Geografski atlas
Atlas je zbirka astronomskih i geografskih karata pravilno sređenih u sadržajnu celinu. Naziv je dobio po mitološkom biću Atlasu koji se javlja u 16. veku na naslovnoj stranici Merkatorove zbirke karata). Pored geografskog atlasa postoji i enciklopedijski atlas koji predstavlja zbirku tablica, grafikona i ilustracija iz oblasti botanke, zoologije, medicine i dr.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Upotreba reči „atlas“ u geografskom kontekstu datira iz 1595. godine kada je nemačko-flamanski geograf Gerhard Merkator objavio Atlas Sive Cosmographicae Meditationes de Fabrica Mundi et Fabricati Figura („Atlas ili kosmografske meditacije o stvaranju univerzuma i univerzuma kakav je stvoren"). Ovaj naslov daje Merkatorovu definiciju reči kao opisa stvaranja i forme celog univerzuma, a ne samo kao zbirke mapa. Sveska koja je objavljena posthumno godinu dana nakon njegove smrti je tekst širokog obima, ali kako su se izdanja razvijala, postala je jednostavno zbirka karata i u tom smislu se ta reč koristila od sredine 17. veka. Neologizam koji je skovao Merkator bio je znak njegovog poštovanja prema Titanu, Atlasu, „kralju Mauretanije“, koga je smatrao prvim velikim geografom.[1]
[uredi | uredi izvor]Prvu knjigu koja sadrži geografske karte i koja bi se mogla smatrati atlasom je sastavio antički geograf Klaudije Ptolemej u Aleksandriji oko 150. godine. Taj atlas je doživeo ponovno izdanje u Bolonji 1477. godine. Jedan od samo nekoliko preostalih primeraka tog atlasa se danas čuva u franjevačkom samostanu na Košljunu. Prvi moderni atlas je sastavio belgijski geograf Abraham Ortelius 1570. godine. Nazvao ga je Theatrum Orbis Terrarum i sadržavao je 53 geografske karte koje su prikazivale celi tada poznati svet. Ime atlas je uveo poznati belgijski geograf i kartograf Gerhard Merkator koji je izrađivao precizne karte sveta i podstakao Orteliusa na izradu atlasa, a prvi takav atlas je izdao 1595. Pre se smatralo da je ime dao prema divu Atlasu iz grčke mitologije, ali se danas smatra da je ime dao prema Mauritanijskom kralju Atlasu.[2]
Vrste atlasa
[uredi | uredi izvor]Atlasi se mogu podeliti u različite kategorije po različitim kriterijumima. Prva dimenzija po kojoj se podeliti je u odnosu na vrsti medijuma, pa tako razlikujemo štampani i atlas u elektronskom formatu. S obzirom na znanje i veštine korisnika ili prema upotrebi delimo ih na školski atlas, kućni atlas i atlas za planiranje. Atlase u odnosu na obimnosti sadržaja i veličinu možemo podeliti na atlas sveta, atlas kontinenta, atlas država i atlas gradova. Prema obimnosti tema koje obrađuje, razlikujemo opšti atlas i tematski atlas. Opšti atlas sadrži uglavnom fizičke karte, dok je tematski atlas posvećen jednoj temi, pa razlikujemo istorijske atlase, atlase prirode, atlase anatomije itd.[3]
Putopisni atlas je napravljen za laku upotrebu tokom putovanja i često ima spiralne poveze tako da može biti presavijen (na primer, poznati atlasi Geografske A-Z kompanije mapa). On ima mape sa velikim zumom tako da se karte mogu lako pregledati. Putni atlas se takođe može nazvati putnom mapom.[4]
Stolni atlas je napravljen slično referentnoj knjizi. Može biti u tvrdom ili mekom povezu.
Postoje atlasi drugih planeta (i njihovih satelita) u Sunčevom sistemu.[5]
Postoje atlasi anatomije koji mapiraju organe ljudskog tela ili drugih organizama.[6]
Vidi još
[uredi | uredi izvor]Reference
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Mercator's own account of the reasons for choosing King Atlas are given in the preface of the 1595 atlas. A translation by David Sullivan is available in a digital version of the atlas published by Octavo. The text is freely available at the New York Society Library Arhivirano mart 10, 2016 na sajtu Wayback Machine, pdf page 104 (corresponding to p. 34 of Sullivan's text).
- ^ Jan Smits, Todd Fell (2011). Early printed atlases: shaping Plato's 'Forms' into bibliographic descriptions. In: Journal of map & geography libraries : advances in geospatial information, collections & archives, (ISSN 1542-0353), 7(2011)2, p. 184-210.
- ^ Schwartz, John (2008-04-22). „The Body in Depth”. The New York Times. Pristupljeno 2015-05-07.
- ^ „Road map”. Merriam Webster. Pristupljeno 2012-05-31.
- ^ Greeley, Ronald; Batson, Raymond. The NASA Atlas of the Solar System. ISBN 978-0521561273.
- ^ Schwartz, John (2008-04-22). „The Body in Depth”. The New York Times. Pristupljeno 2015-05-07.
- ^ „Washington, DC Launch of Africa: Atlas of Our Changing Environment”. Wilson Center (na jeziku: engleski). 2011-07-07. Pristupljeno 2019-09-21.
- ^ „Book Launch: One Planet, Many People: Atlas of Our Changing Environment”. Wilson Center (na jeziku: engleski). 2011-07-07. Pristupljeno 2019-09-21.
- ^ Dunn, Andrew M.; Weston, Michael A. (2008). „A review of terrestrial bird atlases of the world and their application”. Emu. 108: 42—67. S2CID 83786727. doi:10.1071/MU07034.
- ^ Lord, John; Dennis Johnstone Munns; T. K. Beck; A. J. Richards (1970). Atlas of breeding birds of the West Midlands. London: Published for the West Midland Bird Club (by) Collins. str. 3—276p(chiefly illus, form, maps) ; 20cm. ISBN 978-0-00-211040-2. Arhivirano iz originala 5. 2. 2012. g.
- ^ Richards, John F. (1997). „Early Modern India and World History”. Journal of World History. 8 (2): 197—209. ISSN 1527-8050. S2CID 143582665. doi:10.1353/jwh.2005.0071.
- ^ Batchelor, Robert (januar 2013). „The Selden Map Rediscovered: A Chinese Map of East Asian Shipping Routes, c.1619”. Imago Mundi. 65 (1): 37—63. ISSN 0308-5694. S2CID 127283174. doi:10.1080/03085694.2013.731203 .
- ^ Manes, Stephen (1996-01-09). „CD-ROM Atlases Shrug Off Details”. New York Times. Arhivirano iz originala 2012-11-06. g. Pristupljeno 2009-02-20.
- ^ Del Vecchio, Stephen (1998-05-01). „The New World (Part II)”. School Library Journal. Reed Business Information. Arhivirano iz originala 2012-02-17. g. Pristupljeno 2009-02-20.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Ovenden, Mark (2007). Transit Maps of the World. New York, New York: Penguin Books. ISBN 978-0-14-311265-5.
- MacEachren, A.M. (1994). Some Truth with Maps: A Primer on Symbolization & Design. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University. ISBN 978-0-89291-214-8.
- Monmonier, Mark (1993). Mapping It Out. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-53417-6.
- Kraak, Menno-Jan; Ormeling, Ferjan (2002). Cartography: Visualization of Spatial Data. Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-088890-7.
- Peterson, Michael P. (1995). Interactive and Animated Cartography. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-079104-7.
- Slocum, T. (2003). Thematic Cartography and Geographic Visualization. Upper Saddle River, New Jersey: Prentice Hall. ISBN 978-0-13-035123-4.
- Ralph E Ehrenberg (11. 10. 2005). Mapping the World: An Illustrated History of Cartography. National Geographic. str. 256. ISBN 978-0-7922-6525-2.
- J. B. Harley; David Woodward, ur. (1987). The History of Cartography Volume 1: Cartography in Prehistoric, Ancient, and Medieval Europe and the Mediterranean. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-31633-8.
- J. B. Harley and David Woodward, ur. (1992). The History of Cartography Volume 2, Book 1: Cartography in the Traditional Islamic and South Asian Societies. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-31635-2.
- J. B. Harley and David Woodward, ur. (1994). The History of Cartography Volume 2, Book 2: Cartography in the Traditional East and Southeast Asian Societies. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-31637-6.
- David Woodward and G. Malcolm Lewis, ur. (1998). The History of Cartography Volume 2, Book 3: Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies [Full text of the Introduction by David Woodward and G. Malcolm Lewis]. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-90728-4.
- David Woodward, ur. (2007). The History of Cartography Volume 3: Cartography in the European Renaissance. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-90733-8.
- Mark Monmonier, ur. (2015). The History of Cartography Volume 6: Cartography in the Twentieth Century. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 9780226534695.
- Matthew Edney and Mary S. Pedley (ur.). The History of Cartography Volume 4: Cartography in the European Enlightenment. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-31633-8.
- Roger J. P. Kain (ur.). The History of Cartography Volume 5: Cartography in the Nineteenth Century. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
- Monmonier, Mark (1991). How to Lie with Maps. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-53421-3.
- Wood, Denis (1992). The Power of Maps. New York/London: The Guilford Press. ISBN 978-0-89862-493-9.
- Black, Jeremy (2000), Maps and History: Constructing Images of the Past, Yale University Press, ISBN 978-0-300-08693-5.
- Kallio, Jyrki (2011), Tradition in Chinese politics: The Party-state's reinvention of the past and the critical response from public intellectuals, Finnish Institute of International Affairs, ISBN 978-951-769-294-6, Arhivirano iz originala 13. 08. 2017. g., Pristupljeno 04. 09. 2022.
- McColl, R.W. (1992), „The Historical Atlas of China”, The Professional Geographer, 44 (3): 362—363, doi:10.1111/j.0033-0124.1992.00349.x.
- Tan, Qixiang, ur. (1996) [1987], The Historical Atlas of China, vol. 8: The Qing Dynasty Period (na jeziku: kineski), China Cartographic Publishing House, ISBN 7-5031-1844-X.
- Terrill, Ross (2003), The New Chinese Empire, UNSW Press, ISBN 978-0-86840-758-6.
- Wilkinson, Endymion (2012), Chinese History: A New Manual, Cambridge, MA: Harvard-Yenching Institute; Harvard University Asia Center, ISBN 978-0-674-06715-8.
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- On the origin of the term "Atlas" Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (26. jul 2020)
- Online atlasi
- World Atlas
- ÖROK-Atlas Online: Atlas on spatial development in Austria
- Geography Network
- MapChart EarthAtlas, free online atlas with interactive maps about topics like demography, economy, health and environment.
- National Geographic MapMachine
- Istorija atlasa
- Atlases, at the US Library of Congress site - a discussion of many significant atlases, with some illustrations. Part of Geography and Maps, an Illustrated Guide.
- Istorijski atlasi onlajn
- Centennia Historical Atlas required reading at the US Naval Academy for over a decade.
- Historical map web sites list, Perry–Castañeda Library, University of Texas
- Ryhiner Collection Composite atlas with maps, plans and views from the 16th-18th centuries, covering the globe, with about 16,000 images in total.
- Manuscript Atlases held by the University of Pennsylvania Libraries Arhivirano na sajtu Wayback Machine (6. jul 2022) - fully digitized with descriptions.
- Historical Atlas in Persuasive Cartography, The PJ Mode Collection, Cornell University Library
- Druge veze
- Google Earth: a visual 3D interactive atlas.
- NASA's World Wind software.
- Wikimapia a wikiproject designed to describe the entire world.