Plan Klintonine zdravstvene zaštite iz 1993.
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Plan Klintonove zdravstvene zaštite, službeno poznat kao Zakon o zdravstvenoj bezbednosti i neslužbeno poznat kao Hilariker (po prvoj dami Hilari Klinton), naročito među njenim protivnicima, bio je zdravstveni paket reformi koje je predložila administracija 42. predsednika Bila Klintona 1993. godine.[1]
Bil Klinton je u predsedničkoj kampanji 1992. u velikoj meri spominjao zdravstvenu zaštitu. Radna grupa nastala je u januaru 1993. godine. Njen cilj je bio da smisli plan za univerzalno zdravstveno osiguranje za sve Amerikance. Glavni govor o zdravstvenoj zaštiti održao je predsednik Klinton u Kongresu septembra 1993. godine.[2][3]
Plan nije prošao u Kongresu i time propada.[4]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Clinton, Bill. „Address to Joint Session of Congress as Delivered” Arhivirano na veb-sajtu Wayback Machine (28. septembar 2007) (22. 9. 2003).
- ^ Hodgson, Godfrey. „The Gentleman from New York: Daniel Patrick Moynihan: a Biography” (2000). p. 349. »Hillary Clinton was out in front on this project to a degree unprecedented among presidential wives.«
- ^ Bok, Derek. „Political Leadership in the Great Health Care Debate of 1993–1994”. Public Discourse in America: Conversation and Community in the Twenty-First Century (2003). Stephen P. Steinberg, Judith Rodin. p. 96. »the President took the unprecedented step of naming his wife.«
- ^ Pantel, Kant & Rushefsky, Mark. „Politics, Power, and Policy Making: The Case of Health Care Reform in the 1990s” (1997).
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- C-SPAN3 „Programming from 1993–94 on the Clinton Health Care Plan” Arhivirano na veb-sajtu Wayback Machine (27. septembar 2007). C-SPAN. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- Robin Toner. „Clinton's Health Plan; Poll on Changes in Health Care Finds Support Amid Skepticism” (22. 9. 1993). New York Times. Pristupljeno June 8, 2007.
- „The Clinton Health Care Plan: Fundamental or Incremental Reform?” (1993). Annals of Intern Med. 119(9). pp. 945—947. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- William Kristol. „How to Oppose the Health Plan – and Why” (januar 1994). Ashbrook Center. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- „AAFP calls Clinton health care plan a 'starting point for reform” (januar 1994). preštampao iz: American Family Physician. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- Robert Pear. „Health Care Plan Isn't Cast in Stone” (22. 1. 1994). New York Times. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- Donna E. Shalala. „Let's Face It, There Is a Health Care Crisis” (5. 1. 1994). U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Preštampano iz: The Washington Post. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- Adam Clymer. „Hillary Clinton Tells Doctors Crisis in Health Care Is Real” (29. 2. 1994). New York Times. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- „The Rise and Fall of the Political Catchphrase” Arhivirano na veb-sajtu Wayback Machine (11. decembar 2008) (14. 2. 1994). Time. Traces the origins of the Republican counter-argument "there is no health care crisis". Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- Raymond Hernandez & Robert Pear. „Once an Enemy, Health Industry Warms to Clinton” (12. 7. 2006). The New York Times. Pristupljeno 9. 6. 2007.
- Jonathan Cohn. „Hillary was Right – The health care plan that dares not speak its name” (5. 6. 2007). The New Republic. Pristupljeno 8. 6. 2007.
- „Booknotes interview with David Broder on The System: The American Way of Politics at the Breaking Point” (5. 5. 1996).