1.1 Forest - Boreal
1.4 Forest - Temperate
1.5 Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Dry
1.6 Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Lowland
1.7 Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Mangrove Vegetation Above High Tide Level
1.9 Forest - Subtropical/Tropical Moist Montane
2 Savanna
2.1 Savanna - Dry
2.2 Savanna - Moist
3.3 Shrubland - Boreal
3.4 Shrubland - Temperate
3.5 Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry
3.6 Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical Moist
3.7 Shrubland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude
3.8 Shrubland - Mediterranean-type Shrubby Vegetation
4.1 Grassland - Tundra
4.2 Grassland - Subarctic
4.4 Grassland - Temperate
4.5 Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Dry
4.6 Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical Seasonally Wet/Flooded
4.7 Grassland - Subtropical/Tropical High Altitude
5.1 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Rivers/Streams/Creeks (includes waterfalls)
5.4 Wetlands (inland) - Bogs, Marshes, Swamps, Fens, Peatlands
5.5 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)
5.6 Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Lakes (over 8ha)
5.7 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)
5.8 Wetlands (inland) - Seasonal/Intermittent Freshwater Marshes/Pools (under 8ha)
5.10 Wetlands (inland) - Tundra Wetlands (incl. pools and temporary waters from snowmelt)
5.13 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Inland Deltas
5.14 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Lakes
5.16 Wetlands (inland) - Permanent Saline, Brackish or Alkaline Marshes/Pools
6 Rocky areas (eg. inland cliffs, mountain peaks)
8.1 Desert - Hot
8.2 Desert - Temperate
8.3 Desert - Cold
9.1 Marine Neritic - Pelagic
9.10 Marine Neritic - Estuaries
10.1 Marine Oceanic - Epipelagic (0-200m)
12.2 Marine Intertidal - Sandy Shoreline and/or Beaches, Sand Bars, Spits, Etc
12.4 Marine Intertidal - Mud Flats and Salt Flats
12.5 Marine Intertidal - Salt Marshes (Emergent Grasses)
12.6 Marine Intertidal - Tidepools
13 Marine Coastal/Supratidal
13.1 Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Sea Cliffs and Rocky Offshore Islands
13.4 Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Coastal Brackish/Saline Lagoons/Marine Lakes
13.5 Marine Coastal/Supratidal - Coastal Freshwater Lakes
14.1 Artificial/Terrestrial - Arable Land
14.2 Artificial/Terrestrial - Pastureland
14.3 Artificial/Terrestrial - Plantations
14.4 Artificial/Terrestrial - Rural Gardens
14.5 Artificial/Terrestrial - Urban Areas
14.6 Artificial/Terrestrial - Subtropical/Tropical Heavily Degraded Former Forest
15.1 Artificial/Aquatic - Water Storage Areas (over 8ha)
15.3 Artificial/Aquatic - Aquaculture Ponds
15.4 Artificial/Aquatic - Salt Exploitation Sites
15.5 Artificial/Aquatic - Excavations (open)
15.6 Artificial/Aquatic - Wastewater Treatment Areas
15.8 Artificial/Aquatic - Seasonally Flooded Agricultural Land
17 Other
0 No threats (ongoing)
1.1 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture (ongoing)
1.1.1 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Crops (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Crops - Small-holder farming (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Crops - Small-holder farming (past) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Crops - Agro-industry farming (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Crops - Agro-industry farming (past)
1.1.2 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Wood plantations (ongoing)
1.1.4 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock - Small-holder (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock - Small-holder (past) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock - Small-holder (timing unknown) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Livestock - Agro-industry (ongoing)
1.1.8 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Other (future)
1.1.8 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Agriculture - Other (ongoing)
1.2.1 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Land management of non-agricultural areas - Abandonment (ongoing)
1.3.2 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Fisheries (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Fisheries - Subsistence (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Fisheries - Large-scale/industrial (future) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Wood - Selective logging (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Wood - Clear-cutting (ongoing) Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Wood - Clear-cutting (past)
1.3.4 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Non-woody vegetation collection (ongoing)
1.3.4 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Non-woody vegetation collection (past)
1.3.6 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Groundwater extraction (ongoing)
1.3.7 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Other (ongoing)
1.3.7 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Extraction - Other (timing unknown)
1.4.1 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Industry (ongoing)
1.4.2 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Human settlement (ongoing)
1.4.2 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Human settlement (past)
1.4.2 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Human settlement (timing unknown)
1.4.3 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Tourism/recreation (ongoing)
1.4.6 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Dams (future)
1.4.6 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Dams (ongoing)
1.4.9 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Other (future)
1.4.9 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Other (ongoing)
1.4.9 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Other (past)
1.4.10 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Unknown (future)
1.4.10 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Unknown (ongoing)
1.4.10 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Infrastructure development - Unknown (past)
1.5 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Invasive alien species (ongoing)
1.5 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Invasive alien species (past)
1.8 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Other causes (ongoing)
1.9 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Unknown causes (ongoing)
1.9 Habitat Loss/Degradation - Unknown causes (past)
2.2 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Predators (ongoing)
2.2 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Predators (past)
2.2 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Predators (timing unknown)
2.3 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Hybridizers (ongoing)
2.4 Invasive alien species (directly affecting the species) - Pathogens/parasites (timing unknown)
3.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Food (ongoing)
3.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Food (past)
3.1.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Food - Subsistence use/local trade (ongoing)
3.1.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Food - Subsistence use/local trade (past)
3.1.2 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Food - Sub-national/national trade (ongoing)
3.5 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities (ongoing)
3.5.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities - Subsistence use/local trade (ongoing)
3.5.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities - Subsistence use/local trade (past)
3.5.1 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities - Subsistence use/local trade (present)
3.5.2 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities - Sub-national/national trade (ongoing)
3.5.3 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Cultural/scientific/leisure activities - Regional/international trade (ongoing)
3.6 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Other (ongoing)
3.6 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Other (past)
3.7 Harvesting (hunting/gathering) - Unknown (ongoing)
4.1.1 Accidental mortality - Bycatch - Fisheries-related (ongoing) Accidental mortality - Bycatch - Fisheries-related - Hooking (ongoing) Accidental mortality - Bycatch - Fisheries-related - Netting (ongoing) Accidental mortality - Bycatch - Fisheries-related - Poisoning (ongoing) Accidental mortality - Bycatch - Terrestrial - Poisoning (ongoing)
4.2.1 Accidental mortality - Collision - Pylon and building collision (ongoing)
4.3 Accidental mortality - Other (ongoing)
5.1 Persecution - Pest control (ongoing)
5.1 Persecution - Pest control (present)
5.2 Persecution - Other (ongoing)
6.1.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Atmospheric pollution - Global warming/oceanic warming (future)
6.1.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Atmospheric pollution - Global warming/oceanic warming (ongoing)
6.2.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Land pollution - Agriculture (ongoing)
6.2.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Land pollution - Agriculture (past)
6.2.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Land pollution - Agriculture (present)
6.2.3 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Land pollution - Commercial/Industrial (ongoing)
6.3.1 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Water pollution - Agriculture (ongoing)
6.3.3 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Water pollution - Commercial/Industrial (ongoing)
6.3.6 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Water pollution - Oil slicks (ongoing)
6.3.12 Pollution (affecting habitat and/or species) - Water pollution - Unknown (ongoing)
7.1 Natural disasters - Drought (ongoing)
7.2 Natural disasters - Storms/flooding (ongoing)
8.2 Changes in native species dynamics - Predators (ongoing)
8.3 Changes in native species dynamics - Prey/food base (ongoing)
8.5 Changes in native species dynamics - Pathogens/parasites (ongoing)
8.8 Changes in native species dynamics - Unknown (ongoing)
9.2 Intrinsic factors - Poor recruitment/reproduction/regeneration (ongoing)
9.4 Intrinsic factors - Inbreeding (future)
9.4 Intrinsic factors - Inbreeding (ongoing)
9.11 Intrinsic factors - Unknown (past)
10.1 Human disturbance - Recreation/tourism (ongoing)
10.1 Human disturbance - Recreation/tourism (past)
10.5 Human disturbance - Fire (ongoing)
10.6 Human disturbance - Other (ongoing)
10.7 Human disturbance - Unknown (past)
1.1.1 Policy-based actions - Management plans - Development (needed)
1.1.2 Policy-based actions - Management plans - Implementation (needed)
1.2 Policy-based actions - Legislation (needed) Policy-based actions - Legislation - Development - International level (needed) Policy-based actions - Legislation - Development - National level (needed) Policy-based actions - Legislation - Implementation - International level (needed) Policy-based actions - Legislation - Implementation - National level (needed)
1.3.3 Policy-based actions - Community management - Livelihood alternatives (needed)
1.4 Policy-based actions - Other (needed)
2.2 Communication and Education - Awareness (needed)
2.4 Communication and Education - Other (needed)
3.2 Research actions - Population numbers and range (needed)
3.3 Research actions - Biology and Ecology (needed)
3.4 Research actions - Habitat status (needed)
3.5 Research actions - Threats (needed)
3.8 Research actions - Conservation measures (needed)
3.9 Research actions - Trends/Monitoring (needed)
3.10 Research actions - Other (needed)
4.1 Habitat and site-based actions - Maintenance/Conservation (needed)
4.2 Habitat and site-based actions - Restoration (needed)
4.4.1 Habitat and site-based actions - Protected areas - Identification of new protected areas (needed)
4.4.2 Habitat and site-based actions - Protected areas - Establishment (needed)
4.4.3 Habitat and site-based actions - Protected areas - Management (needed)
4.4.4 Habitat and site-based actions - Protected areas - Expansion (needed)
4.6 Habitat and site-based actions - Other (needed)
5.1 Species-based actions - Re-introductions (needed)
5.3.1 Species-based actions - Sustainable use - Harvest management (needed)
5.3.2 Species-based actions - Sustainable use - Trade management (needed)
5.4 Species-based actions - Recovery management (needed)
5.8 Species-based actions - Other (needed)
6 Other (needed)
[uredi | uredi izvor]1.1 Borealne šume
1.4 Šume umereniih predela
1.5 Suptropske i tropske suve šume
1.6 Suptropske i tropske vlažne nizijske šume
1.7 Suptropska i tropska vegetacija mangrova iznad nivoa plime
1.9 Suptropske i tropske vlažne planinske šume
2 Savane
2.1 Sušne savane
2.2 Vlažne savane
3.3 Borealna žbunasta vegetacija
3.4 Žbunasta vegetacija umerenih predela
3.5 Suptropska i tropska suva žbunasta vegetacija
3.6 Suptropska i tropska vlažna žbunasta vegetacija
3.7 Suptropska i tropska visokoplaninska žbunasta vegetacija
3.8 Žbunasta vegetacija mediteranskog tipa
4.1 Tundre
4.2 Subarktičke travna vegetacija
4.4 Travna vegetacija umerenih predela
4.5 Suptropska i tropska suva travna vegetacija
4.6 Suptropska i tropska sezonski vlažna travna vegetacija
4.7 Suptropska i tropska visokoplaninska travna vegetacija
5.1 Stalni vodotoci (reke, potoci, izvori, vodopadi)
5.4 Močvare, blata, tresave i ritovi
5.5 Stalna slatkovodna jezera površine veće od 8ha
5.6 Sezonska slatkovodna jezera površine veće od 8ha
5.7 Stalne slatkovodne močvare i bare, površine manje od 8ha
5.8 Sezonske slatkovodne močvare i bare, površine manje od 8ha
5.10 Vodeni ekosistemi u tundrama
5.13 Stalne kopnene delte
5.14 Stalna slana, brakična ili bazna jezera
5.16 Stalne slane, brakične ili bazne močvare i manja jezera
6 Ekosistemi stena (litice, vrhovi planina)
8.1 Vrele pustinje
8.2 Pustinje umerenih područja
8.3 Ledene pustinje
9.1. Otvorena mora – pelagijal
9.10 Otvorena mora – estuari
10.1 Okeani – epipelagijal (0-200 m)
12.2 Morska zona mlata talasa – peskovite obale ili plaže
12.4 Morska zona mlata talasa – blatne i slane zaravni (?!)
12.5 Morska zona mlata talasa – slane močvare (solila)
12.6 Morska zona mlata talasa – jezerca punjena plimom
13 Morska obalska (vantalasna) zona
13.1 Morska obalska (vantalasna) zona – morske litice i stenovita ostrva
13.4 Morska obalska (vantalasna) zona – obalska brakična (morska) jezera i slane lagune
13.5 Morska obalska (vantalasna) zona – obalska slatkovodna jezera
14.1 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – okopavine i oranice
14.2 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – pašnjaci
14.3 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – voćnjaci i dr. plantaže
14.4 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – seoske bašte
14.5 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – urbane sredine
14.6 Veštački suvozemni ekosistemi – suptropski i tropski veoma degradirani ostaci šumskih ekosistema
15.1 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi – akumulacije veće od 8 ha
15.3 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi – ribnjaci
15.4 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi – solane
15.6 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi – otvoreni rudokopovi (?!)
15.7 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi za obradu otpadnih voda
15.8 Veštački vodeni ekosistemi – sezonski plavljena polja
17 Drugi
0 Bez (trenutne) opasnosti
1.1 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda (aktuelna)
1.1.1 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprivreda — Usevi (aktuelno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprivreda — Usevi — Male privatne bašte i njive (aktuelne) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprivreda — Usevi — Male privatne bašte i njive (prethodno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprivreda — Usevi — Zemljoradničke zadruge i velike farme (aktuelne) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprivreda — Usevi — Zemljoradničke zadruge, poljoprivredni kombinati i velike farme (prethodno)
1.1.2. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Šumske plantaže (aktuelne)
1.1.4. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Stočarstvo (aktuelno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Stočarstvo — Mali uzgajivači (trenutno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Stočarstvo — Mali uzgajivači (prethodno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Stočarstvo — Mali uzgajivači (nepoznato vreme uzgoja) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Stočarstvo — Zemljoradničke zadruge, poljoprivredni kombinati i farme (trenutno)
1.1.8. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Ostalo (u budućnosti)
1.1.8. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Poljoprireda — Ostalo (aktuelno)
1.2.1. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Upotreba nepoljoprivrednih zemljišta — Zapuštenost (aktuelna)
1.3.2. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Ribarstvo (aktuelno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Ribarstvo — Radi preživljavanja (aktuelno) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Ribarstvo — Krupno/industrijsko (u budućnosti) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Šumarstvo — Selektivna seča (aktuelna) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Šumarstvo — Totalna seča (aktuelna) Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Šumarstvo — Totalna seča (prethodna)
1.3.4 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Sakupljanje zeljaste vegetacije (prethodno)
1.3.6 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Vađenje podzemnih voda (aktuelno)
1.3.7 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Ostalo (aktuelno)
1.3.7 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Izlov/iznošenje — Ostalo (vreme nepoznato)
1.4.1 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Industrija (aktuelna)
1.4.2 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ljudsko naselje (aktuelno)
1.4.2. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ljudsko naselje (prethodno)
1.4.2. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ljudsko naselje (nepoznato vreme)
1.4.3 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Turizam i rekreacija (aktuelni)
1.4.6 Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Brane (buduće)
1.4.6. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Brane (aktuelne)
1.4.9. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ostalo (u budućnosti)
1.4.9. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ostalo (aktuelno)
1.4.9. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Ostalo (prethodno)
1.4.10. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Nepoznati uzroci (u budućnosti)
1.4.10. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Nepoznati uzroci (aktuelno)
1.4.10. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Razvoj infrastrukture — Nepoznati uzroci (prethodno)
1.5. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Invazivne strane vrste (aktuelno)
1.5. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Invazivne strane vrste (prethodno)
1.8. Gubitak/degradacija staništa — Ostali uzroci (aktuelni)
1.9. Gubitak/degradacija staništa —Nepoznati uzroci (aktuelni)
1.9. Gubitak/degradacija staništa —Nepoznati uzroci (prethodni)