- Craugastor trachydermus (Campbell, 1994)
- Craugastor underwoodi (Boulenger, 1896)
- Craugastor uno (Savage, 1985)
- Craugastor vocalis (Taylor, 1940)
- Craugastor vulcani (Shannon and Werler, 1955)
- Craugastor xucanebi (Stuart, 1941)
- Craugastor yucatanensis (Lynch, 1965)
- Craugastor zunigai Arias, Hertz and Parra-Olea, 2019
- Crinia bilingua (Martin, Tyler and Davies, 1980)
- Crinia deserticola (Liem and Ingram, 1977)
- Crinia fimbriata Doughty, Anstis and Price, 2009
- Crinia flindersensis Donnellan, Anstis, Price and Wheaton, 2012
- Crinia georgiana Tschudi, 1838
- Crinia glauerti Loveridge, 1933
- Crinia insignifera Moore, 1954
- Crinia nimbus (Rounsevell, Ziegeler, Brown, Davies and Littlejohn, 1994)
- Crinia parinsignifera Main, 1957
- Crinia pseudinsignifera Main, 1957
- Crinia remota (Tyler and Parker, 1974)
- Crinia riparia Littlejohn and Martin, 1965
- Crinia signifera Girard, 1853
- Crinia sloanei Littlejohn, 1958
- Crinia subinsignifera Littlejohn, 1957
- Crinia tasmaniensis (Günther, 1864)
- Crinia tinnula Straughan and Main, 1966
- Crossodactylodes bokermanni Peixoto, 1983
- Crossodactylodes itambe Barata, Santos, Leite and Garcias, 2013
- Crossodactylodes izecksohni Peixoto, 1983
- Crossodactylodes pintoi Cochran, 1938
- Crossodactylodes septentrionalis Teixeira, Recoder, Amaro, Damasceno, Cassimiro and Rodrigues, 2013
- Crossodactylus aeneus Müller, 1924
- Crossodactylus boulengeri (De Witte, 1930)
- Crossodactylus caramaschii Bastos and Pombal, 1995
- Crossodactylus cyclospinus Nascimento, Cruz and Feio, 2005
- Crossodactylus dantei Carcerelli and Caramaschi, 1993
- Crossodactylus dispar Lutz, 1925
- Crossodactylus franciscanus Pimenta, Caramaschi and Cruz, 2015
- Crossodactylus gaudichaudii Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Crossodactylus grandis Lutz, 1951
- Crossodactylus lutzorum Carcerelli and Caramaschi, 1993
- Crossodactylus schmidti Gallardo, 1961
- Crossodactylus timbuhy Pimenta, Cruz and Caramaschi, 2014
- Crossodactylus trachystomus (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Crossodactylus werneri Pimenta, Cruz and Caramaschi, 2014
- Crotaphatrema bornmuelleri (Werner, 1899)
- Crotaphatrema lamottei (Nussbaum, 1981)
- Crotaphatrema tchabalmbaboensis Lawson, 2000
- Cruziohyla calcarifer (Boulenger, 1902)
- Cruziohyla craspedopus (Funkhouser, 1957)
- Cruziohyla sylviae Gray, 2018
- Cryptobatrachus boulengeri Ruthven, 1916
- Cryptobatrachus conditus Lynch, 2008
- Cryptobatrachus fuhrmanni (Peracca, 1914)
- Cryptobatrachus pedroruizi Lynch, 2008
- Cryptobatrachus remotus Infante-Rivero, Rojas-Runjaic and Barrio-Amorós, 2009
- Cryptobatrachus ruthveni Lynch, 2008
- Cryptobranchus alleganiensis (Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
- Cryptothylax greshoffii (Schilthuis, 1889)
- Cryptothylax minutus Laurent, 1976
- Cryptotriton alvarezdeltoroi (Papenfuss and Wake, 1987)
- Cryptotriton monzoni (Campbell and Smith, 1998)
- Cryptotriton nasalis (Dunn, 1924)
- Cryptotriton necopinus McCranie and Rovito, 2014
- Cryptotriton sierraminensis Vásquez-Almazán, Rovito, Good and Wake, 2009
- Cryptotriton veraepacis (Lynch and Wake, 1978)
- Cryptotriton xucaneborum Rovito, Vázquez-Almazán, Papenfuss, Parra-Olea and Wake, 2015
- Ctenophryne aequatorialis (Peracca, 1904)
- Ctenophryne aterrima (Günther, 1901)
- Ctenophryne barbatula (Lehr and Trueb, 2007)
- Ctenophryne carpish (Lehr, Rodríguez and Córdova, 2002)
- Ctenophryne geayi Mocquard, 1904
- Ctenophryne minor Zweifel and Myers, 1989
- Cycloramphus acangatan Verdade and Rodrigues, 2003
- Cycloramphus asper Werner, 1899
- Cycloramphus bandeirensis Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus bolitoglossus (Werner, 1897)
- Cycloramphus boraceiensis Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus brasiliensis (Steindachner, 1864)
- Cycloramphus carvalhoi Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus catarinensis Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus cedrensis Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus diringshofeni Bokermann, 1957
- Cycloramphus dubius (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Cycloramphus duseni (Andersson, 1914)
- Cycloramphus eleutherodactylus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Cycloramphus faustoi Brasileiro, Haddad, Sawaya and Sazima, 2007
- Cycloramphus fuliginosus Tschudi, 1838
- Cycloramphus granulosus Lutz, 1929
- Cycloramphus izecksohni Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus juimirim Haddad and Sazima, 1989
- Cycloramphus lithomimeticus Silva and Ouvernay, 2012
- Cycloramphus lutzorum Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus migueli Heyer, 1988
- Cycloramphus mirandaribeiroi Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus ohausi (Wandolleck, 1907)
- Cycloramphus organensis Weber, Verdade, Salles, Fouquet and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2011
- Cycloramphus rhyakonastes Heyer, 1983
- Cycloramphus semipalmatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Cycloramphus stejnegeri (Noble, 1924)
- Cycloramphus valae Heyer, 1983
- Cynops chenggongensis Kou and Xing, 1983
- Cynops cyanurus Liu, Hu and Yang, 1962
- Cynops ensicauda (Hallowell, 1861)
- Cynops fudingensis Wu, Wang, Jiang and Hanken, 2010
- Cynops glaucus Yuan, Jiang, Ding, Zhang and Che, 2013
- Cynops orientalis (David, 1873)
- Cynops orphicus Risch, 1983
- Cynops pyrrhogaster (Boie, 1826)
- Cynops wolterstorffi (Boulenger, 1905)
- Cynops yunnanensis Yang, 1983
- Dasypops schirchi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1924
- Dendrobates auratus (Girard, 1855)
- Dendrobates leucomelas Steindachner, 1864
- Dendrobates nubeculosus Jungfer and Böhme, 2004
- Dendrobates tinctorius (Cuvier, 1797)
- Dendrobates truncatus (Cope, 1861)
- Dendrophryniscus berthalutzae Izecksohn, 1994
- Dendrophryniscus brevipollicatus Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Dendrophryniscus carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1994
- Dendrophryniscus krausae Cruz and Fusinatto, 2008
- Dendrophryniscus leucomystax Izecksohn, 1968
- Dendrophryniscus oreites Recoder, Teixeira, Cassimiro, Camacho and Rodrigues, 2010
- Dendrophryniscus organensis Carvalho-e-Silva, Mongin, Izecksohn and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2010
- Dendrophryniscus proboscideus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Dendrophryniscus skuki (Caramaschi, 2012)
- Dendrophryniscus stawiarskyi Izecksohn, 1994
- Dendropsophus acreanus (Bokermann, 1964)
- Dendropsophus amicorum (Mijares-Urrutia, 1998)
- Dendropsophus anataliasiasi (Bokermann, 1972)
- Dendropsophus anceps (Lutz, 1929)
- Dendropsophus aperomeus (Duellman, 1982)
- Dendropsophus araguaya (Napoli and Caramaschi, 1998)
- Dendropsophus arndti Caminer, Milá, Jansen, Fouquet, Venegas, Chávez, Lougheed and Ron, 2017
- Dendropsophus battersbyi (Rivero, 1961)
- Dendropsophus berthalutzae (Bokermann, 1962)
- Dendropsophus bifurcus (Andersson, 1945)
- Dendropsophus bipunctatus (Spix, 1824)
- Dendropsophus bogerti (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Dendropsophus bokermanni (Goin, 1960)
- Dendropsophus branneri (Cochran, 1948)
- Dendropsophus brevifrons (Duellman and Crump, 1974)
- Dendropsophus bromeliaceus Ferreira, Faivovich, Beard and Pombal, 2015
- Dendropsophus cachimbo (Napoli and Caramaschi, 1999)
- Dendropsophus carnifex (Duellman, 1969)
- Dendropsophus cerradensis (Napoli and Caramaschi, 1998)
- Dendropsophus coffea (Köhler, Jungfer and Reichle, 2005)
- Dendropsophus columbianus (Boettger, 1892)
- Dendropsophus counani Fouquet, Orrico, Ernst, Blanc, Martinez, Vacher, Rodrigues, Ouboter, Jairam and Ron, 2015
- Dendropsophus cruzi (Pombal and Bastos, 1998)
- Dendropsophus decipiens (Lutz, 1925)
- Dendropsophus delarivai (Köhler and Lötters, 2001)
- Dendropsophus dutrai (Gomes and Peixoto, 1996)
- Dendropsophus ebraccatus (Cope, 1874)
- Dendropsophus elegans (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)
- Dendropsophus elianeae (Napoli and Caramaschi, 2000)
- Dendropsophus frosti Motta, Castroviejo-Fisher, Venegas, Orrico and Padial, 2012
- Dendropsophus garagoensis (Kaplan, 1991)
- Dendropsophus gaucheri (Lescure and Marty, 2000)
- Dendropsophus giesleri (Mertens, 1950)
- Dendropsophus grandisonae (Goin, 1966)
- Dendropsophus gryllatus (Duellman, 1973)
- Dendropsophus haddadi (Bastos and Pombal, 1996)
- Dendropsophus haraldschultzi (Bokermann, 1962)
- Dendropsophus jimi (Napoli and Caramaschi, 1999)
- Dendropsophus joannae (Köhler and Lötters, 2001)
- Dendropsophus juliani Moravec, Aparicio and Köhler, 2006
- Dendropsophus kamagarini Rivadeneira, Venegas and Ron, 2018
- Dendropsophus koechlini (Duellman and Trueb, 1989)
- Dendropsophus kubricki Rivadeneira, Venegas and Ron, 2018
- Dendropsophus leali (Bokermann, 1964)
- Dendropsophus leucophyllatus (Beireis, 1783)
- Dendropsophus limai (Bokermann, 1962)
- Dendropsophus luddeckei Guarnizo, Escallón, Cannatella and Amézquita, 2012
- Dendropsophus luteoocellatus (Roux, 1927)
- Dendropsophus manonegra Rivera-Correa and Orrico, 2013
- Dendropsophus mapinguari Peloso, Orrico, Haddad, Lima and Sturaro, 2016
- Dendropsophus marmoratus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Dendropsophus mathiassoni (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Dendropsophus melanargyreus (Cope, 1887)
- Dendropsophus meridensis (Rivero, 1961)
- Dendropsophus meridianus (Lutz, 1954)
- Dendropsophus microcephalus (Cope, 1886)
- Dendropsophus microps (Peters, 1872)
- Dendropsophus minimus (Ahl, 1933)
- Dendropsophus minusculus (Rivero, 1971)
- Dendropsophus minutus (Peters, 1872)
- Dendropsophus miyatai (Vigle and Goberdhan-Vigle, 1990)
- Dendropsophus molitor (Schmidt, 1857)
- Dendropsophus nahdereri (Lutz and Bokermann, 1963)
- Dendropsophus nanus (Boulenger, 1889)
- Dendropsophus nekronastes Dias, Haddad, Argôlo and Orrico, 2017
- Dendropsophus norandinus Rivera-Correa and Gutiérrez-Cárdenas, 2012
- Dendropsophus novaisi (Bokermann, 1968)
- Dendropsophus oliveirai (Bokermann, 1963)
- Dendropsophus ozzyi Orrico, Peloso, Sturaro, Silva, Neckel-Oliveira, Gordo, Faivovich and Haddad, 2014
- Dendropsophus padreluna (Kaplan and Ruiz-Carranza, 1997)
- Dendropsophus parviceps (Boulenger, 1882)
- Dendropsophus pauiniensis (Heyer, 1977)
- Dendropsophus phlebodes (Stejneger, 1906)
- Dendropsophus praestans (Duellman and Trueb, 1983)
- Dendropsophus pseudomeridianus (Cruz, Caramaschi and Dias, 2000)
- Dendropsophus reichlei Moravec, Aparicio, Guerrero-Reinhard, Calderon and Köhler, 2008
- Dendropsophus reticulatus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1870)
- Dendropsophus rhea (Napoli and Caramaschi, 1999)
- Dendropsophus rhodopeplus (Günther, 1858)
- Dendropsophus riveroi (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Dendropsophus robertmertensi (Taylor, 1937)
- Dendropsophus rossalleni (Goin, 1959)
- Dendropsophus rubicundulus (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Dendropsophus ruschii (Weygoldt and Peixoto, 1987)
- Dendropsophus salli Jungfer, Reichle and Piskurek, 2010
- Dendropsophus sanborni (Schmidt, 1944)
- Dendropsophus sarayacuensis (Shreve, 1935)
- Dendropsophus sartori (Smith, 1951)
- Dendropsophus schubarti (Bokermann, 1963)
- Dendropsophus seniculus (Cope, 1868)
- Dendropsophus shiwiarum Ortega-Andrade and Ron, 2013
- Dendropsophus soaresi (Caramaschi and Jim, 1983)
- Dendropsophus stingi (Kaplan, 1994)
- Dendropsophus studerae (Carvalho-e-Silva, Carvalho-e-Silva and Izecksohn, 2003)
- Dendropsophus subocularis (Dunn, 1934)
- Dendropsophus timbeba (Martins and Cardoso, 1987)
- Dendropsophus tintinnabulum (Melin, 1941)
- Dendropsophus triangulum (Günther, 1869)
- Dendropsophus tritaeniatus (Bokermann, 1965)
- Dendropsophus virolinensis (Kaplan and Ruiz-Carranza, 1997)
- Dendropsophus vraemi Caminer, Milá, Jansen, Fouquet, Venegas, Chávez, Lougheed and Ron, 2017
- Dendropsophus walfordi (Bokermann, 1962)
- Dendropsophus werneri (Cochran, 1952)
- Dendropsophus xapuriensis (Martins and Cardoso, 1987)
- Dendropsophus yaracuyanus (Mijares-Urrutia and Rivero, 2000)
- Dendrotriton bromeliacius (Schmidt, 1936)
- Dendrotriton chujorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Dendrotriton cuchumatanus (Lynch and Wake, 1975)
- Dendrotriton kekchiorum Campbell, Smith, Streicher, Acevedo and Brodie, 2010
- Dendrotriton megarhinus (Rabb, 1960)
- Dendrotriton rabbi (Lynch and Wake, 1975)
- Dendrotriton sanctibarbarus (McCranie and Wilson, 1997)
- Dendrotriton xolocalcae (Taylor, 1941)
- Dermatonotus muelleri (Boettger, 1885)
- Dermophis costaricense Taylor, 1955
- Dermophis glandulosus Taylor, 1955
- Dermophis gracilior Günther, 1902
- Dermophis mexicanus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Dermophis oaxacae (Mertens, 1930)
- Dermophis occidentalis Taylor, 1955
- Dermophis parviceps (Dunn, 1924)
- Desmognathus abditus Anderson and Tilley, 2003
- Desmognathus aeneus Brown and Bishop, 1947
- Desmognathus apalachicolae Means and Karlin, 1989
- Desmognathus aureatus (Martof, 1956)
- Desmognathus auriculatus (Holbrook, 1838)
- Desmognathus brimleyorum Stejneger, 1895
- Desmognathus carolinensis Dunn, 1916
- Desmognathus conanti Rossman, 1958
- Desmognathus folkertsi Camp, Tilley, Austin and Marshall, 2002
- Desmognathus fuscus (Rafinesque, 1820)
- Desmognathus imitator Dunn, 1927
- Desmognathus marmoratus (Moore, 1899)
- Desmognathus melanius (Martof, 1956)
- Desmognathus monticola Dunn, 1916
- Desmognathus ochrophaeus Cope, 1859
- Desmognathus ocoee Nicholls, 1949
- Desmognathus orestes Tilley and Mahoney, 1996
- Desmognathus organi Crespi, Browne and Rissler, 2010
- Desmognathus planiceps Newman, 1955
- Desmognathus quadramaculatus (Holbrook, 1840)
- Desmognathus santeetlah Tilley, 1981
- Desmognathus valentinei Means, Lamb and Bernardo, 2017
- Desmognathus welteri Barbour, 1950
- Desmognathus wrighti King, 1936
- Diasporus amirae Arias, Chaves, Salazar, Salazar-Zúñiga and García-Rodríguez, 2019
- Diasporus anthrax (Lynch, 2001)
- Diasporus citrinobapheus Hertz, Hauenschild, Lotzkat and Köhler, 2012
- Diasporus darienensis Batista, Köhler, Mebert, Hertz and Vesely, 2016
- Diasporus diastema (Cope, 1875)
- Diasporus gularis (Boulenger, 1898)
- Diasporus hylaeformis (Cope, 1875)
- Diasporus igneus Batista, Ponce and Hertz, 2012
- Diasporus majeensis Batista, Köhler, Mebert, Hertz and Vesely, 2016
- Diasporus pequeno Batista, Köhler, Mebert, Hertz and Vesely, 2016
- Diasporus quidditus (Lynch, 2001)
- Diasporus sapo Batista, Köhler, Mebert, Hertz and Vesely, 2016
- Diasporus tigrillo (Savage, 1997)
- Diasporus tinker (Lynch, 2001)
- Diasporus ventrimaculatus Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Mora and Leal, 2009
- Diasporus vocator (Taylor, 1955)
- Dicamptodon aterrimus (Cope, 1868)
- Dicamptodon copei Nussbaum, 1970
- Dicamptodon ensatus (Eschscholtz, 1833)
- Dicamptodon tenebrosus (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Didynamipus sjostedti Andersson, 1903
- Dischidodactylus colonnelloi Ayarzagüena, 1985
- Dischidodactylus duidensis (Rivero, 1968)
- Discoglossus galganoi Capula, Nascetti, Lanza, Bullini and Crespo, 1985
- Discoglossus jeanneae Busack, 1986
- Discoglossus montalentii Lanza, Nascetti, Capula and Bullini, 1984
- Discoglossus pictus Otth, 1837
- Discoglossus sardus Tschudi in Otth, 1837
- Discoglossus scovazzi Camerano, 1878
- Dryaderces inframaculata (Boulenger, 1882)
- Dryaderces pearsoni (Gaige, 1929)
- Dryophytes andersonii (Baird, 1854)
- Dryophytes arboricola (Taylor, 1941)
- Dryophytes arenicolor (Cope, 1866)
- Dryophytes avivoca (Viosca, 1928)
- Dryophytes bocourti (Mocquard, 1899)
- Dryophytes chrysoscelis (Cope, 1880)
- Dryophytes cinereus (Schneider, 1799)
- Dryophytes euphorbiaceus (Günther, 1858)
- Dryophytes eximius (Baird, 1854)
- Dryophytes femoralis (Daudin, 1800)
- Dryophytes gratiosus (LeConte, 1856)
- Dryophytes immaculatus (Boettger, 1888)
- Dryophytes japonicus (Günther, 1859)
- Dryophytes plicatus (Brocchi, 1877)
- Dryophytes squirellus (Daudin, 1800)
- Dryophytes versicolor (LeConte, 1825)
- Dryophytes walkeri (Stuart, 1954)
- Dryophytes wrightorum (Taylor, 1939)
- Duellmanohyla chamulae (Duellman, 1961)
- Duellmanohyla ignicolor (Duellman, 1961)
- Duellmanohyla lythrodes (Savage, 1968)
- Duellmanohyla rufioculis (Taylor, 1952)
- Duellmanohyla salvavida (McCranie and Wilson, 1986)
- Duellmanohyla schmidtorum (Stuart, 1954)
- Duellmanohyla soralia (Wilson and McCranie, 1985)
- Duellmanohyla uranochroa (Cope, 1875)
- Duttaphrynus atukoralei (Bogert and Senanayake, 1966)
- Duttaphrynus beddomii (Günther, 1876)
- Duttaphrynus brevirostris (Rao, 1937)
- Duttaphrynus chandai Das, Chetia, Dutta and Sengupta, 2013
- Duttaphrynus crocus (Wogan, Win, Thin, Lwin, Shein, Kyi and Tun, 2003)
- Duttaphrynus dhufarensis (Parker, 1931)
- Duttaphrynus himalayanus (Günther, 1864)
- Duttaphrynus hololius (Günther, 1876)
- Duttaphrynus kiphirensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Duttaphrynus kotagamai (Fernando and Dayawansa in Fernando, Dayawansa and Siriwardhane, 1994)
- Duttaphrynus mamitensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Duttaphrynus manipurensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Duttaphrynus melanostictus (Schneider, 1799)
- Duttaphrynus microtympanum (Boulenger, 1882)
- Duttaphrynus mizoramensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Duttaphrynus nagalandensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Duttaphrynus noellerti (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 1998)
- Duttaphrynus olivaceus (Blanford, 1874)
- Duttaphrynus parietalis (Boulenger, 1882)
- Duttaphrynus scaber (Schneider, 1799)
- Duttaphrynus silentvalleyensis (Pillai, 1981)
- Duttaphrynus stomaticus (Lütken, 1864)
- Duttaphrynus stuarti (Smith, 1929)
- Duttaphrynus sumatranus (Peters, 1871)
- Duttaphrynus totol (Ohler in Teynié, David and Ohler, 2010)
- Duttaphrynus valhallae (Meade-Waldo, 1909)
- Duttaphrynus wokhaensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Dyscophus antongilii Grandidier, 1877
- Dyscophus guineti (Grandidier, 1875)
- Dyscophus insularis Grandidier, 1872
- Echinotriton andersoni (Boulenger, 1892)
- Echinotriton chinhaiensis (Chang, 1932)
- Echinotriton maxiquadratus Hou, Wu, Yang, Zheng, Yuan and Li, 2014
- Ecnomiohyla bailarina Batista, Hertz, Mebert, Köhler, Lotzkat, Ponce and Vesely, 2014
- Ecnomiohyla echinata (Duellman, 1961)
- Ecnomiohyla fimbrimembra (Taylor, 1948)
- Ecnomiohyla miliaria (Cope, 1886)
- Ecnomiohyla minera (Wilson, McCranie and Williams, 1985)
- Ecnomiohyla phantasmagoria (Dunn, 1943)
- Ecnomiohyla rabborum Mendelson, Savage, Griffith, Ross, Kubicki and Gagliardo, 2008
- Ecnomiohyla salvaje (Wilson, McCranie and Williams, 1985)
- Ecnomiohyla sukia Savage and Kubicki, 2010
- Ecnomiohyla thysanota (Duellman, 1966)
- Ecnomiohyla valancifer (Firschein and Smith, 1956)
- Ecnomiohyla veraguensis Batista, Hertz, Mebert, Köhler, Lotzkat, Ponce and Vesely, 2014
- Ectopoglossus absconditus Grant, Rada, Anganoy-Criollo, Batista, Dias, Jeckel, Machado and Rueda-Almonacid, 2017
- Ectopoglossus astralogaster (Myers, Ibáñez, Grant and Jaramillo, 2012)
- Ectopoglossus atopoglossus (Grant, Humphrey and Myers, 1997)
- Ectopoglossus confusus (Myers and Grant, 2009)
- Ectopoglossus isthminus (Myers, Ibáñez, Grant and Jaramillo, 2012)
- Ectopoglossus lacrimosus (Myers, 1991)
- Ectopoglossus saxatilis Grant, Rada, Anganoy-Criollo, Batista, Dias, Jeckel, Machado and Rueda-Almonacid, 2017
- Edalorhina nasuta Boulenger, 1912
- Edalorhina perezi Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Elachistocleis bicolor (Guérin-Méneville, 1838)
- Elachistocleis bumbameuboi Caramaschi, 2010
- Elachistocleis carvalhoi Caramaschi, 2010
- Elachistocleis cesarii (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Elachistocleis corumbaensis Piva, Caramaschi and Albuquerque, 2017
- Elachistocleis erythrogaster Kwet and Di-Bernardo, 1998
- Elachistocleis haroi Pereyra, Akmentins, Laufer and Vaira, 2013
- Elachistocleis helianneae Caramaschi, 2010
- Elachistocleis magna Toledo, 2010
- Elachistocleis matogrosso Caramaschi, 2010
- Elachistocleis muiraquitan Nunes-de-Almeida and Toledo, 2012
- Elachistocleis ovalis (Schneider, 1799)
- Elachistocleis panamensis (Dunn, Trapido and Evans, 1948)
- Elachistocleis pearsei (Ruthven, 1914)
- Elachistocleis piauiensis Caramaschi and Jim, 1983
- Elachistocleis skotogaster Lavilla, Vaira and Ferrari, 2003
- Elachistocleis surinamensis (Daudin, 1802)
- Elachistocleis surumu Caramaschi, 2010
- Eleutherodactylus abbotti Cochran, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus acmonis Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus adelus Díaz, Cádiz and Hedges, 2003
- Eleutherodactylus albipes Barbour and Shreve, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus albolabris (Taylor, 1943)
- Eleutherodactylus alcoae Schwartz, 1971
- Eleutherodactylus alticola Lynn, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus amadeus Hedges, Thomas and Franz, 1987
- Eleutherodactylus amplinympha Kaiser, Green and Schmid, 1994
- Eleutherodactylus andrewsi Lynn, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus angustidigitorum (Taylor, 1940)
- Eleutherodactylus antillensis (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1863)
- Eleutherodactylus aporostegus Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus apostates Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus armstrongi Noble and Hassler, 1933
- Eleutherodactylus atkinsi Dunn, 1925
- Eleutherodactylus audanti Cochran, 1934
- Eleutherodactylus auriculatoides Noble, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus auriculatus (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus bakeri Cochran, 1935
- Eleutherodactylus barlagnei Lynch, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus bartonsmithi Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus beguei Díaz and Hedges, 2015
- Eleutherodactylus bilineatus Bokermann, 1975
- Eleutherodactylus blairhedgesi Estrada, Díaz and Rodriguez, 1998
- Eleutherodactylus bothroboans Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus bresslerae Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus brevirostris Shreve, 1936
- Eleutherodactylus brittoni Schmidt, 1920
- Eleutherodactylus campi (Stejneger, 1915)
- Eleutherodactylus caribe Hedges and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus casparii Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus cattus Rodriguez, Dugo-Cota, Montero-Mendieta, Gonzalez-Voyer, Alonso Bosch, Vences and Vilà, 2017
- Eleutherodactylus cavernicola Lynn, 1954
- Eleutherodactylus chlorophenax Schwartz, 1976
- Eleutherodactylus cochranae Grant, 1932
- Eleutherodactylus colimotl Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus cooki Grant, 1932
- Eleutherodactylus coqui Thomas, 1966
- Eleutherodactylus corona Hedges and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus counouspeus Schwartz, 1964
- Eleutherodactylus cubanus Barbour, 1942
- Eleutherodactylus cundalli Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus cuneatus (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus cystignathoides (Cope, 1877)
- Eleutherodactylus darlingtoni Cochran, 1935
- Eleutherodactylus dennisi (Lynch, 1970)
- Eleutherodactylus dilatus (Davis and Dixon, 1955)
- Eleutherodactylus dimidiatus (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus diplasius Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus dolomedes Hedges and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus eileenae Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus emiliae Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus eneidae Rivero, 1959
- Eleutherodactylus erendirae Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus erythroproctus Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus etheridgei Schwartz, 1958
- Eleutherodactylus eunaster Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus feichtingeri Díaz, Hedges and Schmid, 2012
- Eleutherodactylus flavescens Noble, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus floresvillelai Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus fowleri Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus furcyensis Shreve and Williams, 1963
- Eleutherodactylus fuscus Lynn and Dent, 1943
- Eleutherodactylus geitonos Díaz, Incháustegui, Marte, Köhler, Cádiz and Rodríguez, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus glamyrus Estrada and Hedges, 1997
- Eleutherodactylus glandulifer Cochran, 1935
- Eleutherodactylus glanduliferoides Shreve, 1936
- Eleutherodactylus glaphycompus Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus glaucoreius Schwartz and Fowler, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus goini Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus gossei Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus grabhami Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus grahami Schwartz, 1979
- Eleutherodactylus grandis (Dixon, 1957)
- Eleutherodactylus greyi Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus griphus Crombie, 1986
- Eleutherodactylus grunwaldi Reyes-Velasco, Ahumada-Carrillo, Burkhardt and Devitt, 2015
- Eleutherodactylus gryllus Schmidt, 1920
- Eleutherodactylus guanahacabibes Estrada and Rodriguez, 1985
- Eleutherodactylus guantanamera Hedges, Estrada and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus gundlachi Schmidt, 1920
- Eleutherodactylus guttilatus (Cope, 1879)
- Eleutherodactylus haitianus Barbour, 1942
- Eleutherodactylus hedricki Rivero, 1963
- Eleutherodactylus heminota Shreve and Williams, 1963
- Eleutherodactylus hypostenor Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus iberia Estrada and Hedges, 1996
- Eleutherodactylus inoptatus (Barbour, 1914)
- Eleutherodactylus intermedius Barbour and Shreve, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus interorbitalis (Langebartel and Shannon, 1956)
- Eleutherodactylus ionthus Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus jaliscoensis Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus jamaicensis Barbour, 1910
- Eleutherodactylus jasperi Drewry and Jones, 1976
- Eleutherodactylus jaumei Estrada and Alonso, 1997
- Eleutherodactylus johnstonei Barbour, 1914
- Eleutherodactylus juanariveroi Rios-López and Thomas, 2007
- Eleutherodactylus jugans Cochran, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus junori Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus karlschmidti Grant, 1931
- Eleutherodactylus klinikowskii Schwartz, 1959
- Eleutherodactylus lamprotes Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus leberi Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus lentus (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus leoncei Shreve and Williams, 1963
- Eleutherodactylus leprus (Cope, 1879)
- Eleutherodactylus ligiae Incháustegui, Díaz and Marte, 2015
- Eleutherodactylus limbatus (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus limbensis Lynn, 1958
- Eleutherodactylus locustus Schmidt, 1920
- Eleutherodactylus longipes (Baird, 1859)
- Eleutherodactylus lucioi Schwartz, 1980
- Eleutherodactylus luteolus (Gosse, 1851)
- Eleutherodactylus maestrensis Díaz, Cádiz and Navarro, 2005
- Eleutherodactylus manantlanensis Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus mariposa Hedges, Estrada and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus marnockii (Cope, 1878)
- Eleutherodactylus martinicensis (Tschudi, 1838)
- Eleutherodactylus maurus Hedges, 1989
- Eleutherodactylus melacara Hedges, Estrada and Thomas, 1992
- Eleutherodactylus melatrigonum Schwartz, 1966
- Eleutherodactylus michaelschmidi Díaz, Cádiz and Navarro, 2007
- Eleutherodactylus minutus Noble, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus modestus (Taylor, 1942)
- Eleutherodactylus monensis (Meerwarth, 1901)
- Eleutherodactylus montanus Schmidt, 1919
- Eleutherodactylus neiba Incháustegui, Díaz and Marte, 2015
- Eleutherodactylus nietoi Grünwald, Reyes-Velasco, Franz-Chávez, Morales-Flores, Ahumada-Carrillo, Jones and Boissinot, 2018
- Eleutherodactylus nitidus (Peters, 1870)
- Eleutherodactylus nortoni Schwartz, 1976
- Eleutherodactylus notidodes Schwartz, 1966
- Eleutherodactylus nubicola Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus olibrus Schwartz, 1958
- Eleutherodactylus orarius (Dixon, 1957)
- Eleutherodactylus orcutti Dunn, 1928
- Eleutherodactylus orientalis (Barbour and Shreve, 1937)
- Eleutherodactylus oxyrhyncus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Eleutherodactylus pallidus (Duellman, 1958)
- Eleutherodactylus pantoni Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus parabates Schwartz, 1964
- Eleutherodactylus paralius Schwartz, 1976
- Eleutherodactylus parapelates Hedges and Thomas, 1987
- Eleutherodactylus patriciae Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus paulsoni Schwartz, 1964
- Eleutherodactylus pentasyringos Schwartz and Fowler, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus pezopetrus Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus pictissimus Cochran, 1935
- Eleutherodactylus pinarensis Dunn, 1926
- Eleutherodactylus pinchoni Schwartz, 1967
- Eleutherodactylus pipilans (Taylor, 1940)
- Eleutherodactylus pituinus Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus planirostris (Cope, 1862)
- Eleutherodactylus poolei Cochran, 1938
- Eleutherodactylus portoricensis Schmidt, 1927
- Eleutherodactylus principalis Estrada and Hedges, 1997
- Eleutherodactylus probolaeus Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus rhodesi Schwartz, 1980
- Eleutherodactylus richmondi Stejneger, 1904
- Eleutherodactylus ricordii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Eleutherodactylus riparius Estrada and Hedges, 1998
- Eleutherodactylus rivularis Díaz, Estrada and Hedges, 2001
- Eleutherodactylus rogersi Goin, 1955
- Eleutherodactylus ronaldi Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus rubrimaculatus (Taylor and Smith, 1945)
- Eleutherodactylus rucillensis Cochran, 1939
- Eleutherodactylus rufescens (Duellman and Dixon, 1959)
- Eleutherodactylus rufifemoralis Noble and Hassler, 1933
- Eleutherodactylus ruthae Noble, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus saxatilis (Webb, 1962)
- Eleutherodactylus schmidti Noble, 1923
- Eleutherodactylus schwartzi Thomas, 1966
- Eleutherodactylus sciagraphus Schwartz, 1973
- Eleutherodactylus semipalmatus Shreve, 1936
- Eleutherodactylus simulans Díaz and Fong, 2001
- Eleutherodactylus sisyphodemus Crombie, 1977
- Eleutherodactylus sommeri Schwartz, 1977
- Eleutherodactylus staurometopon Schwartz, 1960
- Eleutherodactylus symingtoni Schwartz, 1957
- Eleutherodactylus syristes (Hoyt, 1965)
- Eleutherodactylus teretistes (Duellman, 1958)
- Eleutherodactylus tetajulia Estrada and Hedges, 1996
- Eleutherodactylus thomasi Schwartz, 1959
- Eleutherodactylus thorectes Hedges, 1988
- Eleutherodactylus toa Estrada and Hedges, 1991
- Eleutherodactylus tonyi Estrada and Hedges, 1997
- Eleutherodactylus turquinensis Barbour and Shreve, 1937
- Eleutherodactylus tychathrous Schwartz, 1965
- Eleutherodactylus unicolor Stejneger, 1904
- Eleutherodactylus varians (Gundlach and Peters in Peters, 1864)
- Eleutherodactylus varleyi Dunn, 1925
- Eleutherodactylus ventrilineatus (Shreve, 1936)
- Eleutherodactylus verrucipes (Cope, 1885)
- Eleutherodactylus verruculatus (Peters, 1870)
- Eleutherodactylus warreni Schwartz, 1976
- Eleutherodactylus weinlandi Barbour, 1914
- Eleutherodactylus wetmorei Cochran, 1932
- Eleutherodactylus wightmanae Schmidt, 1920
- Eleutherodactylus wixarika Reyes-Velasco, Ahumada-Carrillo, Burkhardt and Devitt, 2015
- Eleutherodactylus zeus Schwartz, 1958
- Eleutherodactylus zugi Schwartz, 1958
- Engystomops coloradorum (Cannatella and Duellman, 1984)
- Engystomops freibergi (Donoso-Barros, 1969)
- Engystomops guayaco (Ron, Coloma and Cannatella, 2005)
- Engystomops montubio (Ron, Cannatella and Coloma, 2004)
- Engystomops petersi Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Engystomops pustulatus (Shreve, 1941)
- Engystomops pustulosus (Cope, 1864)
- Engystomops puyango Ron, Toral, Rivera and Terán-Valdez, 2010
- Engystomops randi (Ron, Cannatella and Coloma, 2004)
- Ensatina eschscholtzii Gray, 1850
- Epicrionops bicolor Boulenger, 1883
- Epicrionops columbianus (Rendahl and Vestergren, 1939)
- Epicrionops lativittatus Taylor, 1968
- Epicrionops marmoratus Taylor, 1968
- Epicrionops parkeri (Dunn, 1942)
- Epicrionops peruvianus (Boulenger, 1902)
- Epicrionops petersi Taylor, 1968
- Epidalea calamita (Laurenti, 1768)
- Epipedobates anthonyi (Noble, 1921)
- Epipedobates boulengeri (Barbour, 1909)
- Epipedobates darwinwallacei Cisneros-Heredia and Yánez-Muñoz, 2011
- Epipedobates espinosai (Funkhouser, 1956)
- Epipedobates machalilla (Coloma, 1995)
- Epipedobates maculatus (Peters, 1873)
- Epipedobates narinensis Mueses-Cisneros, Cepeda-Quilindo and Moreno-Quintero, 2008
- Epipedobates tricolor (Boulenger, 1899)
- Ericabatrachus baleensis Largen, 1991
- Espadarana andina (Rivero, 1968)
- Espadarana audax (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Espadarana callistomma (Guayasamin and Trueb, 2007)
- Espadarana durrellorum (Cisneros-Heredia, 2007)
- Espadarana prosoblepon (Boettger, 1892)
- Euparkerella brasiliensis (Parker, 1926)
- Euparkerella cochranae Izecksohn, 1988
- Euparkerella cryptica Hepp, Carvalho-e-Silva, Carvalho-e-Silva and Folly, 2015
- Euparkerella robusta Izecksohn, 1988
- Euparkerella tridactyla Izecksohn, 1988
- Euphlyctis aloysii Joshy, Alam, Kurabayashi, Sumida and Kuramoto, 2009
- Euphlyctis cyanophlyctis (Schneider, 1799)
- Euphlyctis ehrenbergii (Peters, 1863)
- Euphlyctis ghoshi (Chanda, 1991)
- Euphlyctis hexadactylus (Lesson, 1834)
- Euphlyctis kalasgramensis Howlader, Nair, Gopalan and Merilä, 2015
- Euphlyctis karaavali Priti, Naik, Seshadri, Singal, Vidisha, Ravikanth and Gururaja, 2016
- Euphlyctis mudigere Joshy, Alam, Kurabayashi, Sumida and Kuramoto, 2009
- Euproctus montanus (Savi, 1838)
- Euproctus platycephalus (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Eupsophus altor Nuñez, Rabanal and Formas, 2012
- Eupsophus calcaratus (Günther, 1881)
- Eupsophus contulmoensis Ortiz, Ibarra-Vidal and Formas, 1989
- Eupsophus emiliopugini Formas, 1989
- Eupsophus insularis (Philippi, 1902)
- Eupsophus migueli Formas, 1978
- Eupsophus nahuelbutensis Ortiz and Ibarra-Vidal, 1992
- Eupsophus roseus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Eupsophus septentrionalis Ibarra-Vidal, Ortiz and Torres-Pérez, 2004
- Eupsophus vertebralis Grandison, 1961
- Eurycea aquatica Rose and Bush, 1963
- Eurycea bislineata (Green, 1818)
- Eurycea braggi (Smith, 1968)
- Eurycea chamberlaini Harrison and Guttman, 2003
- Eurycea chisholmensis Chippindale, Price, Wiens and Hillis, 2000
- Eurycea cirrigera (Green, 1831)
- Eurycea guttolineata (Holbrook, 1838)
- Eurycea hillisi Wray, Means and Steppan, 2017
- Eurycea junaluska Sever, Dundee and Sullivan, 1976
- Eurycea latitans Smith and Potter, 1946
- Eurycea longicauda (Green, 1818)
- Eurycea lucifuga Rafinesque, 1822
- Eurycea multiplicata (Cope, 1869)
- Eurycea nana Bishop, 1941
- Eurycea naufragia Chippindale, Price, Wiens and Hillis, 2000
- Eurycea neotenes Bishop and Wright, 1937
- Eurycea nerea (Bishop, 1944)
- Eurycea paludicola (Mittleman, 1947)
- Eurycea pterophila Burger, Smith and Potter, 1950
- Eurycea quadridigitata (Holbrook, 1842)
- Eurycea rathbuni (Stejneger, 1896)
- Eurycea robusta (Longley, 1978)
- Eurycea sosorum Chippindale, Price and Hillis, 1993
- Eurycea spelaea (Stejneger, 1892)
- Eurycea sphagnicola Wray, Means and Steppan, 2017
- Eurycea subfluvicola Steffen, Irwin, Blair and Bonett, 2014
- Eurycea tonkawae Chippindale, Price, Wiens and Hillis, 2000
- Eurycea troglodytes Baker, 1957
- Eurycea tynerensis Moore and Hughes, 1939
- Eurycea wallacei (Carr, 1939)
- Eurycea waterlooensis Hillis, Chamberlain, Wilcox and Chippindale, 2001
- Eurycea wilderae Dunn, 1920
- Excidobates captivus (Myers, 1982)
- Excidobates condor Almendáriz, Ron and Brito M., 2012
- Excidobates mysteriosus (Myers, 1982)
- Exerodonta abdivita (Campbell and Duellman, 2000)
- Exerodonta bivocata (Duellman and Hoyt, 1961)
- Exerodonta catracha (Porras and Wilson, 1987)
- Exerodonta chimalapa (Mendelson and Campbell, 1994)
- Exerodonta melanomma (Taylor, 1940)
- Exerodonta perkinsi (Campbell and Brodie, 1992)
- Exerodonta smaragdina (Taylor, 1940)
- Exerodonta sumichrasti Brocchi, 1879
- Exerodonta xera (Mendelson and Campbell, 1994)
- Feihyla fuhua Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2010
- Feihyla hansenae (Cochran, 1927)
- Feihyla inexpectata (Matsui, Shimada and Sudin, 2014)
- Feihyla kajau (Dring, 1983)
- Feihyla palpebralis (Smith, 1924)
- Feihyla vittata (Boulenger, 1887)
- Fejervarya altilabris (Blyth, 1856)
- Fejervarya assimilis (Blyth, 1852)
- Fejervarya brama (Lesson, 1834)
- Fejervarya cancrivora (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Fejervarya frithii (Theobald, 1868)
- Fejervarya iskandari Veith, Kosuch, Ohler and Dubois, 2001
- Fejervarya kawamurai Djong, Matsui, Kuramoto, Nishioka and Sumida, 2011
- Fejervarya kupitzi Köhler, Mogk, Khaing and Than, 2019
- Fejervarya limnocharis (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Fejervarya moodiei (Taylor, 1920)
- Fejervarya multistriata (Hallowell, 1861)
- Fejervarya orissaensis (Dutta, 1997)
- Fejervarya pulla (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Fejervarya sakishimensis Matsui, Toda and Ota, 2008
- Fejervarya schlueteri (Werner, 1893)
- Fejervarya triora Stuart, Chuaynkern, Chan-ard and Inger, 2006
- Fejervarya verruculosa (Roux, 1911)
- Fejervarya vittigera (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Flectonotus fitzgeraldi (Parker, 1934)
- Flectonotus pygmaeus (Boettger, 1893)
- Fritziana fissilis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Fritziana goeldii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Fritziana izecksohni Folly, Hepp and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2018
- Fritziana mitus Walker, Wachlevski, Nogueira da Costa, Nogueira-Costa, Garcia and Haddad, 2018
- Fritziana ohausi (Wandolleck, 1907)
- Fritziana tonimi Walker, Gasparini and Haddad, 2016
- Fritziana ulei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Frostius erythrophthalmus Pimenta and Caramaschi, 2007
- Frostius pernambucensis (Bokermann, 1962)
- Gastrophryne carolinensis (Holbrook, 1835)
- Gastrophryne elegans (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gastrophryne mazatlanensis (Taylor, 1943)
- Gastrophryne olivacea (Hallowell, 1856)
- Gastrophrynoides borneensis (Boulenger, 1897)
- Gastrophrynoides immaculatus Chan, Grismer, Ahmad and Daicus, 2009
- Gastrotheca abdita Duellman, 1987
- Gastrotheca aguaruna Duellman, Barley and Venegas, 2014
- Gastrotheca albolineata (Lutz and Lutz, 1939)
- Gastrotheca andaquiensis Ruiz-Carranza and Hernández-Camacho, 1976
- Gastrotheca angustifrons (Boulenger, 1898)
- Gastrotheca antomia Ruiz-Carranza, Ardila-Robayo, Lynch and Restrepo-Toro, 1997
- Gastrotheca antoniiochoai (De la Riva and Chaparro, 2005)
- Gastrotheca aratia Duellman, Barley and Venegas, 2014
- Gastrotheca argenteovirens (Boettger, 1892)
- Gastrotheca atympana Duellman, Lehr, Rodríguez and von May, 2004
- Gastrotheca aureomaculata Cochran and Goin, 1970
- Gastrotheca bufona Cochran and Goin, 1970
- Gastrotheca carinaceps Duellman, Trueb and Lehr, 2006
- Gastrotheca christiani Laurent, 1967
- Gastrotheca chrysosticta Laurent, 1976
- Gastrotheca coeruleomaculatus (Werner, 1899)
- Gastrotheca cornuta (Boulenger, 1898)
- Gastrotheca cuencana Carvajal-Endara, Coloma, Morales-Mite, Guayasamin, Székely and Duellman, 2019
- Gastrotheca dendronastes Duellman, 1983
- Gastrotheca dunni Lutz, 1977
- Gastrotheca dysprosita Duellman, 2013
- Gastrotheca elicioi Carvajal-Endara, Coloma, Morales-Mite, Guayasamin, Székely and Duellman, 2019
- Gastrotheca ernestoi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Gastrotheca espeletia Duellman and Hillis, 1987
- Gastrotheca excubitor Duellman and Fritts, 1972
- Gastrotheca fissipes (Boulenger, 1888)
- Gastrotheca flamma Juncá and Nunes, 2008
- Gastrotheca fulvorufa (Andersson, 1911)
- Gastrotheca galeata Trueb and Duellman, 1978
- Gastrotheca gracilis Laurent, 1969
- Gastrotheca griswoldi Shreve, 1941
- Gastrotheca guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gastrotheca helenae Dunn, 1944
- Gastrotheca lateonota Duellman and Trueb, 1988
- Gastrotheca litonedis Duellman and Hillis, 1987
- Gastrotheca lojana Parker, 1932
- Gastrotheca longipes (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gastrotheca marsupiata (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Gastrotheca megacephala Izecksohn, Carvalho-e-Silva and Peixoto, 2009
- Gastrotheca microdiscus (Andersson in Lönnberg and Andersson, 1910)
- Gastrotheca monticola Barbour and Noble, 1920
- Gastrotheca nebulanastes Duellman, Catenazzi and Blackburn, 2011
- Gastrotheca nicefori Gaige, 1933
- Gastrotheca ochoai Duellman and Fritts, 1972
- Gastrotheca oresbios Duellman and Venegas, 2016
- Gastrotheca orophylax Duellman and Pyles, 1980
- Gastrotheca ossilaginis Duellman and Venegas, 2005
- Gastrotheca ovifera (Lichtenstein and Weinland, 1854)
- Gastrotheca pacchamama Duellman, 1987
- Gastrotheca pachachacae Catenazzi and von May, 2011
- Gastrotheca peruana (Boulenger, 1900)
- Gastrotheca phalarosa Duellman and Venegas, 2005
- Gastrotheca phelloderma Lehr and Catenazzi, 2011
- Gastrotheca piperata Duellman and Köhler, 2005
- Gastrotheca plumbea (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gastrotheca prasina Teixeira, Vechio, Recoder, Carnaval, Strangas, Damasceno, Sena and Rodrigues, 2012
- Gastrotheca pseustes Duellman and Hillis, 1987
- Gastrotheca psychrophila Duellman, 1974
- Gastrotheca pulchra Caramaschi and Rodrigues, 2007
- Gastrotheca rebeccae Duellman and Trueb, 1988
- Gastrotheca recava Teixeira, Vechio, Recoder, Carnaval, Strangas, Damasceno, Sena and Rodrigues, 2012
- Gastrotheca riobambae (Fowler, 1913)
- Gastrotheca ruizi Duellman and Burrowes, 1986
- Gastrotheca spectabilis Duellman and Venegas, 2016
- Gastrotheca splendens (Schmidt, 1857)
- Gastrotheca stictopleura Duellman, Lehr and Aguilar, 2001
- Gastrotheca testudinea (Jiménez de la Espada, 1870)
- Gastrotheca trachyceps Duellman, 1987
- Gastrotheca turnerorum Carvajal-Endara, Coloma, Morales-Mite, Guayasamin, Székely and Duellman, 2019
- Gastrotheca walkeri Duellman, 1980
- Gastrotheca weinlandii (Steindachner, 1892)
- Gastrotheca williamsoni Gaige, 1922
- Gastrotheca yacuri Carvajal-Endara, Coloma, Morales-Mite, Guayasamin, Székely and Duellman, 2019
- Gastrotheca zeugocystis Duellman, Lehr, Rodríguez and von May, 2004
- Gegeneophis carnosus (Beddome, 1870)
- Gegeneophis danieli Giri, Wilkinson and Gower, 2003
- Gegeneophis goaensis Bhatta, Dinesh, Prashanth and Kulkarni, 2007
- Gegeneophis krishni Pillai and Ravichandran, 1999
- Gegeneophis madhavai Bhatta and Srinivasa, 2004
- Gegeneophis mhadeiensis Bhatta, Dinesh, Prashanth and Kulkarni, 2007
- Gegeneophis orientalis Agarwal, Wilkinson, Mohapatra, Dutta, Giri and Gower, 2013
- Gegeneophis pareshi Giri, Gower, Gaikwad and Wilkinson, 2011
- Gegeneophis primus Kotharambath, Gower, Oommen and Wilkinson, 2012
- Gegeneophis ramaswamii Taylor, 1964
- Gegeneophis seshachari Ravichandran, Gower and Wilkinson, 2003
- Gegeneophis tejaswini Kotharambath, Wilkinson, Oommen and Gower, 2015
- Geobatrachus walkeri Ruthven, 1915
- Geocrinia alba Wardell-Johnson and Roberts, 1989
- Geocrinia laevis (Günther, 1864)
- Geocrinia leai (Fletcher, 1898)
- Geocrinia lutea (Main, 1963)
- Geocrinia rosea (Harrison, 1927)
- Geocrinia victoriana (Boulenger, 1888)
- Geocrinia vitellina Wardell-Johnson and Roberts, 1989
- Geotrypetes angeli Parker, 1936
- Geotrypetes pseudoangeli Taylor, 1968
- Geotrypetes seraphini (Duméril, 1859)
- Gephyromantis ambohitra (Vences and Glaw, 2001)
- Gephyromantis angano Scherz, Vences, Borelli, Ball, Nomenjanahary, Parker, Rakotondratsima, Razafimandimby et al., 2017
- Gephyromantis asper (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gephyromantis atsingy Crottini, Glaw, Casiraghi, Jenkins, Mercurio, Randrianantoandro, Randrianirina and Andreone, 2011
- Gephyromantis azzurrae Mercurio and Andreone, 2007
- Gephyromantis blanci Guibé, 1974
- Gephyromantis boulengeri Methuen, 1920
- Gephyromantis ceratophrys (Ahl, 1929)
- Gephyromantis cornutus (Glaw and Vences, 1992)
- Gephyromantis corvus (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
- Gephyromantis decaryi Angel, 1930
- Gephyromantis eiselti Guibé, 1975
- Gephyromantis enki (Glaw and Vences, 2002)
- Gephyromantis granulatus (Boettger, 1881)
- Gephyromantis grosjeani Scherz, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Hawlitschek, Vences and Glaw, 2018
- Gephyromantis hintelmannae Wollenberg, Glaw and Vences, 2012
- Gephyromantis horridus (Boettger, 1880)
- Gephyromantis klemmeri Guibé, 1974
- Gephyromantis leucocephalus Angel, 1930
- Gephyromantis leucomaculatus (Guibé, 1975)
- Gephyromantis lomorina Scherz, Hawlitschek, Razafindraibe, Megson, Ratsoavina, Rakotoarison, Bletz, Glaw and Vences, 2018
- Gephyromantis luteus (Methuen and Hewitt, 1913)
- Gephyromantis mafy Vieites, Wollenberg and Vences, 2012
- Gephyromantis malagasius (Methuen and Hewitt, 1913)
- Gephyromantis moseri (Glaw and Vences, 2002)
- Gephyromantis plicifer (Boulenger, 1882)
- Gephyromantis pseudoasper (Guibé, 1974)
- Gephyromantis ranjomavo Glaw and Vences, 2011
- Gephyromantis redimitus (Boulenger, 1889)
- Gephyromantis rivicola (Vences, Glaw and Andreone, 1997)
- Gephyromantis runewsweeki Vences and De la Riva, 2007
- Gephyromantis salegy (Andreone, Aprea, Vences and Odierna, 2003)
- Gephyromantis saturnini Scherz, Rakotoarison, Ratsoavina, Hawlitschek, Vences and Glaw, 2018
- Gephyromantis schilfi (Glaw and Vences, 2000)
- Gephyromantis sculpturatus (Ahl, 1929)
- Gephyromantis silvanus (Vences, Glaw and Andreone, 1997)
- Gephyromantis spiniferus (Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc, 1991)
- Gephyromantis striatus (Vences, Glaw, Andreone, Jesu and Schimmenti, 2002)
- Gephyromantis tahotra Glaw, Köhler and Vences, 2011
- Gephyromantis tandroka (Glaw and Vences, 2001)
- Gephyromantis thelenae (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
- Gephyromantis tohatra Scherz, Razafindraibe, Rakotoarison, Dixit, Bletz, Glaw and Vences, 2017
- Gephyromantis tschenki (Glaw and Vences, 2001)
- Gephyromantis ventrimaculatus (Angel, 1935)
- Gephyromantis verrucosus Angel, 1930
- Gephyromantis webbi (Grandison, 1953)
- Gephyromantis zavona (Vences, Andreone, Glaw and Randrianirina, 2003)
- Ghatixalus asterops Biju, Roelants and Bossuyt, 2008
- Ghatixalus magnus Abraham, Mathew, Cyriac, Zachariah, Raju and Zachariah, 2015
- Ghatixalus variabilis (Jerdon, 1853)
- Ghatophryne ornata (Günther, 1876)
- Ghatophryne rubigina (Pillai and Pattabiraman, 1981)
- Glandirana emeljanovi (Nikolskii, 1913)
- Glandirana minima (Ting and T'sai, 1979)
- Glandirana rugosa (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Glandirana susurra (Sekiya, Miura and Ogata, 2012)
- Glandirana tientaiensis (Chang, 1933)
- Glyphoglossus brooksii (Boulenger, 1904)
- Glyphoglossus capsus (Das, Min, Hsu, Hertwig and Haas, 2014)
- Glyphoglossus flavus (Kiew, 1984)
- Glyphoglossus guttulatus (Blyth, 1856)
- Glyphoglossus minutus (Das, Yaakob and Lim, 2004)
- Glyphoglossus molossus Günther, 1869
- Glyphoglossus smithi (Barbour and Noble, 1916)
- Glyphoglossus volzi (Van Kampen, 1905)
- Glyphoglossus yunnanensis (Boulenger, 1919)
- Gracixalus ananjevae (Matsui and Orlov, 2004)
- Gracixalus carinensis (Boulenger, 1893)
- Gracixalus gracilipes (Bourret, 1937)
- Gracixalus guangdongensis Wang, Zeng, Liu and Wang, 2018
- Gracixalus jinggangensis Zeng, Zhao, Chen, Chen, Zhang and Wang, 2017
- Gracixalus jinxiuensis (Hu in Hu, Fei and Ye, 1978)
- Gracixalus lumarius Rowley, Le, Dau, Hoang and Cao, 2014
- Gracixalus medogensis (Ye and Hu, 1984)
- Gracixalus nonggangensis Mo, Zhang, Luo, Zhou and Chen, 2013
- Gracixalus quangi Rowley, Dau, Nguyen, Cao and Nguyen, 2011
- Gracixalus quyeti (Nguyen, Hendrix, Böhme, Vu and Ziegler, 2008)
- Gracixalus sapaensis Matsui, Ohler, Eto and Nguyen, 2017
- Gracixalus seesom Matsui, Khonsue, Panha and Eto, 2015
- Gracixalus supercornutus (Orlov, Ho and Nguyen, 2004)
- Gracixalus tianlinensis Chen, Bei, Liao, Zhou and Mo, 2018
- Gracixalus waza Nguyen, Le, Pham, Nguyen, Bonkowski and Ziegler, 2013
- Gracixalus yunnanensis Yu, Li, Wang, Rao, Wu and Yang, 2019
- Grandisonia alternans (Stejneger, 1893)
- Grandisonia larvata (Ahl, 1934)
- Grandisonia sechellensis (Boulenger, 1911)
- Guibemantis albolineatus (Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc, 1991)
- Guibemantis albomaculatus Lehtinen, Glaw, Vences, Rakotoarison and Scherz, 2018
- Guibemantis annulatus Lehtinen, Glaw and Vences, 2011
- Guibemantis bicalcaratus (Boettger, 1913)
- Guibemantis depressiceps (Boulenger, 1882)
- Guibemantis diphonus Vences, Jovanovic, Safarek, Glaw and Köhler, 2015
- Guibemantis flavobrunneus (Blommers-Schlösser, 1979)
- Guibemantis kathrinae (Glaw, Vences and Gossmann, 2000)
- Guibemantis liber (Peracca, 1893)
- Guibemantis methueni (Angel, 1929)
- Guibemantis milingilingy Bletz, Scherz, Rakotoarison, Lehtinen, Glaw and Vences, 2018
- Guibemantis pulcher (Boulenger, 1882)
- Guibemantis punctatus (Blommers-Schlösser, 1979)
- Guibemantis tasifotsy Lehtinen, Glaw, Andreone, Pabijan and Vences, 2012
- Guibemantis timidus (Vences and Glaw, 2005)
- Guibemantis tornieri (Ahl, 1928)
- Guibemantis wattersoni Lehtinen, Glaw and Vences, 2011
- Guibemantis woosteri Lehtinen, Glaw, Vences, Rakotoarison and Scherz, 2018
- Gymnopis multiplicata Peters, 1874
- Gymnopis syntrema (Cope, 1866)
- Gyrinophilus gulolineatus Brandon, 1965
- Gyrinophilus palleucus McCrady, 1954
- Gyrinophilus porphyriticus (Green, 1827)
- Gyrinophilus subterraneus Besharse and Holsinger, 1977
- Haddadus aramunha (Cassimiro, Verdade and Rodrigues, 2008)
- Haddadus binotatus (Spix, 1824)
- Haddadus plicifer (Boulenger, 1888)
- Hadromophryne natalensis (Hewitt, 1913)
- Hamptophryne alios (Wild, 1995)
- Hamptophryne boliviana (Parker, 1927)
- Heleioporus albopunctatus Gray, 1841
- Heleioporus australiacus (Shaw and Nodder, 1795)
- Heleioporus barycragus Lee, 1967
- Heleioporus eyrei (Gray, 1845)
- Heleioporus inornatus Lee and Main, 1954
- Heleioporus psammophilus Lee and Main, 1954
- Heleophryne depressa FitzSimons, 1946
- Heleophryne hewitti Boycott, 1988
- Heleophryne orientalis FitzSimons, 1946
- Heleophryne purcelli Sclater, 1898
- Heleophryne regis Hewitt, 1910
- Heleophryne rosei Hewitt, 1925
- Hemidactylium scutatum (Temminck in Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Hemiphractus bubalus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1870)
- Hemiphractus elioti Hill, Martin, Stanley and Mendelson, 2018
- Hemiphractus fasciatus Peters, 1862
- Hemiphractus helioi Sheil and Mendelson, 2001
- Hemiphractus johnsoni (Noble, 1917)
- Hemiphractus kaylockae Hill, Martin, Stanley and Mendelson, 2018
- Hemiphractus panamensis (Stejneger, 1917)
- Hemiphractus proboscideus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1870)
- Hemiphractus scutatus (Spix, 1824)
- Hemisus barotseensis Channing and Broadley, 2002
- Hemisus brachydactylus Laurent, 1963
- Hemisus guineensis Cope, 1865
- Hemisus guttatus (Rapp, 1842)
- Hemisus marmoratus (Peters, 1854)
- Hemisus microscaphus Laurent, 1972
- Hemisus olivaceus Laurent, 1963
- Hemisus perreti Laurent, 1972
- Hemisus wittei Laurent, 1963
- Herpele multiplicata Nieden, 1912
- Herpele squalostoma (Stutchbury, 1836)
- Heterixalus alboguttatus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Heterixalus andrakata Glaw and Vences, 1991
- Heterixalus betsileo (Grandidier, 1872)
- Heterixalus boettgeri (Mocquard, 1902)
- Heterixalus carbonei Vences, Glaw, Jesu and Schimmenti, 2000
- Heterixalus luteostriatus (Andersson, 1910)
- Heterixalus madagascariensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Heterixalus punctatus Glaw and Vences, 1994
- Heterixalus rutenbergi (Boettger, 1881)
- Heterixalus tricolor (Boettger, 1881)
- Heterixalus variabilis (Ahl, 1930)
- Hildebrandtia macrotympanum (Boulenger, 1912)
- Hildebrandtia ornata (Peters, 1878)
- Hildebrandtia ornatissima (Bocage, 1879)
- Holoaden bradei Lutz, 1958
- Holoaden luederwaldti Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920
- Holoaden pholeter Pombal, Siqueira, Dorigo, Vrcibradic and Rocha, 2008
- Holoaden suarezi Martins and Zaher, 2013
- Hoplobatrachus crassus (Jerdon, 1853)
- Hoplobatrachus litoralis Hasan, Kuramoto, Islam, Alam, Khan and Sumida, 2012
- Hoplobatrachus occipitalis (Günther, 1858)
- Hoplobatrachus rugulosus (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Hoplobatrachus tigerinus (Daudin, 1802)
- Hoplophryne rogersi Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Hoplophryne uluguruensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Huia cavitympanum (Boulenger, 1893)
- Huia masonii (Boulenger, 1884)
- Huia melasma Stuart and Chan-ard, 2005
- Huia modiglianii (Doria, Salvidio and Tavano, 1999)
- Huia sumatrana Yang, 1991
- Humerana humeralis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Humerana miopus (Boulenger, 1918)
- Humerana oatesii (Boulenger, 1892)
- Hyalinobatrachium anachoretus Twomey, Delia and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2014
- Hyalinobatrachium aureoguttatum (Barrera-Rodriguez and Ruiz-Carranza, 1989)
- Hyalinobatrachium bergeri (Cannatella, 1980)
- Hyalinobatrachium cappellei (Van Lidth de Jeude, 1904)
- Hyalinobatrachium carlesvilai Castroviejo-Fisher, Padial, Chaparro, Aguayo-Vedia and De la Riva, 2009
- Hyalinobatrachium chirripoi (Taylor, 1958)
- Hyalinobatrachium colymbiphyllum (Taylor, 1949)
- Hyalinobatrachium dianae Kubicki, Salazar and Puschendorf, 2015
- Hyalinobatrachium duranti (Rivero, 1985)
- Hyalinobatrachium esmeralda Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1998
- Hyalinobatrachium fleischmanni (Boettger, 1893)
- Hyalinobatrachium fragile (Rivero, 1985)
- Hyalinobatrachium guairarepanense Señaris, 2001
- Hyalinobatrachium iaspidiense (Ayarzagüena, 1992)
- Hyalinobatrachium ibama Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1998
- Hyalinobatrachium kawense Castroviejo-Fisher, Vilà, Ayarzagüena, Blanc and Ernst, 2011
- Hyalinobatrachium mesai Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008
- Hyalinobatrachium mondolfii Señaris and Ayarzagüena, 2001
- Hyalinobatrachium muiraquitan Oliveira and Hernández-Ruz, 2017
- Hyalinobatrachium munozorum (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Hyalinobatrachium orientale (Rivero, 1968)
- Hyalinobatrachium orocostale (Rivero, 1968)
- Hyalinobatrachium pallidum (Rivero, 1985)
- Hyalinobatrachium pellucidum (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Hyalinobatrachium ruedai Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1998
- Hyalinobatrachium talamancae (Taylor, 1952)
- Hyalinobatrachium tatayoi Castroviejo-Fisher, Ayarzagüena and Vilà, 2007
- Hyalinobatrachium taylori (Goin, 1968)
- Hyalinobatrachium tricolor Castroviejo-Fisher, Vilà, Ayarzagüena, Blanc and Ernst, 2011
- Hyalinobatrachium valerioi (Dunn, 1931)
- Hyalinobatrachium vireovittatum (Starrett and Savage, 1973)
- Hyalinobatrachium yaku Guayasamin, Cisneros-Heredia, Maynard, Lynch, Culebras and Hamilton, 2017
- Hydrolaetare caparu Jansen, Gonzales-Álvarez and Köhler, 2007
- Hydrolaetare dantasi (Bokermann, 1959)
- Hydrolaetare schmidti (Cochran and Goin, 1959)
- Hydromantes brunus Gorman, 1954
- Hydromantes platycephalus (Camp, 1916)
- Hydromantes samweli Bingham, Papenfuss, Lindstrand and Wake, 2018
- Hydromantes shastae Gorman and Camp, 1953
- Hydromantes wintu Bingham, Papenfuss, Lindstrand and Wake, 2018
- Hydrophylax bahuvistara Padhye, Jadhav, Modak, Nameer and Dahanukar, 2015
- Hydrophylax gracilis (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Hydrophylax leptoglossa (Cope, 1868)
- Hydrophylax malabaricus (Tschudi, 1838)
- Hyla annectans (Jerdon, 1870)
- Hyla arborea (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Hyla carthaginiensis Dufresnes, Beddek, Skorinov, Fumagalli, Perrin, Crochet and Litvinchuk, 2019
- Hyla chinensis Günther, 1858
- Hyla felixarabica Gvozdík, Kotlík and Moravec, 2010
- Hyla hallowellii Thompson, 1912
- Hyla imitator (Barbour and Dunn, 1921)
- Hyla intermedia Boulenger, 1882
- Hyla meridionalis Boettger, 1874
- Hyla molleri Bedriaga, 1889
- Hyla nicefori (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Hyla orientalis Bedriaga, 1890
- Hyla perrini Dufresnes, Mazepa, Rodrigues, Brelsford, Litvinchuk, Sermier, Lavanchy et al., 2018
- Hyla sanchiangensis Pope, 1929
- Hyla sarda (De Betta, 1853)
- Hyla savignyi Audouin, 1827
- Hyla simplex Boettger, 1901
- Hyla tsinlingensis Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1966
- Hyla zhaopingensis Tang and Zhang, 1984
- Hylarana attigua (Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999)
- Hylarana celebensis (Peters, 1872)
- Hylarana chitwanensis (Das, 1998)
- Hylarana erythraea (Schlegel, 1837)
- Hylarana garoensis (Boulenger, 1920)
- Hylarana lateralis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Hylarana latouchii (Boulenger, 1899)
- Hylarana macrodactyla Günther, 1858
- Hylarana margariana Anderson, 1879
- Hylarana montivaga (Smith, 1921)
- Hylarana persimilis (Van Kampen, 1923)
- Hylarana taipehensis (Van Denburgh, 1909)
- Hylarana tytleri Theobald, 1868
- Hylodes amnicola Pombal, Feio and Haddad, 2002
- Hylodes asper (Müller, 1924)
- Hylodes babax Heyer, 1982
- Hylodes caete Malagoli, de Sá, Canedo and Haddad, 2017
- Hylodes cardosoi Lingnau, Canedo and Pombal, 2008
- Hylodes charadranaetes Heyer and Cocroft, 1986
- Hylodes dactylocinus Pavan, Narvaes and Rodrigues, 2001
- Hylodes fredi Canedo and Pombal, 2007
- Hylodes glaber (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Hylodes heyeri Haddad, Pombal and Bastos, 1996
- Hylodes japi de Sá, Canedo, Lyra and Haddad, 2015
- Hylodes lateristrigatus (Baumann, 1912)
- Hylodes magalhaesi (Bokermann, 1964)
- Hylodes meridionalis (Mertens, 1927)
- Hylodes mertensi (Bokermann, 1956)
- Hylodes nasus (Lichtenstein, 1823)
- Hylodes ornatus (Bokermann, 1967)
- Hylodes otavioi Sazima and Bokermann, 1983
- Hylodes perere Silva and Benmaman, 2008
- Hylodes perplicatus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Hylodes phyllodes Heyer and Cocroft, 1986
- Hylodes pipilans Canedo and Pombal, 2007
- Hylodes regius Gouvêa, 1979
- Hylodes sazimai Haddad and Pombal, 1995
- Hylodes uai Nascimento, Pombal and Haddad, 2001
- Hylodes vanzolinii Heyer, 1982
- Hylomantis aspera Peters, 1873
- Hylomantis granulosa (Cruz, 1989)
- Hylophorbus atrifasciatus Kraus, 2013
- Hylophorbus infulatus (Zweifel, 1972)
- Hylophorbus nigrinus Günther, 2001
- Hylophorbus picoides Günther, 2001
- Hylophorbus proekes Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Hylophorbus rainerguentheri Richards and Oliver, 2007
- Hylophorbus richardsi Günther, 2001
- Hylophorbus rufescens Macleay, 1878
- Hylophorbus sextus Günther, 2001
- Hylophorbus sigridae Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Hylophorbus tetraphonus Günther, 2001
- Hylophorbus wondiwoi Günther, 2001
- Hylorina sylvatica Bell, 1843
- Hyloscirtus albopunctulatus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Hyloscirtus alytolylax (Duellman, 1972)
- Hyloscirtus antioquia Rivera-Correa and Faivovich, 2013
- Hyloscirtus armatus (Boulenger, 1902)
- Hyloscirtus bogotensis (Peters, 1882)
- Hyloscirtus callipeza (Duellman, 1989)
- Hyloscirtus caucanus (Ardila-Robayo, Ruiz-Carranza and Roa-Trujillo, 1993)
- Hyloscirtus charazani (Vellard, 1970)
- Hyloscirtus chlorosteus (Reynolds and Foster, 1992)
- Hyloscirtus colymba (Dunn, 1931)
- Hyloscirtus condor Almendáriz, Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Ron, 2014
- Hyloscirtus criptico Coloma, Carvajal-Endara, Dueñas, Paredes-Recalde, Morales-Mite, Almeida-Reinoso et al., 2012
- Hyloscirtus denticulentus (Duellman, 1972)
- Hyloscirtus diabolus Rivera-Correa, García-Burneo and Grant, 2016
- Hyloscirtus estevesi (Rivero, 1968)
- Hyloscirtus hillisi Ron, Caminer, Varela-Jaramillo and Almeida-Reinoso, 2018
- Hyloscirtus jahni (Rivero, 1961)
- Hyloscirtus japreria Rojas-Runjaic, Infante-Rivero, Salerno and Meza-Joya, 2018
- Hyloscirtus larinopygion (Duellman, 1973)
- Hyloscirtus lascinius (Rivero, 1970)
- Hyloscirtus lindae (Duellman and Altig, 1978)
- Hyloscirtus lynchi (Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1991)
- Hyloscirtus mashpi Guayasamin, Rivera-Correa, Arteaga-Navarro, Culebras, Bustamante, Pyron, Peñafiel et al., 2015
- Hyloscirtus pacha (Duellman and Hillis, 1990)
- Hyloscirtus palmeri (Boulenger, 1908)
- Hyloscirtus pantostictus (Duellman and Berger, 1982)
- Hyloscirtus phyllognathus (Melin, 1941)
- Hyloscirtus piceigularis (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1982)
- Hyloscirtus platydactylus (Boulenger, 1905)
- Hyloscirtus princecharlesi Coloma, Carvajal-Endara, Dueñas, Paredes-Recalde, Morales-Mite, Almeida-Reinoso et al., 2012
- Hyloscirtus psarolaimus (Duellman and Hillis, 1990)
- Hyloscirtus ptychodactylus (Duellman and Hillis, 1990)
- Hyloscirtus sarampiona (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1982)
- Hyloscirtus simmonsi (Duellman, 1989)
- Hyloscirtus staufferorum (Duellman and Coloma, 1993)
- Hyloscirtus tapichalaca (Kizirian, Coloma and Paredes-Recalde, 2003)
- Hyloscirtus tigrinus Mueses-Cisneros and Anganoy-Criollo, 2008
- Hyloscirtus torrenticola (Duellman and Altig, 1978)
- Hyloxalus abditaurantius (Silverstone, 1975)
- Hyloxalus aeruginosus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus anthracinus (Edwards, 1971)
- Hyloxalus awa (Coloma, 1995)
- Hyloxalus azureiventris (Kneller and Henle, 1985)
- Hyloxalus betancuri (Rivero and Serna, 1991)
- Hyloxalus bocagei Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Hyloxalus borjai (Rivero and Serna, 2000)
- Hyloxalus breviquartus (Rivero and Serna, 1986)
- Hyloxalus cevallosi (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus chlorocraspedus (Caldwell, 2005)
- Hyloxalus chocoensis Boulenger, 1912
- Hyloxalus craspedoceps (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus delatorreae (Coloma, 1995)
- Hyloxalus edwardsi (Lynch, 1982)
- Hyloxalus elachyhistus (Edwards, 1971)
- Hyloxalus eleutherodactylus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus exasperatus (Duellman and Lynch, 1988)
- Hyloxalus excisus (Rivero and Serna, 2000)
- Hyloxalus faciopunctulatus (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus fallax (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus fascianigrus (Grant and Castro-Herrera, 1998)
- Hyloxalus felixcoperari Acosta-Galvis and Vargas Ramírez, 2018
- Hyloxalus fuliginosus Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Hyloxalus idiomelus (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus infraguttatus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Hyloxalus insulatus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus italoi Páez-Vacas, Coloma and Santos, 2010
- Hyloxalus lehmanni (Silverstone, 1971)
- Hyloxalus leucophaeus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus littoralis (Péfaur, 1984)
- Hyloxalus maculosus (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus maquipucuna (Coloma, 1995)
- Hyloxalus marmoreoventris (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus mittermeieri (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus mystax (Duellman and Simmons, 1988)
- Hyloxalus nexipus (Frost, 1986)
- Hyloxalus parcus (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus patitae (Lötters, Morales and Proy, 2003)
- Hyloxalus peculiaris (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus peruvianus (Melin, 1941)
- Hyloxalus pinguis (Rivero and Granados-Díaz, 1990)
- Hyloxalus pulchellus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
- Hyloxalus pulcherrimus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus pumilus (Rivero, 1991)
- Hyloxalus ramosi (Silverstone, 1971)
- Hyloxalus ruizi (Lynch, 1982)
- Hyloxalus saltuarius (Grant and Ardila-Robayo, 2002)
- Hyloxalus sanctamariensis Acosta-Galvis and Pinzón, 2018
- Hyloxalus sauli (Edwards, 1974)
- Hyloxalus shuar (Duellman and Simmons, 1988)
- Hyloxalus sordidatus (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus spilotogaster (Duellman, 2004)
- Hyloxalus subpunctatus (Cope, 1899)
- Hyloxalus sylvaticus (Barbour and Noble, 1920)
- Hyloxalus toachi (Coloma, 1995)
- Hyloxalus utcubambensis (Morales, 1994)
- Hyloxalus vergeli Hellmich, 1940
- Hyloxalus vertebralis (Boulenger, 1899)
- Hyloxalus yasuni Páez-Vacas, Coloma and Santos, 2010
- Hymenochirus boettgeri (Tornier, 1896)
- Hymenochirus boulengeri De Witte, 1930
- Hymenochirus curtipes Noble, 1924
- Hymenochirus feae Boulenger, 1906
- Hynobius abei Sato, 1934
- Hynobius abuensis Matsui, Okawa, Nishikawa and Tominaga, 2019
- Hynobius akiensis Matsui, Okawa and Nishikawa, 2019
- Hynobius amakusaensis Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014
- Hynobius amjiensis Gu, 1992
- Hynobius arisanensis Maki, 1922
- Hynobius bakan Matsui, Okawa and Nishikawa, 2019
- Hynobius boulengeri (Thompson, 1912)
- Hynobius chinensis Günther, 1889
- Hynobius dunni Tago, 1931
- Hynobius formosanus Maki, 1922
- Hynobius fossigenus Okamiya, Sugawara, Nagano and Poyarkov, 2018
- Hynobius fucus Lai and Lue, 2008
- Hynobius glacialis Lai and Lue, 2008
- Hynobius guabangshanensis Shen in Shen, Deng and Wang, 2004
- Hynobius hidamontanus Matsui, 1987
- Hynobius hirosei Lantz, 1931
- Hynobius ikioi Matsui, Nishikawa and Tominaga, 2017
- Hynobius iwami Matsui, Okawa, Nishikawa and Tominaga, 2019
- Hynobius katoi Matsui, Kokuryo, Misawa and Nishikawa, 2004
- Hynobius kimurae Dunn, 1923
- Hynobius leechii Boulenger, 1887
- Hynobius lichenatus Boulenger, 1883
- Hynobius maoershanensis Zhou, Jiang and Jiang, 2006
- Hynobius mikawaensis Matsui, Misawa, Nishikawa and Shimada, 2017
- Hynobius naevius (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Hynobius nebulosus (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Hynobius nigrescens Stejneger, 1907
- Hynobius okiensis Sato, 1940
- Hynobius osumiensis Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014
- Hynobius oyamai Tominaga, Matsui and Nishikawa, 2019
- Hynobius quelpaertensis Mori, 1928
- Hynobius retardatus Dunn, 1923
- Hynobius sematonotos Tominaga, Matsui and Nishikawa, 2019
- Hynobius setoi Matsui, Tanabe and Misawa, 2019
- Hynobius setouchi Matsui, Okawa, Tanabe and Misawa, 2019
- Hynobius shinichisatoi Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014
- Hynobius sonani (Maki, 1922)
- Hynobius stejnegeri Dunn, 1923
- Hynobius takedai Matsui and Miyazaki, 1984
- Hynobius tokyoensis Tago, 1931
- Hynobius tosashimizuensis Sugawara, Watabe, Yoshikawa and Nagano, 2018
- Hynobius tsuensis Abé, 1922
- Hynobius turkestanicus Nikolskii, 1910
- Hynobius unisacculus Min, Baek, Song, Chang and Poyarkov, 2016
- Hynobius utsunomiyaorum Matsui and Okawa, 2019
- Hynobius vandenburghi Dunn, 1923
- Hynobius yangi Kim, Min and Matsui, 2003
- Hynobius yiwuensis Cai, 1985
- Hyperolius acuticephalus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius acutirostris Buchholz and Peters in Peters, 1875
- Hyperolius ademetzi Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius adspersus Peters, 1877
- Hyperolius albofrenatus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius argus Peters, 1854
- Hyperolius atrigularis Laurent, 1941
- Hyperolius balfouri (Werner, 1908)
- Hyperolius baumanni Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius benguellensis (Bocage, 1893)
- Hyperolius bicolor Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius bobirensis Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius bocagei Steindachner, 1867
- Hyperolius bolifambae Mertens, 1938
- Hyperolius bopeleti Amiet, 1980
- Hyperolius brachiofasciatus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius burgessi Loader, Lawson, Portik and Menegon, 2015
- Hyperolius camerunensis Amiet, 2004
- Hyperolius castaneus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius chelaensis Conradie, Branch, Measey and Tolley, 2012
- Hyperolius chlorosteus (Boulenger, 1915)
- Hyperolius chrysogaster Laurent, 1950
- Hyperolius cinereus Monard, 1937
- Hyperolius cinnamomeoventris Bocage, 1866
- Hyperolius concolor (Hallowell, 1844)
- Hyperolius constellatus Laurent, 1951
- Hyperolius cystocandicans Richards and Schiøtz, 1977
- Hyperolius dartevellei Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius davenporti Loader, Lawson, Portik and Menegon, 2015
- Hyperolius diaphanus Laurent, 1972
- Hyperolius dintelmanni Lötters and Schmitz, 2004
- Hyperolius discodactylus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius drewesi Bell, 2016
- Hyperolius endjami Amiet, 1980
- Hyperolius ferrugineus Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius friedemanni Mercurio and Rödel in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick, Conradie, Rödder et al., 2013
- Hyperolius frontalis Laurent, 1950
- Hyperolius fuscigula Bocage, 1866
- Hyperolius fusciventris Peters, 1876
- Hyperolius ghesquieri Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius glandicolor Peters, 1878
- Hyperolius gularis Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius guttulatus Günther, 1858
- Hyperolius horstockii (Schlegel, 1837)
- Hyperolius houyi Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius howelli Du Preez and Channing in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick, Conradie, Rödder et al., 2013
- Hyperolius hutsebauti Laurent, 1956
- Hyperolius igbettensis Schiøtz, 1963
- Hyperolius inornatus Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius inyangae Channing in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick, Conradie, Rödder, Mercurio et al., 2013
- Hyperolius jackie Dehling, 2012
- Hyperolius jacobseni Channing in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick, Conradie, Rödder, Mercurio et al., 2013
- Hyperolius kachalolae Schiøtz, 1975
- Hyperolius kibarae Laurent, 1957
- Hyperolius kihangensis Schiøtz and Westergaard in Schiøtz, 1999
- Hyperolius kivuensis Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius koehleri Mertens, 1940
- Hyperolius kuligae Mertens, 1940
- Hyperolius lamottei Laurent, 1958
- Hyperolius langi Noble, 1924
- Hyperolius lateralis Laurent, 1940
- Hyperolius laticeps Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius laurenti Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius leleupi Laurent, 1951
- Hyperolius leucotaenius Laurent, 1950
- Hyperolius lucani Rochebrune, 1885
- Hyperolius lupiroensis Channing in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick, Conradie, Rödder, Mercurio et al., 2013
- Hyperolius maestus Rochebrune, 1885
- Hyperolius major Laurent, 1957
- Hyperolius marginatus Peters, 1854
- Hyperolius mariae Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Hyperolius marmoratus Rapp, 1842
- Hyperolius microps Günther, 1864
- Hyperolius minutissimus Schiøtz, 1975
- Hyperolius mitchelli Loveridge, 1953
- Hyperolius molleri (Bedriaga, 1892)
- Hyperolius montanus (Angel, 1924)
- Hyperolius mosaicus Perret, 1959
- Hyperolius nasicus Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius nasutus Günther, 1865
- Hyperolius nienokouensis Rödel, 1998
- Hyperolius nimbae Laurent, 1958
- Hyperolius nitidulus Peters, 1875
- Hyperolius obscurus Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius occidentalis Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius ocellatus Günther, 1858
- Hyperolius olivaceus Peters, 1876
- Hyperolius papyri (Werner, 1908)
- Hyperolius parallelus Günther, 1858
- Hyperolius pardalis Laurent, 1948
- Hyperolius parkeri Loveridge, 1933
- Hyperolius phantasticus (Boulenger, 1899)
- Hyperolius pickersgilli Raw, 1982
- Hyperolius picturatus Peters, 1875
- Hyperolius pictus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius platyceps (Boulenger, 1900)
- Hyperolius polli Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius polystictus Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius poweri Loveridge, 1938
- Hyperolius protchei Rochebrune, 1885
- Hyperolius pseudargus Schiøtz and Westergaard in Schiøtz, 1999
- Hyperolius puncticulatus (Pfeffer, 1893)
- Hyperolius pusillus (Cope, 1862)
- Hyperolius pustulifer Laurent, 1940
- Hyperolius pyrrhodictyon Laurent, 1965
- Hyperolius quadratomaculatus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius quinquevittatus Bocage, 1866
- Hyperolius raymondi Conradie, Branch and Tolley, 2013
- Hyperolius rhizophilus Rochebrune, 1885
- Hyperolius rhodesianus Laurent, 1948
- Hyperolius riggenbachi (Nieden, 1910)
- Hyperolius robustus Laurent, 1979
- Hyperolius rubrovermiculatus Schiøtz, 1975
- Hyperolius ruvuensis Barratt, Lawson and Loader, 2017
- Hyperolius rwandae Dehling, Sinsch, Rodel and Channing in Channing, Hillers, Lötters, Rödel, Schick et al., 2013
- Hyperolius sankuruensis Laurent, 1979
- Hyperolius schoutedeni Laurent, 1943
- Hyperolius semidiscus Hewitt, 1927
- Hyperolius sheldricki Duff-MacKay and Schiøtz, 1971
- Hyperolius soror (Chabanaud, 1921)
- Hyperolius spatzi Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius spinigularis Stevens, 1971
- Hyperolius steindachneri Bocage, 1866
- Hyperolius stenodactylus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius stictus Conradie, Verburgt, Portik, Ohler, Bwong and Lawson, 2018
- Hyperolius substriatus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius swynnertoni FitzSimons, 1941
- Hyperolius sylvaticus Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius tanneri Schiøtz, 1982
- Hyperolius thomensis Bocage, 1886
- Hyperolius thoracotuberculatus Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius tornieri Ahl, 1931
- Hyperolius torrentis Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius tuberculatus (Mocquard, 1897)
- Hyperolius tuberilinguis Smith, 1849
- Hyperolius ukwiva Loader, Lawson, Portik and Menegon, 2015
- Hyperolius veithi Schick, Kielgast, Rödder, Muchai, Burger and Lötters, 2010
- Hyperolius vilhenai Laurent, 1964
- Hyperolius viridiflavus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Hyperolius viridigulosus Schiøtz, 1967
- Hyperolius viridis Schiøtz, 1975
- Hyperolius watsonae Pickersgill, 2007
- Hyperolius wermuthi Laurent, 1961
- Hyperolius xenorhinus Laurent, 1972
- Hyperolius zonatus Laurent, 1958
- Hypogeophis brevis Boulenger, 1911
- Hypogeophis montanus Maddock, Wilkinson and Gower, 2018
- Hypogeophis pti Maddock, Wilkinson, Nussbaum and Gower, 2017
- Hypogeophis rostratus (Cuvier, 1829)
- Hypopachus barberi Schmidt, 1939
- Hypopachus pictiventris (Cope, 1886)
- Hypopachus ustus (Cope, 1866)
- Hypopachus variolosus (Cope, 1866)
- Hypsiboas hypselops Cope, 1871
- Ichthyophis acuminatus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis alfredi Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Ichthyophis asplenius Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis atricollaris Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis bannanicus Yang, 1984
- Ichthyophis beddomei Peters, 1880
- Ichthyophis bernisi Salvador, 1975
- Ichthyophis biangularis Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis billitonensis Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis bombayensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis cardamomensis Geissler, Poyarkov, Grismer, Nguyen, An, Neang, Kupfer, Ziegler, Böhme and Müller, 2015
- Ichthyophis catlocensis Geissler, Poyarkov, Grismer, Nguyen, An, Neang, Kupfer, Ziegler, Böhme and Müller, 2015
- Ichthyophis chaloensis Geissler, Poyarkov, Grismer, Nguyen, An, Neang, Kupfer, Ziegler, Böhme and Müller, 2015
- Ichthyophis daribokensis Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Ichthyophis davidi Bhatta, Dinesh, Prashanth, Kulkarni and Radhakrishnan, 2011
- Ichthyophis dulitensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis elongatus Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis garoensis Pillai and Ravichandran, 1999
- Ichthyophis glandulosus Taylor, 1923
- Ichthyophis glutinosus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Ichthyophis humphreyi Taylor, 1973
- Ichthyophis hypocyaneus (Van Hasselt in Boie, 1827)
- Ichthyophis javanicus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis khumhzi Kamei, Wilkinson, Gower and Biju, 2009
- Ichthyophis kodaguensis Wilkinson, Gower, Govindappa and Venkatachalaiah, 2007
- Ichthyophis kohtaoensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis lakimi Nishikawa, Matsui and Yambun, 2012
- Ichthyophis laosensis Taylor, 1969
- Ichthyophis larutensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis longicephalus Pillai, 1986
- Ichthyophis mindanaoensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis monochrous (Bleeker, 1858)
- Ichthyophis moustakius Kamei, Wilkinson, Gower and Biju, 2009
- Ichthyophis multicolor Wilkinson, Presswell, Sherratt, Papadopoulou and Gower, 2014
- Ichthyophis nguyenorum Nishikawa, Matsui and Orlov, 2012
- Ichthyophis nigroflavus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis nokrekensis Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Ichthyophis orthoplicatus Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis paucidentulus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis paucisulcus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis pauli Nishikawa, Matsui, Sudin and Wong, 2013
- Ichthyophis pseudangularis Taylor, 1965
- Ichthyophis sendenyu Kamei, Wilkinson, Gower and Biju, 2009
- Ichthyophis sikkimensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis singaporensis Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis sumatranus Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis supachaii Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyophis tricolor Annandale, 1909
- Ichthyophis weberi Taylor, 1920
- Ichthyophis youngorum Taylor, 1960
- Ichthyosaura alpestris (Laurenti, 1768)
- Idiocranium russeli Parker, 1936
- Ikakogi ispacue Rada, Dias, Peréz-González, Anganoy-Criollo, Rueda-Solano, Pinto-E., Mejía Quintero et al., 2019
- Ikakogi tayrona (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Incilius alvarius (Girard in Baird, 1859)
- Incilius aucoinae (O'Neill and Mendelson, 2004)
- Incilius aurarius Mendelson, Mulcahy, Snell, Acevedo and Campbell, 2012
- Incilius bocourti (Brocchi, 1877)
- Incilius campbelli (Mendelson, 1994)
- Incilius canaliferus (Cope, 1877)
- Incilius cavifrons (Firschein, 1950)
- Incilius chompipe (Vaughan and Mendelson, 2007)
- Incilius coccifer (Cope, 1866)
- Incilius coniferus (Cope, 1862)
- Incilius cristatus (Wiegmann, 1833)
- Incilius cycladen (Lynch and Smith, 1966)
- Incilius epioticus (Cope, 1875)
- Incilius fastidiosus (Cope, 1875)
- Incilius gemmifer (Taylor, 1940)
- Incilius guanacaste (Vaughan and Mendelson, 2007)
- Incilius holdridgei (Taylor, 1952)
- Incilius ibarrai (Stuart, 1954)
- Incilius karenlipsae Mendelson and Mulcahy, 2010
- Incilius leucomyos (McCranie and Wilson, 2000)
- Incilius luetkenii (Boulenger, 1891)
- Incilius macrocristatus (Firschein and Smith, 1957)
- Incilius majordomus Savage, Ugarte and Donnelly, 2013
- Incilius marmoreus (Wiegmann, 1833)
- Incilius mazatlanensis (Taylor, 1940)
- Incilius mccoyi Santos-Barrera and Flores-Villela, 2011
- Incilius melanochlorus (Cope, 1877)
- Incilius nebulifer (Girard, 1854)
- Incilius occidentalis (Camerano, 1879)
- Incilius periglenes (Savage, 1967)
- Incilius peripatetes (Savage, 1972)
- Incilius perplexus (Taylor, 1943)
- Incilius pisinnus (Mendelson, Williams, Sheil and Mulcahy, 2005)
- Incilius porteri (Mendelson, Williams, Sheil and Mulcahy, 2005)
- Incilius signifer (Mendelson, Williams, Sheil and Mulcahy, 2005)
- Incilius spiculatus (Mendelson, 1997)
- Incilius tacanensis (Smith, 1952)
- Incilius tutelarius (Mendelson, 1997)
- Incilius valliceps (Wiegmann, 1833)
- Indirana beddomii (Günther, 1876)
- Indirana bhadrai Garg and Biju, 2016
- Indirana brachytarsus (Günther, 1876)
- Indirana chiravasi Padhye, Modak and Dahanukar, 2014
- Indirana duboisi Dahanukar, Modak, Krutha, Nameer, Padhye and Molur, 2016
- Indirana gundia (Dubois, 1986)
- Indirana leithii (Boulenger, 1888)
- Indirana longicrus (Rao, 1937)
- Indirana paramakri Garg and Biju, 2016
- Indirana salelkari Modak, Dahanukar, Gosavi and Padhye, 2015
- Indirana sarojamma Dahanukar, Modak, Krutha, Nameer, Padhye and Molur, 2016
- Indirana semipalmata (Boulenger, 1882)
- Indirana tysoni Dahanukar, Modak, Krutha, Nameer, Padhye and Molur, 2016
- Indirana yadera Dahanukar, Modak, Krutha, Nameer, Padhye and Molur, 2016
- Indosylvirana aurantiaca (Boulenger, 1904)
- Indosylvirana caesari (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana doni (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana flavescens (Jerdon, 1853)
- Indosylvirana indica (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana intermedia (Rao, 1937)
- Indosylvirana magna (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana milleti (Smith, 1921)
- Indosylvirana montana (Rao, 1922)
- Indosylvirana serendipi (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana sreeni (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indosylvirana temporalis (Günther, 1864)
- Indosylvirana urbis (Biju, Garg, Mahony, Wijayathilaka, Senevirathne and Meegaskumbura, 2014)
- Indotyphlus battersbyi Taylor, 1960
- Indotyphlus maharashtraensis Giri, Wilkinson and Gower, 2004
- Ingerana borealis (Annandale, 1912)
- Ingerana charlesdarwini (Das, 1998)
- Ingerana reticulata (Zhao and Li, 1984)
- Ingerana tenasserimensis (Sclater, 1892)
- Ingerophrynus biporcatus (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Ingerophrynus celebensis (Günther, 1859)
- Ingerophrynus claviger (Peters, 1863)
- Ingerophrynus divergens (Peters, 1871)
- Ingerophrynus galeatus (Günther, 1864)
- Ingerophrynus gollum Grismer, 2007
- Ingerophrynus kumquat (Das and Lim, 2001)
- Ingerophrynus ledongensis (Fei, Ye and Huang in Fei, Hu, Ye and Huang, 2009)
- Ingerophrynus macrotis (Boulenger, 1887)
- Ingerophrynus parvus (Boulenger, 1887)
- Ingerophrynus philippinicus (Boulenger, 1887)
- Ingerophrynus quadriporcatus (Boulenger, 1887)
- Insuetophrynus acarpicus Barrio, 1970
- Ischnocnema abdita Canedo and Pimenta, 2010
- Ischnocnema bolbodactyla (Lutz, 1925)
- Ischnocnema colibri Taucce, Canedo, Parreiras, Drummond, Nogueira-Costa and Haddad, 2018
- Ischnocnema concolor Targino, Costa and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2009
- Ischnocnema epipeda (Heyer, 1984)
- Ischnocnema erythromera (Heyer, 1984)
- Ischnocnema feioi Taucce, Canedo and Haddad, 2018
- Ischnocnema garciai Taucce, Canedo and Haddad, 2018
- Ischnocnema gehrti (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Ischnocnema gualteri (Lutz, 1974)
- Ischnocnema guentheri (Steindachner, 1864)
- Ischnocnema henselii (Peters, 1870)
- Ischnocnema hoehnei (Lutz, 1958)
- Ischnocnema holti (Cochran, 1948)
- Ischnocnema izecksohni (Caramaschi and Kisteumacher, 1989)
- Ischnocnema juipoca (Sazima and Cardoso, 1978)
- Ischnocnema karst Canedo, Targino, Leite and Haddad, 2012
- Ischnocnema lactea (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923)
- Ischnocnema manezinho (Garcia, 1996)
- Ischnocnema melanopygia Targino, Costa and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2009
- Ischnocnema nanahallux Brusquetti, Thome, Canedo, Condez and Haddad, 2013
- Ischnocnema nasuta (Lutz, 1925)
- Ischnocnema nigriventris (Lutz, 1925)
- Ischnocnema octavioi (Bokermann, 1965)
- Ischnocnema oea (Heyer, 1984)
- Ischnocnema paranaensis (Langone and Segalla, 1996)
- Ischnocnema parnaso Taucce, Canedo, Parreiras, Drummond, Nogueira-Costa and Haddad, 2018
- Ischnocnema parva (Girard, 1853)
- Ischnocnema penaxavantinho Giaretta, Toffoli and Oliveira, 2007
- Ischnocnema pusilla (Bokermann, 1967)
- Ischnocnema randorum (Heyer, 1985)
- Ischnocnema sambaqui (Castanho and Haddad, 2000)
- Ischnocnema spanios (Heyer, 1985)
- Ischnocnema surda Canedo, Pimenta, Leite and Caramaschi, 2010
- Ischnocnema venancioi (Lutz, 1958)
- Ischnocnema verrucosa (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Ischnocnema vizottoi Martins and Haddad, 2010
- Isthmohyla angustilineata (Taylor, 1952)
- Isthmohyla calypsa (Lips, 1996)
- Isthmohyla debilis (Taylor, 1952)
- Isthmohyla graceae (Myers and Duellman, 1982)
- Isthmohyla infucata (Duellman, 1968)
- Isthmohyla insolita (McCranie, Wilson and Williams, 1993)
- Isthmohyla lancasteri (Barbour, 1928)
- Isthmohyla picadoi (Dunn, 1937)
- Isthmohyla pictipes (Cope, 1875)
- Isthmohyla pseudopuma (Günther, 1901)
- Isthmohyla rivularis (Taylor, 1952)
- Isthmohyla tica (Starrett, 1966)
- Isthmohyla xanthosticta (Duellman, 1968)
- Isthmohyla zeteki (Gaige, 1929)
- Isthmura bellii (Gray, 1850)
- Isthmura boneti (Alvarez and Martín, 1967)
- Isthmura corrugata Sandoval-Comte, Pineda-Arredondo, Rovito and Luría-Manzano, 2017
- Isthmura gigantea (Taylor, 1939)
- Isthmura maxima (Parra-Olea, García-París, Papenfuss and Wake, 2005)
- Isthmura naucampatepetl (Parra-Olea, Papenfuss and Wake, 2001)
- Isthmura sierraoccidentalis (Lowe, Jones and Wright, 1968)
- Itapotihyla langsdorffii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Ixalotriton niger Wake and Johnson, 1989
- Ixalotriton parvus (Lynch and Wake, 1989)
- Julianus pinimus (Bokermann and Sazima, 1973)
- Julianus uruguayus (Schmidt, 1944)
- Kalophrynus anya Zug, 2015
- Kalophrynus baluensis Kiew, 1984
- Kalophrynus barioensis Matsui and Nishikawa, 2011
- Kalophrynus bunguranus (Günther, 1895)
- Kalophrynus calciphilus Dehling, 2011
- Kalophrynus cryptophonus Vassilieva, Galoyan, Gogoleva and Poyarkov, 2014
- Kalophrynus eok Das and Haas, 2003
- Kalophrynus heterochirus Boulenger, 1900
- Kalophrynus honbaensis Vassilieva, Galoyan, Gogoleva and Poyarkov, 2014
- Kalophrynus interlineatus (Blyth, 1855)
- Kalophrynus intermedius Inger, 1966
- Kalophrynus kiewi Matsui, Eto, Belabut and Nishikawa, 2017
- Kalophrynus limbooliati Matsui, Nishikawa, Belabut, Ahmad and Yong, 2012
- Kalophrynus meizon Zug, 2015
- Kalophrynus menglienicus Yang and Su, 1980
- Kalophrynus minusculus Iskandar, 1998
- Kalophrynus nubicola Dring, 1983
- Kalophrynus orangensis Dutta, Ahmed and Das, 2000
- Kalophrynus palmatissimus Kiew, 1984
- Kalophrynus pleurostigma Tschudi, 1838
- Kalophrynus punctatus Peters, 1871
- Kalophrynus robinsoni Smith, 1922
- Kalophrynus sinensis Peters, 1867
- Kalophrynus subterrestris Inger, 1966
- Kalophrynus tiomanensis Chan, Grismer and Grismer, 2011
- Kalophrynus yongi Matsui, 2009
- Kaloula assamensis Das, Sengupta, Ahmed and Dutta, 2005
- Kaloula aureata Nutphand, 1989
- Kaloula baleata (Müller in Van Oort and Müller, 1836)
- Kaloula borealis (Barbour, 1908)
- Kaloula conjuncta (Peters, 1863)
- Kaloula ghoshi Cherchi, 1954
- Kaloula indochinensis Chan, Blackburn, Murphy, Stuart, Emmett, Ho and Brown, 2013
- Kaloula kalingensis Taylor, 1922
- Kaloula kokacii Ross and Gonzales, 1992
- Kaloula latidisca Chan, Grismer and Brown, 2014
- Kaloula mediolineata Smith, 1917
- Kaloula meridionalis Inger, 1954
- Kaloula nonggangensis Mo, Zhang, Zhou, Chen, Tang, Meng and Chen, 2013
- Kaloula picta (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Kaloula pulchra Gray, 1831
- Kaloula rigida Taylor, 1922
- Kaloula rugifera Stejneger, 1924
- Kaloula verrucosa Boulenger, 1904
- Kaloula walteri Diesmos, Brown and Alcala, 2002
- Karsenia koreana Min, Yang, Bonett, Vieites, Brandon and Wake, 2005
- Kassina arboricola Perret, 1985
- Kassina cassinoides (Boulenger, 1903)
- Kassina cochranae (Loveridge, 1941)
- Kassina decorata (Angel, 1940)
- Kassina fusca Schiøtz, 1967
- Kassina jozani Msuya, Howell and Channing, 2007
- Kassina kuvangensis (Monard, 1937)
- Kassina lamottei Schiøtz, 1967
- Kassina maculifer (Ahl, 1924)
- Kassina maculosa (Sternfeld, 1917)
- Kassina mertensi Laurent, 1952
- Kassina schioetzi Rödel, Grafe, Rudolf and Ernst, 2002
- Kassina senegalensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Kassina somalica Scortecci, 1932
- Kassina wazae Amiet, 2007
- Kassinula wittei Laurent, 1940
- Kurixalus appendiculatus (Günther, 1858)
- Kurixalus baliogaster (Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999)
- Kurixalus banaensis (Bourret, 1939)
- Kurixalus berylliniris Wu, Huang, Tsai, Li, Jhang and Wu, 2016
- Kurixalus bisacculus (Taylor, 1962)
- Kurixalus chaseni (Smith, 1924)
- Kurixalus eiffingeri (Boettger, 1895)
- Kurixalus hainanus (Zhao, Wang and Shi in Zhao, Wang, Shi, Wu and Zhao, 2005)
- Kurixalus idiootocus (Kuramoto and Wang, 1987)
- Kurixalus lenquanensis Yu, Wang, Hou, Rao and Yang, 2017
- Kurixalus motokawai Nguyen, Matsui and Eto, 2014
- Kurixalus naso (Annandale, 1912)
- Kurixalus odontotarsus (Ye and Fei in Ye, Fei and Hu, 1993)
- Kurixalus verrucosus (Boulenger, 1893)
- Kurixalus viridescens Nguyen, Matsui and Duc, 2014
- Kurixalus wangi Wu, Huang, Tsai, Li, Jhang and Wu, 2016
- Kurixalus yangi Yu, Hui, Rao and Yang, 2018
- Laliostoma labrosum (Cope, 1868)
- Lankanectes corrugatus (Peters, 1863)
- Lankanectes pera Senevirathne, Samarawickrama, Wijayathilaka, Manamendra-Arachchi, Bowatte et al., 2018
- Lanzarana largeni (Lanza, 1978)
- Laotriton laoensis (Stuart and Papenfuss, 2002)
- Latonia nigriventer (Mendelssohn and Steinitz, 1943)
- Laurentophryne parkeri (Laurent, 1950)
- Lechriodus aganoposis Zweifel, 1972
- Lechriodus fletcheri (Boulenger, 1890)
- Lechriodus melanopyga (Doria, 1875)
- Lechriodus platyceps Parker, 1940
- Leiopelma archeyi Turbott, 1942
- Leiopelma hamiltoni McCulloch, 1919
- Leiopelma hochstetteri Fitzinger, 1861
- Leiopelma pakeka Bell, Daugherty and Hay, 1998
- Lepidobatrachus asper Budgett, 1899
- Lepidobatrachus laevis Budgett, 1899
- Lepidobatrachus llanensis Reig and Cei, 1963
- Leptobrachella aerea (Rowley, Stuart, Richards, Phimmachak and Sivongxay, 2010)
- Leptobrachella alpina (Fei, Ye and Li in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990)
- Leptobrachella applebyi (Rowley and Cao, 2009)
- Leptobrachella arayai (Matsui, 1997)
- Leptobrachella ardens (Rowley, Tran, Le, Dau, Peloso, Nguyen, Hoang, Nguyen and Ziegler, 2016)
- Leptobrachella baluensis Smith, 1931
- Leptobrachella bidoupensis (Rowley, Le, Tran and Hoang, 2011)
- Leptobrachella bijie Wang, Li, Li, Chen and Wang, 2019
- Leptobrachella bondangensis Eto, Matsui, Hamidy, Munir and Iskandar, 2018
- Leptobrachella botsfordi (Rowley, Dau and Nguyen, 2013)
- Leptobrachella bourreti (Dubois, 1983)
- Leptobrachella brevicrus Dring, 1983
- Leptobrachella crocea (Rowley, Hoang, Le, Dau and Cao, 2010)
- Leptobrachella dringi (Dubois, 1987)
- Leptobrachella eos (Ohler, Wollenberg, Grosjean, Hendrix, Vences, Ziegler and Dubois, 2011)
- Leptobrachella firthi (Rowley, Hoang, Dau, Le and Cao, 2012)
- Leptobrachella fritinniens (Dehling and Matsui, 2013)
- Leptobrachella fuliginosa (Matsui, 2006)
- Leptobrachella fusca Eto, Matsui, Hamidy, Munir and Iskandar, 2018
- Leptobrachella gracilis (Günther, 1872)
- Leptobrachella hamidi (Matsui, 1997)
- Leptobrachella heteropus (Boulenger, 1900)
- Leptobrachella isos (Rowley, Stuart, Neang, Hoang, Dau, Nguyen and Emmett, 2015)
- Leptobrachella itiokai Eto, Matsui and Nishikawa, 2016
- Leptobrachella juliandringi Eto, Matsui and Nishikawa, 2015
- Leptobrachella kajangensis (Grismer, Grismer and Youmans, 2004)
- Leptobrachella kalonensis (Rowley, Tran, Le, Dau, Peloso, Nguyen, Hoang, Nguyen and Ziegler, 2016)
- Leptobrachella kecil (Matsui, Belabut, Ahmad and Yong, 2009)
- Leptobrachella khasiorum (Das, Tron, Rangad and Hooroo, 2010)
- Leptobrachella lateralis (Anderson, 1871)
- Leptobrachella laui (Sung, Yang and Wang, 2014)
- Leptobrachella liui (Fei and Ye in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990)
- Leptobrachella macrops (Duong, Do, Ngo, Nguyen and Poyarkov, 2018)
- Leptobrachella maculosa (Rowley, Tran, Le, Dau, Peloso, Nguyen, Hoang, Nguyen and Ziegler, 2016)
- Leptobrachella mangshanensis (Hou, Zhang, Hu, Li, Shi, Chen, Mo and Wang, 2018)
- Leptobrachella maoershanensis (Yuan, Sun, Chen, Rowley and Che in Yuan, Sun, Chen, Rowley, Wu, Hou, Wang and Che, 2017)
- Leptobrachella marmorata (Matsui, Zainudin and Nishikawa, 2014)
- Leptobrachella maura (Inger, Lakim, Biun and Yambun, 1997)
- Leptobrachella melanoleuca (Matsui, 2006)
- Leptobrachella melica (Rowley, Stuart, Neang and Emmett, 2010)
- Leptobrachella minima (Taylor, 1962)
- Leptobrachella mjobergi Smith, 1925
- Leptobrachella nahangensis (Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 1998)
- Leptobrachella natunae (Günther, 1895)
- Leptobrachella nokrekensis (Mathew and Sen, 2010)
- Leptobrachella nyx (Ohler, Wollenberg, Grosjean, Hendrix, Vences, Ziegler and Dubois, 2011)
- Leptobrachella oshanensis (Liu, 1950)
- Leptobrachella pallida (Rowley, Tran, Le, Dau, Peloso, Nguyen, Hoang, Nguyen and Ziegler, 2016)
- Leptobrachella palmata Inger and Stuebing, 1992
- Leptobrachella parva Dring, 1983
- Leptobrachella pelodytoides (Boulenger, 1893)
- Leptobrachella petrops (Rowley, Dau, Hoang, Le, Cutajar and Nguyen, 2017)
- Leptobrachella picta (Malkmus, 1992)
- Leptobrachella platycephala (Dehling, 2012)
- Leptobrachella pluvialis (Ohler, Marquis, Swan and Grosjean, 2000)
- Leptobrachella puhoatensis (Rowley, Dau and Cao, 2017)
- Leptobrachella purpura (Yang, Zeng and Wang, 2018)
- Leptobrachella purpuraventra Wang, Li, Li, Chen and Wang, 2019
- Leptobrachella pyrrhops (Poyarkov, Rowley, Gogoleva, Vassilieva, Galoyan and Orlov, 2015)
- Leptobrachella rowleyae (Nguyen, Poyarkov, Le, Vo, Ninh, Duong, Murphy and Sang, 2018)
- Leptobrachella sabahmontana (Matsui, Nishikawa and Yambun, 2014)
- Leptobrachella serasanae Dring, 1983
- Leptobrachella shangsiensis Chen, Liao, Zhou and Mo, 2019
- Leptobrachella sola (Matsui, 2006)
- Leptobrachella sungi (Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 1998)
- Leptobrachella tadungensis (Rowley, Tran, Le, Dau, Peloso, Nguyen, Hoang, Nguyen and Ziegler, 2016)
- Leptobrachella tamdil (Sengupta, Sailo, Lalremsanga, Das and Das, 2010)
- Leptobrachella tengchongensis (Yang, Wang, Chen and Rao, 2016)
- Leptobrachella tuberosa (Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999)
- Leptobrachella ventripunctata (Fei, Ye and Li in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990)
- Leptobrachella wuhuangmontis Wang, Yang and Wang, 2018
- Leptobrachella yingjiangensis (Yang, Zeng and Wang, 2018)
- Leptobrachella yunkaiensis Wang, Li, Lyu and Wang, 2018
- Leptobrachella zhangyapingi (Jiang, Yan, Suwannapoom, Chomdej and Che, 2013)
- Leptobrachium abbotti (Cochran, 1926)
- Leptobrachium ailaonicum (Yang, Chen and Ma in Yang, Ma, Li and Chen, 1983)
- Leptobrachium banae Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 1998
- Leptobrachium bompu Sondhi and Ohler, 2011
- Leptobrachium boringii (Liu, 1945)
- Leptobrachium buchardi Ohler, Teynié and David, 2004
- Leptobrachium chapaense (Bourret, 1937)
- Leptobrachium guangxiense Fei, Mo, Ye and Jiang, 2009
- Leptobrachium gunungense Malkmus, 1996
- Leptobrachium hainanense Ye and Fei in Ye, Fei and Hu, 1993
- Leptobrachium hasseltii Tschudi, 1838
- Leptobrachium hendricksoni Taylor, 1962
- Leptobrachium huashen Fei and Ye, 2005
- Leptobrachium ingeri Hamidy, Matsui, Nishikawa and Belabut, 2012
- Leptobrachium kanowitense Hamidy, Matsui, Nishikawa and Belabut, 2012
- Leptobrachium kantonishikawai Hamidy and Matsui, 2014
- Leptobrachium leishanense (Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1973)
- Leptobrachium leucops Stuart, Rowley, Tran, Le and Hoang, 2011
- Leptobrachium liui (Pope, 1947)
- Leptobrachium lumadorum Brown, Siler, Diesmos and Alcala, 2010
- Leptobrachium mangyanorum Brown, Siler, Diesmos and Alcala, 2010
- Leptobrachium masatakasatoi Matsui, 2013
- Leptobrachium montanum Fischer, 1885
- Leptobrachium mouhoti Stuart, Sok and Neang, 2006
- Leptobrachium ngoclinhense (Orlov, 2005)
- Leptobrachium nigrops Berry and Hendrickson, 1963
- Leptobrachium promustache (Rao, Wilkinson and Zhang, 2006)
- Leptobrachium pullum (Smith, 1921)
- Leptobrachium rakhinense Wogan, 2012
- Leptobrachium smithi Matsui, Nabhitabhata and Panha, 1999
- Leptobrachium tagbanorum Brown, Siler, Diesmos and Alcala, 2010
- Leptobrachium tenasserimense Pawangkhanant, Poyarkov, Duong, Naiduangchan and Suwannapoom, 2018
- Leptobrachium tengchongense Yang, Wang and Chan, 2016
- Leptobrachium waysepuntiense Hamidy and Matsui, 2010
- Leptobrachium xanthops Stuart, Phimmachak, Seateun and Sivongxay, 2012
- Leptobrachium xanthospilum Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 1998
- Leptodactylodon albiventris (Boulenger, 1905)
- Leptodactylodon axillaris Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon bicolor Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon blanci Ohler, 1999
- Leptodactylodon boulengeri Nieden, 1910
- Leptodactylodon bueanus Amiet, 1981
- Leptodactylodon erythrogaster Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon mertensi Perret, 1959
- Leptodactylodon ornatus Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon ovatus Andersson, 1903
- Leptodactylodon perreti Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon polyacanthus Amiet, 1971
- Leptodactylodon stevarti Rödel and Pauwels, 2003
- Leptodactylodon ventrimarmoratus (Boulenger, 1904)
- Leptodactylodon wildi Amiet and Dowsett-Lemaire, 2000
- Leptodactylus albilabris (Günther, 1859)
- Leptodactylus bolivianus Boulenger, 1898
- Leptodactylus bufonius Boulenger, 1894
- Leptodactylus caatingae Heyer and Juncá, 2003
- Leptodactylus camaquara Sazima and Bokermann, 1978
- Leptodactylus chaquensis Cei, 1950
- Leptodactylus colombiensis Heyer, 1994
- Leptodactylus cunicularius Sazima and Bokermann, 1978
- Leptodactylus cupreus Caramaschi, Feio and São Pedro, 2008
- Leptodactylus didymus Heyer, García-Lopez and Cardoso, 1996
- Leptodactylus diedrus Heyer, 1994
- Leptodactylus discodactylus Boulenger, 1884
- Leptodactylus elenae Heyer, 1978
- Leptodactylus fallax Müller, 1926
- Leptodactylus flavopictus Lutz, 1926
- Leptodactylus fragilis (Brocchi, 1877)
- Leptodactylus furnarius Sazima and Bokermann, 1978
- Leptodactylus fuscus (Schneider, 1799)
- Leptodactylus gracilis (Duméril and Bibron, 1840)
- Leptodactylus griseigularis (Henle, 1981)
- Leptodactylus guianensis Heyer and de Sá, 2011
- Leptodactylus hallowelli (Cope, 1862)
- Leptodactylus hylodes (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Leptodactylus insularum Barbour, 1906
- Leptodactylus jolyi Sazima and Bokermann, 1978
- Leptodactylus knudseni Heyer, 1972
- Leptodactylus labrosus Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
- Leptodactylus labyrinthicus (Spix, 1824)
- Leptodactylus laticeps Boulenger, 1918
- Leptodactylus latinasus Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
- Leptodactylus latrans (Steffen, 1815)
- Leptodactylus lauramiriamae Heyer and Crombie, 2005
- Leptodactylus leptodactyloides (Andersson, 1945)
- Leptodactylus lithonaetes Heyer, 1995
- Leptodactylus longirostris Boulenger, 1882
- Leptodactylus macrosternum Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926
- Leptodactylus magistris Mijares-Urrutia, 1997
- Leptodactylus marambaiae Izecksohn, 1976
- Leptodactylus melanonotus (Hallowell, 1861)
- Leptodactylus myersi Heyer, 1995
- Leptodactylus mystaceus (Spix, 1824)
- Leptodactylus mystacinus (Burmeister, 1861)
- Leptodactylus natalensis Lutz, 1930
- Leptodactylus nesiotus Heyer, 1994
- Leptodactylus notoaktites Heyer, 1978
- Leptodactylus ochraceus Lutz, 1930
- Leptodactylus oreomantis Carvalho, Leite and Pezzuti, 2013
- Leptodactylus paraensis Heyer, 2005
- Leptodactylus pascoensis Heyer, 1994
- Leptodactylus pentadactylus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Leptodactylus peritoaktites Heyer, 2005
- Leptodactylus petersii (Steindachner, 1864)
- Leptodactylus plaumanni Ahl, 1936
- Leptodactylus podicipinus (Cope, 1862)
- Leptodactylus poecilochilus (Cope, 1862)
- Leptodactylus pustulatus (Peters, 1870)
- Leptodactylus rhodomerus Heyer, 2005
- Leptodactylus rhodomystax Boulenger, 1884
- Leptodactylus rhodonotus (Günther, 1869)
- Leptodactylus rhodostima (Cope, 1874)
- Leptodactylus riveroi Heyer and Pyburn, 1983
- Leptodactylus rugosus Noble, 1923
- Leptodactylus sabanensis Heyer, 1994
- Leptodactylus savagei Heyer, 2005
- Leptodactylus sertanejo Giaretta and Costa, 2007
- Leptodactylus silvanimbus McCranie, Wilson and Porras, 1980
- Leptodactylus spixi Heyer, 1983
- Leptodactylus stenodema Jiménez de la Espada, 1875
- Leptodactylus syphax Bokermann, 1969
- Leptodactylus tapiti Sazima and Bokermann, 1978
- Leptodactylus troglodytes Lutz, 1926
- Leptodactylus turimiquensis Heyer, 2005
- Leptodactylus validus Garman, 1888
- Leptodactylus vastus Lutz, 1930
- Leptodactylus ventrimaculatus Boulenger, 1902
- Leptodactylus viridis Jim and Spirandeli Cruz, 1973
- Leptodactylus wagneri (Peters, 1862)
- Leptomantis angulirostris (Ahl, 1927)
- Leptomantis belalongensis (Dehling and Grafe, 2008)
- Leptomantis bimaculatus Peters, 1867
- Leptomantis cyanopunctatus (Manthey and Steiof, 1998)
- Leptomantis fasciatus (Boulenger, 1895)
- Leptomantis gadingensis (Das and Haas, 2005)
- Leptomantis gauni (Inger, 1966)
- Leptomantis harrissoni (Inger and Haile, 1959)
- Leptomantis malkmusi (Dehling, 2015)
- Leptomantis penanorum (Dehling, 2008)
- Leptomantis pseudacutirostris (Dehling, 2011)
- Leptomantis robinsonii (Boulenger, 1903)
- Leptomantis rufipes (Inger, 1966)
- Leptopelis anchietae (Bocage, 1873)
- Leptopelis anebos Portillo and Greenbaum, 2014
- Leptopelis argenteus (Pfeffer, 1893)
- Leptopelis aubryi (Duméril, 1856)
- Leptopelis aubryioides (Andersson, 1907)
- Leptopelis bequaerti Loveridge, 1941
- Leptopelis bocagii (Günther, 1865)
- Leptopelis boulengeri (Werner, 1898)
- Leptopelis brevipes (Boulenger, 1906)
- Leptopelis brevirostris (Werner, 1898)
- Leptopelis bufonides Schiøtz, 1967
- Leptopelis calcaratus (Boulenger, 1906)
- Leptopelis christyi (Boulenger, 1912)
- Leptopelis concolor Ahl, 1929
- Leptopelis crystallinoron Lötters, Rödel and Burger, 2005
- Leptopelis cynnamomeus (Bocage, 1893)
- Leptopelis fenestratus Laurent, 1972
- Leptopelis fiziensis Laurent, 1973
- Leptopelis flavomaculatus (Günther, 1864)
- Leptopelis gramineus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Leptopelis grandiceps Ahl, 1929
- Leptopelis jordani Parker, 1936
- Leptopelis karissimbensis Ahl, 1929
- Leptopelis kivuensis Ahl, 1929
- Leptopelis lebeaui (De Witte, 1933)
- Leptopelis mackayi Köhler, Bwong, Schick, Veith and Lötters, 2006
- Leptopelis macrotis Schiøtz, 1967
- Leptopelis marginatus (Bocage, 1895)
- Leptopelis millsoni (Boulenger, 1895)
- Leptopelis modestus (Werner, 1898)
- Leptopelis mossambicus Poynton, 1985
- Leptopelis mtoewaate Portillo and Greenbaum, 2014
- Leptopelis natalensis (Smith, 1849)
- Leptopelis nordequatorialis Perret, 1966
- Leptopelis notatus (Peters, 1875)
- Leptopelis occidentalis Schiøtz, 1967
- Leptopelis ocellatus (Mocquard, 1902)
- Leptopelis oryi Inger, 1968
- Leptopelis palmatus (Peters, 1868)
- Leptopelis parbocagii Poynton and Broadley, 1987
- Leptopelis parkeri Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Leptopelis parvus Schmidt and Inger, 1959
- Leptopelis ragazzii (Boulenger, 1896)
- Leptopelis rufus Reichenow, 1874
- Leptopelis spiritusnoctis Rödel, 2007
- Leptopelis susanae Largen, 1977
- Leptopelis uluguruensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Leptopelis vannutellii (Boulenger, 1898)
- Leptopelis vermiculatus (Boulenger, 1909)
- Leptopelis viridis (Günther, 1869)
- Leptopelis xenodactylus Poynton, 1963
- Leptopelis yaldeni Largen, 1977
- Leptopelis zebra Amiet, 2001
- Leptophryne borbonica (Tschudi, 1838)
- Leptophryne cruentata (Tschudi, 1838)
- Leptophryne javanica Hamidy, Munir, Mumpuni, Rahmania and Kholik, 2018
- Leucostethus argyrogaster (Morales and Schulte, 1993)
- Leucostethus brachistriatus (Rivero and Serna, 1986)
- Leucostethus fraterdanieli (Silverstone, 1971)
- Leucostethus fugax (Morales and Schulte, 1993)
- Leucostethus jota Marín-Castaño, Molina-Zuluaga and Restrepo, 2018
- Leucostethus ramirezi (Rivero and Serna, 2000)
- Limnodynastes convexiusculus (Macleay, 1878)
- Limnodynastes depressus Tyler, 1976
- Limnodynastes dorsalis (Gray, 1841)
- Limnodynastes dumerilii Peters, 1863
- Limnodynastes fletcheri Boulenger, 1888
- Limnodynastes interioris Fry, 1913
- Limnodynastes lignarius (Tyler, Martin and Davies, 1979)
- Limnodynastes peronii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Limnodynastes salmini Steindachner, 1867
- Limnodynastes tasmaniensis Günther, 1858
- Limnodynastes terraereginae Fry, 1915
- Limnomedusa macroglossa (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Limnonectes acanthi (Taylor, 1923)
- Limnonectes arathooni (Smith, 1927)
- Limnonectes asperatus (Inger, Boeadi and Taufik, 1996)
- Limnonectes bannaensis Ye, Fei, Xie and Jiang, 2007
- Limnonectes blythii (Boulenger, 1920)
- Limnonectes cintalubang Matsui, Nishikawa and Eto, 2014
- Limnonectes coffeatus Phimmachak, Sivongxay, Seateun, Yodthong, Rujirawan, Neang, Aowphol and Stuart, 2018
- Limnonectes conspicillatus (Günther, 1872)
- Limnonectes dabanus (Smith, 1922)
- Limnonectes dammermani (Mertens, 1929)
- Limnonectes deinodon Dehling, 2014
- Limnonectes diuatus (Brown and Alcala, 1977)
- Limnonectes doriae (Boulenger, 1887)
- Limnonectes ferneri Siler, McVay, Diesmos and Brown, 2009
- Limnonectes finchi (Inger, 1966)
- Limnonectes fragilis (Liu and Hu in Liu, Hu, Fei and Huang, 1973)
- Limnonectes fujianensis Ye and Fei, 1994
- Limnonectes grunniens (Latreille in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
- Limnonectes gyldenstolpei (Andersson, 1916)
- Limnonectes hascheanus (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Limnonectes heinrichi (Ahl, 1933)
- Limnonectes hikidai Matsui and Nishikawa, 2014
- Limnonectes ibanorum (Inger, 1964)
- Limnonectes ingeri (Kiew, 1978)
- Limnonectes isanensis McLeod, Kelly and Barley, 2012
- Limnonectes jarujini Matsui, Panha, Khonsue and Kuraishi, 2010
- Limnonectes kadarsani Iskandar, Boeadi and Sancoyo, 1996
- Limnonectes kenepaiensis (Inger, 1966)
- Limnonectes khammonensis (Smith, 1929)
- Limnonectes khasianus (Anderson, 1871)
- Limnonectes kiziriani Pham, Le, Ngo, Ziegler and Nguyen, 2018
- Limnonectes kohchangae (Smith, 1922)
- Limnonectes kong Dehling and Dehling, 2017
- Limnonectes kuhlii (Tschudi, 1838)
- Limnonectes larvaepartus Iskandar, Evans and McGuire, 2014
- Limnonectes lauhachindai Aowphol, Rujirawan, Taksinum, Chuaynkern and Stuart, 2015
- Limnonectes leporinus (Andersson, 1923)
- Limnonectes leytensis (Boettger, 1893)
- Limnonectes limborgi (Sclater, 1892)
- Limnonectes liui (Yang, 1983)
- Limnonectes longchuanensis Suwannapoom, Yuan, Sullivan and McLeod, 2016
- Limnonectes macrocephalus (Inger, 1954)
- Limnonectes macrodon (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Limnonectes macrognathus (Boulenger, 1917)
- Limnonectes magnus (Stejneger, 1910)
- Limnonectes malesianus (Kiew, 1984)
- Limnonectes mawlyndipi (Chanda, 1990)
- Limnonectes megastomias McLeod, 2008
- Limnonectes micrixalus (Taylor, 1923)
- Limnonectes microdiscus (Boettger, 1892)
- Limnonectes microtympanum (Van Kampen, 1907)
- Limnonectes mocquardi (Mocquard, 1890)
- Limnonectes modestus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Limnonectes namiyei (Stejneger, 1901)
- Limnonectes nguyenorum McLeod, Kurlbaum and Hoang, 2015
- Limnonectes nitidus (Smedley, 1932)
- Limnonectes palavanensis (Boulenger, 1894)
- Limnonectes paramacrodon (Inger, 1966)
- Limnonectes parvus (Taylor, 1920)
- Limnonectes plicatellus (Stoliczka, 1873)
- Limnonectes poilani (Bourret, 1942)
- Limnonectes quangninhensis Pham, Le, Nguyen, Ziegler, Wu and Nguyen, 2017
- Limnonectes rhacodus (Inger, Boeadi and Taufik, 1996)
- Limnonectes savan Phimmachak, Richards, Sivongxay, Seateun, Chuaynkern, Makchai, Som and Stuart, 2019
- Limnonectes selatan Matsui, Belabut and Ahmad, 2014
- Limnonectes shompenorum Das, 1996
- Limnonectes sinuatodorsalis Matsui, 2015
- Limnonectes sisikdagu McLeod, Horner, Husted, Barley and Iskandar, 2011
- Limnonectes taylori Matsui, Panha, Khonsue and Kuraishi, 2010
- Limnonectes timorensis (Smith, 1927)
- Limnonectes tweediei (Smith, 1935)
- Limnonectes utara Matsui, Belabut and Ahmad, 2014
- Limnonectes visayanus (Inger, 1954)
- Limnonectes woodworthi (Taylor, 1923)
- Lissotriton boscai (Lataste in Tourneville, 1879)
- Lissotriton graecus (Wolterstorff, 1906)
- Lissotriton helveticus (Razoumovsky, 1789)
- Lissotriton italicus (Peracca, 1898)
- Lissotriton kosswigi (Freytag, 1955)
- Lissotriton lantzi (Wolterstorff, 1914)
- Lissotriton maltzani (Boettger, 1879)
- Lissotriton montandoni (Boulenger, 1880)
- Lissotriton schmidtleri (Raxworthy, 1988)
- Lissotriton vulgaris (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Lithobates areolatus (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Lithobates berlandieri (Baird, 1859)
- Lithobates blairi (Mecham, Littlejohn, Oldham, Brown and Brown, 1973)
- Lithobates brownorum (Sanders, 1973)
- Lithobates bwana (Hillis and de Sá, 1988)
- Lithobates capito (LeConte, 1855)
- Lithobates catesbeianus (Shaw, 1802)
- Lithobates chichicuahutla (Cuellar, Méndez-De La Cruz and Villagrán-Santa Cruz, 1996)
- Lithobates chiricahuensis (Platz and Mecham, 1979)
- Lithobates clamitans (Latreille in Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
- Lithobates dunni (Zweifel, 1957)
- Lithobates fisheri (Stejneger, 1893)
- Lithobates forreri (Boulenger, 1883)
- Lithobates grylio (Stejneger, 1901)
- Lithobates heckscheri (Wright, 1924)
- Lithobates johni (Blair, 1965)
- Lithobates juliani (Hillis and de Sá, 1988)
- Lithobates kauffeldi (Feinberg, Newman, Watkins-Colwell, Schlesinger, Zarate, Curry, Shaffer and Burger, 2014)
- Lithobates lemosespinali (Smith and Chiszar, 2003)
- Lithobates lenca (Luque-Montes, Austin, Weinfurther, Wilson, Hofmann and Townsend, 2018)
- Lithobates macroglossa (Brocchi, 1877)
- Lithobates maculatus (Brocchi, 1877)
- Lithobates magnaocularis (Frost and Bagnara, 1974)
- Lithobates megapoda (Taylor, 1942)
- Lithobates miadis (Barbour and Loveridge, 1929)
- Lithobates montezumae (Baird, 1854)
- Lithobates neovolcanicus (Hillis and Frost, 1985)
- Lithobates okaloosae (Moler, 1985)
- Lithobates omiltemanus (Günther, 1900)
- Lithobates onca (Cope in Yarrow, 1875)
- Lithobates palmipes (Spix, 1824)
- Lithobates palustris (LeConte, 1825)
- Lithobates pipiens (Schreber, 1782)
- Lithobates psilonota (Webb, 2001)
- Lithobates pueblae (Zweifel, 1955)
- Lithobates pustulosus (Boulenger, 1883)
- Lithobates septentrionalis (Baird, 1854)
- Lithobates sevosus (Goin and Netting, 1940)
- Lithobates sierramadrensis (Taylor, 1939)
- Lithobates spectabilis (Hillis and Frost, 1985)
- Lithobates sphenocephalus (Cope, 1886)
- Lithobates sylvaticus (LeConte, 1825)
- Lithobates tarahumarae (Boulenger, 1917)
- Lithobates taylori (Smith, 1959)
- Lithobates tlaloci (Hillis and Frost, 1985)
- Lithobates vaillanti (Brocchi, 1877)
- Lithobates vibicarius (Cope, 1894)
- Lithobates virgatipes (Cope, 1891)
- Lithobates warszewitschii (Schmidt, 1857)
- Lithobates yavapaiensis (Platz and Frost, 1984)
- Lithobates zweifeli (Hillis, Frost and Webb, 1984)
- Lithodytes lineatus (Schneider, 1799)
- Litoria adelaidensis (Gray, 1841)
- Litoria albolabris (Wandolleck, 1911)
- Litoria amboinensis (Horst, 1883)
- Litoria angiana (Boulenger, 1915)
- Litoria arfakiana (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Litoria aurifera Anstis, Tyler, Roberts, Price and Doughty, 2010
- Litoria axillaris Doughty, 2011
- Litoria biakensis Günther, 2006
- Litoria bibonius Kraus and Allison, 2004
- Litoria bicolor (Gray, 1842)
- Litoria burrowsi (Scott, 1942)
- Litoria capitula (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria castanea (Steindachner, 1867)
- Litoria chloristona Menzies, Richards and Tyler, 2008
- Litoria chloronota (Boulenger, 1911)
- Litoria chrisdahli Richards, 2007
- Litoria christianbergmanni Günther, 2008
- Litoria congenita (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Litoria contrastens (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria cooloolensis Liem, 1974
- Litoria coplandi (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria corbeni (Wells and Wellington, 1985)
- Litoria darlingtoni (Loveridge, 1945)
- Litoria dentata (Keferstein, 1868)
- Litoria dorsalis Macleay, 1878
- Litoria electrica Ingram and Corben, 1990
- Litoria eurynastes Menzies, Richards and Tyler, 2008
- Litoria everetti (Boulenger, 1897)
- Litoria ewingii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Litoria fallax (Peters, 1880)
- Litoria flavescens Kraus and Allison, 2004
- Litoria freycineti Tschudi, 1838
- Litoria gasconi Richards, Oliver, Krey and Tjaturadi, 2009
- Litoria havina Menzies, 1993
- Litoria hilli Hiaso and Richards, 2006
- Litoria humboldtorum Günther, 2006
- Litoria inermis (Peters, 1867)
- Litoria iris (Tyler, 1962)
- Litoria javana (Ahl, 1926)
- Litoria jervisiensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Litoria jeudii (Werner, 1901)
- Litoria latopalmata Günther, 1867
- Litoria leucova (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria littlejohni White, Whitford and Mahony, 1994
- Litoria lodesdema Menzies, Richards and Tyler, 2008
- Litoria longicrus (Boulenger, 1911)
- Litoria longirostris Tyler and Davies, 1977
- Litoria louisiadensis (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria lutea (Boulenger, 1887)
- Litoria majikthise Johnston and Richards, 1994
- Litoria mareku Günther, 2008
- Litoria megalops Richards and Iskandar, 2006
- Litoria meiriana (Tyler, 1969)
- Litoria microbelos (Cogger, 1966)
- Litoria micromembrana (Tyler, 1963)
- Litoria modica (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria mucro Menzies, 1993
- Litoria multicolor Günther, 2004
- Litoria multiplica (Tyler, 1964)
- Litoria mystax (Van Kampen, 1906)
- Litoria nasuta (Gray, 1842)
- Litoria nigrofrenata (Günther, 1867)
- Litoria nigropunctata (Meyer, 1875)
- Litoria obtusirostris Meyer, 1875
- Litoria oenicolen Menzies and Zweifel, 1974
- Litoria ollauro Menzies, 1993
- Litoria olongburensis Liem and Ingram, 1977
- Litoria pallida Davies, Martin and Watson, 1983
- Litoria paraewingi Watson, Loftus-Hills and Littlejohn, 1971
- Litoria peronii (Tschudi, 1838)
- Litoria personata Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1978
- Litoria pinocchio Oliver, Günther, Mumpuni and Richards, 2019
- Litoria pronimia Menzies, 1993
- Litoria prora (Menzies, 1969)
- Litoria pygmaea (Meyer, 1875)
- Litoria quadrilineata Tyler and Parker, 1974
- Litoria revelata Ingram, Corben and Hosmer, 1982
- Litoria richardsi Dennis and Cunningham, 2006
- Litoria rothii (De Vis, 1884)
- Litoria rubella (Gray, 1842)
- Litoria rubrops Kraus and Allison, 2004
- Litoria scabra Günther and Richards, 2005
- Litoria singadanae Richards, 2005
- Litoria spartacus Richards and Oliver, 2006
- Litoria staccato Doughty and Anstis, 2007
- Litoria thesaurensis (Peters, 1877)
- Litoria timida Tyler and Parker, 1972
- Litoria tornieri (Nieden, 1923)
- Litoria tyleri Martin, Watson, Gartside, Littlejohn and Loftus-Hills, 1979
- Litoria umarensis Günther, 2004
- Litoria umbonata Tyler and Davies, 1983
- Litoria vagabunda (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Litoria verae Günther, 2004
- Litoria verreauxii (Duméril, 1853)
- Litoria viranula Menzies, Richards and Tyler, 2008
- Litoria vivissimia Oliver, Richards and Donnellan, 2019
- Litoria vocivincens Menzies, 1972
- Litoria wapogaensis Richards and Iskandar, 2001
- Litoria watjulumensis (Copland, 1957)
- Litoria wisselensis (Tyler, 1968)
- Litoria wollastoni (Boulenger, 1914)
- Liua shihi (Liu, 1950)
- Liua tsinpaensis (Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1966)
- Liuixalus calcarius Milto, Poyarkov, Orlov and Nguyen, 2013
- Liuixalus feii Yang, Rao and Wang, 2015
- Liuixalus hainanus (Liu and Wu in Liu, Wang, Lü, Zhao, Che and Wu, 2004)
- Liuixalus ocellatus (Liu and Hu in Liu, Hu, Fei and Huang, 1973)
- Liuixalus romeri (Smith, 1953)
- Liuixalus shiwandashan Li, Mo, Jiang, Xie and Jiang, 2015
- Liurana alpina Huang and Ye, 1997
- Liurana medogensis Fei, Ye and Huang, 1997
- Liurana vallecula Jiang, Wang, Wang, Li and Che, 2019
- Liurana xizangensis (Hu in Sichuan Institute of Biology Herpetology Department, 1977)
- Luetkenotyphlus brasiliensis (Lütken, 1851)
- Lyciasalamandra antalyana (Basoglu and Baran, 1976)
- Lyciasalamandra atifi (Basoglu, 1967)
- Lyciasalamandra billae (Franzen and Klewen, 1987)
- Lyciasalamandra fazilae (Basoglu and Atatür, 1975)
- Lyciasalamandra flavimembris (Mutz and Steinfartz, 1995)
- Lyciasalamandra helverseni (Pieper, 1963)
- Lyciasalamandra luschani (Steindachner, 1891)
- Lynchius flavomaculatus (Parker, 1938)
- Lynchius megacephalus Sánchez-Nivicela, Urgilés, Navarrete, Yánez-Muñoz and Ron, 2019
- Lynchius nebulanastes (Cannatella, 1984)
- Lynchius oblitus Motta, Chaparro, Pombal, Guayasamin, De la Riva and Padial, 2016
- Lynchius parkeri (Lynch, 1975)
- Lynchius simmonsi (Lynch, 1974)
- Lynchius tabaconas Motta, Chaparro, Pombal, Guayasamin, De la Riva and Padial, 2016
- Lysapsus bolivianus Gallardo, 1961
- Lysapsus caraya Gallardo, 1964
- Lysapsus laevis (Parker, 1935)
- Lysapsus limellum Cope, 1862
- Macrogenioglottus alipioi Carvalho, 1946
- Madecassophryne truebae Guibé, 1974
- Mannophryne caquetio Mijares-Urrutia and Arends-R., 1999
- Mannophryne collaris (Boulenger, 1912)
- Mannophryne cordilleriana La Marca, 1994
- Mannophryne herminae (Boettger, 1893)
- Mannophryne lamarcai Mijares-Urrutia and Arends-R., 1999
- Mannophryne larandina (Yústiz, 1991)
- Mannophryne leonardoi Manzanilla, La Marca, Jowers, Sánchez and García-París, 2007
- Mannophryne molinai Rojas-Runjaic, Matta-Pereira and La Marca, 2018
- Mannophryne neblina (Test, 1956)
- Mannophryne oblitterata (Rivero, 1984)
- Mannophryne olmonae (Hardy, 1983)
- Mannophryne orellana Barrio-Amorós, Santos and Molina, 2010
- Mannophryne riveroi (Donoso-Barros, 1965)
- Mannophryne speeri La Marca, 2009
- Mannophryne trinitatis (Garman, 1888)
- Mannophryne trujillensis Vargas Galarce and La Marca, 2007
- Mannophryne urticans Barrio-Amorós, Santos and Molina, 2010
- Mannophryne venezuelensis Manzanilla, Jowers, La Marca and García-París, 2007
- Mannophryne vulcano Barrio-Amorós, Santos and Molina, 2010
- Mannophryne yustizi (La Marca, 1989)
- Mantella aurantiaca Mocquard, 1900
- Mantella baroni Boulenger, 1888
- Mantella bernhardi Vences, Glaw, Peyrieras, Böhme and Busse, 1994
- Mantella betsileo (Grandidier, 1872)
- Mantella cowanii Boulenger, 1882
- Mantella crocea Pintak and Böhme, 1990
- Mantella ebenaui (Boettger, 1880)
- Mantella expectata Busse and Böhme, 1992
- Mantella haraldmeieri Busse, 1981
- Mantella laevigata Methuen and Hewitt, 1913
- Mantella madagascariensis (Grandidier, 1872)
- Mantella manery Vences, Glaw and Böhme, 1999
- Mantella milotympanum Staniszewski, 1996
- Mantella nigricans Guibé, 1978
- Mantella pulchra Parker, 1925
- Mantella viridis Pintak and Böhme, 1988
- Mantidactylus aerumnalis (Peracca, 1893)
- Mantidactylus albofrenatus (Müller, 1892)
- Mantidactylus alutus (Peracca, 1893)
- Mantidactylus ambohimitombi Boulenger, 1919
- Mantidactylus ambreensis Mocquard, 1895
- Mantidactylus argenteus Methuen, 1920
- Mantidactylus bellyi Mocquard, 1895
- Mantidactylus betsileanus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Mantidactylus biporus (Boulenger, 1889)
- Mantidactylus bourgati Guibé, 1974
- Mantidactylus brevipalmatus Ahl, 1929
- Mantidactylus charlotteae Vences and Glaw, 2004
- Mantidactylus cowanii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Mantidactylus curtus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Mantidactylus delormei Angel, 1938
- Mantidactylus femoralis (Boulenger, 1882)
- Mantidactylus grandidieri Mocquard, 1895
- Mantidactylus guttulatus (Boulenger, 1881)
- Mantidactylus lugubris (Duméril, 1853)
- Mantidactylus madecassus (Millot and Guibé, 1950)
- Mantidactylus majori Boulenger, 1896
- Mantidactylus melanopleura (Mocquard, 1901)
- Mantidactylus mocquardi Angel, 1929
- Mantidactylus multiplicatus Boettger, 1913
- Mantidactylus noralottae Mercurio and Andreone, 2007
- Mantidactylus opiparis (Peracca, 1893)
- Mantidactylus paidroa Bora, Ramilijaona, Raminosoa and Vences, 2011
- Mantidactylus pauliani Guibé, 1974
- Mantidactylus schulzi Vences, Hildenbrand, Warmuth, Andreone and Glaw, 2018
- Mantidactylus tricinctus (Guibé, 1947)
- Mantidactylus ulcerosus (Boettger, 1880)
- Mantidactylus zipperi Vences and Glaw, 2004
- Mantidactylus zolitschka Glaw and Vences, 2004
- Mantophryne axanthogaster Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Mantophryne insignis Günther and Richards, 2016
- Mantophryne lateralis Boulenger, 1897
- Mantophryne louisiadensis (Parker, 1934)
- Mantophryne menziesi (Zweifel, 1972)
- Megaelosia apuana Pombal, Prado and Canedo, 2003
- Megaelosia bocainensis Giaretta, Bokermann and Haddad, 1993
- Megaelosia boticariana Giaretta and Aguiar, 1998
- Megaelosia goeldii (Baumann, 1912)
- Megaelosia jordanensis (Heyer, 1983)
- Megaelosia lutzae Izecksohn and Gouvêa, 1987
- Megaelosia massarti (De Witte, 1930)
- Megastomatohyla mixe (Duellman, 1965)
- Megastomatohyla mixomaculata (Taylor, 1950)
- Megastomatohyla nubicola (Duellman, 1964)
- Megastomatohyla pellita (Duellman, 1968)
- Megophrys aceras Boulenger, 1903
- Megophrys acuta Wang, Li and Jin, 2014
- Megophrys ancrae Mahony, Teeling and Biju, 2013
- Megophrys auralensis Ohler, Swan and Daltry, 2002
- Megophrys baluensis (Boulenger, 1899)
- Megophrys baolongensis Ye, Fei and Xie, 2007
- Megophrys binchuanensis Ye and Fei, 1995
- Megophrys binlingensis Jiang, Fei and Ye, 2009
- Megophrys boettgeri (Boulenger, 1899)
- Megophrys brachykolos Inger and Romer, 1961
- Megophrys carinense (Boulenger, 1889)
- Megophrys caudoprocta Shen, 1994
- Megophrys cheni (Wang and Yang in Wang, Zhao, Yang, Zhou, Chen and Liu, 2014)
- Megophrys chuannanensis (Fei, Ye and Huang in Fei and Ye, 2001)
- Megophrys damrei Mahony, 2011
- Megophrys daweimontis Rao and Yang, 1997
- Megophrys dongguanensis Wang and Wang, 2019
- Megophrys dringi Inger, Stuebing and Tan, 1995
- Megophrys edwardinae Inger, 1989
- Megophrys elfina Poyarkov, Duong, Orlov, Gogoleva, Vassilieva, Nguyen, Nguyen, Nguyen, Che and Mahony, 2017
- Megophrys fansipanensis Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Nguyen, Dau, Luong, Le, Nguyen, Nguyen, Portway, Luong and Rowley, 2018
- Megophrys feae Boulenger, 1887
- Megophrys feii Yang, Wang and Wang, 2018
- Megophrys flavipunctata Mahony, Kamei, Teeling and Biju, 2018
- Megophrys gerti (Ohler, 2003)
- Megophrys gigantica Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960
- Megophrys glandulosa Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Megophrys hansi (Ohler, 2003)
- Megophrys himalayana Mahony, Kamei, Teeling and Biju, 2018
- Megophrys hoanglienensis Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Nguyen, Dau, Luong, Le, Nguyen, Nguyen, Portway, Luong and Rowley, 2018
- Megophrys huangshanensis Fei and Ye, 2005
- Megophrys insularis (Wang, Liu, Lyu, Zeng and Wang, 2017)
- Megophrys intermedia Smith, 1921
- Megophrys jingdongensis Fei and Ye in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1983
- Megophrys jinggangensis (Wang, 2012)
- Megophrys jiulianensis J. Wang, Zeng, Lyu and Y.Y. Wang in Wang, Lyu, Liu, Liao, Zeng, Zhao, Li and Wang, 2019
- Megophrys kobayashii Malkmus and Matsui, 1997
- Megophrys koui Mahony, Foley, Biju and Teeling, 2017
- Megophrys kuatunensis Pope, 1929
- Megophrys lancip Munir, Hamidy, Farajallah and Smith, 2018
- Megophrys latidactyla Orlov, Poyarkov and Nguyen, 2015
- Megophrys leishanensis Li, Xu, Liu, Jiang, Wei and Wang, 2019
- Megophrys lekaguli Stuart, Chuaynkern, Chan-ard and Inger, 2006
- Megophrys liboensis (Zhang, Li, Xiao, Li, Pan, Wang, Zhang and Zhou, 2017)
- Megophrys ligayae Taylor, 1920
- Megophrys lini (Wang and Yang in Wang, Zhao, Yang, Zhou, Chen and Liu, 2014)
- Megophrys lishuiensis (Wang, Liu and Jiang in Wang, Liu, Jiang, Jin, Xu and Wu, 2017)
- Megophrys longipes Boulenger, 1886
- Megophrys major Boulenger, 1908
- Megophrys mangshanensis Fei and Ye in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Megophrys maosonensis Bourret, 1937
- Megophrys medogensis Fei, Ye and Huang, 1983
- Megophrys megacephala Mahony, Sengupta, Kamei and Biju, 2011
- Megophrys microstoma (Boulenger, 1903)
- Megophrys minor Stejneger, 1926
- Megophrys montana Kuhl and Van Hasselt, 1822
- Megophrys monticola (Günther, 1864)
- Megophrys mufumontana J. Wang, Lyu and Y.Y. Wang, 2019
- Megophrys nankiangensis Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1966
- Megophrys nankunensis Wang, Zeng and Wang, 2019
- Megophrys nanlingensis Lyu, J. Wang, Liu and Y.Y. Wang, 2019
- Megophrys nasuta (Schlegel, 1858)
- Megophrys obesa Wang, Li and Zhao, 2014
- Megophrys ombrophila Messenger and Dahn, 2019
- Megophrys omeimontis Liu, 1950
- Megophrys oreocrypta Mahony, Kamei, Teeling and Biju, 2018
- Megophrys oropedion Mahony, Teeling and Biju, 2013
- Megophrys pachyproctus Huang in Huang and Fei, 1981
- Megophrys palpebralespinosa Bourret, 1937
- Megophrys parallela Inger and Iskandar, 2005
- Megophrys parva (Boulenger, 1893)
- Megophrys periosa Mahony, Kamei, Teeling and Biju, 2018
- Megophrys popei (Zhao, Yang, Chen, Chen and Wang, 2014)
- Megophrys robusta Boulenger, 1908
- Megophrys rubrimera Tapley, Cutajar, Mahony, Chung, Dau, Nguyen, Luong and Rowley, 2017
- Megophrys sangzhiensis Jiang, Ye and Fei, 2008
- Megophrys serchhipii (Mathew and Sen, 2007)
- Megophrys shapingensis Liu, 1950
- Megophrys shuichengensis Tian and Sun, 1995
- Megophrys spinata Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1973
- Megophrys stejnegeri Taylor, 1920
- Megophrys synoria (Stuart, Sok and Neang, 2006)
- Megophrys takensis Mahony, 2011
- Megophrys tuberogranulata Shen, Mo and Li, 2010
- Megophrys vegrandis Mahony, Teeling and Biju, 2013
- Megophrys wawuensis Fei, Jiang and Zheng in Fei and Ye, 2001
- Megophrys wugongensis J. Wang, Lyu and Y.Y. Wang, 2019
- Megophrys wuliangshanensis Ye and Fei, 1995
- Megophrys wushanensis Ye and Fei, 1995
- Megophrys zhangi Ye and Fei, 1992
- Megophrys zunhebotoensis (Mathew and Sen, 2007)
- Melanobatrachus indicus Beddome, 1878
- Melanophryniscus admirabilis Di-Bernardo, Maneyro and Grillo, 2006
- Melanophryniscus alipioi Langone, Segalla, Bornschein and de Sá, 2008
- Melanophryniscus atroluteus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Melanophryniscus biancae Bornschein, Baldo, Pie, Firkowski, Ribeiro and Corrêa, 2015
- Melanophryniscus cambaraensis Braun and Braun, 1979
- Melanophryniscus cupreuscapularis Céspedez and Alvarez, 2000
- Melanophryniscus devincenzii Klappenbach, 1968
- Melanophryniscus dorsalis (Mertens, 1933)
- Melanophryniscus estebani Céspedez, 2008
- Melanophryniscus fulvoguttatus (Mertens, 1937)
- Melanophryniscus klappenbachi Prigioni and Langone, 2000
- Melanophryniscus krauczuki Baldo and Basso, 2004
- Melanophryniscus langonei Maneyro, Naya and Baldo, 2008
- Melanophryniscus macrogranulosus Braun, 1973
- Melanophryniscus milanoi Baldo, Bornschein, Pie, Firkowski, Ribeiro and Belmonte-Lopes, 2015
- Melanophryniscus montevidensis (Philippi, 1902)
- Melanophryniscus moreirae (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Melanophryniscus pachyrhynus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Melanophryniscus paraguayensis Céspedez and Motte, 2007
- Melanophryniscus peritus Caramaschi and Cruz, 2011
- Melanophryniscus rubriventris (Vellard, 1947)
- Melanophryniscus sanmartini Klappenbach, 1968
- Melanophryniscus setiba Peloso, Faivovich, Grant, Gasparini and Haddad, 2012
- Melanophryniscus simplex Caramaschi and Cruz, 2002
- Melanophryniscus spectabilis Caramaschi and Cruz, 2002
- Melanophryniscus stelzneri (Weyenbergh, 1875)
- Melanophryniscus tumifrons (Boulenger, 1905)
- Melanophryniscus vilavelhensis Steinbach-Padilha, 2008
- Melanophryniscus xanthostomus Baldo, Bornschein, Pie, Ribeiro, Firkowski and Morato, 2015
- Mercurana myristicapalustris Abraham, Pyron, Ansil, Zachariah and Zachariah, 2013
- Meristogenys amoropalamus (Matsui, 1986)
- Meristogenys dyscritus Shimada, Matsui, Yambun and Sudin, 2011
- Meristogenys jerboa (Günther, 1872)
- Meristogenys kinabaluensis (Inger, 1966)
- Meristogenys macrophthalmus (Matsui, 1986)
- Meristogenys maryatiae Matsui, Shimada and Sudin, 2010
- Meristogenys orphnocnemis (Matsui, 1986)
- Meristogenys penrissenensis Shimada, Matsui, Nishikawa and Eto, 2015
- Meristogenys phaeomerus (Inger and Gritis, 1983)
- Meristogenys poecilus (Inger and Gritis, 1983)
- Meristogenys stenocephalus Shimada, Matsui, Yambun and Sudin, 2011
- Meristogenys stigmachilus Shimada, Matsui, Yambun and Sudin, 2011
- Meristogenys whiteheadi (Boulenger, 1887)
- Mertensiella caucasica (Waga, 1876)
- Mertensophryne anotis (Boulenger, 1907)
- Mertensophryne howelli (Poynton and Clarke, 1999)
- Mertensophryne lindneri (Mertens, 1955)
- Mertensophryne lonnbergi (Andersson, 1911)
- Mertensophryne loveridgei (Poynton, 1991)
- Mertensophryne melanopleura (Schmidt and Inger, 1959)
- Mertensophryne micranotis (Loveridge, 1925)
- Mertensophryne mocquardi (Angel, 1924)
- Mertensophryne nairobiensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Mertensophryne nyikae (Loveridge, 1953)
- Mertensophryne schmidti Grandison, 1972
- Mertensophryne taitana (Peters, 1878)
- Mertensophryne usambarae (Poynton and Clarke, 1999)
- Mertensophryne uzunguensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Metacrinia nichollsi (Harrison, 1927)
- Metaphrynella pollicaris (Boulenger, 1890)
- Metaphrynella sundana (Peters, 1867)
- Metaphryniscus sosai Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1994
- Micrixalus adonis Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus candidus Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus elegans (Rao, 1937)
- Micrixalus frigidus Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus fuscus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Micrixalus gadgili Pillai and Pattabiraman, 1990
- Micrixalus herrei Myers, 1942
- Micrixalus kodayari Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus kottigeharensis (Rao, 1937)
- Micrixalus kurichiyari Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus mallani Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus nelliyampathi Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus nigraventris Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus niluvasei Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus nudis Pillai, 1978
- Micrixalus phyllophilus (Jerdon, 1853)
- Micrixalus sairandhri Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus sali Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus saxicola (Jerdon, 1853)
- Micrixalus silvaticus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Micrixalus specca Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus spelunca Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Micrixalus thampii Pillai, 1981
- Micrixalus uttaraghati Biju, Garg, Gururaja, Shouche and Walujkar, 2014
- Microbatrachella capensis (Boulenger, 1910)
- Microcaecilia albiceps (Boulenger, 1882)
- Microcaecilia butantan Wilkinson, Antoniazzi and Jared, 2015
- Microcaecilia dermatophaga Wilkinson, Sherratt, Starace and Gower, 2013
- Microcaecilia grandis Wilkinson, Nussbaum and Hoogmoed, 2010
- Microcaecilia iwokramae (Wake and Donnelly, 2010)
- Microcaecilia iyob Wilkinson and Kok, 2010
- Microcaecilia marvaleewakeae Maciel and Hoogmoed, 2013
- Microcaecilia nicefori (Barbour, 1924)
- Microcaecilia pricei (Dunn, 1944)
- Microcaecilia rabei (Roze and Solano, 1963)
- Microcaecilia rochai Maciel and Hoogmoed, 2011
- Microcaecilia savagei Donnelly and Wake, 2013
- Microcaecilia supernumeraria Taylor, 1969
- Microcaecilia taylori Nussbaum and Hoogmoed, 1979
- Microcaecilia trombetas Maciel and Hoogmoed, 2011
- Microcaecilia unicolor (Duméril, 1863)
- Microhyla achatina Tschudi, 1838
- Microhyla annamensis Smith, 1923
- Microhyla annectens Boulenger, 1900
- Microhyla arboricola Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Orlov, Galoyan, Tran, Le, Kretova and Geissler, 2014
- Microhyla aurantiventris Nguyen, Poyarkov, Nguyen, Nguyen, Tran, Gorin, Murphy and Nguyen, 2019
- Microhyla beilunensis Zhang, Fei, Ye, Wang, Wang and Jiang, 2018
- Microhyla berdmorei (Blyth, 1856)
- Microhyla borneensis Parker, 1928
- Microhyla butleri Boulenger, 1900
- Microhyla chakrapanii Pillai, 1977
- Microhyla darevskii Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Orlov, Galoyan, Tran, Le, Kretova and Geissler, 2014
- Microhyla darreli Garg, Suyesh, Das, Jiang, Wijayathilaka, Amarasinghe, Alhadi, Vineeth, Aravind et al., 2018
- Microhyla fissipes Boulenger, 1884
- Microhyla fodiens Poyarkov, Gorin, Zaw, Kretova, Gogoleva, Pawangkhanant and Che, 2019
- Microhyla fusca Andersson, 1942
- Microhyla gadjahmadai Atmaja, Hamidy, Arisuryanti, Matsui and Smith, 2018
- Microhyla heymonsi Vogt, 1911
- Microhyla irrawaddy Poyarkov, Gorin, Zaw, Kretova, Gogoleva, Pawangkhanant and Che, 2019
- Microhyla karunaratnei Fernando and Siriwardhane, 1996
- Microhyla kodial Vineeth, Radhakrishna, Godwin, Anwesha, Rajashekhar and Aravind, 2018
- Microhyla laterite Seshadri, Singal, Priti, Ravikanth, Vidisha, Saurabh, Pratik and Gururaja, 2016
- Microhyla maculifera Inger, 1989
- Microhyla malang Matsui, 2011
- Microhyla mantheyi Das, Yaakob and Sukumaran, 2007
- Microhyla marmorata Bain and Nguyen, 2004
- Microhyla mihintalei Wijayathilaka, Garg, Senevirathne, Karunarathna, Biju and Meegaskumbura, 2016
- Microhyla minuta Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Orlov, Galoyan, Tran, Le, Kretova and Geissler, 2014
- Microhyla mixtura Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1966
- Microhyla mukhlesuri Hasan, Islam, Kuramoto, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2014
- Microhyla mymensinghensis Hasan, Islam, Kuramoto, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2014
- Microhyla nanapollexa Bain and Nguyen, 2004
- Microhyla nilphamariensis Howlader, Nair, Gopalan and Merilä, 2015
- Microhyla okinavensis Stejneger, 1901
- Microhyla orientalis Matsui, Hamidy and Eto, 2013
- Microhyla ornata (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Microhyla palmipes Boulenger, 1897
- Microhyla perparva Inger and Frogner, 1979
- Microhyla petrigena Inger and Frogner, 1979
- Microhyla picta Schenkel, 1901
- Microhyla pineticola Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Orlov, Galoyan, Tran, Le, Kretova and Geissler, 2014
- Microhyla pulchella Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Orlov, Galoyan, Tran, Le, Kretova and Geissler, 2014
- Microhyla pulchra (Hallowell, 1861)
- Microhyla pulverata Bain and Nguyen, 2004
- Microhyla rubra (Jerdon, 1853)
- Microhyla sholigari Dutta and Ray, 2000
- Microhyla superciliaris Parker, 1928
- Microhyla taraiensis Khatiwada, Shu, Wang, Thapa, Wang and Jiang, 2017
- Microhyla zeylanica Parker and Osman-Hill, 1949
- Microkayla adenopleura (Aguayo-Vedia and Harvey, 2001)
- Microkayla ankohuma (Padial and De la Riva in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla boettgeri (Lehr, 2006)
- Microkayla chacaltaya (De la Riva, Padial and Cortéz in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla chapi De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Microkayla chaupi (De la Riva and Aparicio, 2016)
- Microkayla chilina De la Riva, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher and Padial, 2017
- Microkayla colla (De la Riva, Aparicio, Soto and Ríos in De la Riva and Aparicio, 2016)
- Microkayla condoriri (De la Riva, Aguayo and Padial in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla guillei (De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla harveyi (Muñoz, Aguayo and De la Riva in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla huayna De la Riva, Cortez F. and Burrowes, 2017
- Microkayla iani (De la Riva, Reichle and Cortéz in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla iatamasi (Aguayo-Vedia and Harvey, 2001)
- Microkayla illampu (De la Riva, Reichle and Padial in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla illimani (De la Riva and Padial in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla kallawaya (De la Riva and Martínez-Solano in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla katantika (De la Riva and Martínez-Solano in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla kempffi (De la Riva, 1992)
- Microkayla melanocheira (De la Riva, Ríos and Aparicio in De la Riva and Aparicio, 2016)
- Microkayla pinguis (Harvey and Ergueta-Sandoval, 1998)
- Microkayla quimsacruzis (De la Riva, Reichle and Bosch in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla saltator (De la Riva, Reichle and Bosch in De la Riva, 2007)
- Microkayla teqta (De la Riva and Burrowes, 2014)
- Microkayla wettsteini (Parker, 1932)
- Micryletta aishani Das, Garg, Hamidy, Smith and Biju, 2019
- Micryletta erythropoda (Tarkhnishvili, 1994)
- Micryletta inornata (Boulenger, 1890)
- Micryletta nigromaculata Poyarkov, Nguyen, Duong, Gorin and Yang, 2018
- Micryletta steinegeri (Boulenger, 1909)
- Mimosiphonops reinhardti Wilkinson and Nussbaum, 1992
- Mimosiphonops vermiculatus Taylor, 1968
- Minervarya agricola (Jerdon, 1853)
- Minervarya andamanensis (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Minervarya asmati (Howlader, 2011)
- Minervarya brevipalmata (Peters, 1871)
- Minervarya caperata (Kuramoto, Joshy, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2008)
- Minervarya cepfi (Garg and Biju, 2017)
- Minervarya chiangmaiensis (Suwannapoom, Yuan, Poyarkov, Yan, Kamtaeja, Murphy and Che, 2016)
- Minervarya chilapata Ohler, Deuti, Grosjean, Paul, Ayyaswamy, Ahmed and Dutta, 2009
- Minervarya dhaka (Howlader, Nair and Merilä, 2016)
- Minervarya goemchi (Dinesh, Kulkarni, Swamy and Deepak, 2018)
- Minervarya gomantaki (Dinesh, Vijayakumar, Channakeshavamurthy, Torsekar, Kulkarni and Shanker, 2015)
- Minervarya granosa (Kuramoto, Joshy, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2008)
- Minervarya greenii (Boulenger, 1905)
- Minervarya jhilmilensis (Bahuguna, 2018)
- Minervarya kadar (Garg and Biju, 2017)
- Minervarya kalinga (Raj, Dinesh, Das, Dutta, Kar and Mohapatra, 2018)
- Minervarya keralensis (Dubois, 1981)
- Minervarya kirtisinghei (Manamendra-Arachchi and Gabadage, 1996)
- Minervarya krishnan (Raj, Dinesh, Das, Dutta, Kar and Mohapatra, 2018)
- Minervarya kudremukhensis (Kuramoto, Joshy, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2008)
- Minervarya manoharani (Garg and Biju, 2017)
- Minervarya marathi (Phuge, Dinesh, Andhale, Bhakare and Pandit, 2019)
- Minervarya modesta (Rao, 1920)
- Minervarya muangkanensis (Suwannapoom, Yuan, Jiang, Yan, Gao and Che, 2017)
- Minervarya mudduraja (Kuramoto, Joshy, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2008)
- Minervarya murthii (Pillai, 1979)
- Minervarya mysorensis (Rao, 1922)
- Minervarya neilcoxi (Garg and Biju, 2017)
- Minervarya nepalensis (Dubois, 1975)
- Minervarya nicobariensis (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Minervarya nilagirica (Jerdon, 1853)
- Minervarya parambikulamana (Rao, 1937)
- Minervarya pierrei (Dubois, 1975)
- Minervarya rufescens (Jerdon, 1853)
- Minervarya sahyadris Dubois, Ohler and Biju, 2001
- Minervarya sauriceps (Rao, 1937)
- Minervarya sengupti (Purkayastha and Matsui, 2012)
- Minervarya syhadrensis (Annandale, 1919)
- Minervarya teraiensis (Dubois, 1984)
- Mini ature Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Mini mum Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Mini scule Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Minyobates steyermarki (Rivero, 1971)
- Mixophyes balbus Straughan, 1968
- Mixophyes carbinensis Mahony, Donnellan, Richards and McDonald, 2006
- Mixophyes coggeri Mahony, Donnellan, Richards and McDonald, 2006
- Mixophyes fasciolatus Günther, 1864
- Mixophyes fleayi Corben and Ingram, 1987
- Mixophyes hihihorlo Donnellan, Mahony and Davies, 1990
- Mixophyes iteratus Straughan, 1968
- Mixophyes schevilli Loveridge, 1933
- Morerella cyanophthalma Rödel, Assemian, Kouamé, Tohé and Perret, 2009
- Myersiella microps (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Myersiohyla aromatica (Ayarzagüena and Señaris, 1994)
- Myersiohyla chamaeleo Faivovich, McDiarmid and Myers, 2013
- Myersiohyla inparquesi (Ayarzagüena and Señaris, 1994)
- Myersiohyla liliae (Kok, 2006)
- Myersiohyla loveridgei (Rivero, 1961)
- Myersiohyla neblinaria Faivovich, McDiarmid and Myers, 2013
- Myobatrachus gouldii (Gray, 1841)
- Mysticellus franki Garg and Biju, 2019
- Nannophryne apolobambica (De la Riva, Ríos and Aparicio, 2005)
- Nannophryne cophotis (Boulenger, 1900)
- Nannophryne corynetes (Duellman and Ochoa-M., 1991)
- Nannophryne variegata Günther, 1870
- Nannophrys ceylonensis Günther, 1869
- Nannophrys guentheri Boulenger, 1882
- Nannophrys marmorata Kirtisinghe, 1946
- Nannophrys naeyakai Fernando, Wickramasinghe and Rodrigo, 2007
- Nanorana aenea (Smith, 1922)
- Nanorana annandalii (Boulenger, 1920)
- Nanorana arnoldi (Dubois, 1975)
- Nanorana blanfordii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Nanorana chayuensis (Ye in Sichuan Institute of Biology Herpetology Department, 1977)
- Nanorana conaensis (Fei and Huang in Huang and Fei, 1981)
- Nanorana ercepeae (Dubois, 1974)
- Nanorana feae (Boulenger, 1887)
- Nanorana gammii (Anderson, 1871)
- Nanorana kangxianensis (Yang, Wang, Hu and Jiang, 2011)
- Nanorana liebigii (Günther, 1860)
- Nanorana maculosa (Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960)
- Nanorana medogensis (Fei and Ye in Fei, 1999)
- Nanorana minica (Dubois, 1975)
- Nanorana mokokchungensis (Das and Chanda, 2000)
- Nanorana parkeri (Stejneger, 1927)
- Nanorana phrynoides (Boulenger, 1917)
- Nanorana pleskei Günther, 1896
- Nanorana polunini (Smith, 1951)
- Nanorana quadranus (Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960)
- Nanorana rarica (Dubois, Matsui and Ohler, 2001)
- Nanorana rostandi (Dubois, 1974)
- Nanorana sichuanensis (Dubois, 1987)
- Nanorana taihangnica (Chen and Jiang, 2002)
- Nanorana unculuanus (Liu, Hu and Yang, 1960)
- Nanorana ventripunctata Fei and Huang, 1985
- Nanorana vicina (Stoliczka, 1872)
- Nanorana yunnanensis (Anderson, 1879)
- Nasikabatrachus bhupathi Janani, Vasudevan, Prendini, Dutta and Aggarwal, 2017
- Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis Biju and Bossuyt, 2003
- Nasutixalus jerdonii (Günther, 1876)
- Nasutixalus medogensis Jiang, Wang, Yan and Che, 2016
- Nasutixalus yingjiangensis Yang and Chan, 2018
- Natalobatrachus bonebergi Hewitt and Methuen, 1912
- Nectocaecilia petersii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Nectophryne afra Buchholz and Peters in Peters, 1875
- Nectophryne batesii Boulenger, 1913
- Nectophrynoides asperginis Poynton, Howell, Clarke and Lovett, 1999
- Nectophrynoides cryptus Perret, 1971
- Nectophrynoides frontierei Menegon, Salvidio and Loader, 2004
- Nectophrynoides laevis Menegon, Salvidio and Loader, 2004
- Nectophrynoides laticeps Channing, Menegon, Salvidio and Akker, 2005
- Nectophrynoides minutus Perret, 1972
- Nectophrynoides paulae Menegon, Salvidio, Ngalason and Loader, 2007
- Nectophrynoides poyntoni Menegon, Salvidio and Loader, 2004
- Nectophrynoides pseudotornieri Menegon, Salvidio and Loader, 2004
- Nectophrynoides tornieri (Roux, 1906)
- Nectophrynoides vestergaardi Menegon, Salvidio and Loader, 2004
- Nectophrynoides viviparus (Tornier, 1905)
- Nectophrynoides wendyae Clarke, 1988
- Necturus alabamensis Viosca, 1937
- Necturus beyeri Viosca, 1937
- Necturus lewisi Brimley, 1924
- Necturus lodingi Viosca, 1937
- Necturus louisianensis Viosca, 1938
- Necturus maculosus (Rafinesque, 1818)
- Necturus punctatus (Gibbes, 1850)
- Neobatrachus albipes Roberts, Mahony, Kendrick and Majors, 1991
- Neobatrachus aquilonius Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Neobatrachus fulvus Mahony and Roberts, 1986
- Neobatrachus kunapalari Mahony and Roberts, 1986
- Neobatrachus pelobatoides (Werner, 1914)
- Neobatrachus pictus Peters, 1863
- Neobatrachus sudelli (Lamb, 1911)
- Neobatrachus sutor Main, 1957
- Neobatrachus wilsmorei (Parker, 1940)
- Nesorohyla kanaima (Goin and Woodley, 1969)
- Neurergus barani Öz, 1994
- Neurergus crocatus Cope, 1862
- Neurergus derjugini (Nesterov, 1916)
- Neurergus kaiseri Schmidt, 1952
- Neurergus strauchii (Steindachner, 1887)
- Niceforonia adenobrachia (Ardila-Robayo, Ruiz-Carranza and Barrera-Rodriguez, 1996)
- Niceforonia aderca (Lynch, 2003)
- Niceforonia araiodactyla (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Niceforonia babax (Lynch, 1989)
- Niceforonia brunnea (Lynch, 1975)
- Niceforonia columbiana (Werner, 1899)
- Niceforonia dolops (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Niceforonia elassodiscus (Lynch, 1973)
- Niceforonia fallaciosa (Duellman, 2000)
- Niceforonia latens (Lynch, 1989)
- Niceforonia lucida (Cannatella, 1984)
- Niceforonia mantipus (Boulenger, 1908)
- Niceforonia nana Goin and Cochran, 1963
- Niceforonia nigrovittata (Andersson, 1945)
- Niceforonia peraccai (Lynch, 1975)
- Nidirana adenopleura (Boulenger, 1909)
- Nidirana chapaensis (Bourret, 1937)
- Nidirana daunchina (Chang, 1933)
- Nidirana hainanensis (Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2007)
- Nidirana lini (Chou, 1999)
- Nidirana nankunensis Lyu, Zeng, Wang, Lin, Liu and Wang, 2017
- Nidirana okinavana (Boettger, 1895)
- Nidirana pleuraden (Boulenger, 1904)
- Nimbaphrynoides occidentalis (Angel, 1943)
- Noblella carrascoicola (De la Riva and Köhler, 1998)
- Noblella coloma Guayasamin and Terán-Valdez, 2009
- Noblella duellmani (Lehr, Aguilar and Lundberg, 2004)
- Noblella heyeri (Lynch, 1986)
- Noblella lochites (Lynch, 1976)
- Noblella lynchi (Duellman, 1991)
- Noblella madreselva Catenazzi, Uscapi and von May, 2015
- Noblella myrmecoides (Lynch, 1976)
- Noblella personina Harvey, Almendáriz, Brito-M. and Batallas-R., 2013
- Noblella peruviana (Noble, 1921)
- Noblella pygmaea Lehr and Catenazzi, 2009
- Noblella ritarasquinae (Köhler, 2000)
- Noblella thiuni Catenazzi and Ttito, 2019
- Notaden bennettii Günther, 1873
- Notaden melanoscaphus Hosmer, 1962
- Notaden nichollsi Parker, 1940
- Notaden weigeli Shea and Johnston, 1988
- Nothophryne baylissi Conradie, Bittencourt-Silva, Farooq, Loader, Menegon and Tolley, 2018
- Nothophryne broadleyi Poynton, 1963
- Nothophryne inagoensis Conradie, Bittencourt-Silva, Farooq, Loader, Menegon and Tolley, 2018
- Nothophryne ribauensis Conradie, Bittencourt-Silva, Farooq, Loader, Menegon and Tolley, 2018
- Nothophryne unilurio Conradie, Bittencourt-Silva, Farooq, Loader, Menegon and Tolley, 2018
- Notophthalmus meridionalis (Cope, 1880)
- Notophthalmus perstriatus (Bishop, 1941)
- Notophthalmus viridescens (Rafinesque, 1820)
- Nototriton abscondens (Taylor, 1948)
- Nototriton barbouri (Schmidt, 1936)
- Nototriton brodiei Campbell and Smith, 1998
- Nototriton costaricense Arias and Kubicki, 2018
- Nototriton gamezi García-París and Wake, 2000
- Nototriton guanacaste Good and Wake, 1993
- Nototriton lignicola McCranie and Wilson, 1997
- Nototriton limnospectator McCranie, Wilson and Polisar, 1998
- Nototriton major Good and Wake, 1993
- Nototriton matama Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños and Wake, 2012
- Nototriton mime Townsend, Medina-Flores, Reyes-Calderón and Austin, 2013
- Nototriton nelsoni Townsend, 2016
- Nototriton oreadorum Townsend, 2016
- Nototriton picadoi (Stejneger, 1911)
- Nototriton picucha Townsend, Medina-Flores, Murillo and Austin, 2011
- Nototriton richardi (Taylor, 1949)
- Nototriton saslaya Köhler, 2002
- Nototriton stuarti Wake and Campbell, 2000
- Nototriton tapanti Good and Wake, 1993
- Nototriton tomamorum Townsend, Butler, Wilson and Austin, 2010
- Nyctanolis pernix Elias and Wake, 1983
- Nyctibates corrugatus Boulenger, 1904
- Nyctibatrachus acanthodermis Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus aliciae Inger, Shaffer, Koshy and Bakde, 1984
- Nyctibatrachus anamallaiensis (Myers, 1942)
- Nyctibatrachus athirappillyensis Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus beddomii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Nyctibatrachus danieli Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus dattatreyaensis Dinesh, Radhakrishnan and Bhatta, 2008
- Nyctibatrachus deccanensis Dubois, 1984
- Nyctibatrachus deveni Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus gavi Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus grandis Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus humayuni Bhaduri and Kripalani, 1955
- Nyctibatrachus indraneili Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus jog Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus karnatakaensis Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Manjunatha Reddy and Gururaja, 2007
- Nyctibatrachus kempholeyensis (Rao, 1937)
- Nyctibatrachus kumbara Gururaja, Dinesh, Priti and Ravikanth, 2014
- Nyctibatrachus major Boulenger, 1882
- Nyctibatrachus manalari Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus mewasinghi Krutha, Dahanukar and Molur, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus minimus Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Giri, Roelants, Nagaraju and Bossuyt, 2007
- Nyctibatrachus minor Inger, Shaffer, Koshy and Bakde, 1984
- Nyctibatrachus periyar Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus petraeus Das and Kunte, 2005
- Nyctibatrachus pillaii Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus poocha Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus pulivijayani Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus radcliffei Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus robinmoorei Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus sabarimalai Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctibatrachus sanctipalustris Rao, 1920
- Nyctibatrachus shiradi Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus sylvaticus Rao, 1937
- Nyctibatrachus vasanthi Ravichandran, 1997
- Nyctibatrachus vrijeuni Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Mahony, Dinesh, Radhakrishnan, Zachariah, Giri and Bossuyt, 2011
- Nyctibatrachus webilla Garg, Suyesh, Sukesan and Biju, 2017
- Nyctimantis rugiceps Boulenger, 1882
- Nyctimystes avocalis Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes bivocalis Kraus, 2012
- Nyctimystes brevipalmatus (Tyler, Martin and Watson, 1972)
- Nyctimystes calcaratus Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes cheesmani Tyler, 1964
- Nyctimystes cryptochrysos Kraus, 2012
- Nyctimystes daymani Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes disruptus Tyler, 1963
- Nyctimystes dux (Richards and Oliver, 2006)
- Nyctimystes eucavatus Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes fluviatilis Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes foricula Tyler, 1963
- Nyctimystes gramineus (Boulenger, 1905)
- Nyctimystes granti (Boulenger, 1914)
- Nyctimystes gularis Parker, 1936
- Nyctimystes humeralis (Boulenger, 1912)
- Nyctimystes hunti (Richards, Oliver, Dahl and Tjaturadi, 2006)
- Nyctimystes infrafrenatus (Günther, 1867)
- Nyctimystes intercastellus Kraus, 2012
- Nyctimystes kubori Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes kuduki Richards, 2007
- Nyctimystes latratus Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes montanus (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Nyctimystes myolae Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes narinosus Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes nullicedens (Kraus, 2018)
- Nyctimystes obsoletus (Lönnberg, 1900)
- Nyctimystes ocreptus Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes pallidofemora (Kraus, 2018)
- Nyctimystes papua (Boulenger, 1897)
- Nyctimystes perimetri Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes persimilis Zweifel, 1958
- Nyctimystes pterodactyla (Oliver, Richards and Donnellan, 2019)
- Nyctimystes pulcher (Wandolleck, 1911)
- Nyctimystes purpureolatus (Oliver, Richards, Tjaturadi and Iskandar, 2007)
- Nyctimystes sanguinolenta (Van Kampen, 1909)
- Nyctimystes sauroni (Richards and Oliver, 2006)
- Nyctimystes semipalmatus Parker, 1936
- Nyctimystes trachydermis Zweifel, 1983
- Nyctimystes traunae Menzies, 2014
- Nyctimystes tyleri Zweifel, 1983
- Nyctimystes zweifeli Tyler, 1967
- Nyctixalus margaritifer Boulenger, 1882
- Nyctixalus pictus (Peters, 1871)
- Nyctixalus spinosus (Taylor, 1920)
- Nymphargus anomalus (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Nymphargus armatus (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Nymphargus balionota (Duellman, 1981)
- Nymphargus bejaranoi (Cannatella, 1980)
- Nymphargus buenaventura (Cisneros-Heredia and Yánez-Muñoz, 2007)
- Nymphargus cariticommatus (Wild, 1994)
- Nymphargus caucanus Rada, Ospina-Sarria and Guayasamin, 2017
- Nymphargus chami (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Nymphargus chancas (Duellman and Schulte, 1993)
- Nymphargus cochranae (Goin, 1961)
- Nymphargus cristinae (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Nymphargus garciae (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Nymphargus grandisonae (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Nymphargus griffithsi (Goin, 1961)
- Nymphargus ignotus (Lynch, 1990)
- Nymphargus lasgralarias Hutter and Guayasamin, 2012
- Nymphargus laurae Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2007
- Nymphargus luminosus (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Nymphargus luteopunctatus (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1996)
- Nymphargus manduriacu Guayasamin, Cisneros-Heredia, Vieira, Kohn, Gavilanes, Lynch, Hamilton and Maynard, 2019
- Nymphargus mariae (Duellman and Toft, 1979)
- Nymphargus megacheirus (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Nymphargus mixomaculatus (Guayasamin, Lehr, Rodríguez and Aguilar, 2006)
- Nymphargus nephelophila (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Nymphargus ocellatus (Boulenger, 1918)
- Nymphargus oreonympha (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Nymphargus phenax (Cannatella and Duellman, 1982)
- Nymphargus pluvialis (Cannatella and Duellman, 1982)
- Nymphargus posadae (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Nymphargus prasinus (Duellman, 1981)
- Nymphargus rosada (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1997)
- Nymphargus ruizi (Lynch, 1993)
- Nymphargus siren (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Nymphargus spilotus (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1997)
- Nymphargus sucre Guayasamin, 2013
- Nymphargus truebae (Duellman, 1976)
- Nymphargus vicenteruedai Velásquez-Álvarez, Rada, Sánchez-Pacheco and Acosta-Galvis, 2007
- Nymphargus wileyi (Guayasamin, Bustamante, Almeida-Reinoso and Funk, 2006)
- Occidozyga baluensis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Occidozyga celebensis Smith, 1927
- Occidozyga diminutiva (Taylor, 1922)
- Occidozyga floresiana Mertens, 1927
- Occidozyga laevis (Günther, 1858)
- Occidozyga lima (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Occidozyga magnapustulosa (Taylor and Elbel, 1958)
- Occidozyga martensii (Peters, 1867)
- Occidozyga semipalmata Smith, 1927
- Occidozyga sumatrana (Peters, 1877)
- Occidozyga tompotika Iskandar, Arifin and Rachmanasah, 2011
- Occidozyga vittata (Andersson, 1942)
- Odontobatrachus arndti Barej, Schmitz, Penner, Doumbia, Sandberger-Loua, Emmrich, Adeba and Rödel, 2015
- Odontobatrachus fouta Barej, Schmitz, Penner, Doumbia, Brede, Hillers and Rödel, 2015
- Odontobatrachus natator (Boulenger, 1905)
- Odontobatrachus smithi Barej, Schmitz, Penner, Doumbia, Sandberger-Loua, Hirschfeld, Brede, Emmrich, Kouamé et al., 2015
- Odontobatrachus ziama Barej, Schmitz, Penner, Doumbia, Hirschfeld, Brede, Bangoura and Rödel, 2015
- Odontophrynus americanus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Odontophrynus carvalhoi Savage and Cei, 1965
- Odontophrynus cordobae Martino and Sinsch, 2002
- Odontophrynus cultripes Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862
- Odontophrynus juquinha Rocha, Sena, Pezzuti, Leite, Svartman, Rosset, Baldo and Garcia, 2017
- Odontophrynus lavillai Cei, 1985
- Odontophrynus maisuma Rosset, 2008
- Odontophrynus monachus Caramaschi and Napoli, 2012
- Odontophrynus occidentalis (Berg, 1896)
- Odontophrynus salvatori Caramaschi, 1996
- Odorrana absita (Stuart and Chan-ard, 2005)
- Odorrana amamiensis (Matsui, 1994)
- Odorrana andersonii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Odorrana anlungensis (Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1973)
- Odorrana arunachalensis Saikia, Sinha and Kharkongor, 2017
- Odorrana aureola Stuart, Chuaynkern, Chan-ard and Inger, 2006
- Odorrana bacboensis (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 2003)
- Odorrana banaorum (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 2003)
- Odorrana bolavensis (Stuart and Bain, 2005)
- Odorrana cangyuanensis (Yang, 2008)
- Odorrana chapaensis (Bourret, 1937)
- Odorrana chloronota (Günther, 1876)
- Odorrana exiliversabilis Li, Ye and Fei in Fei, Ye and Li, 2001
- Odorrana fengkaiensis Wang, Lau, Yang, Chen, Liu, Pang and Liu, 2015
- Odorrana geminata Bain, Stuart, Nguyen, Che and Rao, 2009
- Odorrana gigatympana (Orlov, Ananjeva and Ho, 2006)
- Odorrana grahami (Boulenger, 1917)
- Odorrana graminea (Boulenger, 1900)
- Odorrana hainanensis Fei, Ye and Li, 2001
- Odorrana hejiangensis (Deng and Yu, 1992)
- Odorrana hosii (Boulenger, 1891)
- Odorrana huanggangensis Chen, Zhou and Zheng, 2010
- Odorrana indeprensa (Bain and Stuart, 2006)
- Odorrana ishikawae (Stejneger, 1901)
- Odorrana jingdongensis Fei, Ye and Li, 2001
- Odorrana junlianensis Huang, Fei and Ye in Fei and Ye, 2001
- Odorrana khalam (Stuart, Orlov and Chan-ard, 2005)
- Odorrana kuangwuensis (Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1966)
- Odorrana kweichowensis Li, Xu, Lv, Jiang, Wei and Wang, 2018
- Odorrana leporipes (Werner, 1930)
- Odorrana lipuensis Mo, Chen, Wu, Zhang and Zhou, 2015
- Odorrana livida (Blyth, 1856)
- Odorrana lungshengensis (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Odorrana macrotympana (Yang, 2008)
- Odorrana margaretae (Liu, 1950)
- Odorrana mawphlangensis (Pillai and Chanda, 1977)
- Odorrana monjerai (Matsui and Jaafar, 2006)
- Odorrana morafkai (Bain, Lathrop, Murphy, Orlov and Ho, 2003)
- Odorrana mutschmanni Pham, Nguyen, Le, Bonkowski and Ziegler, 2016
- Odorrana nanjiangensis Fei, Ye, Xie and Jiang, 2007
- Odorrana narina (Stejneger, 1901)
- Odorrana nasica (Boulenger, 1903)
- Odorrana nasuta Li, Ye and Fei in Fei, Ye and Li, 2001
- Odorrana orba (Stuart and Bain, 2005)
- Odorrana rotodora (Yang and Rao in Yang, 2008)
- Odorrana schmackeri (Boettger, 1892)
- Odorrana sinica (Ahl, 1927)
- Odorrana splendida Kuramoto, Satou, Oumi, Kurabayashi and Sumida, 2011
- Odorrana supranarina (Matsui, 1994)
- Odorrana swinhoana (Boulenger, 1903)
- Odorrana tianmuii Chen, Zhou and Zheng, 2010
- Odorrana tiannanensis (Yang and Li, 1980)
- Odorrana tormota (Wu, 1977)
- Odorrana trankieni (Orlov, Le and Ho, 2003)
- Odorrana utsunomiyaorum (Matsui, 1994)
- Odorrana versabilis (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Odorrana wuchuanensis (Xu in Wu, Xu, Dong, Li and Liu, 1983)
- Odorrana yentuensis Tran, Orlov and Nguyen, 2008
- Odorrana yizhangensis Fei, Ye and Jiang, 2007
- Odorrana zhaoi Li, Lu and Rao, 2008
- Oedipina alfaroi Dunn, 1921
- Oedipina alleni Taylor, 1954
- Oedipina altura Brame, 1968
- Oedipina berlini Kubicki, 2016
- Oedipina capitalina Solis, Espinal, Valle, O'Reilly, Itgen and Townsend, 2016
- Oedipina carablanca Brame, 1968
- Oedipina chortiorum Brodie, Acevedo and Campbell, 2012
- Oedipina collaris (Stejneger, 1907)
- Oedipina complex (Dunn, 1924)
- Oedipina cyclocauda Taylor, 1952
- Oedipina elongata (Schmidt, 1936)
- Oedipina fortunensis Köhler, Ponce and Batista, 2007
- Oedipina gephyra McCranie, Wilson and Williams, 1993
- Oedipina gracilis Taylor, 1952
- Oedipina grandis Brame and Duellman, 1970
- Oedipina ignea Stuart, 1952
- Oedipina kasios McCranie, Vieites and Wake, 2008
- Oedipina koehleri Sunyer, Townsend, Wake, Travers, Gonzalez, Obando and Quintana, 2011
- Oedipina leptopoda McCranie, Vieites and Wake, 2008
- Oedipina maritima García-París and Wake, 2000
- Oedipina motaguae Brodie, Acevedo and Campbell, 2012
- Oedipina nica Sunyer, Wake, Townsend, Travers, Rovito, Papenfuss, Obando and Köhler, 2010
- Oedipina nimaso Boza-Oviedo, Rovito, Chaves, García-Rodríguez, Artavia, Bolaños and Wake, 2012
- Oedipina pacificensis Taylor, 1952
- Oedipina parvipes (Peters, 1879)
- Oedipina paucidentata Brame, 1968
- Oedipina petiola McCranie and Townsend, 2011
- Oedipina poelzi Brame, 1963
- Oedipina pseudouniformis Brame, 1968
- Oedipina quadra McCranie, Vieites and Wake, 2008
- Oedipina salvadorensis Rand, 1952
- Oedipina savagei García-París and Wake, 2000
- Oedipina stenopodia Brodie and Campbell, 1993
- Oedipina stuarti Brame, 1968
- Oedipina taylori Stuart, 1952
- Oedipina tomasi McCranie, 2006
- Oedipina tzutujilorum Brodie, Acevedo and Campbell, 2012
- Oedipina uniformis Keferstein, 1868
- Ololygon agilis (Cruz and Peixoto, 1983)
- Ololygon albicans (Bokermann, 1967)
- Ololygon alcatraz (Lutz, 1973)
- Ololygon angrensis (Lutz, 1973)
- Ololygon arduous (Peixoto, 2002)
- Ololygon argyreornata (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Ololygon ariadne (Bokermann, 1967)
- Ololygon aromothyella (Faivovich, 2005)
- Ololygon atrata (Peixoto, 1989)
- Ololygon belloni (Faivovich, Gasparini and Haddad, 2010)
- Ololygon berthae (Barrio, 1962)
- Ololygon brieni (De Witte, 1930)
- Ololygon caissara (Lourenço, Zina, Catroli, Kasahara, Faivovich and Haddad, 2016)
- Ololygon canastrensis (Cardoso and Haddad, 1982)
- Ololygon carnevallii Caramaschi and Kisteumacher, 1989
- Ololygon catharinae (Boulenger, 1888)
- Ololygon centralis (Pombal and Bastos, 1996)
- Ololygon cosenzai (Lacerda, Peixoto and Feio, 2012)
- Ololygon faivovichi (Brasileiro, Oyamaguchi and Haddad, 2007)
- Ololygon flavoguttata (Lutz and Lutz, 1939)
- Ololygon goya Andrade, Santos, Rocha, Pombal and Vaz-Silva, 2018
- Ololygon heyeri Peixoto and Weygoldt in Weygoldt, 1986
- Ololygon hiemalis (Haddad and Pombal, 1987)
- Ololygon humilis (A. Lutz and B. Lutz in Lutz, 1954)
- Ololygon insperata (Silva and Alves-Silva, 2011)
- Ololygon jureia (Pombal and Gordo, 1991)
- Ololygon kautskyi Carvalho-e-Silva and Peixoto, 1991
- Ololygon littoralis (Pombal and Gordo, 1991)
- Ololygon littoreus Peixoto, 1988
- Ololygon longilinea (Lutz, 1968)
- Ololygon luizotavioi Caramaschi and Kisteumacher, 1989
- Ololygon machadoi (Bokermann and Sazima, 1973)
- Ololygon melanodactyla (Lourenço, Luna and Pombal, 2014)
- Ololygon melloi Peixoto, 1989
- Ololygon muriciensis (Cruz, Nunes and Lima, 2011)
- Ololygon obtriangulata (Lutz, 1973)
- Ololygon peixotoi (Brasileiro, Haddad, Sawaya and Martins, 2007)
- Ololygon perpusilla (Lutz and Lutz, 1939)
- Ololygon pombali (Lourenço, Carvalho, Baêta, Pezzuti and Leite, 2013)
- Ololygon ranki (Andrade and Cardoso, 1987)
- Ololygon rizibilis (Bokermann, 1964)
- Ololygon skaios (Pombal, Carvalho, Canelas and Bastos, 2010)
- Ololygon skuki (Lima, Cruz and Azevedo, 2011)
- Ololygon strigilata (Spix, 1824)
- Ololygon trapicheiroi (A. Lutz and B. Lutz in Lutz, 1954)
- Ololygon tripui (Lourenço, Nascimento and Pires, 2010)
- Ololygon tupinamba (Silva and Alves-Silva, 2008)
- Ololygon v-signata (Lutz, 1968)
- Ombrana sikimensis (Jerdon, 1870)
- Ommatotriton nesterovi (Litvinchuk, Zuiderwijk, Borkin and Rosanov, 2005)
- Ommatotriton ophryticus (Berthold, 1846)
- Ommatotriton vittatus (Gray in Jenyns, 1835)
- Oninia senglaubi Günther, Stelbrink and von Rintelen, 2010
- Onychodactylus fischeri (Boulenger, 1886)
- Onychodactylus fuscus Yoshikawa and Matsui, 2014
- Onychodactylus intermedius Nishikawa and Matsui, 2014
- Onychodactylus japonicus (Houttuyn, 1782)
- Onychodactylus kinneburi Yoshikawa, Matsui, Tanabe and Okayama, 2013
- Onychodactylus koreanus Min, Poyarkov and Vieites, 2012
- Onychodactylus nipponoborealis Kuro-o, Poyarkov and Vieites, 2012
- Onychodactylus tsukubaensis Yoshikawa and Matsui, 2013
- Onychodactylus zhangyapingi Che, Poyarkov and Yan, 2012
- Onychodactylus zhaoermii Che, Poyarkov and Yan, 2012
- Oophaga anchicayensis Posso-Terranova and Andrés, 2018
- Oophaga andresi Posso-Terranova and Andrés, 2018
- Oophaga arborea (Myers, Daly and Martínez, 1984)
- Oophaga granulifera (Taylor, 1958)
- Oophaga histrionica (Berthold, 1845)
- Oophaga lehmanni (Myers and Daly, 1976)
- Oophaga occultator (Myers and Daly, 1976)
- Oophaga pumilio (Schmidt, 1857)
- Oophaga solanensis Posso-Terranova and Andrés, 2018
- Oophaga speciosa (Schmidt, 1857)
- Oophaga sylvatica (Funkhouser, 1956)
- Oophaga vicentei (Jungfer, Weygoldt and Juraske, 1996)
- Opisthothylax immaculatus (Boulenger, 1903)
- Oreobates amarakaeri Padial, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher, Guayasamin, Lehr, Delgado, Vaira, Teixeira et al., 2012
- Oreobates antrum Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Andrade and Amaro, 2018
- Oreobates ayacucho (Lehr, 2007)
- Oreobates barituensis Vaira and Ferrari, 2008
- Oreobates berdemenos Pereyra, Cardozo, Baldo and Baldo, 2014
- Oreobates choristolemma (Harvey and Sheehy, 2005)
- Oreobates crepitans (Bokermann, 1965)
- Oreobates cruralis (Boulenger, 1902)
- Oreobates discoidalis (Peracca, 1895)
- Oreobates gemcare Padial, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher, Guayasamin, Lehr, Delgado, Vaira, Teixeira et al., 2012
- Oreobates granulosus (Boulenger, 1903)
- Oreobates heterodactylus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Oreobates ibischi (Reichle, Lötters and De la Riva, 2001)
- Oreobates lehri (Padial, Chaparro and De la Riva, 2007)
- Oreobates lundbergi (Lehr, 2005)
- Oreobates machiguenga Padial, Chaparro, Castroviejo-Fisher, Guayasamin, Lehr, Delgado, Vaira, Teixeira et al., 2012
- Oreobates madidi (Padial, Gonzales-Álvarez and De la Riva, 2005)
- Oreobates pereger (Lynch, 1975)
- Oreobates quixensis Jiménez de la Espada, 1872
- Oreobates remotus Teixeira, Amaro, Recoder, Sena and Rodrigues, 2012
- Oreobates sanctaecrucis (Harvey and Keck, 1995)
- Oreobates sanderi (Padial, Reichle and De la Riva, 2005)
- Oreobates saxatilis (Duellman, 1990)
- Oreobates yanucu Köhler and Padial, 2016
- Oreobates zongoensis (Reichle and Köhler, 1997)
- Oreolalax chuanbeiensis Tian, 1983
- Oreolalax granulosus Fei, Ye and Chen in Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Oreolalax jingdongensis Ma, Yang and Li in Yang, Ma, Li and Chen, 1983
- Oreolalax liangbeiensis Liu and Fei in Liu, Hu and Fei, 1979
- Oreolalax lichuanensis Hu and Fei in Liu, Hu and Fei, 1979
- Oreolalax major (Liu and Hu, 1960)
- Oreolalax multipunctatus Wu, Zhao, Inger and Shaffer, 1993
- Oreolalax nanjiangensis Fei and Ye in Fei, Ye and Li, 1999
- Oreolalax omeimontis (Liu and Hu, 1960)
- Oreolalax pingii (Liu, 1943)
- Oreolalax popei (Liu, 1947)
- Oreolalax puxiongensis Liu and Fei in Liu, Hu and Fei, 1979
- Oreolalax rhodostigmatus Hu and Fei in Liu, Hu and Fei, 1979
- Oreolalax rugosus (Liu, 1943)
- Oreolalax schmidti (Liu, 1947)
- Oreolalax sterlingae Nguyen, Phung, Le, Ziegler and Böhme, 2013
- Oreolalax weigoldi (Vogt, 1924)
- Oreolalax xiangchengensis Fei and Huang, 1983
- Oreophryne albitympanum Günther, Richards and Tjaturadi, 2018
- Oreophryne albomaculata Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Oreophryne albopunctata (Van Kampen, 1909)
- Oreophryne alticola Zweifel, Cogger and Richards, 2005
- Oreophryne ampelos Kraus, 2011
- Oreophryne anamiatoi Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Oreophryne anser Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne anthonyi (Boulenger, 1897)
- Oreophryne anulata (Stejneger, 1908)
- Oreophryne asplenicola Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne atrigularis Günther, Richards and Iskandar, 2001
- Oreophryne aurora Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne banshee Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne biroi (Méhely, 1897)
- Oreophryne brachypus (Werner, 1898)
- Oreophryne brevicrus Zweifel, 1956
- Oreophryne brevirostris Zweifel, Cogger and Richards, 2005
- Oreophryne brunnea Kraus, 2017
- Oreophryne cameroni Kraus, 2013
- Oreophryne celebensis (Müller, 1894)
- Oreophryne choerophrynoides Günther, 2015
- Oreophryne clamata Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne crucifer (Van Kampen, 1913)
- Oreophryne curator Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Oreophryne equus Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne ezra Kraus and Allison, 2009
- Oreophryne flava Parker, 1934
- Oreophryne flavomaculata Günther and Richards, 2016
- Oreophryne frontifasciata (Horst, 1883)
- Oreophryne furu Günther, Richards, Tjaturadi and Iskandar, 2009
- Oreophryne gagneorum Kraus, 2013
- Oreophryne geislerorum (Boettger, 1892)
- Oreophryne geminus Zweifel, Cogger and Richards, 2005
- Oreophryne graminis Günther and Richards, 2012
- Oreophryne habbemensis Zweifel, Cogger and Richards, 2005
- Oreophryne hypsiops Zweifel, Menzies and Price, 2003
- Oreophryne idenburgensis Zweifel, 1956
- Oreophryne inornata Zweifel, 1956
- Oreophryne insulana Zweifel, 1956
- Oreophryne jeffersoniana Dunn, 1928
- Oreophryne kampeni Parker, 1934
- Oreophryne kapisa Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne lemur Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne loriae (Boulenger, 1898)
- Oreophryne matawan Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne meliades Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne mertoni (Roux, 1910)
- Oreophryne minuta Richards and Iskandar, 2000
- Oreophryne moluccensis (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Oreophryne monticola (Boulenger, 1897)
- Oreophryne nicolasi Richards and Günther, 2019
- Oreophryne notata Zweifel, 2003
- Oreophryne oviprotector Günther, Richards, Bickford and Johnston, 2012
- Oreophryne parkopanorum Kraus, 2013
- Oreophryne penelopeia Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne philosylleptoris Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne phoebe Kraus, 2017
- Oreophryne picticrus Kraus, 2016
- Oreophryne pseudasplenicola Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne pseudunicolor Günther and Richards, 2016
- Oreophryne roedeli Günther, 2015
- Oreophryne rookmaakeri Mertens, 1927
- Oreophryne sibilans Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne streiffeleri Günther and Richards, 2012
- Oreophryne terrestris Zweifel, Cogger and Richards, 2005
- Oreophryne unicolor Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne variabilis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Oreophryne waira Günther, 2003
- Oreophryne wapoga Günther, Richards and Iskandar, 2001
- Oreophryne wolterstorffi (Werner, 1901)
- Oreophryne zimmeri Ahl, 1933
- Oreophrynella cryptica Señaris, 1995
- Oreophrynella dendronastes Lathrop and MacCulloch, 2007
- Oreophrynella huberi Diego-Aransay and Gorzula, 1990
- Oreophrynella macconnelli Boulenger, 1900
- Oreophrynella nigra Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1994
- Oreophrynella quelchii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Oreophrynella seegobini Kok, 2009
- Oreophrynella vasquezi Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1994
- Oreophrynella weiassipuensis Señaris, DoNascimiento and Villarreal, 2005
- Oscaecilia bassleri (Dunn, 1942)
- Oscaecilia elongata (Dunn, 1942)
- Oscaecilia equatorialis Taylor, 1973
- Oscaecilia hypereumeces Taylor, 1968
- Oscaecilia koepckeorum Wake, 1984
- Oscaecilia ochrocephala (Cope, 1866)
- Oscaecilia osae Lahanas and Savage, 1992
- Oscaecilia polyzona (Fischer in Peters, 1880)
- Oscaecilia zweifeli Taylor, 1968
- Osornophryne angel Yánez-Muñoz, Altamirano-Benavides, Cisneros-Heredia and Gluesenkamp, 2011
- Osornophryne antisana Hoogmoed, 1987
- Osornophryne bufoniformis (Peracca, 1904)
- Osornophryne cofanorum Mueses-Cisneros, Yánez-Muñoz and Guayasamin, 2010
- Osornophryne guacamayo Hoogmoed, 1987
- Osornophryne occidentalis Cisneros-Heredia and Gluesenkamp, 2011
- Osornophryne percrassa Ruiz-Carranza and Hernández-Camacho, 1976
- Osornophryne puruanta Gluesenkamp and Guayasamin, 2008
- Osornophryne simpsoni Páez-Moscoso, Guayasamin and Yánez-Muñoz, 2011
- Osornophryne sumacoensis Gluesenkamp, 1995
- Osornophryne talipes Cannatella, 1986
- Osteocephalus alboguttatus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Osteocephalus buckleyi (Boulenger, 1882)
- Osteocephalus cabrerai (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Osteocephalus camufatus Jungfer, Verdade, Faivovich and Rodrigues, 2016
- Osteocephalus cannatellai Ron, Venegas, Toral, Read, Ortiz and Manzano, 2012
- Osteocephalus carri (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Osteocephalus castaneicola Moravec, Aparicio, Guerrero-Reinhard, Calderón, Jungfer and Gvozdík, 2009
- Osteocephalus deridens Jungfer, Ron, Seipp and Almendáriz, 2000
- Osteocephalus duellmani Jungfer, 2011
- Osteocephalus festae (Peracca, 1904)
- Osteocephalus fuscifacies Jungfer, Ron, Seipp and Almendáriz, 2000
- Osteocephalus helenae (Ruthven, 1919)
- Osteocephalus heyeri Lynch, 2002
- Osteocephalus leoniae Jungfer and Lehr, 2001
- Osteocephalus leprieurii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Osteocephalus mimeticus (Melin, 1941)
- Osteocephalus mutabor Jungfer and Hödl, 2002
- Osteocephalus oophagus Jungfer and Schiesari, 1995
- Osteocephalus planiceps Cope, 1874
- Osteocephalus subtilis Martins and Cardoso, 1987
- Osteocephalus taurinus Steindachner, 1862
- Osteocephalus verruciger (Werner, 1901)
- Osteocephalus vilarsi (Melin, 1941)
- Osteocephalus yasuni Ron and Pramuk, 1999
- Osteopilus crucialis (Harlan, 1826)
- Osteopilus dominicensis (Tschudi, 1838)
- Osteopilus marianae (Dunn, 1926)
- Osteopilus ocellatus (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Osteopilus pulchrilineatus (Cope, 1870)
- Osteopilus septentrionalis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Osteopilus vastus (Cope, 1871)
- Osteopilus wilderi (Dunn, 1925)
- Otophryne pyburni Campbell and Clarke, 1998
- Otophryne robusta Boulenger, 1900
- Otophryne steyermarki Rivero, 1968
- Pachyhynobius shangchengensis Fei, Qu and Wu, 1983
- Pachytriton airobranchiatus Li, Yuan, Li and Wu, 2018
- Pachytriton archospotus Shen, Shen and Mo, 2008
- Pachytriton brevipes (Sauvage, 1876)
- Pachytriton changi Nishikawa, Matsui and Jiang, 2012
- Pachytriton feii Nishikawa, Jiang and Matsui, 2011
- Pachytriton granulosus Chang, 1933
- Pachytriton inexpectatus Nishikawa, Jiang, Matsui and Mo, 2011
- Pachytriton moi Nishikawa, Jiang and Matsui, 2011
- Pachytriton wuguanfui Yuan, Zhang and Che, 2016
- Pachytriton xanthospilos Wu, Wang and Hanken, 2012
- Paedophryne amauensis Rittmeyer, Allison, Gründler, Thompson and Austin, 2012
- Paedophryne dekot Kraus, 2011
- Paedophryne kathismaphlox Kraus, 2010
- Paedophryne oyatabu Kraus, 2010
- Paedophryne swiftorum Rittmeyer, Allison, Gründler, Thompson and Austin, 2012
- Paedophryne titan Kraus, 2015
- Paedophryne verrucosa Kraus, 2011
- Papurana arfaki (Meyer, 1875)
- Papurana aurata (Günther, 2003)
- Papurana daemeli (Steindachner, 1868)
- Papurana elberti (Roux, 1911)
- Papurana florensis (Boulenger, 1897)
- Papurana garritor (Menzies, 1987)
- Papurana grisea (Van Kampen, 1913)
- Papurana jimiensis (Tyler, 1963)
- Papurana kreffti (Boulenger, 1882)
- Papurana milneana (Loveridge, 1948)
- Papurana moluccana (Boettger, 1895)
- Papurana novaeguineae (Van Kampen, 1909)
- Papurana papua (Lesson, 1829)
- Papurana supragrisea (Menzies, 1987)
- Papurana volkerjane (Günther, 2003)
- Papurana waliesa (Kraus and Allison, 2007)
- Paracassina kounhiensis (Mocquard, 1905)
- Paracassina obscura (Boulenger, 1895)
- Paracrinia haswelli (Fletcher, 1894)
- Paradactylodon persicus (Eiselt and Steiner, 1970)
- Paradoxophyla palmata (Guibé, 1974)
- Paradoxophyla tiarano Andreone, Aprea, Odierna and Vences, 2006
- Paramesotriton aurantius Yuan, Wu, Zhou and Che, 2016
- Paramesotriton caudopunctatus (Liu and Hu in Hu, Zhao and Liu, 1973)
- Paramesotriton chinensis (Gray, 1859)
- Paramesotriton deloustali (Bourret, 1934)
- Paramesotriton fuzhongensis Wen, 1989
- Paramesotriton guangxiensis (Huang, Tang and Tang, 1983)
- Paramesotriton hongkongensis (Myers and Leviton, 1962)
- Paramesotriton labiatus (Unterstein, 1930)
- Paramesotriton longliensis Li, Tian, Gu and Xiong, 2008
- Paramesotriton maolanensis Gu, Chen, Tian, Li and Ran, 2012
- Paramesotriton qixilingensis Yan, Zhao, Jiang, Hou, He, Murphy and Che, 2014
- Paramesotriton wulingensis Wang, Tian and Gu, 2013
- Paramesotriton yunwuensis Wu, Jiang and Hanken, 2010
- Paramesotriton zhijinensis Li, Tian and Gu, 2008
- Parapelophryne scalpta (Liu and Hu in Liu, Hu, Fei and Huang, 1973)
- Paratelmatobius cardosoi Pombal and Haddad, 1999
- Paratelmatobius gaigeae (Cochran, 1938)
- Paratelmatobius lutzii Lutz and Carvalho, 1958
- Paratelmatobius mantiqueira Pombal and Haddad, 1999
- Paratelmatobius poecilogaster Giaretta and Castanho, 1990
- Paratelmatobius yepiranga Garcia, Berneck and Costa, 2009
- Parhoplophryne usambarica Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Paruwrobates andinus (Myers and Burrowes, 1987)
- Paruwrobates erythromos (Vigle and Miyata, 1980)
- Paruwrobates whymperi (Boulenger, 1882)
- Parvimolge townsendi (Dunn, 1922)
- Pedostibes tuberculosus Günther, 1876
- Pelobates cultripes (Cuvier, 1829)
- Pelobates fuscus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Pelobates syriacus Boettger, 1889
- Pelobates varaldii Pasteur and Bons, 1959
- Pelobates vespertinus (Pallas, 1771)
- Pelodytes atlanticus Díaz-Rodríguez, Gehara, Márquez, Vences, Gonçalves, Sequeira, Martínez-Solano and Tejedo, 2017
- Pelodytes caucasicus Boulenger, 1896
- Pelodytes hespericus Díaz-Rodríguez, Gehara, Márquez, Vences, Gonçalves, Sequeira, Martínez-Solano and Tejedo, 2017
- Pelodytes ibericus Sánchez-Herraíz, Barbadillo-Escrivá, Machordom and Sanchíz, 2000
- Pelodytes punctatus (Daudin, 1802)
- Pelophryne albotaeniata Barbour, 1938
- Pelophryne api Dring, 1983
- Pelophryne brevipes (Peters, 1867)
- Pelophryne guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
- Pelophryne lighti (Taylor, 1920)
- Pelophryne linanitensis Das, 2008
- Pelophryne misera (Mocquard, 1890)
- Pelophryne murudensis Das, 2008
- Pelophryne penrissenensis Matsui, Nishikawa, Eto and Hossman, 2017
- Pelophryne rhopophilia Inger and Stuebing, 1996
- Pelophryne saravacensis Inger and Stuebing, 2009
- Pelophryne signata (Boulenger, 1895)
- Pelophylax bedriagae (Camerano, 1882)
- Pelophylax bergeri (Günther in Engelmann, Fritzsche, Günther and Obst, 1986)
- Pelophylax caralitanus (Arikan, 1988)
- Pelophylax cerigensis (Beerli, Hotz, Tunner, Heppich and Uzzell, 1994)
- Pelophylax chosenicus (Okada, 1931)
- Pelophylax cretensis (Beerli, Hotz, Tunner, Heppich and Uzzell, 1994)
- Pelophylax cypriensis Plötner, Baier, Akn, Mazepa, Schreiber, Beerli, Litvinchuk, Bilgin, Borkin and Uzzell, 2012
- Pelophylax demarchii (Scortecci, 1929)
- Pelophylax epeiroticus (Schneider, Sofianidou and Kyriakopoulou-Sklavounou, 1984)
- Pelophylax fukienensis (Pope, 1929)
- Pelophylax hubeiensis (Fei and Ye, 1982)
- Pelophylax kurtmuelleri (Gayda, 1940)
- Pelophylax lessonae (Camerano, 1882)
- Pelophylax nigromaculatus (Hallowell, 1861)
- Pelophylax perezi (López-Seoane, 1885)
- Pelophylax plancyi (Lataste, 1880)
- Pelophylax porosus (Cope, 1868)
- Pelophylax ridibundus (Pallas, 1771)
- Pelophylax saharicus (Boulenger in Hartert, 1913)
- Pelophylax shqipericus (Hotz, Uzzell, Günther, Tunner and Heppich, 1987)
- Pelophylax tenggerensis (Zhao, Macey and Papenfuss, 1988)
- Pelophylax terentievi (Mezhzherin, 1992)
- Peltophryne armata Landestoy T., Turner, Marion and Hedges, 2018
- Peltophryne cataulaciceps (Schwartz, 1959)
- Peltophryne dunni (Barbour, 1926)
- Peltophryne empusa Cope, 1862
- Peltophryne florentinoi (Moreno and Rivalta, 2007)
- Peltophryne fluviatica (Schwartz, 1972)
- Peltophryne fustiger (Schwartz, 1960)
- Peltophryne guentheri (Cochran, 1941)
- Peltophryne gundlachi (Ruibal, 1959)
- Peltophryne lemur Cope, 1869
- Peltophryne longinasus (Stejneger, 1905)
- Peltophryne peltocephala (Tschudi, 1838)
- Peltophryne ramsdeni (Barbour, 1914)
- Peltophryne taladai (Schwartz, 1960)
- Petropedetes cameronensis Reichenow, 1874
- Petropedetes euskircheni Barej, Rödel, Gonwouo, Pauwels, Böhme and Schmitz, 2010
- Petropedetes johnstoni (Boulenger, 1888)
- Petropedetes juliawurstnerae Barej, Rödel, Gonwouo, Pauwels, Böhme and Schmitz, 2010
- Petropedetes newtonii (Bocage, 1895)
- Petropedetes palmipes Boulenger, 1905
- Petropedetes parkeri Amiet, 1983
- Petropedetes perreti Amiet, 1973
- Petropedetes vulpiae Barej, Rödel, Gonwouo, Pauwels, Böhme and Schmitz, 2010
- Phaeognathus hubrichti Highton, 1961
- Phasmahyla cochranae (Bokermann, 1966)
- Phasmahyla cruzi Carvalho-e-Silva, Silva and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2009
- Phasmahyla exilis (Cruz, 1980)
- Phasmahyla guttata (Lutz, 1924)
- Phasmahyla jandaia (Bokermann and Sazima, 1978)
- Phasmahyla lisbella Pereira, Rocha, Folly, Silva and Santana, 2018
- Phasmahyla spectabilis Cruz, Feio and Nascimento, 2008
- Phasmahyla timbo Cruz, Napoli and Fonseca, 2008
- Philautus abditus Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999
- Philautus acutirostris (Peters, 1867)
- Philautus acutus Dring, 1987
- Philautus amabilis Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith and Harvey, 2017
- Philautus amoenus Smith, 1931
- Philautus aurantium Inger, 1989
- Philautus aurifasciatus (Schlegel, 1837)
- Philautus bunitus Inger, Stuebing and Tan, 1995
- Philautus cardamonus Ohler, Swan and Daltry, 2002
- Philautus catbaensis Milto, Poyarkov, Orlov and Nguyen, 2013
- Philautus cinerascens (Stoliczka, 1870)
- Philautus cornutus (Boulenger, 1920)
- Philautus davidlabangi Matsui, 2009
- Philautus disgregus Inger, 1989
- Philautus dubius (Boulenger, 1882)
- Philautus erythrophthalmus Stuebing and Wong, 2000
- Philautus everetti (Boulenger, 1894)
- Philautus garo (Boulenger, 1919)
- Philautus gunungensis Malkmus and Riede, 1996
- Philautus hosii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Philautus ingeri Dring, 1987
- Philautus jacobsoni (Van Kampen, 1912)
- Philautus juliandringi Dehling, 2010
- Philautus kakipanjang Dehling and Dehling, 2013
- Philautus kempiae (Boulenger, 1919)
- Philautus kempii (Annandale, 1912)
- Philautus kerangae Dring, 1987
- Philautus larutensis (Boulenger, 1900)
- Philautus leitensis (Boulenger, 1897)
- Philautus longicrus (Boulenger, 1894)
- Philautus macroscelis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Philautus maosonensis Bourret, 1937
- Philautus microdiscus (Annandale, 1912)
- Philautus mjobergi Smith, 1925
- Philautus namdaphaensis Sarkar and Sanyal, 1985
- Philautus nephophilus Dehling, Matsui and Yambun Imbun, 2016
- Philautus nianeae Stuart, Phimmachak, Seateun and Sheridan, 2013
- Philautus pallidipes (Barbour, 1908)
- Philautus petersi (Boulenger, 1900)
- Philautus poecilius Brown and Alcala, 1994
- Philautus polymorphus Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith and Harvey, 2017
- Philautus refugii Inger and Stuebing, 1996
- Philautus sanctisilvaticus Das and Chanda, 1997
- Philautus saueri Malkmus and Riede, 1996
- Philautus schmackeri (Boettger, 1892)
- Philautus similipalensis Dutta, 2003
- Philautus surdus (Peters, 1863)
- Philautus surrufus Brown and Alcala, 1994
- Philautus tectus Dring, 1987
- Philautus thamyridion Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith and Harvey, 2017
- Philautus tytthus Smith, 1940
- Philautus umbra Dring, 1987
- Philautus ventrimaculatus Wostl, Riyanto, Hamidy, Kurniawan, Smith and Harvey, 2017
- Philautus vermiculatus (Boulenger, 1900)
- Philautus worcesteri (Stejneger, 1905)
- Philoria frosti Spencer, 1901
- Philoria kundagungan (Ingram and Corben, 1975)
- Philoria loveridgei Parker, 1940
- Philoria pughi Knowles, Mahony, Armstrong and Donnellan, 2004
- Philoria richmondensis Knowles, Mahony, Armstrong and Donnellan, 2004
- Philoria sphagnicolus (Moore, 1958)
- Phlyctimantis boulengeri Perret, 1986
- Phlyctimantis keithae Schiøtz, 1975
- Phlyctimantis leonardi (Boulenger, 1906)
- Phlyctimantis maculatus (Duméril, 1853)
- Phlyctimantis verrucosus (Boulenger, 1912)
- Phrynella pulchra Boulenger, 1887
- Phrynobatrachus acridoides (Cope, 1867)
- Phrynobatrachus acutirostris Nieden, 1912
- Phrynobatrachus afiabirago Ofori-Boateng, Leaché, Obeng-Kankam, Kouamé, Hillers and Rödel, 2018
- Phrynobatrachus africanus (Hallowell, 1858)
- Phrynobatrachus albifer (Ahl, 1924)
- Phrynobatrachus albomarginatus De Witte, 1933
- Phrynobatrachus alleni Parker, 1936
- Phrynobatrachus annulatus Perret, 1966
- Phrynobatrachus anotis Schmidt and Inger, 1959
- Phrynobatrachus asper Laurent, 1951
- Phrynobatrachus auritus Boulenger, 1900
- Phrynobatrachus batesii (Boulenger, 1906)
- Phrynobatrachus bequaerti (Barbour and Loveridge, 1929)
- Phrynobatrachus bibita Goutte, Reyes-Velasco and Boissinot, 2019
- Phrynobatrachus breviceps Pickersgill, 2007
- Phrynobatrachus brevipalmatus (Ahl, 1925)
- Phrynobatrachus brongersmai Parker, 1936
- Phrynobatrachus bullans Crutsinger, Pickersgill, Channing and Moyer, 2004
- Phrynobatrachus calcaratus (Peters, 1863)
- Phrynobatrachus chukuchuku Zimkus, 2009
- Phrynobatrachus congicus (Ahl, 1925)
- Phrynobatrachus cornutus (Boulenger, 1906)
- Phrynobatrachus cricogaster Perret, 1957
- Phrynobatrachus cryptotis Schmidt and Inger, 1959
- Phrynobatrachus dalcqi Laurent, 1952
- Phrynobatrachus danko Blackburn, 2010
- Phrynobatrachus dendrobates (Boulenger, 1919)
- Phrynobatrachus discogularis Pickersgill, Zimkus and Raw, 2017
- Phrynobatrachus dispar (Peters, 1870)
- Phrynobatrachus elberti (Ahl, 1925)
- Phrynobatrachus francisci Boulenger, 1912
- Phrynobatrachus fraterculus (Chabanaud, 1921)
- Phrynobatrachus gastoni Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Phrynobatrachus ghanensis Schiøtz, 1964
- Phrynobatrachus giorgii De Witte, 1921
- Phrynobatrachus graueri (Nieden, 1911)
- Phrynobatrachus guineensis Guibé and Lamotte, 1962
- Phrynobatrachus gutturosus (Chabanaud, 1921)
- Phrynobatrachus hieroglyphicus Rödel, Ohler and Hillers, 2010
- Phrynobatrachus horsti Rödel, Burger, Zassi-Boufou, Emmrich, Penner and Barej, 2015
- Phrynobatrachus hylaios Perret, 1959
- Phrynobatrachus inexpectatus Largen, 2001
- Phrynobatrachus intermedius Rödel, Boateng, Penner and Hillers, 2009
- Phrynobatrachus irangi Drewes and Perret, 2000
- Phrynobatrachus jimzimkusi Zimkus, Gvozdík and Gonwouo, 2013
- Phrynobatrachus kakamikro Schick, Zimkus, Channing, Köhler and Lötters, 2010
- Phrynobatrachus keniensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Phrynobatrachus kinangopensis Angel, 1924
- Phrynobatrachus krefftii Boulenger, 1909
- Phrynobatrachus latifrons Ahl, 1924
- Phrynobatrachus leveleve Uyeda, Drewes and Zimkus, 2007
- Phrynobatrachus liberiensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1927
- Phrynobatrachus mababiensis FitzSimons, 1932
- Phrynobatrachus maculiventris Guibé and Lamotte, 1958
- Phrynobatrachus manengoubensis (Angel, 1940)
- Phrynobatrachus mayokoensis Rödel, Burger, Zassi-Boulou, Emmrich, Penner and Barej, 2015
- Phrynobatrachus minutus (Boulenger, 1895)
- Phrynobatrachus nanus (Ahl, 1925)
- Phrynobatrachus natalensis (Smith, 1849)
- Phrynobatrachus njiomock Zimkus and Gvozdík, 2013
- Phrynobatrachus ogoensis (Boulenger, 1906)
- Phrynobatrachus pakenhami Loveridge, 1941
- Phrynobatrachus pallidus Pickersgill, 2007
- Phrynobatrachus parkeri De Witte, 1933
- Phrynobatrachus parvulus (Boulenger, 1905)
- Phrynobatrachus perpalmatus Boulenger, 1898
- Phrynobatrachus petropedetoides Ahl, 1924
- Phrynobatrachus phyllophilus Rödel and Ernst, 2002
- Phrynobatrachus pintoi Hillers, Zimkus and Rödel, 2008
- Phrynobatrachus plicatus (Günther, 1858)
- Phrynobatrachus pygmaeus (Ahl, 1925)
- Phrynobatrachus rainerguentheri Rödel, Onadeko, Barej and Sandberger, 2012
- Phrynobatrachus rouxi (Nieden, 1912)
- Phrynobatrachus rungwensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Phrynobatrachus ruthbeateae Rödel, Doherty-Bone, Kouete, Janzen, Garrett, Browne, Gonwouo, Barej and Sandberger, 2012
- Phrynobatrachus sandersoni (Parker, 1935)
- Phrynobatrachus scapularis (De Witte, 1933)
- Phrynobatrachus scheffleri (Nieden, 1911)
- Phrynobatrachus schioetzi Blackburn and Rödel, 2011
- Phrynobatrachus steindachneri Nieden, 1910
- Phrynobatrachus sternfeldi (Ahl, 1924)
- Phrynobatrachus stewartae Poynton and Broadley, 1985
- Phrynobatrachus sulfureogularis Laurent, 1951
- Phrynobatrachus taiensis Perret, 1988
- Phrynobatrachus tanoeensis Kpan, Kouamé, Barej, Adeba, Emmrich, Boateng and Rödel, 2018
- Phrynobatrachus tokba (Chabanaud, 1921)
- Phrynobatrachus ukingensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Phrynobatrachus ungujae Pickersgill, 2007
- Phrynobatrachus uzungwensis Grandison and Howell, 1983
- Phrynobatrachus versicolor Ahl, 1924
- Phrynobatrachus villiersi Guibé, 1959
- Phrynobatrachus werneri (Nieden, 1910)
- Phrynocerus testudiniceps Cope, 1862
- Phrynoidis asper (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Phrynoidis juxtasper (Inger, 1964)
- Phrynomantis affinis Boulenger, 1901
- Phrynomantis annectens Werner, 1910
- Phrynomantis bifasciatus (Smith, 1847)
- Phrynomantis microps Peters, 1875
- Phrynomantis somalicus (Scortecci, 1941)
- Phrynomedusa appendiculata (Lutz, 1925)
- Phrynomedusa bokermanni Cruz, 1991
- Phrynomedusa dryade Baêta, Giasson, Pombal and Haddad, 2016
- Phrynomedusa fimbriata Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923
- Phrynomedusa marginata (Izecksohn and Cruz, 1976)
- Phrynomedusa vanzolinii Cruz, 1991
- Phrynopus anancites Rodríguez and Catenazzi, 2017
- Phrynopus auriculatus Duellman and Hedges, 2008
- Phrynopus badius Lehr, Moravec and Cusi, 2012
- Phrynopus barthlenae Lehr and Aguilar, 2002
- Phrynopus bracki Hedges, 1990
- Phrynopus bufoides Lehr, Lundberg and Aguilar, 2005
- Phrynopus capitalis Rodríguez and Catenazzi, 2017
- Phrynopus chaparroi Mamani and Malqui, 2014
- Phrynopus daemon Chávez, Santa Cruz, Rodríguez and Lehr, 2015
- Phrynopus dagmarae Lehr, Aguilar and Köhler, 2002
- Phrynopus dumicola Rodríguez and Catenazzi, 2017
- Phrynopus heimorum Lehr, 2001
- Phrynopus horstpauli Lehr, Köhler and Ponce, 2000
- Phrynopus interstinctus Lehr and Oróz, 2012
- Phrynopus inti Lehr, von May, Moravec and Cusi, 2017
- Phrynopus juninensis (Shreve, 1938)
- Phrynopus kauneorum Lehr, Aguilar and Köhler, 2002
- Phrynopus kotosh Lehr, 2007
- Phrynopus lapidoides Lehr and Rodríguez, 2017
- Phrynopus lechriorhynchus Trueb and Lehr, 2008
- Phrynopus mariellaleo Venegas, Barboza, De la Riva and Padial, 2018
- Phrynopus miroslawae Chaparro, Padial and De la Riva, 2008
- Phrynopus montium (Shreve, 1938)
- Phrynopus oblivius Lehr, 2007
- Phrynopus paucari Lehr, Lundberg and Aguilar, 2005
- Phrynopus personatus Rodríguez and Catenazzi, 2017
- Phrynopus peruanus Peters, 1873
- Phrynopus pesantesi Lehr, Lundberg and Aguilar, 2005
- Phrynopus tautzorum Lehr and Aguilar, 2003
- Phrynopus thompsoni Duellman, 2000
- Phrynopus tribulosus Duellman and Hedges, 2008
- Phrynopus unchog Lehr and Rodríguez, 2017
- Phrynopus valquii Chávez, Santa Cruz, Rodríguez and Lehr, 2015
- Phrynopus vestigiatus Lehr and Oróz, 2012
- Phyllobates aurotaenia (Boulenger, 1913)
- Phyllobates bicolor Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Phyllobates lugubris (Schmidt, 1857)
- Phyllobates terribilis Myers, Daly and Malkin, 1978
- Phyllobates vittatus (Cope, 1893)
- Phyllodytes acuminatus Bokermann, 1966
- Phyllodytes amadoi Vörös, Dias and Solé, 2017
- Phyllodytes brevirostris Peixoto and Cruz, 1988
- Phyllodytes edelmoi Peixoto, Caramaschi and Freire, 2003
- Phyllodytes gyrinaethes Peixoto, Caramaschi and Freire, 2003
- Phyllodytes kautskyi Peixoto and Cruz, 1988
- Phyllodytes luteolus (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
- Phyllodytes maculosus Cruz, Feio and Cardoso, 2007
- Phyllodytes megatympanum Marciano, Lantyer-Silva and Solé, 2017
- Phyllodytes melanomystax Caramaschi, Silva and Britto-Pereira, 1992
- Phyllodytes praeceptor Orrico, Dias and Marciano, 2018
- Phyllodytes punctatus Caramaschi and Peixoto, 2004
- Phyllodytes tuberculosus Bokermann, 1966
- Phyllodytes wuchereri (Peters, 1873)
- Phyllomedusa bahiana Lutz, 1925
- Phyllomedusa bicolor (Boddaert, 1772)
- Phyllomedusa boliviana Boulenger, 1902
- Phyllomedusa burmeisteri Boulenger, 1882
- Phyllomedusa camba De la Riva, 1999
- Phyllomedusa chaparroi Castroviejo-Fisher, Köhler, De la Riva and Padial, 2017
- Phyllomedusa coelestis (Cope, 1874)
- Phyllomedusa distincta Lutz, 1950
- Phyllomedusa iheringii Boulenger, 1885
- Phyllomedusa neildi Barrio-Amorós, 2006
- Phyllomedusa sauvagii Boulenger, 1882
- Phyllomedusa tarsius (Cope, 1868)
- Phyllomedusa tetraploidea Pombal and Haddad, 1992
- Phyllomedusa trinitatis Mertens, 1926
- Phyllomedusa vaillantii Boulenger, 1882
- Phyllomedusa venusta Duellman and Trueb, 1967
- Physalaemus aguirrei Bokermann, 1966
- Physalaemus albifrons (Spix, 1824)
- Physalaemus albonotatus (Steindachner, 1864)
- Physalaemus angrensis Weber, Gonzaga and Carvalho-e-Silva, 2006
- Physalaemus atim Brasileiro and Haddad, 2015
- Physalaemus atlanticus Haddad and Sazima, 2004
- Physalaemus barrioi Bokermann, 1967
- Physalaemus biligonigerus (Cope, 1861)
- Physalaemus bokermanni Cardoso and Haddad, 1985
- Physalaemus caete Pombal and Madureira, 1997
- Physalaemus camacan Pimenta, Cruz and Silvano, 2005
- Physalaemus carrizorum Cardozo and Pereyra, 2018
- Physalaemus centralis Bokermann, 1962
- Physalaemus cicada Bokermann, 1966
- Physalaemus crombiei Heyer and Wolf, 1989
- Physalaemus cuqui Lobo, 1993
- Physalaemus cuvieri Fitzinger, 1826
- Physalaemus deimaticus Sazima and Caramaschi, 1988
- Physalaemus ephippifer (Steindachner, 1864)
- Physalaemus erikae Cruz and Pimenta, 2004
- Physalaemus erythros Caramaschi, Feio and Guimarães, 2003
- Physalaemus evangelistai Bokermann, 1967
- Physalaemus feioi Cassini, Cruz and Caramaschi, 2010
- Physalaemus fernandezae (Müller, 1926)
- Physalaemus fischeri (Boulenger, 1890)
- Physalaemus gracilis (Boulenger, 1883)
- Physalaemus henselii (Peters, 1872)
- Physalaemus insperatus Cruz, Cassini and Caramaschi, 2008
- Physalaemus irroratus Cruz, Nascimento and Feio, 2007
- Physalaemus jordanensis Bokermann, 1967
- Physalaemus kroyeri (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Physalaemus lateristriga (Steindachner, 1864)
- Physalaemus lisei Braun and Braun, 1977
- Physalaemus maculiventris (Lutz, 1925)
- Physalaemus marmoratus (Reinhardt and Lütken, 1862)
- Physalaemus maximus Feio, Pombal and Caramaschi, 1999
- Physalaemus moreirae (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Physalaemus nanus (Boulenger, 1888)
- Physalaemus nattereri (Steindachner, 1863)
- Physalaemus obtectus Bokermann, 1966
- Physalaemus olfersii (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856)
- Physalaemus orophilus Cassini, Cruz and Caramaschi, 2010
- Physalaemus riograndensis Milstead, 1960
- Physalaemus rupestris Caramaschi, Carcerelli and Feio, 1991
- Physalaemus santafecinus Barrio, 1965
- Physalaemus signifer (Girard, 1853)
- Physalaemus soaresi Izecksohn, 1965
- Physalaemus spiniger (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Phytotriades auratus (Boulenger, 1917)
- Phyzelaphryne miriamae Heyer, 1977
- Phyzelaphryne nimio Simões, Costa, Rojas-Runjaic, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Sturaro, Peloso and Castroviejo-Fisher, 2018
- Pipa arrabali Izecksohn, 1976
- Pipa aspera Müller, 1924
- Pipa carvalhoi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Pipa myersi Trueb, 1984
- Pipa parva Ruthven and Gaige, 1923
- Pipa pipa (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Pipa snethlageae Müller, 1914
- Pithecopus araguaius Haga, Andrade, Bruschi, Recco-Pimentel and Giaretta, 2017
- Pithecopus ayeaye Lutz, 1966
- Pithecopus azureus (Cope, 1862)
- Pithecopus centralis (Bokermann, 1965)
- Pithecopus hypochondrialis (Daudin, 1800)
- Pithecopus megacephalus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Pithecopus nordestinus (Caramaschi, 2006)
- Pithecopus oreades (Brandão, 2002)
- Pithecopus palliatus (Peters, 1873)
- Pithecopus rohdei (Mertens, 1926)
- Pithecopus rusticus (Bruschi, Lucas, Garcia and Recco-Pimentel, 2014)
- Platymantis banahao Brown, Alcala, Diesmos and Alcala, 1997
- Platymantis bayani Siler, Alcala, Diesmos and Brown, 2009
- Platymantis biak Siler, Diesmos, Linkem, Diesmos and Brown, 2010
- Platymantis cagayanensis Brown, Alcala and Diesmos, 1999
- Platymantis cornutus (Taylor, 1922)
- Platymantis corrugatus (Duméril, 1853)
- Platymantis diesmosi Brown and Gonzalez, 2007
- Platymantis dorsalis (Duméril, 1853)
- Platymantis guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
- Platymantis hazelae (Taylor, 1920)
- Platymantis indeprensus Brown, Alcala and Diesmos, 1999
- Platymantis insulatus Brown and Alcala, 1970
- Platymantis isarog Brown, Brown, Alcala and Frost, 1997
- Platymantis lawtoni Brown and Alcala, 1974
- Platymantis levigatus Brown and Alcala, 1974
- Platymantis luzonensis Brown, Alcala, Diesmos and Alcala, 1997
- Platymantis mimulus Brown, Alcala and Diesmos, 1997
- Platymantis montanus (Taylor, 1922)
- Platymantis naomii Alcala, Brown and Diesmos, 1998
- Platymantis negrosensis Brown, Alcala, Diesmos and Alcala, 1997
- Platymantis paengi Siler, Linkem, Diesmos and Alcala, 2007
- Platymantis panayensis Brown, Brown and Alcala, 1997
- Platymantis polillensis (Taylor, 1922)
- Platymantis pseudodorsalis Brown, Alcala and Diesmos, 1999
- Platymantis pygmaeus Alcala, Brown and Diesmos, 1998
- Platymantis quezoni Brown, De Layola, Lorenzo, Diesmos and Diesmos, 2015
- Platymantis rabori Brown, Alcala, Diesmos and Alcala, 1997
- Platymantis sierramadrensis Brown, Alcala, Ong and Diesmos, 1999
- Platymantis spelaeus Brown and Alcala, 1982
- Platymantis subterrestris (Taylor, 1922)
- Platymantis taylori Brown, Alcala and Diesmos, 1999
- Platyplectrum ornatum (Gray, 1842)
- Platyplectrum spenceri (Parker, 1940)
- Plectrohyla acanthodes Duellman and Campbell, 1992
- Plectrohyla avia Stuart, 1952
- Plectrohyla calvata McCranie, 2017
- Plectrohyla chrysopleura Wilson, McCranie and Cruz-Díaz, 1994
- Plectrohyla dasypus McCranie and Wilson, 1981
- Plectrohyla exquisita McCranie and Wilson, 1998
- Plectrohyla glandulosa (Boulenger, 1883)
- Plectrohyla guatemalensis Brocchi, 1877
- Plectrohyla hartwegi Duellman, 1968
- Plectrohyla ixil Stuart, 1942
- Plectrohyla lacertosa Bumzahem and Smith, 1954
- Plectrohyla matudai Hartweg, 1941
- Plectrohyla pokomchi Duellman and Campbell, 1984
- Plectrohyla psiloderma McCranie and Wilson, 1999
- Plectrohyla pycnochila Rabb, 1959
- Plectrohyla quecchi Stuart, 1942
- Plectrohyla sagorum Hartweg, 1941
- Plectrohyla tecunumani Duellman and Campbell, 1984
- Plectrohyla teuchestes Duellman and Campbell, 1992
- Plethodon albagula Grobman, 1944
- Plethodon amplus Highton and Peabody, 2000
- Plethodon angusticlavius Grobman, 1944
- Plethodon asupak Mead, Clayton, Nauman, Olson and Pfrender, 2005
- Plethodon aureolus Highton, 1984
- Plethodon caddoensis Pope and Pope, 1951
- Plethodon chattahoochee Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon cheoah Highton and Peabody, 2000
- Plethodon chlorobryonis Mittleman, 1951
- Plethodon cinereus (Green, 1818)
- Plethodon cylindraceus (Harlan, 1825)
- Plethodon dixi Pope and Fowler, 1949
- Plethodon dorsalis Cope, 1889
- Plethodon dunni Bishop, 1934
- Plethodon electromorphus Highton, 1999
- Plethodon elongatus Van Denburgh, 1916
- Plethodon fourchensis Duncan and Highton, 1979
- Plethodon glutinosus (Green, 1818)
- Plethodon grobmani Allen and Neill, 1949
- Plethodon hoffmani Highton, 1972
- Plethodon hubrichti Thurow, 1957
- Plethodon idahoensis Slater and Slipp, 1940
- Plethodon jacksoni Newman, 1954
- Plethodon jordani Blatchley, 1901
- Plethodon kentucki Mittleman, 1951
- Plethodon kiamichi Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon kisatchie Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon larselli Burns, 1954
- Plethodon meridianus Highton and Peabody, 2000
- Plethodon metcalfi Brimley, 1912
- Plethodon mississippi Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon montanus Highton and Peabody, 2000
- Plethodon neomexicanus Stebbins and Riemer, 1950
- Plethodon nettingi Green, 1938
- Plethodon ocmulgee Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon ouachitae Dunn and Heinze, 1933
- Plethodon pauleyi Felix, Wooten, Pierson and Camp, 2019
- Plethodon petraeus Wynn, Highton and Jacobs, 1988
- Plethodon punctatus Highton, 1972
- Plethodon richmondi Netting and Mittleman, 1938
- Plethodon savannah Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon sequoyah Highton in Highton, Maha and Maxson, 1989
- Plethodon serratus Grobman, 1944
- Plethodon shenandoah Highton and Worthington, 1967
- Plethodon sherando Highton, 2004
- Plethodon shermani Stejneger, 1906
- Plethodon stormi Highton and Brame, 1965
- Plethodon teyahalee Hairston, 1950
- Plethodon vandykei Van Denburgh, 1906
- Plethodon variolatus (Gilliams, 1818)
- Plethodon vehiculum (Cooper, 1860)
- Plethodon ventralis Highton, 1997
- Plethodon virginia Highton, 1999
- Plethodon websteri Highton, 1979
- Plethodon wehrlei Fowler and Dunn, 1917
- Plethodon welleri Walker, 1931
- Plethodon yonahlossee Dunn, 1917
- Plethodontohyla alluaudi (Mocquard, 1901)
- Plethodontohyla bipunctata (Guibé, 1974)
- Plethodontohyla brevipes Boulenger, 1882
- Plethodontohyla fonetana Glaw, Köhler, Bora, Rabibisoa, Ramilijaona and Vences, 2007
- Plethodontohyla guentheri Glaw and Vences, 2007
- Plethodontohyla inguinalis Boulenger, 1882
- Plethodontohyla laevis (Boettger, 1913)
- Plethodontohyla mihanika Vences, Raxworthy, Nussbaum and Glaw, 2003
- Plethodontohyla notosticta (Günther, 1877)
- Plethodontohyla ocellata Noble and Parker, 1926
- Plethodontohyla tuberata (Peters, 1883)
- Pleurodeles nebulosus (Guichenot, 1850)
- Pleurodeles poireti (Gervais, 1835)
- Pleurodeles waltl Michahelles, 1830
- Pleurodema alium Maciel and Nunes, 2010
- Pleurodema bibroni Tschudi, 1838
- Pleurodema borellii (Peracca, 1895)
- Pleurodema brachyops (Cope, 1869)
- Pleurodema bufoninum Bell, 1843
- Pleurodema cinereum Cope, 1878
- Pleurodema cordobae Valetti, Salas and Martino, 2009
- Pleurodema diplolister (Peters, 1870)
- Pleurodema guayapae Barrio, 1964
- Pleurodema kriegi (Müller, 1926)
- Pleurodema marmoratum (Duméril and Bibron, 1840)
- Pleurodema nebulosum (Burmeister, 1861)
- Pleurodema somuncurense (Cei, 1969)
- Pleurodema thaul (Schneider, 1799)
- Pleurodema tucumanum Parker, 1927
- Polypedates assamensis Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Polypedates braueri (Vogt, 1911)
- Polypedates chlorophthalmus Das, 2005
- Polypedates colletti (Boulenger, 1890)
- Polypedates cruciger Blyth, 1852
- Polypedates discantus Rujirawan, Stuart and Aowphol, 2013
- Polypedates hecticus Peters, 1863
- Polypedates impresus Yang, 2008
- Polypedates insularis Das, 1995
- Polypedates iskandari Riyanto, Mumpuni and McGuire, 2011
- Polypedates leucomystax (Gravenhorst, 1829)
- Polypedates macrotis (Boulenger, 1891)
- Polypedates maculatus (Gray, 1830)
- Polypedates megacephalus Hallowell, 1861
- Polypedates mutus (Smith, 1940)
- Polypedates occidentalis Das and Dutta, 2006
- Polypedates otilophus (Boulenger, 1893)
- Polypedates pseudocruciger Das and Ravichandran, 1998
- Polypedates pseudotilophus Matsui, Hamidy and Kuraishi, 2014
- Polypedates ranwellai Wickramasinghe, Munindradasa and Fernando, 2012
- Polypedates subansiriensis Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Polypedates taeniatus (Boulenger, 1906)
- Polypedates teraiensis (Dubois, 1987)
- Polypedates zed (Dubois, 1987)
- Potamotyphlus kaupii (Berthold, 1859)
- Poyntonia paludicola Channing and Boycott, 1989
- Poyntonophrynus beiranus (Loveridge, 1932)
- Poyntonophrynus damaranus (Mertens, 1954)
- Poyntonophrynus dombensis (Bocage, 1895)
- Poyntonophrynus fenoulheti (Hewitt and Methuen, 1912)
- Poyntonophrynus grandisonae (Poynton and Haacke, 1993)
- Poyntonophrynus hoeschi (Ahl, 1934)
- Poyntonophrynus kavangensis (Poynton and Broadley, 1988)
- Poyntonophrynus lughensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Poyntonophrynus pachnodes Ceríaco, Marques, Bandeira, Agarwal, Stanley, Bauer, Heinicke and Blackburn, 2018
- Poyntonophrynus parkeri (Loveridge, 1932)
- Poyntonophrynus vertebralis (Smith, 1848)
- Praslinia cooperi Boulenger, 1909
- Pristimantis aaptus (Lynch and Lescure, 1980)
- Pristimantis abakapa Rojas-Runjaic, Salerno, Señaris and Pauly, 2013
- Pristimantis academicus Lehr, Moravec and Gagliardi-Urrutia, 2010
- Pristimantis acatallelus (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
- Pristimantis acerus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis achatinus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Pristimantis actinolaimus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis actites (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis acuminatus (Shreve, 1935)
- Pristimantis acutirostris (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis adiastolus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
- Pristimantis adnus Crawford, Ryan and Jaramillo, 2010
- Pristimantis aemulatus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis affinis (Werner, 1899)
- Pristimantis alalocophus (Roa-Trujillo and Ruiz-Carranza, 1991)
- Pristimantis albericoi (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis albertus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
- Pristimantis albujai Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017
- Pristimantis allpapuyu Yánez-Muñoz, Sánchez-Nivicela and Reyes-Puig, 2016
- Pristimantis almendariz Brito-M. and Pozo-Zamora, 2013
- Pristimantis altae (Dunn, 1942)
- Pristimantis altamazonicus (Barbour and Dunn, 1921)
- Pristimantis altamnis Elmer and Cannatella, 2008
- Pristimantis ameliae Barrio-Amorós, 2012
- Pristimantis amydrotus (Duellman and Lehr, 2007)
- Pristimantis andinogigas Yánez-Muñoz, Veintimilla-Yánez, Batallas-R. and Cisneros-Heredia, 2019
- Pristimantis andinognomus Lehr and Coloma, 2008
- Pristimantis anemerus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis angustilineatus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis aniptopalmatus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
- Pristimantis anolirex (Lynch, 1983)
- Pristimantis anotis (Walker and Test, 1955)
- Pristimantis antisuyu Catenazzi and Lehr, 2018
- Pristimantis apiculatus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis appendiculatus (Werner, 1894)
- Pristimantis aquilonaris Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting and Jordán, 2007
- Pristimantis ardalonychus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis ardyae Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig and Yánez-Muñoz, 2013
- Pristimantis ashaninka Lehr and Moravec, 2017
- Pristimantis atrabracus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis atratus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis attenboroughi Lehr and von May, 2017
- Pristimantis aurantiguttatus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis aureolineatus (Guayasamin, Ron, Cisneros-Heredia, Lamar and McCracken, 2006)
- Pristimantis aureoventris Kok, Means and Bossuyt, 2011
- Pristimantis auricarens (Myers and Donnelly, 2008)
- Pristimantis avicuporum (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis avius (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
- Pristimantis bacchus (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis baiotis (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis balionotus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis bambu Arteaga-Navarro and Guayasamin, 2011
- Pristimantis barrigai Brito and Almendáriz C., 2018
- Pristimantis baryecuus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis batrachites (Lynch, 2003)
- Pristimantis bearsei (Duellman, 1992)
- Pristimantis bellae Reyes-Puig and Yánez-Muñoz, 2012
- Pristimantis bellator Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting and Jordán, 2007
- Pristimantis bellona (Lynch, 1992)
- Pristimantis bernali (Lynch, 1986)
- Pristimantis bicantus Guayasamin and Funk, 2009
- Pristimantis bicolor (Rueda-Almonacid and Lynch, 1983)
- Pristimantis bicumulus (Peters, 1863)
- Pristimantis bipunctatus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
- Pristimantis boconoensis (Rivero and Mayorga, 1973)
- Pristimantis bogotensis (Peters, 1863)
- Pristimantis boucephalus Lehr, Moravec, Cusi and Gvozdík, 2017
- Pristimantis boulengeri (Lynch, 1981)
- Pristimantis bounides Lehr, von May, Moravec and Cusi, 2017
- Pristimantis brevicrus (Andersson, 1945)
- Pristimantis brevifrons (Lynch, 1981)
- Pristimantis briceni (Boulenger, 1903)
- Pristimantis bromeliaceus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis buccinator (Rodríguez, 1994)
- Pristimantis buckleyi (Boulenger, 1882)
- Pristimantis buenaventura Arteaga-Navarro, Pyron, Peñafiel, Romero-Barreto, Culebras, Bustamante, Yánez-Muñoz et al., 2016
- Pristimantis bustamante Chaparro, Motta, Gutiérrez and Padial, 2012
- Pristimantis cabrerai (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Pristimantis cacao (Lynch, 1992)
- Pristimantis caeruleonotus Lehr, Aguilar, Siu-Ting and Jordán, 2007
- Pristimantis cajamarcensis (Barbour and Noble, 1920)
- Pristimantis calcaratus (Boulenger, 1908)
- Pristimantis calcarulatus (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis calima Ospina-Sarria and Duellman, 2019
- Pristimantis caniari Rámírez-Jaramillo, Reyes-Puig, Batallas-R. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2018
- Pristimantis cantitans (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
- Pristimantis capitonis (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis caprifer (Lynch, 1977)
- Pristimantis carlosceroni Valencia, Bejarano-Muñoz and Yánez-Muñoz, 2013
- Pristimantis carlossanchezi (Arroyo, 2007)
- Pristimantis carmelitae (Ruthven, 1922)
- Pristimantis carranguerorum (Lynch, 1994)
- Pristimantis carvalhoi (Lutz in Lutz and Kloss, 1952)
- Pristimantis caryophyllaceus (Barbour, 1928)
- Pristimantis cedros Hutter and Guayasamin, 2015
- Pristimantis celator (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis cerasinus (Cope, 1875)
- Pristimantis ceuthospilus (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
- Pristimantis chalceus (Peters, 1873)
- Pristimantis charlottevillensis (Kaiser, Dwyer, Feichtinger and Schmid, 1995)
- Pristimantis chiastonotus (Lynch and Hoogmoed, 1977)
- Pristimantis chimu Lehr, 2007
- Pristimantis chloronotus (Lynch, 1969)
- Pristimantis chrysops (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis churuwiai Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017
- Pristimantis citriogaster (Duellman, 1992)
- Pristimantis colodactylus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis colomai (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis colonensis (Mueses-Cisneros, 2007)
- Pristimantis colostichos (La Marca and Smith, 1982)
- Pristimantis condor (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis conservatio Barrio-Amorós, Heinicke and Hedges, 2013
- Pristimantis conspicillatus (Günther, 1858)
- Pristimantis cordovae (Lehr and Duellman, 2007)
- Pristimantis corniger (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2003)
- Pristimantis coronatus Lehr and Duellman, 2007
- Pristimantis corrugatus (Duellman, Lehr and Venegas, 2006)
- Pristimantis cosnipatae (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis cremnobates (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis crenunguis (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis cristinae (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
- Pristimantis croceoinguinis (Lynch, 1968)
- Pristimantis crucifer (Boulenger, 1899)
- Pristimantis cruciocularis (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar and von May, 2006)
- Pristimantis cruentus (Peters, 1873)
- Pristimantis cryophilius (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis cryptomelas (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis cuentasi (Lynch, 2003)
- Pristimantis culatensis (La Marca, 2007)
- Pristimantis cuneirostris (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis curtipes (Boulenger, 1882)
- Pristimantis danae (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis degener (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis deinops (Lynch, 1996)
- Pristimantis delicatus (Ruthven, 1917)
- Pristimantis delius (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
- Pristimantis dendrobatoides Means and Savage, 2007
- Pristimantis devillei (Boulenger, 1880)
- Pristimantis deyi Lehr, Gregory and Catenazzi, 2013
- Pristimantis diadematus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
- Pristimantis diaphonus (Lynch, 1986)
- Pristimantis diogenes (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis dissimulatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis divnae Lehr and von May, 2009
- Pristimantis dorado Rivera-Correa, Lamadrid-Feris and Crawford, 2016
- Pristimantis dorsopictus (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
- Pristimantis duellmani (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis duende (Lynch, 2001)
- Pristimantis dundeei (Heyer and Muñoz, 1999)
- Pristimantis ecuadorensis Guayasamin, Hutter, Tapia, Culebras, Peñafiel, Pyron, Morochz, Funk and Arteaga-Navarro, 2017
- Pristimantis educatoris Ryan, Lips and Giermakowski, 2010
- Pristimantis elegans (Peters, 1863)
- Pristimantis enigmaticus Ortega-Andrade, Rojas-Soto, Valencia, Espinosa de los Monteros, Morrone, Ron and Cannatella, 2015
- Pristimantis epacrus (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2000)
- Pristimantis eremitus (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis eriphus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis ernesti (Flores, 1987)
- Pristimantis erythroinguinis Catenazzi and Lehr, 2018
- Pristimantis erythropleura (Boulenger, 1896)
- Pristimantis erythros Sánchez-Nivicela, Celi-Piedra, Posse-Sarmiento, Urgilés, Yánez-Muñoz and Cisneros-Heredia, 2018
- Pristimantis esmeraldas (Guayasamin, 2004)
- Pristimantis espedeus Fouquet, Martinez, Courtois, Dewynter, Pineau, Gaucher, Blanc, Marty and Kok, 2013
- Pristimantis eugeniae (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis euphronides (Schwartz, 1967)
- Pristimantis eurydactylus (Hedges and Schlüter, 1992)
- Pristimantis exoristus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis factiosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis fallax (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
- Pristimantis farisorum Mueses-Cisneros, Perdomo-Castillo and Cepeda-Quilindo, 2013
- Pristimantis fasciatus Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic and Infante-Rivero, 2008
- Pristimantis fenestratus (Steindachner, 1864)
- Pristimantis festae (Peracca, 1904)
- Pristimantis fetosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis flabellidiscus (La Marca, 2007)
- Pristimantis floridus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis frater (Werner, 1899)
- Pristimantis gagliardoi Bustamante and Mendelson, 2008
- Pristimantis gaigei (Dunn, 1931)
- Pristimantis galdi Jiménez de la Espada, 1870
- Pristimantis ganonotus (Duellman and Lynch, 1988)
- Pristimantis geminus Kaiser, Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Steinlein and Schmid, 2015
- Pristimantis gentryi (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis ginesi (Rivero, 1964)
- Pristimantis gladiator (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis glandulosus (Boulenger, 1880)
- Pristimantis gracilis (Lynch, 1986)
- Pristimantis gralarias Guayasamin, Arteaga-Navarro and Hutter, 2018
- Pristimantis grandiceps (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis gryllus Barrio-Amorós, Guayasamin and Hedges, 2012
- Pristimantis guaiquinimensis (Schlüter and Rödder, 2007)
- Pristimantis gualacenio Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, Nieves and Yánez-Muñoz, 2014
- Pristimantis gutturalis (Hoogmoed, Lynch and Lescure, 1977)
- Pristimantis hamiotae (Flores, 1994)
- Pristimantis hampatusami Yánez-Muñoz, Sánchez-Nivicela and Reyes-Puig, 2016
- Pristimantis hectus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis helvolus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis hernandezi (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
- Pristimantis hoogmoedi Kaiser, Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Steinlein and Schmid, 2015
- Pristimantis huicundo (Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso and Nogales-Sornosa, 2004)
- Pristimantis humboldti Lehr, von May, Moravec and Cusi, 2017
- Pristimantis hybotragus (Lynch, 1992)
- Pristimantis ignicolor (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis iiap Padial, Gagliardi-Urrutia, Chaparro and Gutiérrez, 2016
- Pristimantis illotus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis imitatrix (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis imthurni Kok, 2013
- Pristimantis incanus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis incertus (Lutz, 1927)
- Pristimantis incomptus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis infraguttatus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis inguinalis (Parker, 1940)
- Pristimantis insignitus (Ruthven, 1917)
- Pristimantis inusitatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis ixalus (Lynch, 2003)
- Pristimantis jabonensis (La Marca, 2007)
- Pristimantis jaguensis Rivera-Prieto, Rivera-Correa and Daza-R., 2014
- Pristimantis jaimei (Lynch, 1992)
- Pristimantis jamescameroni Kok, 2013
- Pristimantis jester Means and Savage, 2007
- Pristimantis johannesdei (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
- Pristimantis jorgevelosai (Lynch, 1994)
- Pristimantis juanchoi (Lynch, 1996)
- Pristimantis jubatus (García and Lynch, 2006)
- Pristimantis kareliae (La Marca, 2005)
- Pristimantis katoptroides (Flores, 1988)
- Pristimantis kelephus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis kichwarum Elmer and Cannatella, 2008
- Pristimantis kirklandi (Flores, 1985)
- Pristimantis koehleri Padial and De la Riva, 2009
- Pristimantis kuri Yánez-Muñoz, Sánchez-Nivicela and Reyes-Puig, 2016
- Pristimantis labiosus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
- Pristimantis lacrimosus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
- Pristimantis lancinii (Donoso-Barros, 1965)
- Pristimantis lanthanites (Lynch, 1975)
- Pristimantis lasalleorum (Lynch, 1995)
- Pristimantis lassoalcalai Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic and Barros, 2010
- Pristimantis latericius Batallas-R. and Brito-M., 2014
- Pristimantis laticlavius (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis latidiscus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Pristimantis latro Oliveira, Rodrigues, Kaefer, Pinto and Hernández-Ruz, 2017
- Pristimantis lemur (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis leoni (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis leopardus Rivera-Correa, Jiménez-Rivillas and Daza-R., 2017
- Pristimantis leptolophus (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis leucopus (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis leucorrhinus Boano, Mazzotti and Sindaco, 2008
- Pristimantis librarius (Flores and Vigle, 1994)
- Pristimantis lichenoides (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
- Pristimantis limoncochensis Ortega-Andrade, Rojas-Soto, Valencia, Espinosa de los Monteros, Morrone, Ron and Cannatella, 2015
- Pristimantis lindae (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis lirellus (Dwyer, 1995)
- Pristimantis lividus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis llanganati Navarrete, Venegas and Ron, 2016
- Pristimantis llojsintuta (Köhler and Lötters, 1999)
- Pristimantis longicorpus Kaiser, Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Steinlein and Schmid, 2015
- Pristimantis loujosti Yánez-Muñoz, Cisneros-Heredia and Reyes-Puig, 2011
- Pristimantis loustes (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis lucasi Duellman and Chaparro, 2008
- Pristimantis lucidosignatus Rödder and Schmitz, 2009
- Pristimantis luscombei (Duellman and Mendelson, 1995)
- Pristimantis luteolateralis (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis lutitus (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis lymani (Barbour and Noble, 1920)
- Pristimantis lynchi (Duellman and Simmons, 1977)
- Pristimantis lythrodes (Lynch and Lescure, 1980)
- Pristimantis macrummendozai Acosta-Galvis, 2015
- Pristimantis maculosus (Lynch, 1991)
- Pristimantis malkini (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis mallii Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Velarde-Garcéz, Dávalos, Mancero, Navarrete, Yánez-Muñoz et al., 2019
- Pristimantis marahuaka (Fuentes-Ramos and Barrio-Amorós, 2004)
- Pristimantis marcoreyesi Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Rámirez-Jaramillo, Pérez-L. and Yánez-Munoz, 2015
- Pristimantis mariaelenae Venegas and Duellman, 2012
- Pristimantis marmoratus (Boulenger, 1900)
- Pristimantis mars (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis martiae (Lynch, 1974)
- Pristimantis matidiktyo Ortega-Andrade and Valencia, 2012
- Pristimantis mazar Guayasamin and Arteaga-Navarro, 2013
- Pristimantis medemi (Lynch, 1994)
- Pristimantis megalops (Ruthven, 1917)
- Pristimantis melanogaster (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis melanoproctus (Rivero, 1984)
- Pristimantis memorans (Myers and Donnelly, 1997)
- Pristimantis mendax (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis meridionalis (Lehr and Duellman, 2007)
- Pristimantis merostictus (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis metabates (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis miktos Ortego-Andrade and Venegas, 2014
- Pristimantis mindo Arteaga-Navarro, Yáñez-Muñoz and Guayasamin, 2013
- Pristimantis minimus Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2010
- Pristimantis minutulus Duellman and Hedges, 2007
- Pristimantis miyatai (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis mnionaetes (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis modipeplus (Lynch, 1981)
- Pristimantis molybrignus (Lynch, 1986)
- Pristimantis mondolfii (Rivero, 1984)
- Pristimantis moro (Savage, 1965)
- Pristimantis muchimuk Barrio-Amorós, Mesa, Brewer-Carías and McDiarmid, 2010
- Pristimantis munozi Rojas-Runjaic, Delgado C. and Guayasamin, 2014
- Pristimantis muranunka Brito M., Almendariz-C., Batallas R. and Ron, 2017
- Pristimantis muricatus (Lynch and Miyata, 1980)
- Pristimantis muscosus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis museosus (Ibáñez, Jaramillo and Arosemena, 1994)
- Pristimantis mutabilis Guayasamin, Krynak, Krynak, Culebras and Hutter, 2015
- Pristimantis myersi (Goin and Cochran, 1963)
- Pristimantis myops (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis nebulosus (Henle, 1992)
- Pristimantis nephophilus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis nervicus (Lynch, 1994)
- Pristimantis nicefori (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Pristimantis nietoi Arteaga-Navarro, Pyron, Peñafiel, Romero-Barreto, Culebras, Bustamante, Yánez-Muñoz et al., 2016
- Pristimantis nigrogriseus (Andersson, 1945)
- Pristimantis nimbus Urgilés, Posse, Timbe, Astudillo and Sánchez-Nivicela, 2017
- Pristimantis nubisilva Kaiser, Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Steinlein and Schmid, 2015
- Pristimantis nyctophylax (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis obmutescens (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis ocellatus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis ockendeni (Boulenger, 1912)
- Pristimantis ocreatus (Lynch, 1981)
- Pristimantis olivaceus (Köhler, Morales, Lötters, Reichle and Aparicio, 1998)
- Pristimantis omeviridis Ortega-Andrade, Rojas-Soto, Valencia, Espinosa de los Monteros, Morrone, Ron and Cannatella, 2015
- Pristimantis onorei Rödder and Schmitz, 2009
- Pristimantis orcesi (Lynch, 1972)
- Pristimantis orcus Lehr, Catenazzi and Rodríguez, 2009
- Pristimantis orestes (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis ornatissimus (Despax, 1911)
- Pristimantis ornatus (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar and von May, 2006)
- Pristimantis orpacobates (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
- Pristimantis orphnolaimus (Lynch, 1970)
- Pristimantis ortizi (Guayasamin, Almeida-Reinoso and Nogales-Sornosa, 2004)
- Pristimantis padiali Moravec, Lehr, Perez-Peña, Lopez, Gagliardi-Urrutia and Arista-Tuanama, 2010
- Pristimantis padrecarlosi (Mueses-Cisneros, 2006)
- Pristimantis pahuma Hutter and Guayasamin, 2015
- Pristimantis paisa (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1999)
- Pristimantis palmeri (Boulenger, 1912)
- Pristimantis paquishae Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Velalcázar, 2014
- Pristimantis paramerus (Rivero, 1984)
- Pristimantis pardalinus (Lehr, Lundberg, Aguilar and von May, 2006)
- Pristimantis pardalis (Barbour, 1928)
- Pristimantis parectatus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis pariagnomus Kaiser, Barrio-Amorós, Rivas-Fuenmayor, Steinlein and Schmid, 2015
- Pristimantis parvillus (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis pastazensis (Andersson, 1945)
- Pristimantis pataikos (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis paulodutrai (Bokermann, 1975)
- Pristimantis paululus (Lynch, 1974)
- Pristimantis pecki (Duellman and Lynch, 1988)
- Pristimantis pedimontanus (La Marca, 2004)
- Pristimantis penelopus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
- Pristimantis peraticus (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis percnopterus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis percultus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis permixtus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1994)
- Pristimantis peruvianus (Melin, 1941)
- Pristimantis petersi (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis petrobardus (Duellman, 1991)
- Pristimantis phalaroinguinis (Duellman and Lehr, 2007)
- Pristimantis phalarus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis pharangobates (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis philipi (Lynch and Duellman, 1995)
- Pristimantis phoxocephalus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis phragmipleuron (Rivero and Serna, 1988)
- Pristimantis piceus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1996)
- Pristimantis pichincha Yánez-Muñoz, Reyes-Puig, Bejarano-Muñoz and Ron, 2016
- Pristimantis pinchaque Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Pérez-L. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2015
- Pristimantis pinguis (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis pirrensis (Ibáñez and Crawford, 2004)
- Pristimantis platychilus (Lynch, 1996)
- Pristimantis platydactylus (Boulenger, 1903)
- Pristimantis pleurostriatus (Rivero, 1984)
- Pristimantis pluvialis Shepack, von May, Ttito and Catenazzi, 2016
- Pristimantis polemistes (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 2004)
- Pristimantis polychrus (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis prolatus (Lynch and Duellman, 1980)
- Pristimantis prometeii Székely, Cogalniceanu, Székely, Páez and Ron, 2016
- Pristimantis proserpens (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis pruinatus (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
- Pristimantis pseudoacuminatus (Shreve, 1935)
- Pristimantis pteridophilus (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis ptochus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis pugnax (Lynch, 1973)
- Pristimantis puipui Lehr, von May, Moravec and Cusi, 2017
- Pristimantis pulchridormientes Chávez and Catenazzi, 2016
- Pristimantis pulvinatus (Rivero, 1968)
- Pristimantis punzan Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Rámirez-Jaramillo, Pérez-L. and Yánez-Munoz, 2015
- Pristimantis puruscafeum Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Rámirez-Jaramillo, Pérez-L. and Yánez-Munoz, 2015
- Pristimantis pycnodermis (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis pyrrhomerus (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis quantus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis quaquaversus (Lynch, 1974)
- Pristimantis quicato Ospina-Sarria, Méndez-Narváez, Burbano-Yandi and Bolívar-García, 2011
- Pristimantis quinquagesimus (Lynch and Trueb, 1980)
- Pristimantis racemus (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis ramagii (Boulenger, 1888)
- Pristimantis reclusus (Lynch, 2003)
- Pristimantis reichlei Padial and De la Riva, 2009
- Pristimantis renjiforum (Lynch, 2000)
- Pristimantis repens (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis restrepoi (Lynch, 1996)
- Pristimantis reticulatus (Walker and Test, 1955)
- Pristimantis rhabdocnemus (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
- Pristimantis rhabdolaemus (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis rhigophilus (La Marca, 2007)
- Pristimantis rhodoplichus (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
- Pristimantis rhodostichus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis ridens (Cope, 1866)
- Pristimantis rivasi Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic and Barros, 2010
- Pristimantis riveroi (Lynch and La Marca, 1993)
- Pristimantis riveti (Despax, 1911)
- Pristimantis romanorum Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia and Reyes-Puig, 2011
- Pristimantis roni Yanez-Munoz, Bejarano-Munoz, Brito-M. and Batallas-R., 2014
- Pristimantis rosadoi (Flores, 1988)
- Pristimantis roseus (Boulenger, 1918)
- Pristimantis royi (Morales, 2007)
- Pristimantis rozei (Rivero, 1961)
- Pristimantis rubicundus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
- Pristimantis ruedai (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis rufioculis (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis rufoviridis Valencia, Yánez-Muñoz, Betancourt-Yépez, Terán-Valdez and Guayasamin, 2011
- Pristimantis ruidus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis ruthveni (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
- Pristimantis sacharuna Reyes-Puig, Reyes-Puig, Pérez-L. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2015
- Pristimantis sagittulus (Lehr, Aguilar and Duellman, 2004)
- Pristimantis salaputium (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis saltissimus Means and Savage, 2007
- Pristimantis samaipatae (Köhler and Jungfer, 1995)
- Pristimantis sambalan Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017
- Pristimantis sanctaemartae (Ruthven, 1917)
- Pristimantis sanguineus (Lynch, 1998)
- Pristimantis sarisarinama Barrio-Amorós and Brewer-Carias, 2008
- Pristimantis satagius (Lynch, 1995)
- Pristimantis saturninoi Brito-M., Batallas-R. and Yánez-Muñoz, 2017
- Pristimantis savagei (Pyburn and Lynch, 1981)
- Pristimantis schultei (Duellman, 1990)
- Pristimantis scitulus (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis scoloblepharus (Lynch, 1991)
- Pristimantis scolodiscus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis scopaeus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1996)
- Pristimantis seorsus Lehr, 2007
- Pristimantis serendipitus (Duellman and Pramuk, 1999)
- Pristimantis shrevei (Schwartz, 1967)
- Pristimantis signifer (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis silverstonei (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis simonbolivari (Wiens and Coloma, 1992)
- Pristimantis simonsii (Boulenger, 1900)
- Pristimantis simoteriscus (Lynch, Ruiz-Carranza and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis simoterus (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis siopelus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis sirnigeli Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia and Reyes-Puig, 2011
- Pristimantis skydmainos (Flores and Rodríguez, 1997)
- Pristimantis sneiderni Ospina-Sarria and Duellman, 2019
- Pristimantis sobetes (Lynch, 1980)
- Pristimantis spectabilis Duellman and Chaparro, 2008
- Pristimantis spilogaster (Lynch, 1984)
- Pristimantis spinosus (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis stenodiscus (Walker and Test, 1955)
- Pristimantis sternothylax (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
- Pristimantis stictoboubonus (Duellman, Lehr and Venegas, 2006)
- Pristimantis stictogaster (Duellman and Hedges, 2005)
- Pristimantis stictus González-Durán, 2016
- Pristimantis stipa Venegas and Duellman, 2012
- Pristimantis subsigillatus (Boulenger, 1902)
- Pristimantis suetus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis sulculus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis supernatis (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis surdus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Pristimantis susaguae (Rueda-Almonacid, Lynch and Galvis-Peñuela, 2003)
- Pristimantis taciturnus (Lynch and Suárez-Mayorga, 2003)
- Pristimantis taeniatus (Boulenger, 1912)
- Pristimantis tamsitti (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Pristimantis tantanti (Lehr, Torres-Gastello and Suárez-Segovia, 2007)
- Pristimantis tanyrhynchus Lehr, 2007
- Pristimantis tayrona (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1985)
- Pristimantis telefericus (La Marca, 2005)
- Pristimantis tenebrionis (Lynch and Miyata, 1980)
- Pristimantis terraebolivaris (Rivero, 1961)
- Pristimantis thectopternus (Lynch, 1975)
- Pristimantis thyellus (La Marca, 2007)
- Pristimantis thymalopsoides (Lynch, 1976)
- Pristimantis thymelensis (Lynch, 1972)
- Pristimantis tiktik Székely, Eguiguren, Székely, Ordóñez-Delgado, Armijos-Ojeda, Riofrîo-Guamán and Cogalniceanu, 2018
- Pristimantis tinajillas Urgilés, Sánchez-Nivicela, Nieves and Yánez-Muñoz, 2014
- Pristimantis tinguichaca Brito-M., Ojala-Barbour, Batallas-R. and Almendáriz C., 2016
- Pristimantis toftae (Duellman, 1978)
- Pristimantis torrenticola (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1998)
- Pristimantis trachyblepharis (Boulenger, 1918)
- Pristimantis tribulosus (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
- Pristimantis truebae (Lynch and Duellman, 1997)
- Pristimantis tubernasus (Rivero, 1984)
- Pristimantis tungurahua Reyes-Puig, Yánez-Muñoz, Cisneros-Heredia and Ramírez, 2011
- Pristimantis turik Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic and Infante-Rivero, 2008
- Pristimantis turpinorum (Hardy, 2001)
- Pristimantis turumiquirensis (Rivero, 1961)
- Pristimantis uisae (Lynch, 2003)
- Pristimantis unistrigatus (Günther, 1859)
- Pristimantis urani Rivera-Correa and Daza-R., 2016
- Pristimantis uranobates (Lynch, 1991)
- Pristimantis urichi (Boettger in Mole and Urich, 1894)
- Pristimantis vanadise (La Marca, 1984)
- Pristimantis variabilis (Lynch, 1968)
- Pristimantis veletis (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1997)
- Pristimantis ventrigranulosus Maciel, Vaz-Silva, Oliveira and Padial, 2012
- Pristimantis ventriguttatus Lehr and Köhler, 2007
- Pristimantis ventrimarmoratus (Boulenger, 1912)
- Pristimantis verecundus (Lynch and Burrowes, 1990)
- Pristimantis versicolor (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis vertebralis (Boulenger, 1886)
- Pristimantis vicarius (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1983)
- Pristimantis vidua (Lynch, 1979)
- Pristimantis viejas (Lynch and Rueda-Almonacid, 1999)
- Pristimantis vilarsi (Melin, 1941)
- Pristimantis vilcabambae Lehr, 2007
- Pristimantis vinhai (Bokermann, 1975)
- Pristimantis viridicans (Lynch, 1977)
- Pristimantis viridis (Ruiz-Carranza, Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1997)
- Pristimantis w-nigrum (Boettger, 1892)
- Pristimantis wagteri (Venegas, 2007)
- Pristimantis walkeri (Lynch, 1974)
- Pristimantis waoranii (McCracken, Forstner and Dixon, 2007)
- Pristimantis wiensi (Duellman and Wild, 1993)
- Pristimantis xeniolum (Lynch, 2001)
- Pristimantis xestus (Lynch, 1995)
- Pristimantis xylochobates (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1996)
- Pristimantis yanezi Navarrete, Venegas and Ron, 2016
- Pristimantis yantzaza Valencia, Dueñas, Székely, Batallas-R. and Pulluquitín, 2017
- Pristimantis yaviensis (Myers and Donnelly, 1996)
- Pristimantis yukpa Barrio-Amorós, Rojas-Runjaic and Infante-Rivero, 2008
- Pristimantis yumbo Yánez-Muñoz, Meza-Ramos, Cisneros-Heredia and Reyes-Puig, 2011
- Pristimantis yuruaniensis Rödder and Jungfer, 2008
- Pristimantis yustizi (Barrio-Amorós and Chacón-Ortiz, 2004)
- Pristimantis zeuctotylus (Lynch and Hoogmoed, 1977)
- Pristimantis zimmermanae (Heyer and Hardy, 1991)
- Pristimantis zoilae (Mueses-Cisneros, 2007)
- Pristimantis zophus (Lynch and Ardila-Robayo, 1999)
- Probreviceps durirostris Loader, Channing, Menegon and Davenport, 2006
- Probreviceps loveridgei Parker, 1931
- Probreviceps macrodactylus (Nieden, 1926)
- Probreviceps rhodesianus Poynton and Broadley, 1967
- Probreviceps rungwensis Loveridge, 1932
- Probreviceps uluguruensis (Loveridge, 1925)
- Proceratophrys appendiculata (Günther, 1873)
- Proceratophrys ararype Mângia, Koroiva, Nunes, Roberto, Ávila, Sant'Anna, Santana and Garda, 2018
- Proceratophrys aridus Cruz, Nunes and Juncá, 2012
- Proceratophrys avelinoi Mercadal de Barrio and Barrio, 1993
- Proceratophrys bagnoi Brandão, Caramaschi, Vaz-Silva and Campos, 2013
- Proceratophrys belzebul Dias, Amaro, Carvahlo-e-Silva and Rodrigues, 2013
- Proceratophrys bigibbosa (Peters, 1872)
- Proceratophrys boiei (Wied-Neuwied, 1824)
- Proceratophrys branti Brandão, Caramaschi, Vaz-Silva and Campos, 2013
- Proceratophrys brauni Kwet and Faivovich, 2001
- Proceratophrys caramaschii Cruz, Nunes and Juncá, 2012
- Proceratophrys carranca Godinho, Moura, Lacerda and Feio, 2013
- Proceratophrys concavitympanum Giaretta, Bernarde and Kokubum, 2000
- Proceratophrys cristiceps (Müller, 1883)
- Proceratophrys cururu Eterovick and Sazima, 1998
- Proceratophrys dibernardoi Brandão, Caramaschi, Vaz-Silva and Campos, 2013
- Proceratophrys gladius Mângia, Santana, Cruz and Feio, 2014
- Proceratophrys goyana (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Proceratophrys huntingtoni Ávila, Pansonato and Strüssmann, 2012
- Proceratophrys itamari Mângia, Santana, Cruz and Feio, 2014
- Proceratophrys izecksohni Dias, Amaro, Carvahlo-e-Silva and Rodrigues, 2013
- Proceratophrys laticeps Izecksohn and Peixoto, 1981
- Proceratophrys mantiqueira Mângia, Santana, Cruz and Feio, 2014
- Proceratophrys melanopogon (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Proceratophrys minuta Napoli, Cruz, Abreu and Del Grande, 2011
- Proceratophrys moehringi Weygoldt and Peixoto, 1985
- Proceratophrys moratoi (Jim and Caramaschi, 1980)
- Proceratophrys palustris Giaretta and Sazima, 1993
- Proceratophrys paviotii Cruz, Prado and Izecksohn, 2005
- Proceratophrys phyllostomus Izecksohn, Cruz and Peixoto, 1999
- Proceratophrys pombali Mângia, Santana, Cruz and Feio, 2014
- Proceratophrys redacta Teixeira, Amaro, Recoder, Vechio and Rodrigues, 2012
- Proceratophrys renalis (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1920)
- Proceratophrys rondonae Prado and Pombal, 2008
- Proceratophrys rotundipalpebra Martins and Giaretta, 2013
- Proceratophrys sanctaritae Cruz and Napoli, 2010
- Proceratophrys schirchi (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Proceratophrys strussmannae Ávila, Kawashita-Ribeiro and Morais, 2011
- Proceratophrys subguttata Izecksohn, Cruz and Peixoto, 1999
- Proceratophrys tupinamba Prado and Pombal, 2008
- Proceratophrys vielliardi Martins and Giaretta, 2011
- Prostherapis dunni Rivero, 1961
- Proteus anguinus Laurenti, 1768
- Pseudacris brachyphona (Cope, 1889)
- Pseudacris brimleyi Brandt and Walker, 1933
- Pseudacris cadaverina (Cope, 1866)
- Pseudacris clarkii (Baird, 1854)
- Pseudacris crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1838)
- Pseudacris feriarum (Baird, 1854)
- Pseudacris fouquettei Lemmon, Lemmon, Collins and Cannatella, 2008
- Pseudacris hypochondriaca (Hallowell, 1854)
- Pseudacris illinoensis Smith, 1951
- Pseudacris kalmi Harper, 1955
- Pseudacris maculata (Agassiz, 1850)
- Pseudacris nigrita (LeConte, 1825)
- Pseudacris ocularis (Holbrook, 1838)
- Pseudacris ornata (Holbrook, 1836)
- Pseudacris regilla (Baird and Girard, 1852)
- Pseudacris sierra (Jameson, Mackey and Richmond, 1966)
- Pseudacris streckeri Wright and Wright, 1933
- Pseudacris triseriata (Wied-Neuwied, 1838)
- Pseudhymenochirus merlini Chabanaud, 1920
- Pseudis bolbodactyla Lutz, 1925
- Pseudis cardosoi Kwet, 2000
- Pseudis fusca Garman, 1883
- Pseudis minuta Günther, 1858
- Pseudis paradoxa (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Pseudis platensis Gallardo, 1961
- Pseudis tocantins Caramaschi and Cruz, 1998
- Pseudobranchus axanthus Netting and Goin, 1942
- Pseudobranchus striatus (LeConte, 1824)
- Pseudobufo subasper Tschudi, 1838
- Pseudoeurycea ahuitzotl Adler, 1996
- Pseudoeurycea altamontana (Taylor, 1939)
- Pseudoeurycea amuzga Pérez-Ramos and Saldaña de la Riva, 2003
- Pseudoeurycea anitae Bogert, 1967
- Pseudoeurycea aquatica Wake and Campbell, 2001
- Pseudoeurycea aurantia Canseco-Márquez and Parra-Olea, 2003
- Pseudoeurycea brunnata Bumzahem and Smith, 1955
- Pseudoeurycea cochranae (Taylor, 1943)
- Pseudoeurycea conanti Bogert, 1967
- Pseudoeurycea exspectata Stuart, 1954
- Pseudoeurycea firscheini Shannon and Werler, 1955
- Pseudoeurycea gadovii (Dunn, 1926)
- Pseudoeurycea goebeli (Schmidt, 1936)
- Pseudoeurycea juarezi Regal, 1966
- Pseudoeurycea kuautli Campbell, Brodie, Blancas-Hernández and Smith, 2013
- Pseudoeurycea leprosa (Cope, 1869)
- Pseudoeurycea lineola (Cope, 1865)
- Pseudoeurycea longicauda Lynch, Wake and Yang, 1983
- Pseudoeurycea lynchi Parra-Olea, Papenfuss and Wake, 2001
- Pseudoeurycea melanomolga (Taylor, 1941)
- Pseudoeurycea mixcoatl Adler, 1996
- Pseudoeurycea mixteca Canseco-Márquez and Gutiérrez-Mayén, 2005
- Pseudoeurycea mystax Bogert, 1967
- Pseudoeurycea nigromaculata (Taylor, 1941)
- Pseudoeurycea obesa Parra-Olea, García-París, Hanken and Wake, 2005
- Pseudoeurycea orchileucos (Brodie, Mendelson and Campbell, 2002)
- Pseudoeurycea orchimelas (Brodie, Mendelson and Campbell, 2002)
- Pseudoeurycea papenfussi Parra-Olea, García-París, Hanken and Wake, 2005
- Pseudoeurycea rex (Dunn, 1921)
- Pseudoeurycea robertsi (Taylor, 1939)
- Pseudoeurycea ruficauda Parra-Olea, García-París, Hanken and Wake, 2004
- Pseudoeurycea saltator Lynch and Wake, 1989
- Pseudoeurycea smithi (Taylor, 1939)
- Pseudoeurycea tenchalli Adler, 1996
- Pseudoeurycea teotepec Adler, 1996
- Pseudoeurycea tlahcuiloh Adler, 1996
- Pseudoeurycea tlilicxitl Lara-Góngora, 2003
- Pseudoeurycea unguidentis (Taylor, 1941)
- Pseudoeurycea werleri Darling and Smith, 1954
- Pseudohynobius flavomaculatus (Hu and Fei in Hu, Fei and Ye, 1978)
- Pseudohynobius guizhouensis Li, Tian and Gu, 2010
- Pseudohynobius jinfo Wei, Xiong and Zeng, 2009
- Pseudohynobius kuankuoshuiensis Xu and Zeng in Xu, Zeng and Fu, 2007
- Pseudohynobius puxiongensis (Fei and Ye, 2000)
- Pseudohynobius shuichengensis Tian, Gu, Li, Sun and Li, 1998
- Pseudopaludicola ameghini (Cope, 1887)
- Pseudopaludicola atragula Pansonato, Mudrek, Veiga-Menoncello, Rossa-Feres, Martins and Strüssmann, 2014
- Pseudopaludicola boliviana Parker, 1927
- Pseudopaludicola canga Giaretta and Kokubum, 2003
- Pseudopaludicola ceratophyes Rivero and Serna, 1985
- Pseudopaludicola facureae Andrade and Carvalho, 2013
- Pseudopaludicola falcipes (Hensel, 1867)
- Pseudopaludicola florencei Andrade, Haga, Lyra, Leite, Kwet, Haddad, Toledo and Giaretta, 2018
- Pseudopaludicola giarettai Carvalho, 2012
- Pseudopaludicola hyleaustralis Pansonato, Morais, Ávila, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Strussmann and Martins, 2012
- Pseudopaludicola ibisoroca Pansonato, Veiga-Menoncello, Mudrek, Jansen, Recco-Pimentel, Martins and Strüssmann, 2016
- Pseudopaludicola jaredi Andrade, Magalhães, Nunes-de-Almeida, Veiga-Menoncello, Santana, Garda, Loebmann et al., 2016
- Pseudopaludicola jazmynmcdonaldae Andrade, Silva, Koroiva, Fadel and Santana, 2019
- Pseudopaludicola llanera Lynch, 1989
- Pseudopaludicola matuta Andrade, Haga, Lyra, Carvalho, Haddad, Giaretta and Toledo, 2018
- Pseudopaludicola mineira Lobo, 1994
- Pseudopaludicola motorzinho Pansonato, Veiga-Menoncello, Mudrek, Jansen, Recco-Pimentel, Martins and Strüssmann, 2016
- Pseudopaludicola murundu Toledo, Siqueira, Duarte, Veiga-Menoncello, Recco-Pimentel and Haddad, 2010
- Pseudopaludicola mystacalis (Cope, 1887)
- Pseudopaludicola parnaiba Robert, Cardozo and Ávila, 2013
- Pseudopaludicola pocoto Magalhães, Loebmann, Kokubum, Haddad and Garda, 2014
- Pseudopaludicola pusilla (Ruthven, 1916)
- Pseudopaludicola restinga Cardozo, Baldo, Pupin, Gasparini and Haddad, 2018
- Pseudopaludicola saltica (Cope, 1887)
- Pseudopaludicola ternetzi Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937
- Pseudophilautus abundus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus adspersus (Günther, 1872)
- Pseudophilautus alto (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus amboli (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Pseudophilautus asankai (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus auratus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus bambaradeniyai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus caeruleus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus cavirostris (Günther, 1869)
- Pseudophilautus conniffae Batuwita, De Silva and Udugampala, 2019
- Pseudophilautus cuspis (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus dayawansai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus decoris (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus dilmah Wickramasinghe, Bandara, Vidanapathirana, Tennakoon, Samarakoon and Wickramasinge, 2015
- Pseudophilautus dimbullae (Shreve, 1940)
- Pseudophilautus eximius (Shreve, 1940)
- Pseudophilautus extirpo (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus femoralis (Günther, 1864)
- Pseudophilautus fergusonianus (Ahl, 1927)
- Pseudophilautus folicola (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus frankenbergi (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus fulvus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus hallidayi (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus halyi (Boulenger, 1904)
- Pseudophilautus hankeni Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2011
- Pseudophilautus hoffmanni (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus hoipolloi (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus hypomelas (Günther, 1876)
- Pseudophilautus jagathgunawardanai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus kani (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Pseudophilautus karunarathnai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus leucorhinus (Lichtenstein and Martens, 1856)
- Pseudophilautus limbus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus lunatus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus macropus (Günther, 1869)
- Pseudophilautus maia (Meegaskumbura, Manamendra-Arachchi, Schneider and Pethiyagoda, 2007)
- Pseudophilautus malcolmsmithi (Ahl, 1927)
- Pseudophilautus microtympanum (Günther, 1858)
- Pseudophilautus mittermeieri (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus mooreorum (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus nanus (Günther, 1869)
- Pseudophilautus nasutus (Günther, 1869)
- Pseudophilautus nemus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus newtonjayawardanei Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus ocularis (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus oxyrhynchus (Günther, 1872)
- Pseudophilautus papillosus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus pardus (Meegaskumbura, Manamendra-Arachchi, Schneider and Pethiyagoda, 2007)
- Pseudophilautus pleurotaenia (Boulenger, 1904)
- Pseudophilautus poppiae (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus popularis (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus procax (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus puranappu Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus regius (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus reticulatus (Günther, 1864)
- Pseudophilautus rugatus (Ahl, 1927)
- Pseudophilautus rus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus samarakoon Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus sarasinorum (Müller, 1887)
- Pseudophilautus schmarda (Kelaart, 1854)
- Pseudophilautus schneideri Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2011
- Pseudophilautus semiruber (Annandale, 1913)
- Pseudophilautus silus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus silvaticus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus simba (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus singu (Meegaskumbura, Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2009)
- Pseudophilautus sirilwijesundarai Wickramasinghe, Vidanapathirana, Rajeev, Ariyarathne, Chanaka, Priyantha, Bandara et al., 2013
- Pseudophilautus sordidus (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus steineri (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus stellatus (Kelaart, 1853)
- Pseudophilautus stictomerus (Günther, 1876)
- Pseudophilautus stuarti (Meegaskumbura and Manamendra-Arachchi, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus tanu (Meegaskumbura, Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2009)
- Pseudophilautus temporalis (Günther, 1864)
- Pseudophilautus variabilis (Günther, 1858)
- Pseudophilautus viridis (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus wynaadensis (Jerdon, 1853)
- Pseudophilautus zal (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophilautus zimmeri (Ahl, 1927)
- Pseudophilautus zorro (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2005)
- Pseudophryne australis (Gray, 1835)
- Pseudophryne bibronii Günther, 1859
- Pseudophryne coriacea Keferstein, 1868
- Pseudophryne corroboree Moore, 1953
- Pseudophryne covacevichae Ingram and Corben, 1994
- Pseudophryne dendyi Lucas, 1892
- Pseudophryne douglasi Main, 1964
- Pseudophryne guentheri Boulenger, 1882
- Pseudophryne major Parker, 1940
- Pseudophryne occidentalis Parker, 1940
- Pseudophryne pengilleyi Wells and Wellington, 1985
- Pseudophryne raveni Ingram and Corben, 1994
- Pseudophryne robinsoni Donnellan, Mahony and Bertozzi, 2012
- Pseudophryne semimarmorata Lucas, 1892
- Pseudorana sangzhiensis (Shen, 1986)
- Pseudorana weiningensis (Liu, Hu and Yang, 1962)
- Pseudotriton diastictus Bishop, 1941
- Pseudotriton montanus Baird, 1850
- Pseudotriton ruber (Sonnini de Manoncourt and Latreille, 1801)
- Psychrophrynella bagrecito (Lynch, 1986)
- Psychrophrynella chirihampatu Catenazzi and Ttito, 2016
- Psychrophrynella glauca Catenazzi and Ttito, 2018
- Psychrophrynella usurpator De la Riva, Chaparro and Padial, 2008
- Pterorana khare Kiyasetuo and Khare, 1986
- Ptychadena aequiplicata (Werner, 1898)
- Ptychadena amharensis Smith, Noonan and Colston, 2017
- Ptychadena anchietae (Bocage, 1868)
- Ptychadena ansorgii (Boulenger, 1905)
- Ptychadena arnei Perret, 1997
- Ptychadena baroensis Smith, Noonan and Colston, 2017
- Ptychadena bibroni (Hallowell, 1845)
- Ptychadena boettgeri (Pfeffer, 1893)
- Ptychadena broadleyi Stevens, 1972
- Ptychadena bunoderma (Boulenger, 1907)
- Ptychadena christyi (Boulenger, 1919)
- Ptychadena chrysogaster Laurent, 1954
- Ptychadena cooperi (Parker, 1930)
- Ptychadena erlangeri (Ahl, 1924)
- Ptychadena gansi Laurent In Gans, Laurent and Pandit, 1965
- Ptychadena goweri Smith, Noonan and Colston, 2017
- Ptychadena grandisonae Laurent, 1954
- Ptychadena guibei Laurent, 1954
- Ptychadena harenna Largen, 1997
- Ptychadena hylaea Schmidt and Inger, 1959
- Ptychadena ingeri Perret, 1991
- Ptychadena keilingi (Monard, 1937)
- Ptychadena levenorum Smith, Noonan and Colston, 2017
- Ptychadena longirostris (Peters, 1870)
- Ptychadena mahnerti Perret, 1996
- Ptychadena mapacha Channing, 1993
- Ptychadena mascareniensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Ptychadena mossambica (Peters, 1854)
- Ptychadena mutinondoensis Channing and Willem, 2018
- Ptychadena nana Perret, 1980
- Ptychadena neumanni (Ahl, 1924)
- Ptychadena newtoni (Bocage, 1886)
- Ptychadena nilotica (Seetzen, 1855)
- Ptychadena nuerensis Smith, Noonan and Colston, 2017
- Ptychadena obscura (Schmidt and Inger, 1959)
- Ptychadena oxyrhynchus (Smith, 1849)
- Ptychadena perplicata Laurent, 1964
- Ptychadena perreti Guibé and Lamotte, 1958
- Ptychadena porosissima (Steindachner, 1867)
- Ptychadena pujoli Lamotte and Ohler, 1997
- Ptychadena pumilio (Boulenger, 1920)
- Ptychadena retropunctata (Angel, 1949)
- Ptychadena schillukorum (Werner, 1908)
- Ptychadena stenocephala (Boulenger, 1901)
- Ptychadena straeleni (Inger, 1968)
- Ptychadena submascareniensis (Guibé and Lamotte, 1953)
- Ptychadena subpunctata (Bocage, 1866)
- Ptychadena superciliaris (Günther, 1858)
- Ptychadena taenioscelis Laurent, 1954
- Ptychadena tellinii (Peracca, 1904)
- Ptychadena tournieri (Guibé and Lamotte, 1955)
- Ptychadena trinodis (Boettger, 1881)
- Ptychadena upembae (Schmidt and Inger, 1959)
- Ptychadena uzungwensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Ptychadena wadei Largen, 2000
- Ptychohyla dendrophasma (Campbell, Smith and Acevedo, 2000)
- Ptychohyla euthysanota (Kellogg, 1928)
- Ptychohyla hypomykter McCranie and Wilson, 1993
- Ptychohyla legleri (Taylor, 1958)
- Ptychohyla leonhardschultzei (Ahl, 1934)
- Ptychohyla macrotympanum (Tanner, 1957)
- Ptychohyla salvadorensis (Mertens, 1952)
- Ptychohyla zophodes Campbell and Duellman, 2000
- Pulchrana banjarana (Leong and Lim, 2003)
- Pulchrana baramica (Boettger, 1900)
- Pulchrana centropeninsularis (Chan, Brown, Lim, Ahmad and Grismer, 2014)
- Pulchrana debussyi (Van Kampen, 1910)
- Pulchrana fantastica Arifin, Cahyadi, Smart, Jankowski and Haas, 2018
- Pulchrana glandulosa (Boulenger, 1882)
- Pulchrana grandocula (Taylor, 1920)
- Pulchrana guttmani (Brown, 2015)
- Pulchrana laterimaculata (Barbour and Noble, 1916)
- Pulchrana mangyanum (Brown and Guttman, 2002)
- Pulchrana melanomenta (Taylor, 1920)
- Pulchrana moellendorffi (Boettger, 1893)
- Pulchrana picturata (Boulenger, 1920)
- Pulchrana rawa (Matsui, Mumpuni and Hamidy, 2012)
- Pulchrana siberu (Dring, McCarthy and Whitten, 1990)
- Pulchrana signata (Günther, 1872)
- Pulchrana similis (Günther, 1873)
- Pyxicephalus adspersus Tschudi, 1838
- Pyxicephalus angusticeps Parry, 1982
- Pyxicephalus edulis Peters, 1854
- Pyxicephalus obbianus Calabresi, 1927
- Quasipaa acanthophora Dubois and Ohler, 2009
- Quasipaa boulengeri (Günther, 1889)
- Quasipaa courtoisi (Angel, 1922)
- Quasipaa delacouri (Angel, 1928)
- Quasipaa exilispinosa (Liu and Hu, 1975)
- Quasipaa fasciculispina (Inger, 1970)
- Quasipaa jiulongensis (Huang and Liu, 1985)
- Quasipaa shini (Ahl, 1930)
- Quasipaa spinosa (David, 1875)
- Quasipaa verrucospinosa (Bourret, 1937)
- Quasipaa yei (Chen, Qu and Jiang, 2002)
- Quilticohyla acrochorda (Campbell and Duellman, 2000)
- Quilticohyla erythromma (Taylor, 1937)
- Quilticohyla sanctaecrucis (Campbell and Smith, 1992)
- Quilticohyla zoque (Canseco-Márquez, Aguilar-López, Luría-Manzano, Pineda-Arredondo and Caviedes-Solis, 2017)
- Rana amurensis Boulenger, 1886
- Rana arvalis Nilsson, 1842
- Rana asiatica Bedriaga, 1898
- Rana aurora Baird and Girard, 1852
- Rana boylii Baird, 1854
- Rana cascadae Slater, 1939
- Rana chaochiaoensis Liu, 1946
- Rana chensinensis David, 1875
- Rana chevronta Hu and Ye in Hu, Fei and Ye, 1978
- Rana coreana Okada, 1928
- Rana culaiensis Li, Lu and Li, 2008
- Rana dabieshanensis Wang, Qian, Zhang, Guo, Pan, Wu, Wang and Zhang, 2017
- Rana dalmatina Fitzinger in Bonaparte, 1838
- Rana draytonii Baird and Girard, 1852
- Rana dybowskii Günther, 1876
- Rana graeca Boulenger, 1891
- Rana hanluica Shen, Jiang and Yang, 2007
- Rana huanrenensis Fei, Ye and Huang, 1990
- Rana iberica Boulenger, 1879
- Rana italica Dubois, 1987
- Rana japonica Boulenger, 1879
- Rana jiemuxiensis Yan, Jiang, Chen, Fang, Jin, Li, Wang, Murphy, Che and Zhang, 2011
- Rana johnsi Smith, 1921
- Rana kobai Matsui, 2011
- Rana kukunoris Nikolskii, 1918
- Rana latastei Boulenger, 1879
- Rana longicrus Stejneger, 1898
- Rana luanchuanensis Zhao and Yuan, 2017
- Rana luteiventris Thompson, 1913
- Rana macrocnemis Boulenger, 1885
- Rana maoershanensis Lu, Li and Jiang, 2007
- Rana muscosa Camp, 1917
- Rana neba Ryuzaki, Hasegawa and Kuramoto, 2014
- Rana omeimontis Ye and Fei in Ye, Fei and Hu, 1993
- Rana ornativentris Werner, 1903
- Rana pirica Matsui, 1991
- Rana pretiosa Baird and Girard, 1853
- Rana pseudodalmatina Eiselt and Schmidtler, 1971
- Rana pyrenaica Serra-Cobo, 1993
- Rana sakuraii Matsui and Matsui, 1990
- Rana sauteri Boulenger, 1909
- Rana shuchinae Liu, 1950
- Rana sierrae Camp, 1917
- Rana tagoi Okada, 1928
- Rana tavasensis Baran and Atatür, 1986
- Rana temporaria Linnaeus, 1758
- Rana tsushimensis Stejneger, 1907
- Rana uenoi Matsui, 2014
- Rana ulma Matsui, 2011
- Rana zhengi Zhao, 1999
- Rana zhenhaiensis Ye, Fei and Matsui, 1995
- Ranitomeya amazonica (Schulte, 1999)
- Ranitomeya benedicta Brown, Twomey, Pepper and Sanchez-Rodriguez, 2008
- Ranitomeya cyanovittata Pérez-Peña, Chávez, Twomey and Brown, 2010
- Ranitomeya defleri Twomey and Brown, 2009
- Ranitomeya fantastica (Boulenger, 1884)
- Ranitomeya flavovittata (Schulte, 1999)
- Ranitomeya imitator (Schulte, 1986)
- Ranitomeya reticulata (Boulenger, 1884)
- Ranitomeya sirensis (Aichinger, 1991)
- Ranitomeya summersi Brown, Twomey, Pepper and Sanchez-Rodriguez, 2008
- Ranitomeya toraro Brown, Caldwell, Twomey, Melo-Sampaio and Souza, 2011
- Ranitomeya uakarii (Brown, Schulte and Summers, 2006)
- Ranitomeya vanzolinii (Myers, 1982)
- Ranitomeya variabilis (Zimmermann and Zimmermann, 1988)
- Ranitomeya ventrimaculata (Shreve, 1935)
- Ranitomeya yavaricola Pérez-Peña, Chávez, Twomey and Brown, 2010
- Ranodon sibiricus Kessler, 1866
- Ranoidea alboguttata (Günther, 1867)
- Ranoidea andiirrmalin (McDonald, 1997)
- Ranoidea aruensis (Horst, 1883)
- Ranoidea auae (Menzies and Tyler, 2004)
- Ranoidea aurea (Lesson, 1829)
- Ranoidea australis (Gray, 1842)
- Ranoidea barringtonensis (Copland, 1957)
- Ranoidea becki (Loveridge, 1945)
- Ranoidea bella (McDonald, Rowley, Richards and Frankham, 2016)
- Ranoidea booroolongensis (Moore, 1961)
- Ranoidea brevipes (Peters, 1871)
- Ranoidea brongersmai (Loveridge, 1945)
- Ranoidea bulmeri (Tyler, 1968)
- Ranoidea caerulea (White, 1790)
- Ranoidea callista (Kraus, 2013)
- Ranoidea cavernicola (Tyler and Davies, 1979)
- Ranoidea chloris (Boulenger, 1892)
- Ranoidea citropa (Péron, 1807)
- Ranoidea cryptotis (Tyler and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea cultripes (Parker, 1940)
- Ranoidea cyclorhynchus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Ranoidea dahlii (Boulenger, 1896)
- Ranoidea daviesae (Mahony, Knowles, Foster and Donnellan, 2001)
- Ranoidea dayi (Günther, 1897)
- Ranoidea dorsivena (Tyler, 1968)
- Ranoidea elkeae (Günther and Richards, 2000)
- Ranoidea eschata (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Ranoidea eucnemis (Lönnberg, 1900)
- Ranoidea exophthalmia (Tyler, Davies and Aplin, 1986)
- Ranoidea fuscula (Oliver and Richards, 2007)
- Ranoidea genimaculata (Horst, 1883)
- Ranoidea gilleni (Spencer, 1896)
- Ranoidea gracilenta (Peters, 1869)
- Ranoidea impura (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Ranoidea jungguy (Donnellan and Mahony, 2004)
- Ranoidea kroombitensis (Hoskin, Hines, Meyer, Clarke and Cunningham, 2013)
- Ranoidea kumae (Menzies and Tyler, 2004)
- Ranoidea lesueurii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Ranoidea longipes (Tyler and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea lorica (Davies and McDonald, 1979)
- Ranoidea macki (Richards, 2001)
- Ranoidea maculosa (Tyler and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea maini (Tyler and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea manya (Van Beurden and McDonald, 1980)
- Ranoidea moorei (Copland, 1957)
- Ranoidea myola (Hoskin, 2007)
- Ranoidea nannotis (Andersson, 1916)
- Ranoidea napaea (Tyler, 1968)
- Ranoidea novaehollandiae (Steindachner, 1867)
- Ranoidea nudidigita (Copland, 1963)
- Ranoidea nyakalensis (Liem, 1974)
- Ranoidea occidentalis (Anstis, Price, Roberts, Catalano, Hines, Doughty and Donnellan, 2016)
- Ranoidea papua (Van Kampen, 1909)
- Ranoidea pearsoniana (Copland, 1961)
- Ranoidea phyllochroa (Günther, 1863)
- Ranoidea piperata (Tyler and Davies, 1985)
- Ranoidea platycephala (Günther, 1873)
- Ranoidea pratti (Boulenger, 1911)
- Ranoidea raniformis (Keferstein, 1867)
- Ranoidea rara (Günther and Richards, 2005)
- Ranoidea rheocola (Liem, 1974)
- Ranoidea rivicola (Günther and Richards, 2005)
- Ranoidea robinsonae (Oliver, Stuart-Fox and Richards, 2008)
- Ranoidea rueppelli (Boettger, 1895)
- Ranoidea serrata (Andersson, 1916)
- Ranoidea spenceri (Dubois, 1984)
- Ranoidea spinifera (Tyler, 1968)
- Ranoidea splendida (Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea subglandulosa (Tyler and Anstis, 1983)
- Ranoidea vagitus (Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981)
- Ranoidea verrucosa (Tyler and Martin, 1977)
- Ranoidea wilcoxii (Günther, 1864)
- Ranoidea xanthomera (Davies, McDonald and Adams, 1986)
- Raorchestes agasthyaensis Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes akroparallagi (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes anili (Biju and Bossuyt, 2006)
- Raorchestes annandalii (Boulenger, 1906)
- Raorchestes archeos Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes aureus Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes beddomii (Günther, 1876)
- Raorchestes blandus Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes bobingeri (Biju and Bossuyt, 2005)
- Raorchestes bombayensis (Annandale, 1919)
- Raorchestes chalazodes (Günther, 1876)
- Raorchestes charius (Rao, 1937)
- Raorchestes chlorosomma (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes chotta (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes chromasynchysi (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes coonoorensis (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes crustai Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes dubois (Biju and Bossuyt, 2006)
- Raorchestes echinatus Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes flaviocularis Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes flaviventris (Boulenger, 1882)
- Raorchestes ghatei Padhye, Sayyed, Jadhav and Dahanukar, 2013
- Raorchestes glandulosus (Jerdon, 1853)
- Raorchestes graminirupes (Biju and Bossuyt, 2005)
- Raorchestes griet (Bossuyt, 2002)
- Raorchestes gryllus (Smith, 1924)
- Raorchestes hassanensis (Dutta, 1985)
- Raorchestes honnametti Gururaja,Priti, Roshmi and Aravind, 2016
- Raorchestes indigo Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes jayarami (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes johnceei Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes kadalarensis Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes kaikatti (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes kakachi Seshadri, Gururaja and Aravind, 2012
- Raorchestes lechiya Zachariah, Cyriac, Chandramohan, Ansil, Mathew, Raju and Abraham, 2016
- Raorchestes leucolatus Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes longchuanensis (Yang and Li in Yang, Su and Li, 1978)
- Raorchestes luteolus (Kuramoto and Joshy, 2003)
- Raorchestes manipurensis (Mathew and Sen, 2009)
- Raorchestes manohari Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes marki (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes menglaensis (Kou, 1990)
- Raorchestes munnarensis (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes nerostagona (Biju and Bossuyt, 2005)
- Raorchestes ochlandrae (Gururaja, Dinesh, Palot, Radhakrishnan and Ramachandra, 2007)
- Raorchestes parvulus (Boulenger, 1893)
- Raorchestes ponmudi (Biju and Bossuyt, 2005)
- Raorchestes primarrumpfi Vijayakumar, Dinesh, Prabhu and Shanker, 2014
- Raorchestes ravii Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes resplendens Biju, Shouche, Dubois, Dutta and Bossuyt, 2010
- Raorchestes sahai (Sarkar and Ray, 2006)
- Raorchestes shillongensis (Pillai and Chanda, 1973)
- Raorchestes signatus (Boulenger, 1882)
- Raorchestes silentvalley Zachariah, Cyriac, Chandramohan, Ansil, Mathew, Raju and Abraham, 2016
- Raorchestes sushili (Biju and Bossuyt, 2009)
- Raorchestes terebrans (Das and Chanda, 1998)
- Raorchestes theuerkaufi Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes thodai Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Raorchestes tinniens (Jerdon, 1853)
- Raorchestes travancoricus (Boulenger, 1891)
- Raorchestes tuberohumerus (Kuramoto and Joshy, 2003)
- Raorchestes uthamani Zachariah, Dinesh, Kunhikrishnan, Das, Raju, Radhakrishnan, Palot and Kalesh, 2011
- Rentapia everetti (Boulenger, 1896)
- Rentapia hosii (Boulenger, 1892)
- Rhacophorus annamensis Smith, 1924
- Rhacophorus baluensis Inger, 1954
- Rhacophorus barisani Harvey, Pemberton and Smith, 2002
- Rhacophorus bengkuluensis Streicher, Hamidy, Harvey, Anders, Shaney, Kurniawan and Smith, 2014
- Rhacophorus bifasciatus Van Kampen, 1923
- Rhacophorus bipunctatus Ahl, 1927
- Rhacophorus borneensis Matsui, Shimada and Sudin, 2013
- Rhacophorus calcadensis Ahl, 1927
- Rhacophorus calcaneus Smith, 1924
- Rhacophorus catamitus Harvey, Pemberton and Smith, 2002
- Rhacophorus edentulus Müller, 1894
- Rhacophorus exechopygus Inger, Orlov and Darevsky, 1999
- Rhacophorus georgii Roux, 1904
- Rhacophorus helenae Rowley, Tran, Hoang and Le, 2012
- Rhacophorus hoabinhensis Nguyen, Pham, Nguyen, Ninh and Ziegler, 2017
- Rhacophorus hoanglienensis Orlov, Lathrop, Murphy and Ho, 2001
- Rhacophorus indonesiensis Hamidy and Kurniati, 2015
- Rhacophorus kio Ohler and Delorme, 2006
- Rhacophorus laoshan Mo, Jiang, Xie and Ohler, 2008
- Rhacophorus larissae Ostroshabov, Orlov and Nguyen, 2013
- Rhacophorus lateralis Boulenger, 1883
- Rhacophorus malabaricus Jerdon, 1870
- Rhacophorus margaritifer (Schlegel, 1837)
- Rhacophorus marmoridorsum Orlov, 2008
- Rhacophorus modestus Boulenger, 1920
- Rhacophorus monticola Boulenger, 1896
- Rhacophorus nigropalmatus Boulenger, 1895
- Rhacophorus norhayatii Chan and Grismer, 2010
- Rhacophorus orlovi Ziegler and Köhler, 2001
- Rhacophorus pardalis Günther, 1858
- Rhacophorus poecilonotus Boulenger, 1920
- Rhacophorus pseudomalabaricus Vasudevan and Dutta, 2000
- Rhacophorus reinwardtii (Schlegel, 1840)
- Rhacophorus rhodopus Liu and Hu, 1960
- Rhacophorus robertingeri Orlov, Poyarkov, Vassilieva, Ananjeva, Nguyen, Sang and Geissler, 2012
- Rhacophorus spelaeus Orlov, Gnophanxay, Phimminith and Phomphoumy, 2010
- Rhacophorus subansiriensis Mathew and Sen, 2009
- Rhacophorus translineatus Wu in Sichuan Institute of Biology Herpetology Department, 1977
- Rhacophorus tuberculatus (Anderson, 1871)
- Rhacophorus turpes Smith, 1940
- Rhacophorus vampyrus Rowley, Le, Thi, Stuart and Hoang, 2010
- Rhacophorus verrucopus Huang, 1983
- Rhacophorus viridimaculatus Ostroshabov, Orlov and Nguyen, 2013
- Rhaebo andinophrynoides Mueses-Cisneros, 2009
- Rhaebo atelopoides (Lynch and Ruiz-Carranza, 1981)
- Rhaebo blombergi (Myers and Funkhouser, 1951)
- Rhaebo caeruleostictus (Günther, 1859)
- Rhaebo colomai (Hoogmoed, 1985)
- Rhaebo ecuadorensis Mueses-Cisneros, Cisneros-Heredia and McDiarmid, 2012
- Rhaebo glaberrimus (Günther, 1869)
- Rhaebo guttatus (Schneider, 1799)
- Rhaebo haematiticus (Cope, 1862)
- Rhaebo hypomelas (Boulenger, 1913)
- Rhaebo lynchi Mueses-Cisneros, 2007
- Rhaebo nasicus (Werner, 1903)
- Rhaebo olallai (Hoogmoed, 1985)
- Rheobates palmatus (Werner, 1899)
- Rheobates pseudopalmatus (Rivero and Serna, 2000)
- Rheobatrachus silus Liem, 1973
- Rheobatrachus vitellinus Mahony, Tyler and Davies, 1984
- Rheohyla miotympanum (Cope, 1863)
- Rhinatrema bivittatum (Guérin-Méneville, 1838)
- Rhinatrema gilbertogili Maciel, Sampaio, Hoogmoed and Schneider, 2018
- Rhinatrema nigrum Dunn, 1942
- Rhinatrema ron Wilkinson and Gower, 2010
- Rhinatrema shiv Gower, Wilkinson, Sherratt and Kok, 2010
- Rhinatrema uaiuai Maciel, Sampaio, Hoogmoed and Schneider, 2018
- Rhinella abei (Baldissera, Caramaschi and Haddad, 2004)
- Rhinella achalensis (Cei, 1972)
- Rhinella achavali (Maneyro, Arrieta and de Sá, 2004)
- Rhinella acrolopha (Trueb, 1971)
- Rhinella acutirostris (Spix, 1824)
- Rhinella alata (Thominot, 1884)
- Rhinella amabilis (Pramuk and Kadivar, 2003)
- Rhinella amboroensis (Harvey and Smith, 1993)
- Rhinella arborescandens (Duellman and Schulte, 1992)
- Rhinella arenarum (Hensel, 1867)
- Rhinella arequipensis (Vellard, 1959)
- Rhinella arunco (Molina, 1782)
- Rhinella atacamensis (Cei, 1962)
- Rhinella azarai (Gallardo, 1965)
- Rhinella beebei (Gallardo, 1965)
- Rhinella bergi (Céspedez, 2000)
- Rhinella bernardoi Sanabria, Quiroga, Arias and Cortez, 2010
- Rhinella casconi Roberto, Brito and Thomé, 2014
- Rhinella castaneotica (Caldwell, 1991)
- Rhinella centralis Narvaes and Rodrigues, 2009
- Rhinella ceratophrys (Boulenger, 1882)
- Rhinella cerradensis Maciel, Brandão, Campos and Sebben, 2007
- Rhinella chavin (Lehr, Köhler, Aguilar and Ponce, 2001)
- Rhinella chrysophora (McCranie, Wilson and Williams, 1989)
- Rhinella cristinae (Vélez-Rodriguez and Ruiz-Carranza, 2002)
- Rhinella crucifer (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
- Rhinella dapsilis (Myers and Carvalho, 1945)
- Rhinella diptycha (Cope, 1862)
- Rhinella dorbignyi (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Rhinella fernandezae (Gallardo, 1957)
- Rhinella festae (Peracca, 1904)
- Rhinella fissipes (Boulenger, 1903)
- Rhinella gallardoi (Carrizo, 1992)
- Rhinella gildae Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Bastos and Pombal, 2015
- Rhinella gnustae (Gallardo, 1967)
- Rhinella granulosa (Spix, 1824)
- Rhinella henseli (Lutz, 1934)
- Rhinella hoogmoedi Caramaschi and Pombal, 2006
- Rhinella horribilis (Wiegmann, 1833)
- Rhinella humboldti (Gallardo, 1965)
- Rhinella icterica (Spix, 1824)
- Rhinella inca (Stejneger, 1913)
- Rhinella inopina Vaz-Silva, Valdujo and Pombal, 2012
- Rhinella iserni (Jiménez de la Espada, 1875)
- Rhinella jimi (Stevaux, 2002)
- Rhinella justinianoi (Harvey and Smith, 1994)
- Rhinella leptoscelis (Boulenger, 1912)
- Rhinella lescurei Fouquet, Gaucher, Blanc and Vélez-Rodriguez, 2007
- Rhinella lilyrodriguezae Cusi, Moravec, Lehr and Gvozdík, 2017
- Rhinella limensis (Werner, 1901)
- Rhinella lindae (Rivero and Castaño, 1990)
- Rhinella macrorhina (Trueb, 1971)
- Rhinella magnussoni Lima, Menin and Araújo, 2007
- Rhinella major (Müller and Hellmich, 1936)
- Rhinella manu Chaparro, Pramuk and Gluesenkamp, 2007
- Rhinella margaritifera (Laurenti, 1768)
- Rhinella marina (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Rhinella martyi Fouquet, Gaucher, Blanc and Vélez-Rodriguez, 2007
- Rhinella merianae (Gallardo, 1965)
- Rhinella mirandaribeiroi (Gallardo, 1965)
- Rhinella multiverrucosa (Lehr, Pramuk and Lundberg, 2005)
- Rhinella nattereri (Bokermann, 1967)
- Rhinella nesiotes (Duellman and Toft, 1979)
- Rhinella nicefori (Cochran and Goin, 1970)
- Rhinella ocellata (Günther, 1858)
- Rhinella ornata (Spix, 1824)
- Rhinella paraguas Grant and Bolívar-Garcías, 2014
- Rhinella paraguayensis Ávila, Pansonato and Strüssmann, 2010
- Rhinella poeppigii (Tschudi, 1845)
- Rhinella proboscidea (Spix, 1824)
- Rhinella pygmaea (Myers and Carvalho, 1952)
- Rhinella quechua (Gallardo, 1961)
- Rhinella roqueana (Melin, 1941)
- Rhinella rostrata (Noble, 1920)
- Rhinella rubescens (Lutz, 1925)
- Rhinella rubropunctata (Guichenot, 1848)
- Rhinella ruizi (Grant, 2000)
- Rhinella rumbolli (Carrizo, 1992)
- Rhinella scitula (Caramaschi and Niemeyer, 2003)
- Rhinella sclerocephala (Mijares-Urrutia and Arends-R., 2001)
- Rhinella sebbeni Vaz-Silva, Maciel, Bastos and Pombal, 2015
- Rhinella spinulosa (Wiegmann, 1834)
- Rhinella stanlaii (Lötters and Köhler, 2000)
- Rhinella sternosignata (Günther, 1858)
- Rhinella tacana (Padial, Reichle, McDiarmid and De la Riva, 2006)
- Rhinella tenrec (Lynch and Renjifo, 1990)
- Rhinella truebae (Lynch and Renjifo, 1990)
- Rhinella vellardi (Leviton and Duellman, 1978)
- Rhinella veraguensis (Schmidt, 1857)
- Rhinella veredas (Brandão, Maciel and Sebben, 2007)
- Rhinella yanachaga Lehr, Pramuk, Hedges and Córdova, 2007
- Rhinella yunga Moravec, Lehr, Cusi, Córdova and Gvozdík, 2014
- Rhinoderma darwinii Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Rhinoderma rufum (Philippi, 1902)
- Rhinophrynus dorsalis Duméril and Bibron, 1841
- Rhombophryne botabota Scherz, Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Crottini, 2016
- Rhombophryne coronata (Vences and Glaw, 2003)
- Rhombophryne coudreaui (Angel, 1938)
- Rhombophryne diadema Scherz, Hawlitschek, Andreone, Rakotoarison, Vences and Glaw, 2017
- Rhombophryne guentherpetersi (Guibé, 1974)
- Rhombophryne laevipes (Mocquard, 1895)
- Rhombophryne longicrus Scherz, Rakotoarison, Hawitschk, Vences and Glaw, 2015
- Rhombophryne mangabensis Glaw, Köhler and Vences, 2010
- Rhombophryne matavy D'Cruze, Köhler, Vences and Glaw, 2010
- Rhombophryne minuta (Guibé, 1975)
- Rhombophryne nilevina Lambert, Hutter and Scherz, 2017
- Rhombophryne ornata Scherz, Ruthensteiner, Vieites, Vences and Glaw, 2015
- Rhombophryne proportinalis Scherz, Hutter, Rakotoarison, Riemann, Rödel, Ndriantsoa, Glos, Roberts, Crottini et al., 2019
- Rhombophryne regalis Scherz, Hawlitschek, Andreone, Rakotoarison, Vences and Glaw, 2017
- Rhombophryne savaka Scherz, Glaw, Vences, Andreone and Crottini, 2016
- Rhombophryne serratopalpebrosa (Guibé, 1975)
- Rhombophryne tany Scherz, Ruthensteiner, Vieites, Vences and Glaw, 2015
- Rhombophryne testudo Boettger, 1880
- Rhombophryne vaventy Scherz, Ruthensteiner, Vences and Glaw, 2014
- Rhyacotriton cascadae Good and Wake, 1992
- Rhyacotriton kezeri Good and Wake, 1992
- Rhyacotriton olympicus (Gaige, 1917)
- Rhyacotriton variegatus Stebbins and Lowe, 1951
- Rulyrana adiazeta (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1991)
- Rulyrana flavopunctata (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Rulyrana mcdiarmidi (Cisneros-Heredia, Venegas, Rada and Schulte, 2008)
- Rulyrana saxiscandens (Duellman and Schulte, 1993)
- Rulyrana spiculata (Duellman, 1976)
- Rulyrana susatamai (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Rupirana cardosoi Heyer, 1999
- Sabahphrynus maculatus (Mocquard, 1890)
- Sachatamia albomaculata (Taylor, 1949)
- Sachatamia electrops Rada, Jeckel, Caorsi, Barrientos, Rivera-Correa and Grant, 2017
- Sachatamia ilex (Savage, 1967)
- Sachatamia orejuela (Duellman and Burrowes, 1989)
- Sachatamia punctulata (Ruiz-Carranza and Lynch, 1995)
- Salamandra algira Bedriaga, 1883
- Salamandra atra Laurenti, 1768
- Salamandra corsica Savi, 1838
- Salamandra infraimmaculata Martens, 1885
- Salamandra lanzai Nascetti, Andreone, Capula and Bullini, 1988
- Salamandra longirostris Joger and Steinfartz, 1994
- Salamandra salamandra (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Salamandrella keyserlingii Dybowski, 1870
- Salamandrella tridactyla Nikolskii, 1905
- Salamandrina perspicillata (Savi, 1821)
- Salamandrina terdigitata (Bonnaterre, 1789)
- Sanguirana acai Brown, Prue, Chan, Gaulke, Sanguila and Siler, 2017
- Sanguirana aurantipunctata Fuiten, Welton, Diesmos, Barley, Oberheide, Duya, Rico and Brown, 2011
- Sanguirana everetti (Boulenger, 1882)
- Sanguirana igorota (Taylor, 1922)
- Sanguirana luzonensis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Sanguirana mearnsi (Stejneger, 1905)
- Sanguirana sanguinea (Boettger, 1893)
- Sanguirana tipanan (Brown, McGuire and Diesmos, 2000)
- Sarcohyla ameibothalame (Canseco-Márquez, Mendelson and Gutiérrez-Mayén, 2002)
- Sarcohyla arborescandens (Taylor, 1939)
- Sarcohyla bistincta (Cope, 1877)
- Sarcohyla calvicollina (Toal, 1994)
- Sarcohyla celata (Toal and Mendelson, 1995)
- Sarcohyla cembra (Caldwell, 1974)
- Sarcohyla charadricola (Duellman, 1964)
- Sarcohyla chryses (Adler, 1965)
- Sarcohyla crassa (Brocchi, 1877)
- Sarcohyla cyanomma (Caldwell, 1974)
- Sarcohyla cyclada (Campbell and Duellman, 2000)
- Sarcohyla hapsa Campbell, Brodie, Caviedes-Solis, Nieto-Montes de Oca, Luja, Flores-Villela et al., 2018
- Sarcohyla hazelae (Taylor, 1940)
- Sarcohyla labeculata (Shannon, 1951)
- Sarcohyla labedactyla (Mendelson and Toal, 1996)
- Sarcohyla miahuatlanensis (Meik, Smith, Canseco-Márquez and Campbell, 2006)
- Sarcohyla mykter (Adler and Dennis, 1972)
- Sarcohyla pachyderma (Taylor, 1942)
- Sarcohyla pentheter (Adler, 1965)
- Sarcohyla psarosema (Campbell and Duellman, 2000)
- Sarcohyla robertsorum (Taylor, 1940)
- Sarcohyla sabrina (Caldwell, 1974)
- Sarcohyla siopela (Duellman, 1968)
- Sarcohyla thorectes (Adler, 1965)
- Scaphiophryne boribory Vences, Raxworthy, Nussbaum and Glaw, 2003
- Scaphiophryne brevis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Scaphiophryne calcarata (Mocquard, 1895)
- Scaphiophryne gottlebei Busse and Böhme, 1992
- Scaphiophryne madagascariensis (Boulenger, 1882)
- Scaphiophryne marmorata Boulenger, 1882
- Scaphiophryne matsoko Raselimanana, Raxworthy, Andreone, Glaw and Vences, 2014
- Scaphiophryne menabensis Glos, Glaw and Vences, 2005
- Scaphiophryne spinosa Steindachner, 1882
- Scaphiopus couchii Baird, 1854
- Scaphiopus holbrookii (Harlan, 1835)
- Scaphiopus hurterii Strecker, 1910
- Scarthyla goinorum (Bokermann, 1962)
- Scarthyla vigilans (Solano, 1971)
- Schismaderma carens (Smith, 1848)
- Schistometopum gregorii (Boulenger, 1895)
- Schistometopum thomense (Bocage, 1873)
- Scinax acuminatus (Cope, 1862)
- Scinax altae (Dunn, 1933)
- Scinax alter (Lutz, 1973)
- Scinax auratus (Wied-Neuwied, 1821)
- Scinax baumgardneri (Rivero, 1961)
- Scinax blairi (Fouquette and Pyburn, 1972)
- Scinax boesemani (Goin, 1966)
- Scinax boulengeri (Cope, 1887)
- Scinax cabralensis Drummond, Baêta and Pires, 2007
- Scinax caldarum (Lutz, 1968)
- Scinax camposseabrai (Bokermann, 1968)
- Scinax caprarius Acosta-Galvis, 2018
- Scinax cardosoi (Carvalho-e-Silva and Peixoto, 1991)
- Scinax castroviejoi De la Riva, 1993
- Scinax chiquitanus (De la Riva, 1990)
- Scinax constrictus Lima, Bastos and Giaretta, 2005
- Scinax cretatus Nunes and Pombal, 2011
- Scinax crospedospilus (Lutz, 1925)
- Scinax cruentomma (Duellman, 1972)
- Scinax curicica Pugliese, Pombal and Sazima, 2004
- Scinax cuspidatus (Lutz, 1925)
- Scinax danae (Duellman, 1986)
- Scinax dolloi (Werner, 1903)
- Scinax duartei (Lutz, 1951)
- Scinax elaeochroa (Cope, 1875)
- Scinax eurydice (Bokermann, 1968)
- Scinax exiguus (Duellman, 1986)
- Scinax funereus (Cope, 1874)
- Scinax fuscomarginatus (Lutz, 1925)
- Scinax fuscovarius (Lutz, 1925)
- Scinax garbei (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Scinax granulatus (Peters, 1871)
- Scinax haddadorum Araujo-Vieira, Valdujo and Faivovich, 2016
- Scinax hayii (Barbour, 1909)
- Scinax ictericus Duellman and Wiens, 1993
- Scinax imbegue Nunes, Kwet and Pombal, 2012
- Scinax iquitorum Moravec, Tuanama, Pérez-Peña and Lehr, 2009
- Scinax jolyi Lescure and Marty, 2000
- Scinax juncae Nunes and Pombal, 2010
- Scinax karenanneae (Pyburn, 1993)
- Scinax kennedyi (Pyburn, 1973)
- Scinax lindsayi Pyburn, 1992
- Scinax madeirae (Bokermann, 1964)
- Scinax manriquei Barrio-Amorós, Orellana and Chacón-Ortiz, 2004
- Scinax maracaya (Cardoso and Sazima, 1980)
- Scinax montivagus Juncá, Napoli, Nunes, Mercês and Abreu, 2015
- Scinax nasicus (Cope, 1862)
- Scinax nebulosus (Spix, 1824)
- Scinax onca Ferrão, Moravec, Fraga, Pinheiro de Almeida, Kaefer and Lima, 2017
- Scinax oreites Duellman and Wiens, 1993
- Scinax pachycrus (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1937)
- Scinax pedromedinae (Henle, 1991)
- Scinax perereca Pombal, Haddad and Kasahara, 1995
- Scinax proboscideus (Brongersma, 1933)
- Scinax quinquefasciatus (Fowler, 1913)
- Scinax rogerioi Pugliese, Baêta and Pombal, 2009
- Scinax rossaferesae Conte, Araujo-Vieira, Crivellari and Berneck, 2016
- Scinax rostratus (Peters, 1863)
- Scinax ruber (Laurenti, 1768)
- Scinax ruberoculatus Ferrão, Fraga, Moravec, Kaefer and Lima, 2018
- Scinax rupestris Araujo-Vieira, Brandão and Faria, 2015
- Scinax sateremawe Sturaro and Peloso, 2014
- Scinax similis (Cochran, 1952)
- Scinax squalirostris (Lutz, 1925)
- Scinax staufferi (Cope, 1865)
- Scinax strussmannae Ferrão, Moravec, Kaefer, Fraga and Lima, 2018
- Scinax sugillatus (Duellman, 1973)
- Scinax tigrinus Nunes, Carvalho and Pereira, 2010
- Scinax tsachila Ron, Duellman, Caminer and Pazmiño, 2018
- Scinax tymbamirim Nunes, Kwet and Pombal, 2012
- Scinax villasboasi Brusquetti, Jansen, Barrio-Amorós, Segalla and Haddad, 2014
- Scinax wandae (Pyburn and Fouquette, 1971)
- Scinax x-signatus (Spix, 1824)
- Sclerophrys arabica (Heyden, 1827)
- Sclerophrys asmarae (Tandy, Bogart, Largen and Feener, 1982)
- Sclerophrys blanfordii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Sclerophrys brauni (Nieden, 1911)
- Sclerophrys buchneri (Peters, 1882)
- Sclerophrys camerunensis (Parker, 1936)
- Sclerophrys capensis Tschudi, 1838
- Sclerophrys channingi (Barej, Schmitz, Menegon, Hillers, Hinkel, Böhme and Rödel, 2011)
- Sclerophrys chudeaui (Chabanaud, 1919)
- Sclerophrys danielae (Perret, 1977)
- Sclerophrys djohongensis (Hulselmans, 1977)
- Sclerophrys dodsoni (Boulenger, 1895)
- Sclerophrys fuliginata (De Witte, 1932)
- Sclerophrys funerea (Bocage, 1866)
- Sclerophrys garmani (Meek, 1897)
- Sclerophrys gracilipes (Boulenger, 1899)
- Sclerophrys gutturalis (Power, 1927)
- Sclerophrys kassasii (Baha El Din, 1993)
- Sclerophrys kerinyagae (Keith, 1968)
- Sclerophrys kisoloensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Sclerophrys langanoensis (Largen, Tandy and Tandy, 1978)
- Sclerophrys latifrons (Boulenger, 1900)
- Sclerophrys lemairii (Boulenger, 1901)
- Sclerophrys maculata (Hallowell, 1854)
- Sclerophrys mauritanica (Schlegel, 1841)
- Sclerophrys pantherina (Smith, 1828)
- Sclerophrys pardalis (Hewitt, 1935)
- Sclerophrys pentoni (Anderson, 1893)
- Sclerophrys perreti (Schiøtz, 1963)
- Sclerophrys poweri (Hewitt, 1935)
- Sclerophrys pusilla (Mertens, 1937)
- Sclerophrys reesi (Poynton, 1977)
- Sclerophrys regularis (Reuss, 1833)
- Sclerophrys steindachneri (Pfeffer, 1893)
- Sclerophrys superciliaris (Boulenger, 1888)
- Sclerophrys taiensis (Rödel and Ernst, 2000)
- Sclerophrys tihamica (Balletto and Cherchi, 1973)
- Sclerophrys togoensis (Ahl, 1924)
- Sclerophrys tuberosa (Günther, 1858)
- Sclerophrys turkanae (Tandy and Feener, 1985)
- Sclerophrys urunguensis (Loveridge, 1932)
- Sclerophrys villiersi (Angel, 1940)
- Sclerophrys vittata (Boulenger, 1906)
- Sclerophrys xeros (Tandy, Tandy, Keith and Duff-MacKay, 1976)
- Scolecomorphus kirkii Boulenger, 1883
- Scolecomorphus uluguruensis Barbour and Loveridge, 1928
- Scolecomorphus vittatus (Boulenger, 1895)
- Scotobleps gabonicus Boulenger, 1900
- Scutiger adungensis Dubois, 1979
- Scutiger bhutanensis Delorme and Dubois, 2001
- Scutiger boulengeri (Bedriaga, 1898)
- Scutiger brevipes (Liu, 1950)
- Scutiger chintingensis Liu and Hu, 1960
- Scutiger glandulatus (Liu, 1950)
- Scutiger gongshanensis Yang and Su In Yang, Su and Li, 1979
- Scutiger jiulongensis Fei, Ye and Jiang in Fei, Jiang, Ye and Cheng, 1995
- Scutiger liupanensis Huang, 1985
- Scutiger maculatus (Liu, 1950)
- Scutiger mammatus (Günther, 1896)
- Scutiger muliensis Fei and Ye, 1986
- Scutiger nepalensis Dubois, 1974
- Scutiger ningshanensis Fang, 1985
- Scutiger nyingchiensis Fei in Sichuan Institute of Biology Herpetology Department, 1977
- Scutiger occidentalis Dubois, 1978
- Scutiger pingwuensis Liu and Tian in Liu, Hu, Tian and Wu, 1978
- Scutiger sikimmensis (Blyth, 1855)
- Scutiger spinosus Jiang, Wang, Li and Che, 2016
- Scutiger tengchongensis Yang and Huang, 2019
- Scutiger tuberculatus Liu and Fei in Liu, Hu and Fei, 1979
- Scutiger wanglangensis Ye and Fei, 2007
- Scutiger wuguanfui Jiang, Rao, Yuan, Wang, Li, Hou, Che and Che, 2012
- Scythrophrys sawayae (Cochran, 1953)
- Sechellophryne gardineri (Boulenger, 1911)
- Sechellophryne pipilodryas (Gerlach and Willi, 2002)
- Semnodactylus wealii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Siamophryne troglodytes Suwannapoom, Sumontha, Tunprasert, Ruangsuwan, Pawangkhanant, Korost and Poyarkov, 2018
- Sigalegalephrynus mandailinguensis Smart, Sarker, Arifin, Harvey, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan and Smith, 2017
- Sigalegalephrynus minangkabauensis Smart, Sarker, Arifin, Harvey, Sidik, Hamidy, Kurniawan and Smith, 2017
- Silverstoneia dalyi Grant and Myers, 2013
- Silverstoneia erasmios (Rivero and Serna, 2000)
- Silverstoneia flotator (Dunn, 1931)
- Silverstoneia gutturalis Grant and Myers, 2013
- Silverstoneia minima Grant and Myers, 2013
- Silverstoneia minutissima Grant and Myers, 2013
- Silverstoneia nubicola (Dunn, 1924)
- Silverstoneia punctiventris Grant and Myers, 2013
- Siphonops annulatus (Mikan, 1822)
- Siphonops hardyi Boulenger, 1888
- Siphonops insulanus Ihering, 1911
- Siphonops leucoderus Taylor, 1968
- Siphonops paulensis Boettger, 1892
- Siren intermedia Barnes, 1826
- Siren lacertina Österdam, 1766
- Siren reticulata Graham, Kline, Steen and Kelehear, 2018
- Smilisca baudinii (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Smilisca cyanosticta (Smith, 1953)
- Smilisca dentata (Smith, 1957)
- Smilisca fodiens (Boulenger, 1882)
- Smilisca manisorum (Taylor, 1954)
- Smilisca phaeota (Cope, 1862)
- Smilisca puma (Cope, 1885)
- Smilisca sila Duellman and Trueb, 1966
- Smilisca sordida (Peters, 1863)
- Sooglossus sechellensis (Boettger, 1896)
- Sooglossus thomasseti (Boulenger, 1909)
- Spea bombifrons (Cope, 1863)
- Spea hammondii (Baird, 1859)
- Spea intermontana (Cope, 1883)
- Spea multiplicata (Cope, 1863)
- Spelaeophryne methneri Ahl, 1924
- Speleomantes ambrosii (Lanza, 1955)
- Speleomantes flavus (Stefani, 1969)
- Speleomantes genei (Temminck and Schlegel, 1838)
- Speleomantes imperialis (Stefani, 1969)
- Speleomantes italicus (Dunn, 1923)
- Speleomantes sarrabusensis Lanza, Leo, Forti, Cimmaruta, Caputo and Nascetti, 2001
- Speleomantes strinatii (Aellen, 1958)
- Speleomantes supramontis (Lanza, Nascetti and Bullini, 1986)
- Sphaenorhynchus botocudo Caramaschi, Almeida and Gasparini, 2009
- Sphaenorhynchus bromelicola Bokermann, 1966
- Sphaenorhynchus cammaeus Roberto, Araujo-Vieira, Carvalho-e-Silva and Ávila, 2017
- Sphaenorhynchus canga Araujo-Vieira, Lacerda, Pezzuti, Leite, Assis and Cruz, 2015
- Sphaenorhynchus caramaschii Toledo, Garcia, Lingnau and Haddad, 2007
- Sphaenorhynchus carneus (Cope, 1868)
- Sphaenorhynchus dorisae (Goin, 1957)
- Sphaenorhynchus lacteus (Daudin, 1800)
- Sphaenorhynchus mirim Caramaschi, Almeida and Gasparini, 2009
- Sphaenorhynchus palustris Bokermann, 1966
- Sphaenorhynchus pauloalvini Bokermann, 1973
- Sphaenorhynchus planicola (Lutz and Lutz, 1938)
- Sphaenorhynchus platycephalus (Werner, 1894)
- Sphaenorhynchus prasinus Bokermann, 1973
- Sphaenorhynchus surdus (Cochran, 1953)
- Sphaerotheca breviceps (Schneider, 1799)
- Sphaerotheca dobsonii (Boulenger, 1882)
- Sphaerotheca leucorhynchus (Rao, 1937)
- Sphaerotheca maskeyi (Schleich and Anders, 1998)
- Sphaerotheca pashchima Padhye, Dahanukar, Sulakhe, Dandekar, Limaye and Jamdade, 2017
- Sphaerotheca pluvialis (Jerdon, 1853)
- Sphaerotheca rolandae (Dubois, 1983)
- Sphaerotheca strachani (Murray, 1884)
- Sphaerotheca swani (Myers and Leviton in Leviton, Myers and Swan, 1956)
- Sphenophryne allisoni (Zweifel, 2000)
- Sphenophryne brevicrus (Van Kampen, 1913)
- Sphenophryne coggeri (Zweifel, 2000)
- Sphenophryne cornuta Peters and Doria, 1878
- Sphenophryne crassa Zweifel, 1956
- Sphenophryne dentata Tyler and Menzies, 1971
- Sphenophryne magnitympanum (Kraus and Allison, 2009)
- Sphenophryne miniafia (Kraus, 2014)
- Sphenophryne rhododactyla (Boulenger, 1897)
- Sphenophryne rubra (Zweifel, 2000)
- Sphenophryne schlaginhaufeni Wandolleck, 1911
- Sphenophryne similis (Zweifel, 2000)
- Sphenophryne stenodactyla (Zweifel, 2000)
- Sphenophryne thomsoni (Boulenger, 1890)
- Spicospina flammocaerulea Roberts, Horwitz, Wardell-Johnson, Maxson and Mahony, 1997
- Spinomantis aglavei (Methuen and Hewitt, 1913)
- Spinomantis beckei Vences, Köhler and Glaw, 2017
- Spinomantis bertini (Guibé, 1947)
- Spinomantis brunae (Andreone, Glaw, Vences and Vallan, 1998)
- Spinomantis elegans (Guibé, 1974)
- Spinomantis fimbriatus (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
- Spinomantis guibei (Blommers-Schlösser in Blommers-Schlösser and Blanc, 1991)
- Spinomantis massi (Glaw and Vences, 1994)
- Spinomantis microtis (Guibé, 1974)
- Spinomantis nussbaumi Cramer, Rabibisoa and Raxworthy, 2008
- Spinomantis peraccae (Boulenger, 1896)
- Spinomantis phantasticus (Glaw and Vences, 1997)
- Spinomantis tavaratra Cramer, Rabibisoa and Raxworthy, 2008
- Staurois guttatus (Günther, 1858)
- Staurois latopalmatus (Boulenger, 1887)
- Staurois natator (Günther, 1858)
- Staurois nubilus (Mocquard, 1890)
- Staurois parvus Inger and Haile, 1959
- Staurois tuberilinguis Boulenger, 1918
- Stefania ackawaio MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
- Stefania ayangannae MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
- Stefania breweri Barrio-Amorós and Fuentes-Ramos, 2003
- Stefania coxi MacCulloch and Lathrop, 2002
- Stefania evansi (Boulenger, 1904)
- Stefania ginesi Rivero, 1968
- Stefania goini Rivero, 1968
- Stefania marahuaquensis (Rivero, 1961)
- Stefania neblinae Carvalho, MacCulloch, Bonora and Vogt, 2010
- Stefania oculosa Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997
- Stefania percristata Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997
- Stefania riae Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1984
- Stefania riveroi Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997
- Stefania roraimae Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1984
- Stefania satelles Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997
- Stefania scalae Rivero, 1970
- Stefania schuberti Señaris, Ayarzagüena and Gorzula, 1997
- Stefania tamacuarina Myers and Donnelly, 1997
- Stefania woodleyi Rivero, 1968
- Stereochilus marginatus (Hallowell, 1856)
- Stereocyclops histrio (Carvalho, 1954)
- Stereocyclops incrassatus Cope, 1870
- Stereocyclops palmipes Caramaschi, Salles and Cruz, 2012
- Stereocyclops parkeri (Wettstein, 1934)
- Strabomantis anatipes (Lynch and Myers, 1983)
- Strabomantis anomalus (Boulenger, 1898)
- Strabomantis biporcatus Peters, 1863
- Strabomantis bufoniformis (Boulenger, 1896)
- Strabomantis cadenai (Lynch, 1986)
- Strabomantis cerastes (Lynch, 1975)
- Strabomantis cheiroplethus (Lynch, 1990)
- Strabomantis cornutus (Jiménez de la Espada, 1870)
- Strabomantis helonotus (Lynch, 1975)
- Strabomantis ingeri (Cochran and Goin, 1961)
- Strabomantis laticorpus (Myers and Lynch, 1997)
- Strabomantis necerus (Lynch, 1975)
- Strabomantis necopinus (Lynch, 1997)
- Strabomantis ruizi (Lynch, 1981)
- Strabomantis sulcatus (Cope, 1874)
- Strabomantis zygodactylus (Lynch and Myers, 1983)
- Strauchbufo raddei (Strauch, 1876)
- Strongylopus bonaespei (Dubois, 1981)
- Strongylopus fasciatus (Smith, 1849)
- Strongylopus fuelleborni (Nieden, 1911)
- Strongylopus grayii (Smith, 1849)
- Strongylopus kilimanjaro Clarke and Poynton, 2005
- Strongylopus kitumbeine Channing and Davenport, 2002
- Strongylopus merumontanus (Lönnberg, 1910)
- Strongylopus rhodesianus (Hewitt, 1933)
- Strongylopus springbokensis Channing, 1986
- Strongylopus wageri (Wager, 1961)
- Stumpffia achillei Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia analamaina Klages, Glaw, Köhler, Müller, Hipsley and Vences, 2013
- Stumpffia analanjirofo Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia angeluci Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia be Köhler, Vences, D'Cruze and Glaw, 2010
- Stumpffia betampona Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia contumelia Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia davidattenboroughi Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia diutissima Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia dolchi Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia edmondsi Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia fusca Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia garraffoi Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia gimmeli Glaw and Vences, 1992
- Stumpffia grandis Guibé, 1974
- Stumpffia hara Köhler, Vences, D'Cruze and Glaw, 2010
- Stumpffia huwei Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia iharana Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia jeannoeli Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia kibomena Glaw, Vallan, Andreone, Edmonds, Dolch and Vences, 2015
- Stumpffia larinki Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia madagascariensis Mocquard, 1895
- Stumpffia makira Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia maledicta Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia mamitika Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia megsoni Köhler, Vences, D'Cruze and Glaw, 2010
- Stumpffia meikeae Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia miery Ndriantsoa, Riemann, Vences, Klages, Raminosoa, Rödel and Glos, 2013
- Stumpffia miovaova Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia nigrorubra Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia obscoena Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia pardus Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia psologlossa Boettger, 1881
- Stumpffia pygmaea Vences and Glaw, 1991
- Stumpffia roseifemoralis Guibé, 1974
- Stumpffia sorata Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia spandei Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Stumpffia staffordi Köhler, Vences, D'Cruze and Glaw, 2010
- Stumpffia tetradactyla Vences and Glaw, 1991
- Stumpffia tridactyla Guibé, 1975
- Stumpffia yanniki Rakotoarison, Scherz, Glaw, Köhler, Andreone, Franzen, Glos, Hawlitschek, Jono, Mori et al., 2017
- Sumaterana crassiovis (Boulenger, 1920)
- Sumaterana dabulescens Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar and Haas, 2018
- Sumaterana montana Arifin, Smart, Hertwig, Smith, Iskandar and Haas, 2018
- Sylvacaecilia grandisonae (Taylor, 1970)
- Sylvirana annamitica Sheridan and Stuart, 2018
- Sylvirana cubitalis (Smith, 1917)
- Sylvirana faber (Ohler, Swan and Daltry, 2002)
- Sylvirana guentheri (Boulenger, 1882)
- Sylvirana lacrima Sheridan and Stuart, 2018
- Sylvirana malayana Sheridan and Stuart, 2018
- Sylvirana maosonensis (Bourret, 1937)
- Sylvirana montosa Sheridan and Stuart, 2018
- Sylvirana mortenseni (Boulenger, 1903)
- Sylvirana nigrovittata (Blyth, 1856)
- Sylvirana roberti Sheridan and Stuart, 2018
- Sylvirana spinulosa (Smith, 1923)
- Synapturanus mirandaribeiroi Nelson and Lescure, 1975
- Synapturanus rabus Pyburn, 1977
- Synapturanus salseri Pyburn, 1975
- Tachiramantis douglasi (Lynch, 1996)
- Tachiramantis lentiginosus (Rivero, 1984)
- Tachiramantis prolixodiscus (Lynch, 1978)
- Tachycnemis seychellensis (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Taricha granulosa (Skilton, 1849)
- Taricha rivularis (Twitty, 1935)
- Taricha sierrae (Twitty, 1942)
- Taricha torosa (Rathke, 1833)
- Taruga eques (Günther, 1858)
- Taruga fastigo (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2001)
- Taruga longinasus (Ahl, 1927)
- Taudactylus acutirostris (Andersson, 1916)
- Taudactylus diurnus Straughan and Lee, 1966
- Taudactylus eungellensis Liem and Hosmer, 1973
- Taudactylus liemi Ingram, 1980
- Taudactylus pleione Czechura, 1986
- Taudactylus rheophilus Liem and Hosmer, 1973
- Telmatobius arequipensis Vellard, 1955
- Telmatobius atacamensis Gallardo, 1962
- Telmatobius atahualpai Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius bolivianus Parker, 1940
- Telmatobius brachydactylus (Peters, 1873)
- Telmatobius brevipes Vellard, 1951
- Telmatobius brevirostris Vellard, 1955
- Telmatobius carrillae Morales, 1988
- Telmatobius ceiorum Laurent, 1970
- Telmatobius chusmisensis Formas, Cuevas and Nuñez, 2006
- Telmatobius cirrhacelis Trueb, 1979
- Telmatobius colanensis Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius contrerasi Cei, 1977
- Telmatobius culeus (Garman, 1876)
- Telmatobius dankoi Formas, Northland, Capetillo, Nuñez, Cuevas and Brieva, 1999
- Telmatobius degener Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius edaphonastes De la Riva, 1995
- Telmatobius espadai De la Riva, 2005
- Telmatobius fronteriensis Benavides, Ortiz and Formas, 2002
- Telmatobius gigas Vellard, 1969
- Telmatobius halli Noble, 1938
- Telmatobius hauthali Koslowsky, 1895
- Telmatobius hintoni Parker, 1940
- Telmatobius hockingi Salas and Sinsch, 1996
- Telmatobius huayra Lavilla and Ergueta-Sandoval, 1995
- Telmatobius hypselocephalus Lavilla and Laurent, 1989
- Telmatobius ignavus Barbour and Noble, 1920
- Telmatobius intermedius Vellard, 1951
- Telmatobius jelskii (Peters, 1873)
- Telmatobius laevis Philippi, 1902
- Telmatobius laticeps Laurent, 1977
- Telmatobius latirostris Vellard, 1951
- Telmatobius macrostomus (Peters, 1873)
- Telmatobius mantaro Ttito, Landauro, Venegas, De la Riva and Chaparro, 2016
- Telmatobius marmoratus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Telmatobius mayoloi Salas and Sinsch, 1996
- Telmatobius mendelsoni De la Riva, Trueb and Duellman, 2012
- Telmatobius necopinus Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius niger Barbour and Noble, 1920
- Telmatobius oxycephalus Vellard, 1946
- Telmatobius pefauri Veloso and Trueb, 1976
- Telmatobius peruvianus Wiegmann, 1834
- Telmatobius philippii Cuevas and Formas, 2002
- Telmatobius pinguiculus Lavilla and Laurent, 1989
- Telmatobius pisanoi Laurent, 1977
- Telmatobius platycephalus Lavilla and Laurent, 1989
- Telmatobius punctatus Vellard, 1955
- Telmatobius rimac Schmidt, 1954
- Telmatobius rubigo Barrionuevo and Baldo, 2009
- Telmatobius sanborni Schmidt, 1954
- Telmatobius schreiteri Vellard, 1946
- Telmatobius scrocchii Laurent and Lavilla, 1986
- Telmatobius sibiricus De la Riva and Harvey, 2003
- Telmatobius simonsi Parker, 1940
- Telmatobius stephani Laurent, 1973
- Telmatobius thompsoni Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius timens De la Riva, Aparicio and Ríos, 2005
- Telmatobius truebae Wiens, 1993
- Telmatobius vellardi Munsterman and Leviton, 1959
- Telmatobius ventriflavum Catenazzi, Vargas García and Lehr, 2015
- Telmatobius verrucosus Werner, 1899
- Telmatobius vilamensis Formas, Benavides and Cuevas, 2003
- Telmatobius yuracare De la Riva, 1994
- Telmatobufo australis Formas, 1972
- Telmatobufo bullocki Schmidt, 1952
- Telmatobufo ignotus Cuevas, 2010
- Telmatobufo venustus (Philippi, 1899)
- Tepuihyla aecii (Ayarzagüena, Señaris and Gorzula, 1993)
- Tepuihyla edelcae (Ayarzagüena, Señaris and Gorzula, 1993)
- Tepuihyla exophthalma (Smith and Noonan, 2001)
- Tepuihyla luteolabris (Ayarzagüena, Señaris and Gorzula, 1993)
- Tepuihyla obscura Kok, Ratz, Tegelaar, Aubret and Means, 2015
- Tepuihyla rodriguezi (Rivero, 1968)
- Tepuihyla shushupe Ron, Venegas, Ortega-Andrade, Gagliardi-Urrutia and Salerno, 2016
- Tepuihyla tuberculosa (Boulenger, 1882)
- Tepuihyla warreni (Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1992)
- Teratohyla adenocheira (Harvey and Noonan, 2005)
- Teratohyla amelie (Cisneros-Heredia and Meza-Ramos, 2007)
- Teratohyla midas (Lynch and Duellman, 1973)
- Teratohyla pulverata (Peters, 1873)
- Teratohyla spinosa (Taylor, 1949)
- Theloderma albopunctatum (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Theloderma andersoni (Ahl, 1927)
- Theloderma annae Nguyen, Pham, Nguyen, Ngo and Ziegler, 2016
- Theloderma asperum (Boulenger, 1886)
- Theloderma auratum Poyarkov, Kropachev, Gogoleva and Orlov, 2018
- Theloderma baibungense (Jiang, Fei and Huang in Fei, Hu, Ye and Huang, 2009)
- Theloderma bicolor (Bourret, 1937)
- Theloderma corticale (Boulenger, 1903)
- Theloderma gordoni Taylor, 1962
- Theloderma horridum (Boulenger, 1903)
- Theloderma lacustrinum Sivongxay, Davankham, Phimmachak, Phoumixay and Stuart, 2016
- Theloderma laeve (Smith, 1924)
- Theloderma lateriticum Bain, Nguyen and Doan, 2009
- Theloderma leporosum Tschudi, 1838
- Theloderma licin McLeod and Ahmad, 2007
- Theloderma moloch (Annandale, 1912)
- Theloderma nagalandense Orlov, Dutta, Ghate and Kent, 2006
- Theloderma nebulosum Rowley, Le, Hoang, Dau and Cao, 2011
- Theloderma palliatum Rowley, Le, Hoang, Dau and Cao, 2011
- Theloderma petilum (Stuart and Heatwole, 2004)
- Theloderma phrynoderma (Ahl, 1927)
- Theloderma pyaukkya Dever, 2017
- Theloderma rhododiscus (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Theloderma ryabovi Orlov, Dutta, Ghate and Kent, 2006
- Theloderma stellatum Taylor, 1962
- Theloderma truongsonense (Orlov and Ho, 2005)
- Theloderma vietnamense Poyarkov, Orlov, Moiseeva, Pawangkhanant, Ruangsuwan, Vassilieva, Galoyan, Nguyen et al., 2015
- Thorius adelos (Papenfuss and Wake, 1987)
- Thorius arboreus Hanken and Wake, 1994
- Thorius aureus Hanken and Wake, 1994
- Thorius boreas Hanken and Wake, 1994
- Thorius dubitus Taylor, 1941
- Thorius grandis Hanken, Wake and Freeman, 1999
- Thorius hankeni Campbell, Brodie, Flores-Villela and Smith, 2014
- Thorius infernalis Hanken, Wake and Freeman, 1999
- Thorius insperatus Hanken and Wake, 1994
- Thorius longicaudus Parra-Olea, Rovito, García-París, Maisano, Wake and Hanken, 2016
- Thorius lunaris Hanken and Wake, 1998
- Thorius macdougalli Taylor, 1949
- Thorius magnipes Hanken and Wake, 1998
- Thorius maxillabrochus Gehlbach, 1959
- Thorius minutissimus Taylor, 1949
- Thorius minydemus Hanken and Wake, 1998
- Thorius munificus Hanken and Wake, 1998
- Thorius narismagnus Shannon and Werler, 1955
- Thorius narisovalis Taylor, 1940
- Thorius omiltemi Hanken, Wake and Freeman, 1999
- Thorius papaloae Hanken and Wake, 2001
- Thorius pennatulus Cope, 1869
- Thorius pinicola Parra-Olea, Rovito, García-París, Maisano, Wake and Hanken, 2016
- Thorius pulmonaris Taylor, 1940
- Thorius schmidti Gehlbach, 1959
- Thorius smithi Hanken and Wake, 1994
- Thorius spilogaster Hanken and Wake, 1998
- Thorius tlaxiacus Parra-Olea, Rovito, García-París, Maisano, Wake and Hanken, 2016
- Thorius troglodytes Taylor, 1941
- Thoropa lutzi Cochran, 1938
- Thoropa megatympanum Caramaschi and Sazima, 1984
- Thoropa miliaris (Spix, 1824)
- Thoropa petropolitana (Wandolleck, 1907)
- Thoropa saxatilis Cocroft and Heyer, 1988
- Thoropa taophora (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1923)
- Tlalocohyla godmani (Günther, 1901)
- Tlalocohyla loquax (Gaige and Stuart, 1934)
- Tlalocohyla picta (Günther, 1901)
- Tlalocohyla smithii (Boulenger, 1902)
- Tomopterna branchi Wilson and Channing, 2019
- Tomopterna cryptotis (Boulenger, 1907)
- Tomopterna damarensis Dawood and Channing, 2002
- Tomopterna delalandii (Tschudi, 1838)
- Tomopterna elegans (Calabresi, 1927)
- Tomopterna gallmanni Wasonga and Channing, 2013
- Tomopterna kachowskii (Nikolskii, 1900)
- Tomopterna krugerensis Passmore and Carruthers, 1975
- Tomopterna luganga Channing, Moyer and Dawood, 2004
- Tomopterna marmorata (Peters, 1854)
- Tomopterna milletihorsini (Angel, 1922)
- Tomopterna monticola (Fischer, 1884)
- Tomopterna natalensis (Smith, 1849)
- Tomopterna tandyi Channing and Bogart, 1996
- Tomopterna tuberculosa (Boulenger, 1882)
- Tomopterna wambensis Wasonga and Channing, 2013
- Trachycephalus atlas Bokermann, 1966
- Trachycephalus coriaceus (Peters, 1867)
- Trachycephalus cunauaru Gordo, Toledo, Suárez, Kawashita-Ribeiro, Ávila, Morais and Nunes, 2013
- Trachycephalus dibernardoi Kwet and Solé, 2008
- Trachycephalus hadroceps (Duellman and Hoogmoed, 1992)
- Trachycephalus helioi Nunes, Suárez, Gordo and Pombal, 2013
- Trachycephalus imitatrix (Miranda-Ribeiro, 1926)
- Trachycephalus jordani (Stejneger and Test, 1891)
- Trachycephalus lepidus (Pombal, Haddad and Cruz, 2003)
- Trachycephalus macrotis (Andersson, 1945)
- Trachycephalus mambaiensis Cintra, Silva, Silva, Garcia and Zaher, 2009
- Trachycephalus mesophaeus (Hensel, 1867)
- Trachycephalus nigromaculatus Tschudi, 1838
- Trachycephalus quadrangulum (Boulenger, 1882)
- Trachycephalus resinifictrix (Goeldi, 1907)
- Trachycephalus typhonius (Linnaeus, 1758)
- Trachycephalus venulosus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Trachycephalus vermiculatus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Trichobatrachus robustus Boulenger, 1900
- Triprion petasatus (Cope, 1865)
- Triprion spatulatus Günther, 1882
- Triprion spinosus (Steindachner, 1864)
- Triturus anatolicus Wielstra and Arntzen, 2016
- Triturus carnifex (Laurenti, 1768)
- Triturus cristatus (Laurenti, 1768)
- Triturus dobrogicus (Kiritzescu, 1903)
- Triturus ivanbureschi Arntzen and Wielstra in Wielstra, Litvinchuk, Naumov, Tzankov and Arntzen, 2013
- Triturus karelinii (Strauch, 1870)
- Triturus macedonicus (Karaman, 1922)
- Triturus marmoratus (Latreille, 1800)
- Triturus pygmaeus (Wolterstorff, 1905)
- Truebella skoptes Graybeal and Cannatella, 1995
- Truebella tothastes Graybeal and Cannatella, 1995
- Tsingymantis antitra Glaw, Hoegg and Vences, 2006
- Tylototriton anguliceps Le, Nguyen, Nishikawa, Nguyen, Pham, Matsui, Bernardes and Nguyen, 2015
- Tylototriton anhuiensis Qian, Sun, Li, Guo, Pan, Kang, Wang, Jiang, Wu and Zhang, 2017
- Tylototriton asperrimus Unterstein, 1930
- Tylototriton broadoridgus Shen, Jiang and Mo, 2012
- Tylototriton dabienicus Chen, Wang and Tao, 2010
- Tylototriton hainanensis Fei, Ye and Yang, 1984
- Tylototriton himalayanus Khatiwada, Wang, Ghimire, Vasudevan, Paudel and Jiang, 2015
- Tylototriton kachinorum Zaw, Lay, Pawangkhanant, Gorin and Poyarkov, 2019
- Tylototriton kweichowensis Fang and Chang, 1932
- Tylototriton liuyangensis Yang, Jiang, Shen and Fei, 2014
- Tylototriton lizhengchangi Hou, Zhang, Jiang, Li and Lu in Hou, Li and Lü, 2012
- Tylototriton ngarsuensis Grismer, Wood, Quah, Thura, Espinoza, Grismer, Murdoch and Lin, 2018
- Tylototriton notialis Stuart, Phimmachak, Sivongxay and Robichaud, 2010
- Tylototriton panhai Nishikawa, Khonsue, Pomchote and Matsui, 2013
- Tylototriton podichthys Phimmachak, Aowphol and Stuart, 2015
- Tylototriton pseudoverrucosus Hou, Gu, Zhang, Zeng and Lu in Hou, Li and Lü, 2012
- Tylototriton shanjing Nussbaum, Brodie and Yang, 1995
- Tylototriton shanorum Nishikawa, Matsui and Rao, 2014
- Tylototriton taliangensis Liu, 1950
- Tylototriton uyenoi Nishikawa, Khonsue, Pomchote and Matsui, 2013
- Tylototriton verrucosus Anderson, 1871
- Tylototriton vietnamensis Böhme, Schöttler, Nguyen and Köhler, 2005
- Tylototriton wenxianensis Fei, Ye and Yang, 1984
- Tylototriton yangi Hou, Zhang, Zhou, Li and Lu in Hou, Li and Lü, 2012
- Tylototriton ziegleri Nishikawa, Matsui and Nguyen, 2013
- Typhlonectes compressicauda (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Typhlonectes natans (Fischer in Peters, 1880)
- Uperodon anamalaiensis (Rao, 1937)
- Uperodon globulosus (Günther, 1864)
- Uperodon montanus (Jerdon, 1853)
- Uperodon mormoratus (Rao, 1937)
- Uperodon nagaoi (Manamendra-Arachchi and Pethiyagoda, 2001)
- Uperodon obscurus (Günther, 1864)
- Uperodon palmatus (Parker, 1934)
- Uperodon rohani Garg, Senevirathne, Wijayathilaka, Phuge, Deuti, Manamendra-Arachchi, Meegaskumbura and Biju, 2018
- Uperodon systoma (Schneider, 1799)
- Uperodon taprobanicus (Parker, 1934)
- Uperodon triangularis (Günther, 1876)
- Uperodon variegatus (Stoliczka, 1872)
- Uperoleia altissima Davies, Watson, McDonald, Trenerry and Werren, 1993
- Uperoleia arenicola Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia aspera Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia borealis Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia crassa Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia daviesae Young, Tyler and Kent, 2005
- Uperoleia fusca Davies, McDonald and Corben, 1986
- Uperoleia glandulosa Davies, Mahony and Roberts, 1985
- Uperoleia inundata Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia laevigata Keferstein, 1867
- Uperoleia lithomoda Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia littlejohni Davies, McDonald and Corben, 1986
- Uperoleia mahonyi Clulow, Anstis, Keogh and Catullo, 2016
- Uperoleia marmorata Gray, 1841
- Uperoleia martini Davies and Littlejohn, 1986
- Uperoleia micra Doughty and Roberts, 2008
- Uperoleia micromeles Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia mimula Davies, McDonald and Corben, 1986
- Uperoleia minima Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia mjobergii (Andersson, 1916)
- Uperoleia orientalis (Parker, 1940)
- Uperoleia rugosa (Andersson, 1916)
- Uperoleia russelli (Loveridge, 1933)
- Uperoleia saxatilis Catullo, Doughty, Roberts and Keogh, 2011
- Uperoleia stridera Catullo, Doughty and Keogh, 2014
- Uperoleia talpa Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia trachyderma Tyler, Davies and Martin, 1981
- Uperoleia tyleri Davies and Littlejohn, 1986
- Uraeotyphlus gansi Gower, Rajendran, Nussbaum and Wilkinson, 2008
- Uraeotyphlus interruptus Pillai and Ravichandran, 1999
- Uraeotyphlus malabaricus (Beddome, 1870)
- Uraeotyphlus menoni Annandale, 1913
- Uraeotyphlus narayani Seshachar, 1939
- Uraeotyphlus oommeni Gower and Wilkinson, 2007
- Uraeotyphlus oxyurus (Duméril and Bibron, 1841)
- Urspelerpes brucei Camp, Peterman, Milanovich, Lamb, Maerz and Wake, 2009
- Vandijkophrynus amatolicus (Hewitt, 1925)
- Vandijkophrynus angusticeps (Smith, 1848)
- Vandijkophrynus gariepensis (Smith, 1848)
- Vandijkophrynus inyangae (Poynton, 1963)
- Vandijkophrynus robinsoni (Branch and Braack, 1996)
- Vietnamophryne inexpectata Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost and Che, 2018
- Vietnamophryne occidentalis Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost and Che, 2018
- Vietnamophryne orlovi Poyarkov, Suwannapoom, Pawangkhanant, Aksornneam, Duong, Korost and Che, 2018
- Vitreorana antisthenesi (Goin, 1963)
- Vitreorana baliomma Pontes, Caramaschi and Pombal, 2014
- Vitreorana castroviejoi (Ayarzagüena and Señaris, 1997)
- Vitreorana eurygnatha (Lutz, 1925)
- Vitreorana franciscana Santana, Barros, Pontes and Feio, 2015
- Vitreorana gorzulae (Ayarzagüena, 1992)
- Vitreorana helenae (Ayarzagüena, 1992)
- Vitreorana parvula (Boulenger, 1895)
- Vitreorana ritae (Lutz in Lutz and Kloss, 1952)
- Vitreorana uranoscopa (Müller, 1924)
- Wakea madinika (Vences, Andreone, Glaw and Mattioli, 2002)
- Walkerana diplosticta (Günther, 1876)
- Walkerana leptodactyla (Boulenger, 1882)
- Walkerana phrynoderma (Boulenger, 1882)
- Werneria bambutensis (Amiet, 1972)
- Werneria iboundji Rödel, Schmitz, Pauwels and Böhme, 2004
- Werneria mertensiana Amiet, 1976
- Werneria preussi (Matschie, 1893)
- Werneria submontana Rödel, Schmitz, Pauwels and Böhme, 2004
- Werneria tandyi (Amiet, 1972)
- Wolterstorffina chirioi Boistel and Amiet, 2001
- Wolterstorffina mirei (Perret, 1971)
- Wolterstorffina parvipalmata (Werner, 1898)
- Xanthophryne koynayensis (Soman, 1963)
- Xanthophryne tigerina Biju, Van Bocxlaer, Giri, Loader and Bossuyt, 2009
- Xenohyla eugenioi Caramaschi, 1998
- Xenohyla truncata (Izecksohn, 1959)
- Xenopus allofraseri Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus amieti Kobel, du Pasquier, Fischberg and Gloor, 1980
- Xenopus andrei Loumont, 1983
- Xenopus borealis Parker, 1936
- Xenopus boumbaensis Loumont, 1983
- Xenopus calcaratus Peters, 1875
- Xenopus clivii Peracca, 1898
- Xenopus epitropicalis Fischberg, Colombelli and Picard, 1982
- Xenopus eysoole Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus fischbergi Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus fraseri Boulenger, 1905
- Xenopus gilli Rose and Hewitt, 1927
- Xenopus itombwensis Evans, Carter, Tobias, Kelley, Hanner and Tinsley, 2008
- Xenopus kobeli Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus laevis (Daudin, 1802)
- Xenopus largeni Tinsley, 1995
- Xenopus lenduensis Evans, Greenbaum, Kusamba, Carter, Tobias, Mendel and Kelley, 2011
- Xenopus longipes Loumont and Kobel, 1991
- Xenopus mellotropicalis Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus muelleri (Peters, 1844)
- Xenopus parafraseri Evans, Carter, Greenbaum, Gvozdík, Kelley, McLaughlin, Pauwels, Portik, Stanley et al., 2015
- Xenopus petersii Bocage, 1895
- Xenopus poweri Hewitt, 1927
- Xenopus pygmaeus Loumont, 1986
- Xenopus ruwenzoriensis Tymowska and Fischberg, 1973
- Xenopus tropicalis (Gray, 1864)
- Xenopus vestitus Laurent, 1972
- Xenopus victorianus Ahl, 1924
- Xenopus wittei Tinsley, Kobel and Fischberg, 1979
- Xenorhina adisca Kraus and Allison, 2003
- Xenorhina anorbis (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina arboricola Allison and Kraus, 2000
- Xenorhina arfakiana (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina arndti Günther, 2010
- Xenorhina bidens Van Kampen, 1909
- Xenorhina bouwensi (De Witte, 1930)
- Xenorhina brachyrhyncha Kraus, 2011
- Xenorhina eiponis Blum and Menzies, 1989
- Xenorhina fuscigula (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina gigantea Van Kampen, 1915
- Xenorhina huon (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina lanthanites (Günther and Knop, 2006)
- Xenorhina macrodisca Günther and Richards, 2005
- Xenorhina macrops Van Kampen, 1913
- Xenorhina mehelyi (Boulenger, 1898)
- Xenorhina minima (Parker, 1934)
- Xenorhina multisica (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina obesa (Zweifel, 1960)
- Xenorhina ocellata Van Kampen, 1913
- Xenorhina ophiodon (Peters and Doria, 1878)
- Xenorhina oxycephala (Schlegel, 1858)
- Xenorhina parkerorum Zweifel, 1972
- Xenorhina rostrata (Méhely, 1898)
- Xenorhina scheepstrai (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina schiefenhoeveli (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina similis (Zweifel, 1956)
- Xenorhina subcrocea (Menzies and Tyler, 1977)
- Xenorhina tillacki Günther, Richards and Dahl, 2014
- Xenorhina tumulus (Blum and Menzies, 1989)
- Xenorhina varia Günther and Richards, 2005
- Xenorhina zweifeli (Kraus and Allison, 2002)
- Yunganastes ashkapara (Köhler, 2000)
- Yunganastes bisignatus (Werner, 1899)
- Yunganastes fraudator (Lynch and McDiarmid, 1987)
- Yunganastes mercedesae (Lynch and McDiarmid, 1987)
- Yunganastes pluvicanorus (De la Riva and Lynch, 1997)
- Zachaenus carvalhoi Izecksohn, 1983
- Zachaenus parvulus (Girard, 1853)
- Zhangixalus achantharrhena (Harvey, Pemberton and Smith, 2002)
- Zhangixalus arboreus (Okada and Kawano, 1924)
- Zhangixalus arvalis (Lue, Lai and Chen, 1995)
- Zhangixalus aurantiventris (Lue, Lai and Chen, 1994)
- Zhangixalus burmanus (Andersson, 1939)
- Zhangixalus chenfui (Liu, 1945)
- Zhangixalus dennysi (Blanford, 1881)
- Zhangixalus dorsoviridis (Bourret, 1937)
- Zhangixalus duboisi (Ohler, Marquis, Swan and Grosjean, 2000)
- Zhangixalus dugritei (David, 1872)
- Zhangixalus dulitensis (Boulenger, 1892)
- Zhangixalus feae (Boulenger, 1893)
- Zhangixalus hongchibaensis (Li, Liu, Chen, Wu, Murphy, Zhao, Wang and Zhang, 2012)
- Zhangixalus hui (Liu, 1945)
- Zhangixalus hungfuensis (Liu and Hu, 1961)
- Zhangixalus jarujini (Matsui and Panha, 2006)
- Zhangixalus leucofasciatus (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Zhangixalus lishuiensis (Liu, Wang and Jiang, 2017)
- Zhangixalus minimus (Rao, Wilkinson and Liu, 2006)
- Zhangixalus moltrechti (Boulenger, 1908)
- Zhangixalus nigropunctatus (Liu, Hu and Yang, 1962)
- Zhangixalus omeimontis (Stejneger, 1924)
- Zhangixalus owstoni (Stejneger, 1907)
- Zhangixalus pinglongensis (Mo, Chen, Liao and Zhou, 2016)
- Zhangixalus prasinatus (Mou, Risch and Lue, 1983)
- Zhangixalus prominanus (Smith, 1924)
- Zhangixalus puerensis (He, 1999)
- Zhangixalus schlegelii (Günther, 1858)
- Zhangixalus smaragdinus (Blyth, 1852)
- Zhangixalus suffry (Bordoloi, Bortamuli and Ohler, 2007)
- Zhangixalus taipeianus (Liang and Wang, 1978)
- Zhangixalus viridis (Hallowell, 1861)
- Zhangixalus wui (Li, Liu, Chen, Wu, Murphy, Zhao, Wang and Zhang, 2012)
- Zhangixalus yaoshanensis (Liu and Hu, 1962)
- Zhangixalus yinggelingensis (Chou, Lau and Chan, 2007)
- Zhangixalus zhoukaiyae (T. Pan, Y. Zhang and B. Zhang in Pan, Zhang, Wang, Wu, Kang, Qian, Li, Zhang, Chen et al., 2017)
[уреди | уреди извор]- Најмања жаба има само 1 cm, а највећа - 35 cm. У нашим крајевима најмања је галатинка (3 – 5 cm), а највећа обична (шумска) крастава жаба (20 cm).
- Репати водоземци су већи од жаба. Најмањи има 30 cm, али постоје и прави џинови, дуги чак 1,6 m. Највећи репати водоземци живе у водама Кине и Јапана.
- Иако се водоземци углавном задржавају у близини воде или живе на влажним местима, неки могу живот да проведу и далеко од воде. Те врсте се дању завлаче у скровита места или се закопавају у земљу, а у лов излазе ноћу, када је ваздух влажнији.
Зелена крастава жаба - И многе друге врсте водоземаца бране се на сличан начин. неке врсте жаба које живе у прашумама Јужне Америке луче врло јак отров. И најмања количина тог отрова довољна је да усмрти човека. Припадници племена која живе у тим шумама лове ове жабе и загревају их изнад ватре. Услед загревања жабе луче велику количину отрова по површини своје коже. Тада их они узимају и трљају врхове стрела, које постају смртоносно оружје.
- Зелене жабе зиму проводе закопане у муљевито дно и чекају да отопли. Неке друге се бране на исти начин, али од велике врућине. Дакле, неке жабе падају у зимски, а неке у летњи сан.
- Водоземци често воде бригу о свом потомству. Неке жабе носе оплођена јаја залепљена за задње ноге, а неке на леђима у посебним коморицама. Мужјак једне врсте жаба чува јаја у мехурима који му помажу при крекетању, док женке једне врсте јаја чувају у желуцу. За то време не луче желудачни сок, јер би на тај начин свариле и своја јаја. Зато не могу ни да се хране све док се не развију младе жабе и док не напусте желудац
Од свих жаба, најдаље може да скочи шумска жаба. Иако је њено тело дуго 9 cm, а ноге само 13 cm, може далеко да скочи - чак 2 м. Кад би и човек био тако добар скакач, у односу на своју висину, могао би да скочи чак 350 м у даљ.
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- ^ Напомена за график: ареале врста са врло малом распрострањеношћу, који се не поклапају са оним других врста, није могуће јасно представити у овом облику. Из тог разлога, на примјер, боје не показују да јужноевропске земље имају већу разноликост врста него средњоевропске.
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