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Britanski odbor filmske klasifikacije

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
(преусмерено са British Board of Film Classification)
British Board of Film Classification
Osnovana1912. god.; pre 113 godina (1912)
Datum osnivanja1912. god.; pre 113 godina (1912)
TipNevladina organizacija
Sedište3 Soho skver, London, W1D 3HD, Engleska
Područje delovanjaUjedinjeno Kraljevstvo
PredcednikNataša Kaplinski
Glavni izvršiteljDejvid Ostin

'Britanski odbor filmske klasifikacije (енгл. British Board of Film Classification,[1] BBFC; ranije British Board of Film Censors) je nevladina organizacija osnovana od strane britanske filmske industrije 1912. godine i odgovorna za nacionalnu klasifikaciju i cenzuru filmova koji se izlažu u bioskopima i video radova (kao što su televizijski programi, trejleri, reklame, filmovi za javno informisanje/kampanje, meniji, bonus sadržaj, itd.) fizički mediji u Ujedinjenom Kraljevstvu.[2][3] Organizacija ima zakonski zahtev da klasifikuje sve video radove objavljene na VHS, DVD, Blu-rej (uključujući 3D i 4K UHD formate) i, u manjoj meri, neke video igre prema Zakonu o video snimcima iz 1984. godine.[4] BBFC je takođe bio imenovani regulator za britansku šemu verifikacije uzrasta koja je napuštena pre nego što je sprovedena.[5][6]

  1. ^ „BRITISH BOARD OF FILM CLASSIFICATION overview - Find and update company information - GOV.UK”. Companies House (на језику: енглески). 17. 08. 1911. Приступљено 31. 08. 2023. 
  2. ^ Nelmes, Jill (2003). An introduction to film studies. Routledge. стр. 41. ISBN 0-415-26268-2. 
  3. ^ „BBFC Video ratings”. BBFC. Архивирано из оригинала 27. 5. 2016. г. Приступљено 11. 6. 2016. 
  4. ^ „welcome to the bbfc”. bbfc. Архивирано из оригинала 20. 11. 2009. г. Приступљено 6. 2. 2010. 
  5. ^ at 11:17, Rebecca Hill 17 Oct 2018. „UK.gov to press ahead with online smut checks (but expects £10m in legals in year 1)”. www.theregister.co.uk. Архивирано из оригинала 22. 3. 2019. г. Приступљено 2019-05-11. 
  6. ^ „UK's controversial 'porn blocker' plan dropped” (на језику: енглески). BBC News. 2019-10-16. Архивирано из оригинала 17. 10. 2019. г. Приступљено 2019-10-16. 
  • Aldgate, Anthony (1995). Censorship and the Permissive Society: British Cinema and Theatre, 1955-1965. Clarendon Press. ISBN 9780198112419. 
  • Baron, Saskia (writer and director) Empire of the Censors – two-part TV documentary, pc. Barraclough Carey, prod. Paul Kerr, BBC2, tx. 28 & 29 May 1995
  • Knowles, Dorothy (1934). The Censor, the Drama and the Film. London: George Allen & Unwin. 
  • Hunnings, Neville March (1967). Film Censors and the Law. London: Allen & Unwin. 
  • Lamberti, Edward, ур. (2012). Behind the Scenes at the BBFC: Film Classification from the Silver Screen to the Digital Age. London: British Film Institute/Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Mathews, Tom Dewe (1994). Censored. London: Chatto & Windus. 
  • Petrie, Duncan J. (1991). Creativity And Constraint In The British Film Industry. Palgrave MacMillan. ISBN 978-1-349-21473-0. 
  • Richards, Jeffrey (1981). „The British Board of Film Censors and Content Control in the 1930s”. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 1 (2): 95—116. doi:10.1080/01439688100260101. 
  • Richards, Jeffrey (1982). „The British Board of Film Censors and Content Control in the 1930s”. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 2 (1): 39—48. doi:10.1080/01439688200260031. 
  • Robertson, James Crighton (1982). „British Film Censorship Goes to War”. Historical Journal of Film, Radio and Television. 2 (1): 49—64. doi:10.1080/01439688200260041. 
  • Robertson, James Crighton (1985). The British Board of Film Censors: Film Censorship in Britain, 1896–1950. London: Croom Helm. 
  • Robertson, James Crighton (1993). The Hidden Cinema: British Film Censorship in Action 1913–72. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-09034-6. 
  • Wood, Leslie (1947). The Miracle of the Movies. London: Burke Publishing Co. 
  • Barker, Martin. (2016). ‘Knowledge-U-Like’: The British Board of Film Classification and its Research. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 13(1), 121–140.
  • Barker, Martin, Mathijs, E., Sexton, J., Egan, K., Hunter, R., & Selfe, M. (2007). Audiences And Receptions Of Sexual Violence In Contemporary Cinema. University of Wales.
  • French, Philip, & Petley, Julian. (2007). Censoring the moving image. Seagull Books.
  • Kapka, Alexandra. (2017). ‘Cuts are not a viable option’: The British Board of Film Classification, Hate Crime and Censorship for Adults in the Digital Age. Journal of British Cinema and Television, 14(1), 77–97.
  • Kenny, Oliver. (2022). British Film Censorship in the Twenty-First Century. In S. Choe (Ed.), The Palgrave Handbook of Violence in Film and Media (pp. 143–168). Palgrave Macmillan.
  • Petley, Julian. (2011). Film and video censorship in contemporary Britain. Edinburgh University Press.
  • Pett, Emma. (2015). A new media landscape? The BBFC, extreme cinema as cult, and technological change. New Review of Film and Television Studies, 13(1), 83–99. . doi:10.1080/17400309.2014.982910.  Недостаје или је празан параметар |title= (помоћ)

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