Ajmara (jezik)
Ajmara (šp. aimara, aymara), na jeziku ajmara, jaya mara aru ili jaqi aru, je jezik iz porodice aru jezika koji se govori u Boliviji, Čileu i Peruu. Dobio je ime po narodu ajmara i ima zvaničan status u Peruu i Boliviji.
Ajmara ima dva bratska jezika: kavki (šp. kawki) za koji se smatra da je nestao, i hakari (šp. jaqari) koji se govori u oblasti Tupe gde ima nekoliko hiljada govornika.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Rafael E. Núñez, & Eve Sweetser With the Future Behind Them : Convergent Evidence From Aymara Language and Gesture in the Crosslinguistic Comparison of Spatial Construals of Time. Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (23. фебруар 2021) Cognitive Science, 30(3), 1-49.
- Gifford, Douglas. Time Metaphors in Aymara and Quechua. St. Andrews: University of St. Andrews, 1986.
- Guzmán de Rojas, Iván. Logical and Linguistic Problems of Social Communication with the Aymara People. Manuscript report / International Development Research Centre, 66e. [Ottawa]: International Development Research Centre, 1985.
- Hardman, Martha James (1981). The Aymara Language in Its Social and Cultural Context: A Collection Essays on Aspects of Aymara Language and Culture. Gainesville: University Presses of Florida. ISBN 978-0-8130-0695-6.
- Hardman, Martha James, Juana Vásquez, and Juan de Dios Yapita. Aymara Grammatical Sketch: To Be Used with Aymar Ar Yatiqañataki. Gainesville, Fla: Aymara Language Materials Project, Dept. of Anthropology, University of Florida, 1971.
- Hardman, Martha James. Primary research materials online as full-text in the University of Florida's Digital Collections, on Dr. Hardman's website, and learning Aymara resources by Dr. Hardman.