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Ilaj Volak

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Ilaj Volak
Ilaj Volak 1966.
Lični podaci
Puno imeIlaj Heršel Volak
Datum rođenja(1915-12-07)7. decembar 1915.
Mesto rođenjaBruklin, Njujork, SAD
Datum smrti24. jun 2014.(2014-06-24) (98 god.)
Mesto smrtiNjujork, SAD
SupružnikEn Džekson (1948—2014)
Veza do IMDb-a

Ilaj Volak (engl. Eli Wallach) bio je američki glumac. Rođen je 7. decembra 1915. u Bruklinu, a preminuo 24. juna 2014. u Njujorku.[1]


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Njegovi roditelji su bili jevrejski imigranti iz Poljske. Diplomirao je na univerzitetu u Teksasu, a planirao je da postane nastavnik. Posle vojne službe u Drugom svetskom ratu obučavao se za glumca u čuvenom Ektors studiju (The Actors' Studio). Debitovao je u njujorškom pozorištu 1945, gde je upoznao En Džekson, svoju buduću suprugu. Venčali su se 1948. i dobili su troje dece.

Godine 1951. osvojio je nagradu Toni za ulogu u predstavi „Tetovirana ruža“. Na filmu je debitovao 1956. ulogom zavodnika u ostvarenju „Bebi Dol“, za koju je bio nominovan za nagradu Zlatni globus. Proslavio se ulogom bandita u vesternu „Sedmorica veličanstvenih“ iz 1960. Ostali poznati filmovi su „Neprilagođeni“ (1961), „Kako je osvojen zapad“ (1962), „Lord Džim“ (1965), „Dobar, loš, zao“ (1966), „Kum 3“ (1990), „Mistična reka“ (2003), „Odmor“ (2006). Poslednji film je snimio 2010.[1]

Uspeo je postigao i na televiziji ulogom gospodina Ledenog u seriji iz šezdesetih godina „Betmen“. Četiri puta je bio nominovan za nagradu Emi, da bi je osvojio 1967. za sporednu ulogu u drami „Poppies Are Also Flowers“. Nagrađen je Oskarom za životno delo 2011.


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Godina Izvorni naziv filma Uloga Napomene
1956 Baby Doll Silva Vacarro
1958 The Lineup plesač
1960 Seven Thieves Poncho
1960 The Magnificent Seven Calvera
1961 The Misfits Guido
1962 Hemingway's Adventures of a Young Man John
1962 How the West Was Won Charlie Gant
1963 The Victors Sgt. Craig
1963 Act One Warren Stone
1964 The Moon-Spinners Stratos
1964 Kisses for My President Raphael Valdez Jr.
1965 Lord Jim general
1965 Genghis Khan The Shah of Khwarezm
1966 The Good, the Bad and the Ugly Tuco
1966 The Poppy Is Also a Flower 'Happy' Locarno drugi naziv Danger Grows Wild
1966 How to Steal a Million Davis Leland
1967 The Tiger Makes Out Ben Harris producent
1968 Ace High Cacopoulos
1968 How to Save a Marriage and Ruin Your Life Harry Hunter
1968 A Lovely Way to Die Tennessee Fredericks
1969 The Brain Frankie Scannapieco
1969 Mackenna's Gold Ben Baker
1970 The Adventures of Gerard Napoleon
1970 The Angel Levine Delicatessen Clerk
1970 The People Next Door Arthur Mason
1970 Zig Zag Mario Gambretti
1971 Long Live Your Death Max Lozoya drugi naziv Don't Turn the Other Cheek!
potpisan kao Ely Wallach
1972 Stateline Motel Joe
1973 Cinderella Liberty Lynn Forshay
1974 Crazy Joe Don Vittorio
1975 Shoot First... Ask Questions Later Sheriff Edward Gideon
1976 Independence Benjamin Franklin kratak film
1976 Eye of the Cat Cesare
1976 Plot of Fear Pietro Riccio
1976 The Domino Principle General Reser drugi naziv The Domino Killings
1976 The Sentinel Detective Gatz
1977 The Deep Adam Coffin
1977 Winter Kills Joe Diamond
1977 Movie Movie Vince Marlow / Pop
1977 Girlfriends Rabbi Gold
1977 Nasty Habits monsinjor
1978 Little Italy Gerolamo Giarra potpisan kao as Ely Wallach
1978 Circle of Iron Man-in-Oil
1979 Firepower Sal Hyman
1980 The Hunter Ritchie Blumenthal
1981 The Salamander General Leporello
1984 Sam's Son Sam Orowitz
1986 Tough Guys Leon B. Little
1987 Nuts Dr. Herbert A. Morrison
1990 Dva Džejka Cotton Weinberger
1990 The Godfather Part III Don Altobello
1992 Nonsense and Lullabyes: Nursery Rhymes video
1992 Nonsense and Lullabyes: Poems video
1992 Article 99 Sam Abrams
1992 Mistress George Lieberhof snimljen 1987.
1992 Night and the City Peck
1994 Honey Sweet Love...
1995 Elia Kazan: A Director's Journey narator
1996 Two Much Sheldon
1996 The Associate Donald Fallon
1996 Larry's Visit kratak film
1998 The Devil's Twilight Brooklyn Shopkeeper kratak film
1999 Uninvited Strasser
2000 Keeping the Faith Rabbi Ben Lewis
2002 Advice and Dissent The Rebbe kratak film
2003 The Root
2003 Mystic River gospodin Luni nepotpisan
2004 King of the Corner Sol Spivak
2005 A Taste of Jupiter Arturo
2005 The Moon and the Son otac (glas) kratak film
2005 The Easter Egg Adventure narator
2006 The Holiday Arthur Abbott
2006 Pola Negri: Life is a Dream in Cinema
2007 The Hoax Noah Dietrich
2007 Mama's Boy Seymour Warburton
2008 Liszt For President Joe Nightingale drugi naziv Vote and Die: Liszt for President
2008 The Toe Tactic maestro
2009 Tickling Leo Emil Pikler
2009 New York, I Love You Abe segment "Joshua Marston"
2010 The Ghost Writer starac drugi naziv The Ghost
2010 Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps Julius Steinhardt


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  1. ^ a b „Preminuo glumac Ilaj Volak, Leoneov „Zao. RTS. Pristupljeno 19. 1. 2019. 

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