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Википедија:Масовни унос/Имена места/О

С Википедије, слободне енциклопедије
скраћеница кратки опис на енглеском кратки опис на српском дуги опис на енглеском дуги опис на српском тип податка на енглеском тип податка на српском
OAS oasis(-es) None an area in a desert made productive by the availability of water None L - Area None
OBPT observation point None a wildlife or scenic observation point None S - Spot Feature None
OBS observatory None a facility equipped for observation of atmospheric or space phenomena None S - Spot Feature None
OBSR radio observatory None a facility equipped with an array of antennae for receiving radio waves from space None S - Spot Feature None
OCH orchard(s) None a planting of fruit or nut trees None V - Vegetation None
OCN ocean None one of the major divisions of the vast expanse of salt water covering part of the earth None H - Hydrographic None
OILF oilfield None an area containing a subterranean store of petroleum of economic value None L - Area None
OILJ oil pipeline junction None a section of an oil pipeline where two or more pipes join together None S - Spot Feature None
OILP oil pipeline None a pipeline used for transporting oil None R - Streets/Highways/Roads None
OILQ abandoned oil well None None S - Spot Feature None
OILR oil refinery None a facility for converting crude oil into refined petroleum products None S - Spot Feature None
OILT tank farm None a tract of land occupied by large, cylindrical, metal tanks in which oil or liquid petrochemicals are stored None S - Spot Feature None
OILW oil well None a well from which oil may be pumped None S - Spot Feature None
OVF overfalls None an area of breaking waves caused by the meeting of currents or by waves moving against the current None H - Hydrographic None