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Džon Vesli
Čarls Vesli

Metodizam ili metodistički pokret je grupa istorijski srodnih denominacija protestantskog hrišćanstva koje svoju doktrinu, prakse i verovanja izvode iz života i učenja Džona Veslija. Džordž Vajtfild i Džonov brat Čarls Vesli takođe su bili značajne rane vođe pokreta. Metodizam je nastao kao preporodni pokret u Engleskoj crkvi iz 18. veka i postao je zasebna denominacija nakon Veslijeve smrti. Pokret je imao doseg širom Britanskog carstva, Sjedinjenih Država i šire, zahvaljujući snažnom misionarskom radu,[1] i u današnje vreme obuhvata oko 80 miliona sledbenika širom sveta.[nb 1][2]

Veslijeva teologija, koju podržavaju metodističke crkve, usredsređena je na osvećenje i uticaj vere na karakter hrišćanina. Osobene doktrine uključuju novo rođenje,[3] uverenje,[4][5] udeljenu pravednost, mogućnost celokupnog posvećenja,[6][7][8] i dela pobožnosti. Sveto pismo se smatra glavnim autoritetom, ali metodisti se takođe oslanjaju na hrišćansku tradiciju, uključujući istorijska verovanja. Većina metodista propoveda da je Isus Hrist, sin Božji, umro za čitavo čovečanstvo i da je spasenje dostupno svima. Za razliku kalvinističkog stava da je Bog unapred odredio spasenje odabrane grupe ljudi, mnogi metodisti podučavaju jedan vid arminijanstva.[9] Međutim, Vajtfild i nekoliko drugih ranih vođa pokreta smatrani su kalvinističkim metodistima i držali su se kalvinističke pozicije.

Pored evangelizacije, metodizam naglašava milosrdna dela i podršku bolesnima, siromašnima i ugroženim.[10][11] Ovi ideali, zajednički poznati kao socijalno jevanđelje, sprovode se u delo osnivanjem bolnica, sirotišta, narodnih kuhinja i škola da bi se sledila Hristova zapovest da se širi dobra vest i služi svim ljudima.[12][13][10]

Pokret ima širok spektar oblika bogosluženja, u rasponu od visoke crkve do niske crkve u liturgijskoj upotrebi. Denominacije koje potiču od britanske metodističke tradicije uglavnom su manje ritualističke, dok su rituali više naglašeni u američkom metodizmu, posebno u Ujedinjenoj metodističkoj crkvi.[14] Metodizam je poznat po svojoj bogatoj muzičkoj tradiciji, a Čarls Vesli bio je ključan u pisanju znatnog dela himni Metodističke crkve.[15]

Rani metodisti su poticali sa svih nivoa društva, uključujući i aristokratiju,[nb 2] ali metodistički propovednici su preneli poruku radnicima i kriminalcima koji su u to vreme uglavnom bili izvan dosega organizovane religije. U Britaniji je Metodistička crkva imala veliku uticaj u ranim decenijama radničke klase u razvoju (1760–1820).[17] U Sjedinjenim Državama, to je postala religija mnogih robova koji su kasnije formirali crnačke crkve u metodističkoj tradiciji.


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  1. ^ Ažurirano: 2013.. Ova cifra je procena Svetskog metodističkog saveta i uključuje članove ujedinjenih i ujedinjujućih crkava sa metodističkim učešćem. To predstavlja približno 60 miliona posvećenih članova i dodatnih 20 miliona pristalica.
  2. ^ Ova socijalna analiza je rezime širokog spektra knjiga o metodističkoj istoriji, članaka u časopisu Metodistički magazin itd. Većina metodističke aristokratije bila je povezana sa Selinom Hejstings, groficom od Hantingdona, koja je pozivala metodističke propovednike na skupove, kojima je bila domaćin. Metodisti su u to vreme bili vođe među hrišćanima u pružanju pomoći najsiromašnijim delovima radničke klase. Znatan deo vojske takođe su sačinjavali metodisti.[16]


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  1. ^ American Methodism. S.S. Scranton & Co. 1867. str. 29. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2007. „But the most-noticeable feature of British Methodism is its missionary spirit, and its organized, effective missionary work. It takes the lead of all other denominations in missionary movements. From its origin, Methodism has been characterized for its zeal in propagandism. It has always been missionary. 
  2. ^ „Member Churches”. World Methodist Council. Pristupljeno 17. 6. 2013. 
  3. ^ Stokes, Mack B. (1998). Major United Methodist Beliefs (na jeziku: engleski). Abingdon Press. str. 95. ISBN 9780687082124. 
  4. ^ Abraham, William J.; Kirby, James E. (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies (na jeziku: engleski). Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780191607431. 
  5. ^ „Distinctive Emphases of Methodist Belief” (PDF). The Methodist Church in Ireland. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 04. 08. 2020. g. Pristupljeno 2019-11-01. 
  6. ^ Davies, Rupert E.; George, A. Raymond; Rupp, Gordon (14. 6. 2017). A History of the Methodist Church in Great Britain, Volume Three (na jeziku: engleski). Wipf & Stock Publishers. str. 225. ISBN 9781532630507. 
  7. ^ Gibson, James. „Wesleyan Heritage Series: Entire Sanctification” (na jeziku: engleski). South Georgia Confessing Association. Arhivirano iz originala 29. 5. 2018. g. Pristupljeno 30. 5. 2018. 
  8. ^ A Catechism for the Use of the People Called Methodists. Peterborough [England]: Methodist Publishing House. 2000. ISBN 9781858521824. 
  9. ^ Stanglin, Keith D.; McCall, Thomas H. (2012). Jacob Arminius: Theologian of Grace (na jeziku: engleski). Oxford University Press. str. 153. ISBN 9780199755677. 
  10. ^ a b Wilson, Charles Reagan (2005). Encyclopedia of Religion in the South (na jeziku: engleski). Mercer University Press. ISBN 9780865547582. „Both Southern Baptist and Methodist organizations engaged in evangelism and social service missions in the United States and abroad. ... However, despite their similarities in evangelism and social services, by the dawn of the 20th century the two denominational women's movements had already diverged from each other because the Methodist organizations had embraced the Social Gospel. They had embarked not only on social service in addition to evangelism but on social reform. 
  11. ^ „Wesley on Social Holiness” (PDF). The Methodist Church in Britain. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2016. 
  12. ^ Abraham, William J.; Kirby, James E. (2009). The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies (na jeziku: engleski). Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780191607431. „First, it is clear that 'evangelism' is primarily concerned with the evangel, the gospel, or the good news we bear in the world. 
  13. ^ Models for Christian Higher Education: Strategies for Survival and Success in the Twenty-First CenturyNeophodna slobodna registracija. William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company. 1997. str. 290. ISBN 9780802841216. Pristupljeno 18. 10. 2007. „Wesleyan institutions, whether hospitals, orphanages, soup kitchens or schools, historically were begun with the spirit to serve all people and to transform society. 
  14. ^ Tucker, Karen B. Westerfield (2001). American Methodist Worship. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780198029267. 
  15. ^ A Collection of Hymns, for the use of the people called Methodists. T. Blanshard. 1820. Pristupljeno 31. 12. 2007. „collection of hymns. 
  16. ^ J A Clapperton, "Romance and Heroism in Early Methodism", (1901)
  17. ^ Swatos, William H. (1998). Encyclopedia of Religion and Society (na jeziku: engleski). Rowman Altamira. str. 385. ISBN 9780761989561. 


[uredi | uredi izvor]
  • Abraham, William J. and James E. Kirby, eds. The Oxford Handbook of Methodist Studies (2009). 780pp; historiography; excerpt
  • Copplestone, J. Tremayne. History of Methodist Missions, vol. 4: Twentieth-Century Perspectives (1973), 1288 pp; comprehensive world coverage for US Methodist missions – online
  • Cracknell, Kenneth and White, Susan J. (2005) An Introduction to World Methodism, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-81849-4.
  • Forster, DA and Bentley, W (eds.) (2008)What are we thinking? Reflections on Church and Society from Southern African Methodists. Methodist Publishing House, Cape Town. ISBN 978-1-919883-52-6
  • Forster, DA and Bentley, W (eds.) (2008) Methodism in Southern Africa: A celebration of Wesleyan Mission AcadSA Publishers, Kempton Park. ISBN 978-1-920212-29-2
  • Harmon, Nolan B. (ed.) (2 vol. 1974) The Encyclopedia of World Methodism, Nashville: Abingdon Press, ISBN 0-687-11784-4. 2640pp
  • Heitzenrater, Richard P. (1994) Wesley and the People Called Methodists, Nashville: Abingdon Press, ISBN 0-687-01682-7
  • Hempton, David (2005) Methodism: Empire of the Spirit, Yale University Press, ISBN 0-300-10614-9
  • Wilson, Kenneth. Methodist Theology. London, T & T Clark International, 2011 (Doing Theology).
  • Yrigoyen Jr, Charles, and Susan E. Warrick. Historical dictionary of Methodism (2nd ed. Scarecrow Press, 2013)
  • Borgen, Ole E. John Wesley on the Sacraments: a Theological Study. Grand Rapids, Mich.: Francis Asbury Press, 1985, cop. 1972. 307 p. ISBN 0-310-75191-8
  • Brooks, Alan (2010) West End Methodism: The Story of Hinde Street, London: Northway Publications, 400pp.
  • Dowson, Jean and Hutchinson, John (2003) John Wesley: His Life, Times and Legacy [CD-ROM], Methodist Publishing House, TB214
  • Edwards, Maldwyn. Methodism and England: A study of Methodism in its social and political aspects during the period 1850–1932 (1944)
  • Halevy, Elie, and Bernard Semmel. The Birth of Methodism in England (1971)
  • Hempton, David (1984) Methodism and Politics in British Society, 1750–1850, Stanford University Press, ISBN 0-8047-1269-7
  • Jones, David Ceri et al. The Elect Methodists: Calvinistic Methodism in England and Wales, 1735–1811 (2012)
  • Kent, John (2002) Wesley and the Wesleyans, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-45532-4
  • Madden, Lionel. Methodism in Wales: A Short History of the Wesley Tradition (2003)
  • Stigant, P. "Wesleyan Methodism and working-class radicalism in the north, 1792–1821." Northern History (1971) 6#1 pp: 98–116.
  • Thompson, Edward Palmer. The making of the English working class (1963) a famous classic stressing the role of Methodism.
  • Turner, John Munsey. John Wesley: The Evangelical Revival and the Rise of Methodism in England (2003)
  • Turner, John M. Modern Methodism in England, 1932–1996 (1997)
  • Warner, Wellman J. (1930) The Wesleyan Movement in the Industrial Revolution, London: Longmans, Green.
  • Campbell, James T. (1995) Songs of Zion: The African Methodist Episcopal Church in the United States and South Africa, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-507892-6
  • George, Carol V.R. (1973) Segregated Sabbaths: Richard Allen and the Rise of Independent Black Churches, 1760–1840, New York: Oxford University Press, LCCN 73076908
  • Montgomery, William G. (1993) Under Their Own Vine and Fig Tree: The African-American Church in the South, 1865–1900, Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0-8071-1745-5
  • Walker, Clarence E. (1982) A Rock in a Weary Land: The African Methodist Episcopal Church During the Civil War and Reconstruction, Louisiana State University Press, ISBN 0-8071-0883-9
  • Wills, David W. and Newman, Richard (eds.) (1982) Black Apostles at Home and Abroad: Afro-American and the Christian Mission from the Revolution to Reconstruction, Boston, MA: G. K. Hall, ISBN 0-8161-8482-8
  • Cameron, Richard M. (ed.) (1961) Methodism and Society in Historical Perspective, 4 vol., New York: Abingdon Press
  • Lyerly, Cynthia Lynn (1998) Methodism and the Southern Mind, 1770–1810, Religion in America Series, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-511429-9
  • Meyer, Donald (1988) The Protestant Search for Political Realism, 1919–1941, Wesleyan University Press, ISBN 0-8195-5203-8
  • Schmidt, Jean Miller (1999) Grace Sufficient: A History of Women in American Methodism, 1760–1939, Nashville, TN: Abingdon Press ISBN 0-687-15675-0
  • Sweet, William Warren (1954) Methodism in American History, Revision of 1953, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 472 p.
  • Wigger, John H. (1998) Taking Heaven by Storm: Methodism and the Rise of Popular Christianity in America, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-510452-8 – pp. ix & 269 focus on 1770–1910
  • Rawlyk, G.A. (1994) The Canada Fire: Radical Evangelicalism in British North America, 1775–1812, Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press, ISBN 0-7735-1221-7
  • Semple, Neil (1996) The Lord's Dominion: The History of Canadian Methodism, Buffalo: McGill-Queen's University Press, ISBN 0-7735-1367-1
  • Richey, Russell E., Rowe, Kenneth E. and Schmidt, Jean Miller (eds.) (2000) The Methodist Experience in America: a sourcebook, Nashville: Abingdon Press, ISBN 978-0-687-24673-1. 756 p. of original documents
  • Sweet, William Warren (ed.) (1946) Religion on the American Frontier: Vol. 4, The Methodists,1783–1840: A Collection of Source Materials, New York: H. Holt & Co., – 800 p. of documents regarding the American frontier
  • The Archive of the Methodist Missionary Society is held at the School of Oriental and African Studies, London.
  • Dreyer, Frederick A. (1999). The Genesis of Methodism. Lehigh University Press. str. 27. ISBN 0-934223-56-4. 
  • Burnett, Daniel L. (2006). In the Shadow of Aldersgate: An Introduction to the Heritage and Faith of the Wesleyan Tradition. Wipf and Stock. str. 36. ISBN 978-1-59752-573-2. 

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