Robert Hjuz (1553. — 24.maj1632.) je bio engleski matematičar i geograf. Pohađao je Sveta Meri Hol na Oksfordu i diplomirao 1578. Hjuz se zainteresovao za geografiju i matematiku i studirao navigaciju u školi koju je osnovao Volter Roli. Tokom putovanja u Njufaundlend, napravio je zapažanja zbog kojih je posumnjao u prihvaćene objavljene vrednosti za varijacije kompasa. Između 1586. i 1588. Hjuz je putovao sa Tomasom Kevendišem oko sveta, obavljajući astronomska posmatranja i uzimajući geografske širine mesta koja su posetili. Počevši od avgusta 1591. Hjuz i Kevendiš su ponovo krenuli na još jedan obilazak sveta. Tokom putovanja, Hjuz je vršio astronomska posmatranja u južnom Atlantiku i nastavio sa zapažanjima varijacije kompasa na različitim geografskim širinama i na ekvatoru. Kevendiš je umro na putovanju 1592, a Hjuz se vratio u Englesku sledeće godine.
Godine 1594, Hjuz je objavio svoja otkrića u latinskom delu Tractatus de globis et eorum usu koje je napisano da objasni upotrebu zemaljskih i nebeskih globusa koje je napravio i objavio Emeri Molinej krajem 1592. ili početkom 1593. i da podstakne engleske mornare da koriste praktičnu astronomsku navigaciju. Hjuzov rad je kasnije izašao u najmanje 12 drugih izdanja na holandskom, engleskom, francuskom i latinskom.
Hjuz je nastavio da ima veze sa Relijem 1590-ih, a kasnije je postao sluga Tomasa Greja, 15. barona Greja de Viltona. Dok je Grej bio zatvoren u Londonskoj kuli zbog učešća u zaveri zbogom, Hjuz je ostao sa njim. Nakon Grejeve smrti 1614, Hjuz je prisustvovao Henriju Persiju, 9. grofu od Nortamberlenda, kada je bio zatvoren u Kuli; jedan izvor navodi da su Hjuz, Tomas Heriot i Volter Vorner bili stalni pratioci Nortamberlenda i poznati kao njegova „Tri maga“, iako je to sporno. Hjuz je podučavao Nortamberlendovog sina Aldžernona Persija (koji je trebao da postane 10. grof od Nortamberlenda) u Oksfordu, a kasnije (1622–1623) Aldžernonovog mlađeg brata Henrija. U kasnijim godinama, Hjuzje živeo u Oksfordu, gde je bio član Univerziteta, i razgovarao o matematici i srodnim predmetima sa prijateljima istomišljenika. Umro je 24. maja 1632. godine u gradu i sahranjen je u katedrali Hristove crkve.
Robert Hjuz je rođen 1553. u Litl Herefordu u Herefordširu, Engleska. Godine 1571, kada je imao 18 godina, upisao je koledž Brasenose na Univerzitetu u Oksfordu.[1][2] Engleski antikvar Entoni Vud (1632–1695) napisao je da je Hjuz, kada je stigao na Oksford, bio „samo siromašan učenjak ili sluga...on je neko vreme ostao veoma trezan i ozbiljan sluga...vreme koje je tamo održavao stalnim prisustvom, preneo se u salu Svete Marije“.[3] Hjuz je 12. jula 1578. diplomirao umetnost (BA), pokazavši zapaženu veštinu u grčkom jeziku.[4] Kasnije je dao savete dramaturgu i pesniku Džordžu Čepmenu za njegov engleski prevod Homera iz 1616. godine,[5] a Čepmen ga je nazvao svojim „učenim i vrednim prijateljem“.[6] Prema Oksfordskom rečniku nacionalne biografije, postoje nepotkrijepljeni dokazi da je Hjuz nakon završetka diplome držan u Londonskoj kuli, iako se za to ne navodi razlog, a zatim je otišao u inostranstvo nakon što je pušten. Moguće je da je putovao u kontinentalnu Evropu.[7]
Hjuz je bio prijatelj geografa Ričarda Haklujta, koji je tada bio regent gospodar Hristove Crkve. Tokom 1580-ih, Haklujt ga je upoznao sa Volterom Rolijem i istraživačima i navigatorima koje je Roli poznavao. Pored toga, verovatno je da je Hjuz upoznao astronoma i matematičara Tomasa Heriota i Voltera Vornera na predavanjima Tomasa Alena iz matematike. Četiri čoveka su kasnije povezana sa Henrijem Persijem, 9. grofom od Nortamberlenda,[1][8] koji je bio poznat kao „Grof čarobnjaka“ zbog svog interesovanja za naučne i alhemijske eksperimente i svoju biblioteku.[9]
Hjuz se zainteresovao za geografiju i matematiku - izvor bez datuma ukazuje da je osporio prihvaćene vrednosti varijacija kompasa nakon što je izvršio zapažanja na obali Njufaundlenda. Ili je otišao tamo na pecanje, ili se možda pridružio putovanju u Virdžiniju 1585. koje je organizovao Reli i predvođen Ričardom Grenvilom, a koje je prošlo Njufaundlend na povratku u Englesku. Hjuz se možda u to vreme upoznaje sa mornarom Tomasom Kevendišem, jer ih je obojicu podučavao Heriot u Rolijevoj školi navigacije. U anonimnom rukopisu iz 17. veka stoji da je Hjuz oplovio svet sa Kevendišem između 1586. i 1588. „namerno da bi uzeo pravu geografsku širinu mesta“;[10] on je možda bio "NH" koji je napisao kratak izveštaj o putovanju koji je Haklujt objavio u svom delu iz 1589. Glavne navigacije, putovanja i otkrića engleske nacije. U godini kada se ta knjiga pojavila, Hjuz je bio sa Edvardom Rajtom u ekspediciji grofa od Kamberlenda na Azore da bi uhvatio španske galije.[1]
U kasnijim godinama, Hjuz je živeo u Oksfordu gde je razgovarao o matematici i srodnim predmetima sa prijateljima istomišljenika.[1][11] Kormak navodi da je bio saradnik na Univerzitetu.[12] Prema uslovima testamenta Tomasa Heriota, koji je umro 2. jula 1621, Hjuz i Vorner su dobili odgovornost da pomognu Heriotovom izvršiocu Natanijelu Torporliju da pripremi Heriotove matematičke radove za objavljivanje. Hjuz je takođe bio obavezan da pomogne u ceni Hariotovih knjiga i druge imovine za prodaju Bodlejanskoj biblioteci.[1]
Hjuz, koji se nije oženio, umro je 24. maja 1632. u Kamenoj kući, Sveti Aldates (nasuprot Plavog vepra u centru Oksforda).[13] Ovo je bila kuća Džona Smita, sina kuvara u Hristovoj crkvi po imenu J. Smit.[14] U svom testamentu, Hjuz je ostavio mnogo malih zaveštanja svojim prijateljima, uključujući sumu od 20 funti svojoj „rođakinji“ Meri Holi (o kojoj se ništa ne zna), i 20 plemića svakoj od njene tri sestre. Sahranjen je u Sabornoj crkvi Hristove crkve, a u Hristovoj crkvi postavljen mu je monumentalni mesing sa sledećim natpisom:[1]
Depositum viri literatissimi, morum ac religionis integerrimi, Roberti Husia, ob eruditionem omnigenem [sic: omnigenam?], Theologicam tum Historicam, tum Scholasticam, Philologicam, Philosophiam, præsertim vero Mathematicam (cujus insigne monumentum in typis reliquit) Primum Thomæ Candishio conjunctissimi, cujus in consortio, explorabundis [sic: explorabundus?] velis ambivit orbem: deinde Domino Baroni Gray; cui solator accessit in arca Londinensi. Quo defuncto, ad studia henrici Comitis Northumbriensis ibidem vocatus est, cujus filio instruendo cum aliquot annorum operam in hac Ecclesia dedisset et Academiae confinium locum valetudinariae senectuti commodum censuisset; in ædibus Johannis Smith, corpore exhaustus, sed animo vividus, expiravit die Maii 24, anno reparatae salutis 1632, aetatis suæ 79.[15]
Hues, Robert (1594), Tractatus de globis et eorum usu: accommodatus iis qui Londini editi sunt anno 1593, sumptibus Gulielmi Sandersoni civis Londinensis, conscriptus à Roberto Hues [Treatise on Globes and their Use: Adapted to those which have been Published in London in the Year 1593, at the Expense of William Sanderson, a London Resident, Written by Robert Hues], London: In ædibus Thomæ Dawson [in the house of Thomas Dawson], OCLC55576175 Klimens Markam se poziva na sledeća preštampanja engleske verzije Tractatus de globis et eorum usu na str. xxxviii-xl iz 1889. godine, koja je preštampana od strane Hakluyt Society:
drugo štampanje: Hues, Robert (1597), Tractaet Ofte Hendelinge van het gebruijck der Hemelscher ende Aertscher Globe. Gheaccommodeert naer die Bollen, die eerst ghesneden zijn in Enghelandt door Io. Hondium, Anno 1693 [sic: 1593] ende nu gants door den selven vernieut, met alle de nieuwe ontdeckinghen van Landen, tot den daghe van heden geschiet, ende daerenboven van voorgaende fauten verbetert. In't Latijn beschreven, door Robertum Hues, Mathematicum, nu in Nederduijtsch overgheset, ende met diveersche nieuwe verclaringhe ende figueren vermeerdert en verciert. Door I. Hondium [Treatise or Essays on the Use of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes. Tailored for the Globes which were First Made in England by J. Hondius, in the Year 1693 [sic: 1593], and which have now been Completely Revised by Him, with All New Discoveries of Countries up to the Present Day, and furthermore with Previous Errors Corrected. Described in Latin by Robert Hues, Mathematician, and now Translated into Dutch, and Enhanced and Ornamented with Several New Explanations and Figures, by J. Hondius], Prevod: Hondium, Iudocum, Amsterdam: Cornelis Claesz, OCLC42811612
treće štampanje: Hues, Robert (1611), Tractatus de globis coelesti et terrestri ac eorum usu, conscriptus a Roberto Hues, denuo auctior & emendatior editus [Treatise on Globes Celestial and Terrestrial and their Use, written by Robert Hues, Second Enlarged and Corrected Edition], Amsterdam: Jodocus Hondius, OCLC187141964
četvrto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1613), Tractaut of te handebingen van het gebruych der hemelsike ende aertscher globe [Treatise or Essays on the Use of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes], Amsterdam: [s.n.]
peto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1613), Tractatvs de globis, coelesti et terrestri, ac eorvm vsu [Treatise on Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, and their Use], Heidelberg: Typis [Printed by] Gotthardi Voegelini, OCLC46414822
šesto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1617), Tractatvs de globis, coelesti et terrestri eorvmqve vsv. Primum conscriptus & editus a Roberto Hues. Anglo semelque atque iterum a Iudoco Hondio excusus, & nunc elegantibus iconibus & figuris locupletatus: ac de novo recognitus multisque observationibus oportunè illustratus as passim auctus opera ac studio Iohannis Isacii Pontani ... [Treatise on Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, and their Use. First Written and Published by Robert Hues, Englishman, and in the First and Second Editions Drawn by Jodocus Hondius, and now Enlarged by Elegant Pictures and Drawings, and again Revised and Fittingly Illustrated by Many Observations, and throughout Enlarged by the Work and Effort of John Isaac Pontanus ...], Amsterdam: Excudebat [printed by] H[enricus] Hondius
sedmo štampanje: Hues, Robert (1618), Traicté des globes, et de leur usage, traduit du Latin de Robert Hues, et augmente de plusieurs nottes et operations du compas de proportion par D Henrion, mathematicien [A Treatise on Globes and their Use, Translated from the Latin version by Robert Hues, and Augmented with Several Notes and Operations of the Compass of Proportion by D Henrion, Mathematician], Prevod: Henrion, Denis, Paris: Chez Abraham Pacard, ruë sainct Iacques, au sacrifice d'Abraham [At Abraham Pacard, St. Jacques Street, with the sacrifice of Abraham], OCLC37802904
Naslovna stranica prvog engleskog izdanja Roberta Hjuza A Learned Treatise of Globes, both Cœlestiall and Terrestriall: With their Severall Uses (1638), reprodukovan u reprintu Hakluyt Society-a iz 1889.osmo štampanje: Hues, Robert (1622), Tractaet ofte handelinge van het gebruyck der hemelscher ende aertscher globe [Treatise or Essays on the Use of the Celestial and Terrestrial Globes], Amsterdam: Michiel Colijn, boeck-vercooper, woonende op't water, in't Huys-boeck, by de Oude Brugghe [Michiel Colijn, bookseller, who lives at the water's edge, in Huys-boeck, near the old bridge], OCLC79659147
deveto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1627), Tractatvs de globis, coelesti et terrestri, ac eorvm vsv [Treatise on Globes, Celestial and Terrestrial, and their Use], Francofvrti ad Moenvm [Frankfurt am Main, Germany]: Typis & sumptibus VVechelianorum, apud Danielem & Dauidem Aubrios & Clementem Schleichium [Printed and paid for by the Wechelians, by Daniel and David Aubrios and Clement Schleich], OCLC23625532
deseto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1638), A Learned Treatise of Globes, both Cœlestiall and Terrestriall: With their Severall Uses. Written first in Latine, by Mr Robert Hues: And by him so Published. Afterward Illustrated with Notes, by Io. Isa. Pontanus. And now Lastly made English, for the Benefit of the Unlearned by John Chilmead MrA of Christ-Church in Oxon, London: Printed by the assigne of T[homas] P[urfoot] for P[hilemon] Stephens and C[hristopher] Meredith, and are to be sold at their shop at the Golden Lion in Pauls-Church-yard, OCLC165905181
dvanaesto štampanje: Hues, Robert; John Isaac Pontanus (1659), A Learned Treatise of Globes, both Cœlestiall and Terrestriall with their Several Uses .., London: Printed by J.S. for Andrew Kemb, and are to be sold at his shop ..., OCLC11947725
trinaesto štampanje: Hues, Robert (1663), Tractatus de globis coelesti et terrestri eorumque usu ac de novo recognitus multisq[ue] observationibus opportunè illustratus ac passim auctus, opera et studio Johannis Isacii Pontani ...; adjicitur Breviarium totius orbis terrarum Petri Bertii ... [Treatise on Globes Celestial and Terrestrial and their Use, Collected Anew and Suitably Illustrated with Many Observations and Enlarged Throughout, by the Effort and Devotion of John Isaac Pontanus ... A Brief Account of the Whole Globe is Added by Peter Bertius ...], Oxford: Excudebat [printed by] W.H., impensis [at the expense of] Ed. Forrest, OCLC13197923
^Anthony à Wood; Philip Bliss (1967), Athenae Oxonienses, an Exact History of All the Writers and Bishops who have had their Education in the University of Oxford; to which are Added the Fasti; or, Annals of the said University, 2 (New izd.), New York, N.Y.: Johnson Reprint Corp., str. 534, OCLC430234. At Oxford, a servitor was an undergraduate student who worked as a servant for fellows of the University in exchange for free accommodation and some meals, and exemption from paying fees for lectures.
^University of Oxford (1968) [1891], Joseph Foster, ur., Alumni Oxonienses: The Members of the University of Oxford, 1500–1714 ... Being the Matriculation Register of the University, Alphabetically Arranged, Revised and Annotated, Nendeln, Liechtenstein: Kraus Reprint, OCLC5574505, vols. 1–2. Hues is listed under the name "Hughes".
^Homer; George Chapman (c. 1616), The Whole Works of Homer; Prince of Poetts, in his Iliads, and Odysses. Translated according to the Greeke, by Geo. Chapman, London: [By Richard Field and William Jaggard] for Nathaniel Butter, OCLC216610936
^Thomas Warton (1871), The History of English Poetry, from the Close of the Eleventh to the Commencement of the Eighteenth Century, 3, London: Reeves and Turner, str. 442, OCLC8048047: see Markham, "Introduction", Tratatus de globis, p. xxxv. According to another source, Chapman called Hues "another right learned, honest, and entirely loved friend of mine": see Henry Stevens (1900), Thomas Hariot, the Mathematician, the Philosopher and the Scholar, London: [Privately printed at the Chiswick Press] (reproduced on, OCLC82784574, Pristupljeno 19. 4. 2012CS1 održavanje: Format datuma (veza). See also Jessica Wolfe (2004), „Homer in a nutshell: George Chapman and the mechanics of perspicuity [ch. 5]”, Humanism, Machinery, and Renaissance Literature, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, str. 161—202, ISBN978-0-521-83187-1
^Markham, "Introduction", Tractatus de globis, p. xxxv.
^According to Kargon, "[i]t was probably through Percy (although the reverse is possible)" that Harriot came to know Hues: Robert Hugh Kargon (1966), „Thomas Hariot and the Atomic View of Nature”, Atomism in England from Hariot to Newton, Oxford: Clarendon Press, str. 18—30 at 19, OCLC531838
^In Historia et antiquitates universitatis Oxoniensis (History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford, 1674), vol. 2, p. 361, notice of Hues' death was given under St. Mary Hall as follows: "Oxonii in parochiâ Sancti Aldati, inque Domicilio speciatim lapides [sic: lapideo?], e regione insignis Afri [sic: Apri?] cærulei, fatis concessit, et in ecclesiâ Ædis Christi Cathedrali humatus fuit an: dom: CIƆDXXXII [sic: CIƆDCXXXII]" (He yielded to the Fates at Oxford, in the parish of St. Aldate, specifically in the Stone House, in the neighbourhood of the Blue Boar sign, and was buried in the church of Christ Church Cathedral in the year of our Lord 1532 [sic: 1632]). Historia et antiquitates universitatis Oxoniensis duobus voluminibus comprehensæ [History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford Taken together in Two Volumes], Oxford: E Theatro Sheldoniano [ Sheldonian Theatre, University of Oxford ], 1674, OCLC13439733, was a Latin translation by Richard Peers and Richard Reeve under the direction of Dr. John Fell of an English manuscript by Anthony à Wood which the University purchased in 1670. The manuscript itself was later published as Anthony à Wood; John Gutch (1786—1790), The History & Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford ... Now First Published in English, from the Original Manuscript in the Bodleian Library ... with a Continuation to the Present Time, by the Editor, John Gutch. (Appendix to the History and Antiquities of the Colleges and Halls in the University of Oxford ... containing Fasti Oxonienses, or a Commentary on the Supreme Magistrates of the University: by Anthony à Wood, M.A. Now First Published in English ... with a Continuation to the Present Time, also Additions and Corrections ... and Indexes to the Whole, by the Editor, John Gutch.), Oxford: Clarendon Press, OCLC84810015. See Markham, "Introduction", Tractatus de globis, p. xxxvii, n. 1.
^Markham, "Introduction", Tractatus de globis, p. xxxvi.
^Historia et antiquitates universitatis Oxoniensis, vol. 2, p. 534. The brass is also referred to at p. 288: "In laminâ œneâ, eidem pariati [sic: parieti?] impactâ talem cernis inscriptionem" (On the copper plate, driven to the same wall, one sees such an inscription). See Markham, "Introduction", Tractatus de globis, p. xxxvii, n. 1.