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Primer minimalizma u arhitekturi, Muzej umetnosti u Bregenzu u Austriji, arhitekte Petera Cumthora

Minimalizam ili minimalistička umetnost (19601975) je umetnički pokret koji odbacuje komentarisanje društva, lični izraz umetnika, narativne elemente ili aluzije na istoriju, politiku ili religiju.[1][2] Bazira se na stvaranju predmeta, slika, skulptura i muzike čija je vrednost isključivo estetskog karaktera. Minimalisti su ograničili svoje delovanje na manipulaciju elementima kao što su boja, tonovi, oblici, linije i tekstura. Prvi koji je koristio termin minimalizam bio je kritičar David Burljuk u izložbenom katalogu umetnika Džona Grahama na izložbi slika koja je održana u galeriji Dadensajng u Njujorku, 1929. godine. Kasnije, šezdesetih godina dvadestog veka, to ime je dobio celi jedan pokret. Još neki nazivi za minimalizam su: ABC umetnost[3][4] i reduktivizam. Ovaj pokret je rezultat reakcije na pretencioznost apstraktnog ekspresionizma i prima uticaje od pop umetnosti, kubizma i konceptualne umetnosti, sa glavnom inspiracijom u ruskoj avangardi, konkretnije u suprematizmu Kazimira Maljeviča.

Pokret je nastao u SAD, a među glavnim pokretačima ističe se umetnik Frank Stela.[5][6] Njegova izložba „Crne slike“ (Black Paintings), priređena 1959. godine u Muzeju moderne umetnosti u Njujorku (engl. Museum of Modern Art, skr. MoMA), ubrzo je postala inspiracija mnogim umetnicima, koji su počeli da napuštaju „ekspresiju“. Glavni istorijski događaj pokreta bila je izložba, održana 1966. godine u Njujorku, pod imenom „Osnovne strukture“ (Primary Structures).

Preciznost ujedno sa geometrijom i ponavljajućim dekorativnim šemama, ravnim i jednolično obojenim površinama sa čistim i nemešanim bojama, glavne su odlike minimalizma. Baza su geometrijske, racionalne šeme, a industijski materijali se koriste za eliminisanje tragova „ručnog rada“ umetnika. Spoljašnji izgled predmeta je glavni estetski kvalitet minimalizma.[7][8]

Minimalizam želi da posmatrač uživa umetničko delo bez distrakcija kompozicije, tema i ostalih elemenata iz tradicionalne umetnosti. Materijali i način na koji je delo predstavnjeno su ujedno i sama njegova stvarnost ili tematika, ali takođe i razlog samog „postojanja“. Minimalizam ne pretenduje nikakvu drugu simboliku osim onoga što se može videti u samom delu. Boja se ne koristi za izražavanje osećanja nego za ograničavanje prostora. Apstraktni odnosi između različitih elemenata treba da navedu posmatrača na razmišljanje i ujedno su i sama srž tematike. Odbacuje se ideja iz tradicionalne umetnosti, po kojoj umetnost treba da bude lični izraz umetnika. Iako postoji dosta toga emotivnog i podsvesnog u minimalizmu, umetnik minimalista odbacuje osećanja kao princip stvaralaštva umetničkog dela i smatra da je reakcija na delo od strane posmatrača od primarne i suštinske važnosti.

Minimalizam ispituje prirodu umetnosti i njeno mesto u društvu. Iako su neki kritičari smatrali da je minimalizam umetnost koja će slabo uticati na dalji razvoj savremene umetnosti, ne mogu se negirati posledice i uticaji koje je ostavila na teoriju i praksu „postmoderne“.

Umetnici minimalisti

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  1. ^ „Christopher Want, Minimalism, Grove Art Online, Oxford University Press, 2009”. Pristupljeno 2014-06-27. 
  2. ^ „Minimalism”. 2012. 
  3. ^ Fried, M. "Art and Objecthood", Artforum, 1967
  4. ^ Rose, Barbara. "ABC Art", Art in America 53, no. 5 (October–November 1965): 57–69.
  5. ^ „Frank Stella Biography, Art, and Analysis of Works”. The Art Story. Pristupljeno 25. 5. 2012. 
  6. ^ Deborah Solomon (September 7, 2015), The Whitney Taps Frank Stella for an Inaugural Retrospective at Its New Home The New York Times.
  7. ^ Systemic Painting, Guggenheim Museum”. Pristupljeno 2014-06-27. 
  8. ^ „Systemic art, Oxford-Art encyclopedia”. Pristupljeno 2014-06-27. [mrtva veza]


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  • Markus Steigman/ René Zey- Lexikon der Modernen Kunst Tehniken und Stile Hamburg 2002.
  • Bertoni, Franco. (2002). Franco Cantini, ur. Minimalist Architecture. Basel, Boston, and Berlin: Birkhäuser. ISBN 3-7643-6642-7. . translated from the Italian by Lucinda Byatt and from the Spanish by Paul Hammond.
  • Cerver, Francisco Asencio. (1997). The Architecture of Minimalism. ISBN 0-8230-6149-3. . New York, NY: Arco. .
  • Keenan, David, and Michael Nyman (2001). "Claim to Frame". The Sunday Herald (4 February).
  • Lancaster, Clay (septembar 1953). „"Japanese Buildings in the United States before 1900: Their Influence upon American Domestic Architecture"”. The Art Bulletin. 35 (3): 217—224. doi:10.1080/00043079.1953.11408188. .
  • Nyman, Michael (1968). "Minimal Music". The Spectator 221, no. 7320 (11 October): 518–19.
  • Pawson, John. (1996). Minimum. Phaidon. ISBN 0-7148-3262-6. . London, England: Phaidon Press Limited. .
  • Rossell, Quim. (2005). Minimalist Interiors. New York: Collins Design. ISBN 0-688-17487-6. . (cloth); ISBN 0-06-082990-7 (cloth).
  • Saito, Yuriko (2007). „"The Moral Dimension of Japanese Aesthetics"”. The Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism. 65 (1): 85—97. doi:10.1111/j.1540-594X.2007.00240.x.  (Winter),. Retrieved 2011-10-18.
  • Anderson, Virginia. Keith Potter, Kyle Gann, and Pwyll ap Siôn, ur. (2013). „"Systems and Other Minimalism in Britain"”. The Ashgate Research Companion to Minimalist and Postminimalist Music. ISBN 978-1-4094-3549-5. . 80–106. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate. .
  • Bernard, Jonathan W. (1993). „The Minimalist Aesthetic in the Plastic Arts and in Music”. Perspectives of New Music. 31 (1): 86—132. JSTOR 833043. doi:10.2307/833043.  31, no. 1 (Winter): 86–132.
  • Bernard, Jonathan W. (2003). „Minimalism, Postminimalism, and the Resurgence of Tonality in Recent American Music”. American Music. 21 (1): 112—133. JSTOR 3250558. doi:10.2307/3250558.  21, no. 1 (Spring): 112–33.
  • Cope, David. (1997). Techniques of the Contemporary Composer. New York, New York: Schirmer Books. ISBN 0-02-864737-8. 
  • Emmerson, Simon. (2007). Music, Electronic Media, and Culture. Aldershot: Ashgate Publishers Limited. .
  • Fink, Robert. (2005). Repeating Ourselves: American Minimal Music as Cultural Practice. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-24550-4.  (cloth). (pbk).
  • Gann, Kyle.. (1997). American Music in the Twentieth Century. ISBN 0-02-864655-X. . Schirmer. .
  • Gann, Kyle. 1987. "Let X = X: Minimalism vs. Serialism." Village Voice (24 February): 76.
  • Gann, Kyle. 1998. "A Forest from the Seeds of Minimalism: An Essay on Postminimal and Totalist Music".
  • Gann, Kyle. 2001. "Minimal Music, Maximal Impact: Minimalism's Immediate Legacy: Postminimalism". New Music Box: The Web Magazine from the American Music Center (November 1) (Accessed 4 February 2012).
  • Gann, Kyle. (2006). Music Downtown: Writings from the Village Voice. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-22982-7. 
  • Gann, Kyle (2010). „Reconstructing November”. American Music. 28 (4): 481—491. doi:10.5406/americanmusic.28.4.0481.  28, no. 4 (Winter): 481–91.
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  • Harrison, Daniel (1997). „After Sundown: The Beach Boys' Experimental Music” (PDF). Ur.: Covach, John; Boone, Graeme M. Understanding Rock: Essays in Musical Analysis. Oxford University Press. str. 33—57. ISBN 9780199880126. 
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  • Johnson, Tom.. (1989). The Voice of New Music: New York City 1972–1982 – A Collection of Articles Originally Published by the Village Voice. ISBN 90-71638-09-X. . Eindhoven, Netherlands: Het Apollohuis. .
  • Kostelanetz, Richard, and R. Flemming. (1997). Writings on Glass: Essays, Interviews, Criticism. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press. ; New York: Schirmer Books.
  • Linke, Ulrich.. (1997). Minimal Music: Dimensionen eines Begriffs. ISBN 3-89206-811-9. . Folkwang-Texte Bd. 13. Essen: Die blaue Eule. .
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  • Meyer, Leonard B.. (1994). Music, the Arts, and Ideas: Patterns and Predictions in Twentieth-Century Culture. ISBN 0-226-52143-5. . second edition. Chicago and London: University of Chicago Press.
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  • Nyman, Michael. (1974). Experimental Music: Cage and Beyond. London: Studio Vista. ISBN 0-289-70182-1; reprinted 1999, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-65383-5.
  • Parsons, Michael (1976). „Systems in Art and Music”. The Musical Times. 117 (1604): 815—818. JSTOR 960175. doi:10.2307/960175.  117, no. 1604 (October): 815–18.
  • Perlein, Gilbert, and Bruno Corà (eds). Klein, Yves; Perlein, Gilbert (2000). Yves Klein: Long Live the Immaterial!. Delano Greenidge Editions. ISBN 978-0-929445-08-3.  Catalog of an exhibition held at the Musée d'art moderne et d'art contemporain, Nice, April 28 – September 4, 2000, and the Museo Pecci, Prato, September 23, 2000 – January 10, 2001. New York: Delano Greenidge Editions, 2000, .
  • Potter, Keith.. (2000). Four Musical Minimalists: La Monte Young, Terry Riley, Steve Reich, Philip Glass. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 0-521-48250-X. . Music in the Twentieth Century series. Cambridge and New York: Cambridge University Press. .
  • Potter, Keith. 2001. "Minimalism". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell. London: Macmillan Publishers; New York: Grove's Dictionaries of Music.
  • Rodda, Richard E. (1999). Liner notes, Violin Concertos of John Adams & Philip Glass, Robert McDuffie (violin). Telarc, CD-80494.
  • Rose, Barbara. 1965. "ABC Art". Art in America 53, no. 5 (October–November): 57–69.
  • Schönberger, Elmer. 2001. "Andriessen: (4) Louis Andriessen". The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians, second edition, edited by Stanley Sadie and John Tyrrell. London: Macmillan Publishers; New York: Grove's Dictionaries of Music.
  • Schwarz, K. Robert.. (1996). Minimalists. Phaidon Press. ISBN 0-7148-3381-9. . 20th Century Composers Series. London: Phaidon. .
  • Sherburne, Philip (2006). „Digital Discipline: Minimalism in House and Techno”. Ur.: Cox, Christoph; Warner, Daniel. Audio Culture: Readings in Modern Music. New York: Continuum. str. 319—326. ISBN 978-0-8264-1615-5. 
  • Sitsky, Larry. 2002. Music of the Twentieth-Century Avant-garde: A Biocritical Sourcebook. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press. ISBN 0313017239
  • Strickland, Edward. (1993). Minimalism: Origins. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0-253-35499-4.  (cloth); ISBN 0-253-21388-6 (pbk, corrected and somewhat revised printing, 2000). Chapter T, pp. 241–56, reprinted as Strickland 1997.
  • Strickland, Edward. Richard Kostelanetz and Robert Flemming, ur. (1997). „"Minimalism: T (1992)"”. Writings on Glass: Essays, Interviews, Criticism. University of California Press. ISBN 0-520-21491-9. . 113–130. Berkeley and Los Angeles: University of California Press; New York: Schirmer Books. . Reprint of a chapter from Strickland 1993.
  • Sweeney-Turner, Steve (1995). „Weariness and Slackening in the Miserably Proliferating Field of Posts.”. Musical Times. 136 (1833): 599—601. JSTOR 1003498. doi:10.2307/1003498.  136, no. 1833 (November): 599–601.
  • Warburton, Dan (1988). „A Working Terminology for Minimal Music.”. Intégral. 2: 135—59. JSTOR 40213909. 

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