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Maks Štirner, filozof poštovan među ilegalistima.

Ilegalizam je anarhistička filozofija koja se razvila prvenstveno u Francuskoj, Italiji, Belgiji i Švajcarskoj početkom 20. veka kao rezultat individualističkog anarhizma.[1][2] Ilegalisti imaju ili otvoreni ili tajni kriminalni način života i koriste egoizam Maksa Štirnera kao opravdanje za ilegalizam. Međutim, nisu svi ilegalisti pristalice Maksa Štirnera i njegove filozofije. Žil Bono i Bonoova banda opisani su kao ilegalisti. Ilegalizam ne predstavlja vrstu kriminala, iako je povezan sa krađom.

Ilegalizam su nasledile struje kao što su insurekcionizam i postleftizam. U Španiji i Latinskoj Americi pojavila se kampanja sa nazivom „Yomango”, koja zagovara krađu i tako ažurira individualnu reklamaciju.

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  1. ^ "The illegalisis in this study,...As anarchist individualists, they came from a milieu whose most important theoretical inspiration was undoubtedly Max Stimer—whose work The Ego and Its Own remains the most powerful negation of the State, and affirniation of the individual, to date."—Richard Parry, The Bonnot Gang: the history of the French illegalists], 1987, p. 5.
  2. ^ "Parallel to the social, collectivist anarchist current there was an individualist one whose partisans emphasized their individual freedom and advised other individuals to do the same...Some individualists rebelled by withdrawing from the economy and forming voluntary associations to achieve self-sufficiency. Others took the route of illegalism, attacking the economy through the direct individual reappropriation of wealth. Thus theft, counterfeiting, swindling and robbery became a way of life for hundreds of individualists, as it was already for countless thousands of proletarians.—"The "Illegalists"" by Doug Imrie (from Anarchy: A Journal of Desire Armed, Fall-Winter, 1994–95)

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