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Melvil (ostrvo)

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Ostrvo Melvil
Površina37.680 km2
Visina? m
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Najveći gradnenaseljeno
Gustina st.0 stan./km2

Melvil (engl. Melville Island) je veliko nenaseljeno ostrvo u Kanadi[1] , deo kanadskog arktičkog arhipelaga.[2] Sa površinom od 37 680 km² Melvil je 32. ostrvo po veličini na svetu i 8. u Kanadi.

Zapadni deo ostrva pripada Severozapadnoj teritoriji, a istočni deo pripada Nunavutu.

Ostrvo je prvi posetio britanski istraživač Vilijam Pari 1819. Ne samo da je on otkrio ostrvo, nego je bio primoran da prezimi na njemu sve do 1. avgusta 1920. kada se more odledilo. Mesto na kome je prezimeo je nazvano Zimska luka.


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Ostrvo ima malo ili nimalo vegetacije. Tamo gde se javlja kontinuirana vegetacija, obično se sastoji od humki mahovine, lišajeva, trava i šaša. Jedina drvenasta vrsta, patuljasta vrba, raste kao gusta uvrnuta prostirka koja puzi po zemlji.

Ibet zaliv je fjord na zapadnoj strani ostrva, dugačak oko 55 km.[3]

Postoji raznolika životinjska populacija: polarni medved, peri karibu, mošusno goveče, grenlandski leming, arktički vuk, arktička lisica, arktički zec i velika lasica. Ekspedicija sa Univerziteta Alberta koja je videla grizlija i tragove grizlija iz 2003. predstavlja najsevernije izveštaje o grizli medvedima ikada zabeleženim.[4]

Ostrvo Melvil je jedno od dva glavna mesta za razmnožavanje grivaste guske. DNK analiza i terenska zapažanja sugerišu da se ove ptice mogu razlikovati od drugih grivastih gusaka.[5][6] Sa 4.000–8.000 ptica, ovo bi mogla biti jedna od najređih gusaka na svetu.


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Prvi dokumentovani Evropljanin koji je posetio ostrvo Melvil bio je britanski istraživač, ser Vilijam Pari, 1819. On je bio primoran da provede zimu u onome što se danas zove „Zimska luka“ do 1. avgusta 1820, zbog zamrzavanja mora.[7]

Ostrvo je nazvano po Robertu Dundasu, 2. vikontu Melvilu, koji je u to vreme bio prvi pomorski lord. U potrazi za Franklinovom izgubljenom ekspedicijom, Abraham Bredford je 1851. istražio njenovu istočnu obalu sve do Bredford Pojnta, dok su njenu severnu i zapadnu obalu istražili Fransis Leopold Maklintok, Ričard Vezi Hamilton i Džordž Henri Ričards 1853. godine.[8][9][10]

Dana 30. januara 1920. godine, časopis The Pioche Record je izvestio da je islandski istraživač Vilhjalmur Stefanson otkrio izgubljene zalihe iz ekspedicije Maklintoka iz 1853. na ostrvo Melvil. Odeća i hrana iz zaliha bili su u odličnom stanju uprkos teškim arktičkim uslovima.[11]

Godine 1930, velika stena od peščara koja je obeležavala Parijevo zimovanje iz 1819. godine u Zimskoj luci, duga oko 5,5 m (220 in) i visoka 3 m (10 ft), proglašena je nacionalnim istorijskim lokalitetom Kanade.[12]

Naslage fosilnih goriva

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Melvil se pojavio kao kandidat za ležišta prirodnog gasa. Verovalo se da ostrvo ima nalazišta uglja i uljnih škriljaca još od prve polovine 20. veka.[13][14] Prva istražna bušotina kanadskog arktičkog ostrva iskopana je 1961. u Zimskoj luci.[15][16][17][18]

Bušenje je obavljeno kroz slojeve donjeg paleozoika do ukupne dubine od 3.823 m (12.543 ft). Tokom 1970-ih, pokazalo se da severni deo ostrva na istočnoj strani poluostrva Sabine sadrži veliko gasno polje, poznato kao Drejke Pojnt. Zakup je bio u vlasništvu kompanije Panarktic Ojls, zajedničke operacije sa kanadskom vladom.


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  1. ^ Mišić, Milan, ur. (2005). Enciklopedija Britanika. L-M. Beograd: Politika : Narodna knjiga. str. 154. ISBN 86-331-2116-6. 
  2. ^ Coordinates are located on the NWT side.
  3. ^ Government of Canada, Natural Resources Canada. „Place names - Ibbett Bay”. Pristupljeno 2022-07-08. 
  4. ^ Doupé, Jonathan P.; England, John H.; Furze, M.; Paetkau, David (2007). „Most Northerly Observation of a Grizzly Bear (Ursus arctos) in Canada: Photographic and DNA Evidence from Melville Island, Northwest Territories.”. Arctic. 60 (3): 271—276. doi:10.14430/arctic219. 
  5. ^ „Brant Geese | Beauty of Birds”. Pristupljeno 2019-09-26. 
  6. ^ „birds, bird photos, bird photographs, butterflies, dragonflies, dragonfly, butterfly”. Pristupljeno 2019-09-26. 
  7. ^ Parry, W. E. (1821). Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-West passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific: performed in the years 1819–20. London: John Murray. 
  8. ^ M'Dougall, G. F. (1857). The eventful voyage of H.M. discovery ship "Resolute" to the Arctic regions, in search of Sir John Franklin and the missing crews of H.M. discovery ships "Erebus" and "Terror," 1852, 1853, 1854. London: Longman. 
  9. ^ Murphy, D. (2004). The Arctic Fox: Francis Leopold McClintock, discoverer of the fate of Franklin. Toronto: Dundurn Press. ISBN 9781550025231. 
  10. ^ Savours, A. (1999). The Search for the North West Passage. New York: St. Marten's Press. ISBN 9780312223724. 
  11. ^ The Pioche Record, January 30, 1920, str. 3.
  12. ^ Parry's Rock Wintering Site. Canadian Register of Historic Places. Retrieved 22 October 2013.
  13. ^ „Canadian Arctic Islands” (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 2011-07-21. g. Pristupljeno 2010-06-21. „The Kanguk Formation, a basinal bituminous shale, was deposited from the Turonian to the Maastrichtian 
  14. ^ Edwards, D. M. (1938-07-27). „Treasure of the Arctic: vast stores of fuels and precious metals in icebound areas”. Christian Science Monitor. 
  15. ^ „History of the Canadian Oil Industry”. Geo-Help Inc. Pristupljeno 2010-06-21. 
  16. ^ „Canada's Arctic”. Government of Alberta. Pristupljeno 2010-06-21. „The first Arctic Island well was drilled in 1961–62 by Dome Petroleum on Melville Island. Other wells followed on Cornwallis and Bathurst Islands. Although wells were abandoned, Melville Island was the site of further significant gas discoveries. Panarctic Petroleum, made up of industry and government initiatives, found gas at Drake Point on Melville Island in 1969. 
  17. ^ „Rediscovering High Arctic riches”. Vancouver Sun. 2008-10-28. Arhivirano iz originala 2012-11-08. g. Pristupljeno 2010-06-21. „Panarctic had discovered a huge gas field at Drake Point on Melville Island in 1968. It was so big it took 14 wells to delineate. 
  18. ^ „Riches beckon, but the risks are high”. Saskatoon Star-Phoenix. 2008-08-18. Arhivirano iz originala 2012-05-13. g. Pristupljeno 2010-06-21. „When the federal government issued a call for bids to explore the islands of the High Arctic last year, no one stepped to the plate. Several companies discovered oil and gas fields around Melville Island in the 1970s, but eventually abandoned the projects due to high costs. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • M'Dougall, G. F. (1857). The eventful voyage of H.M. discovery ship "Resolute" to the Arctic regions, in search of Sir John Franklin and the missing crews of H.M. discovery ships "Erebus" and "Terror," 1852, 1853, 1854. London: Longman. 
  • Parry, W. E. (1821). Journal of a voyage for the discovery of a North-West passage from the Atlantic to the Pacific: performed in the years 1819–20. London: John Murray. 
  • Arctic Pilot Project (Canada), Environmental Statement: Melville Island Components, Calgary: Arctic Pilot Project, 1979
  • Barnett, D.; et al. Terrain Characterization and Evaluation An Example from Eastern Melville Island, Paper (Geological Survey of Canada), 76–23, Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. 1977. ISBN 0-660-00812-2.
  • Buchanan, R.; et al. Survey of the Marine Environment of Bridport Inlet, Melville Island, Calgary: Pallister Resource Management Ltd, 1980
  • Christie, R.; et al. eds. The Geology of Melville Island, Arctic Canada. Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada. 1994. ISBN 0-660-14982-6. 
  • Spector, A.; et al. A Gravity Survey of the Melville Island Ice Caps, Canada Dominion Observatory Contributions, 07:7, 1967
  • Hodgson, D (1992). Quaternary Geology of Western Melville Island, Northwest Territories. Ottawa: Geological Survey of Canada. ISBN 0-660-13809-3. 
  • Hotzel, C. Terrain Disturbance on the Christopher Formation, Melville Island, NWT, Ottawa: Carleton University, Dept. of Geography, 1973
  • McGregor, D.; et al. Middle Devonian Miospores from the Cape De Bray, Weatherall, and Hecla Bay Formations of Northeastern Melville Island, Canadian Arctic. Ottawa: Energy, Mines and Resources Canada. 1982. ISBN 0-660-11084-9. 
  • Shea, I.; et al. Deadman's Melville Island & Its Burial Ground. Tantallon: Glen Margaret Pub. 2005. ISBN 0-920427-68-5. 
  • Shearer, D. Modern and Early Holocene Arctic Deltas, Melville Island, N.W.T., Canada, s.l.: s.n., 1974
  • Steen, O.; et al. Landscape Survey Eastern Melville Island, N.W.T, Calgary: R.M. Hardy & Associates, 1978
  • Thomas, D.; et al. Range types and their relative use by Peary caribou and muskoxen on Melville Island, NWT, Edmonton: Environment Canada, Canadian Wildlife Service, 1999
  • Trettin, H.; et al. Lower Triassic Tar Sands of Northwestern Melville Island, Arctic Archipelago, Ottawa: Dept. of Energy, Mines and Resources, 1966
  • Lew, Josh (23. 4. 2018). „10 (almost) deserted islands”. MNN Galleries. 
  • „Mars Researchers Rendezvous on Remote Arctic Island”. Langley Research Center, Atmospheric Science Data Center, NASA. Arhivirano iz originala 29. 4. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 8. 7. 2019. 
  • kuschk (3. 5. 2012). „Devon Island: The Largest Uninhabited Island on Earth”. Basement Geographer. Arhivirano iz originala 2016-03-04. g. Pristupljeno 27. 2. 2014. 
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  • Aiken, S.G., M.J. Dallwitz, L.L. Consaul, et al. Flora of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago: Descriptions, Illustrations, Identification, and Information Retrieval[CD]. Ottawa: NRC Research Press; Ottawa: Canadian Museum of Nature. 2007. ISBN 978-0-660-19727-2..
  • Aiken, S. G., Laurie Lynn Consaul, and M. J. Dallwitz. Grasses of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Ottawa: Research Division, Canadian Museum of Nature, 1995.
  • Balkwill, H.R.; Embry, Ashton F. (1982). Arctic Geology and Geophysics: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Arctic Geology (Hardcover). Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists. ISBN 0-920230-19-9. 
  • Bouchard, Giselle. Freshwater Diatom Biogeography of the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Ottawa. . Library and Archives Canada. 2005. ISBN 0-494-01424-5.  Nedostaje ili je prazan parametar |title= (pomoć)
  • Brown, Roger James Evan. Permafrost in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. National Research Council of Canada, Division of Building Research, 1972.
  • Cota GF, LW Cooper, DA Darby, and IL Larsen. 2006. "Unexpectedly High Radioactivity Burdens in Ice-Rafted Sediments from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago". The Science of the Total Environment. 366, no. 1: 253–61.
  • Dunphy, Michael. Validation of a modelling system for tides in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Canadian technical report of hydrography and ocean sciences, 243. Dartmouth, N.S.: Fisheries and Oceans Canada, 2005.
  • Glass, Donald J.; Embry, Ashton F.; McMillan, N. J. Devonian of the World: Proceedings of the Second International Symposium on the Devonian System (Hardcover). Calgary, Canada: Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists. ISBN 0-920230-47-4. 
  • Hamilton, Paul B., Konrad Gajewski, David E. Atkinson, and David R.S. Lean. 2001. "Physical and Chemical Limnology of 204 Lakes from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago". Hydrobiologia. 457, no. 1/3: 133–148.
  • Mi︠a︡rss, Tiĭu, Mark V. H. Wilson, and R. Thorsteinsson. Silurian and Lower Devonian Thelodonts and Putative Chondrichthyans from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Special papers in palaeontology, no. 75. . London: Palaeontological Association. 2006. ISBN 0-901702-99-4. 
  • Michel, C Ingram, R G, and L R Harris. 2006. "Variability in Oceanographic and Ecological Processes in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago". Progress in Oceanography. 71, no. 2: 379.
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  • Thorsteinsson, R.; Mayr, Ulrich (1987). The Sedimentary Rocks of Devon Island, Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Ottawa, Canada: Geological Survey of Canada. ISBN 0-660-12319-3. 
  • Van der Baaren, Augustine, and S. J. Prinsenberg. Geostrophic transport estimates from the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. Dartmouth, N.S.: Ocean Sciences Division, Maritimes Region, Fisheries and Oceans Canada, Bedford Institute of Oceanography, 2002.

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