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Pripremanje pacijenta za krioniku.

Krionika (engl. Cryonics) je naziv za očuvanje tela čoveka pri niskoj temperaturi, koja trenutno ne može da se održi u savremenoj medicini. Ima cilj da u budućnosti reanimiraju čoveka kojem je telo zamrznuto[1][2].

U nekim naučnim literaturama postoje prilozi o hipotetičkoj izvodljivosti krionike. Krioniku podržavaju 63 naučnika uključujući i Marvina Minskinskog i Aubreja de Greja. Međutim, mnogi drugi naučnici su skeptični po pitanju krionike. U SAD, krionika se na ljudima može izvršavati samo legalno. Misterija koja se veže uz krioniku je dali se nakon zamrzavanja čoveka, on može opet vratiti u život[3][4][5][6].

Na krioniku naučna zajednica gleda sa skepticizmom, zbog štete koju hladnoća izaziva na ćelijama, uprkos krioprotektantima. Godine 2018. razvijen je novi proces, vitrifiksacija, ali mu je nedostajalo očuvanje praga ekscitabilnosti sinapse. Zbog toga je 2023. hitno usmeriti istraživanje ka očuvanju praga ekscitabilnosti sinapsi tokom vitrifiksacije[7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16].


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  1. ^ McKie, Robin (13. 07. 2002). „Cold facts about cryonics”. The Observer. Pristupljeno 01. 12. 2013. „"Cryonics, which began in the Sixties, is the freezing - usually in liquid nitrogen - of human beings who have been legally declared dead. The aim of this process is to keep such individuals in a state of refrigerated limbo so that it may become possible in the future to resuscitate them, cure them of the condition that killed them, and then restore them to functioning life in an era when medical science has triumphed over the activities of the Grim Reaper." 
  2. ^ „What is Cryonics?”. Alcor Foundation. Pristupljeno 02. 12. 2013. „"Cryonics is an effort to save lives by using temperatures so cold that a person beyond help by today's medicine might be preserved for decades or centuries until a future medical technology can restore that person to full health." 
  3. ^ „An open letter to scientific critics of cryonics”. Paul Crowley's Blog. Pristupljeno 14. 02. 2010. „"Though many experts in cryogenics and other relevant fields are quoted in the media as condemning cryonics practice, none have written at greater length to explain their reasons... this is my plea to the scientific critics of cryonics:Please criticise cryonics.If you thought that someone else had done it, if you thought that the article you’d want a cryonics hopeful to read had already been written, I hope that the surveys above show you that it really hasn’t." 
  4. ^ „Scientists Open Letter on Cryonics”. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 08. 2016. g. Pristupljeno 19. 03. 2013. 
  5. ^ Lovgren, Stefan (18. 03. 2005). „Corpses Frozen for Future Rebirth by Arizona Company”. National Geographic. Pristupljeno 15. 03. 2014. „"Many cryobiologists, however, scoff at the idea..." 
  6. ^ „Complete List Of Alcor Cryopreservations”. Alcor Life Extension Foundation. Pristupljeno 07. 10. 2010. 
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