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Pornografija (od grčkog πορνη „prostitutka“ i γραφία „pisana stvar“; u neformalnom razgovoru često porno) je predstavljanje ljudskog tela ili seksualnih radnji u cilju izazivanja seksualnog uzbuđenja. Slično je, ali se i razlikuje od erotike, mada se dva termina često koriste kao sinonimi.
Uopšte, termin „erotika“ se koristi kada se želi naglasiti umetnički kvalitet, senzualnost ili nagoveštena seksualnost, dok termin „pornografija“ najčešće označava eksplicitne seksualne činove.[1] Linija između „erotike“ i „pornografije“ je često veoma subjektivna i prvi izraz se češće koristi u pozitivnijem smislu dok „pornografija“ uglavnom ima negativnije konotacije.
Pornografija se javlja u raznim medijima — pisanom i čitanom tekstu, fotografijama, skulpturama, crtežima, pokretnim slikama (uključujući i animacije) i zvukovima kao što su teško disanje i zvukovi koji podsećaju na vođenje ljubavi. Pornografski filmovi, u žargonu pornić, kombinuju pokretne slike, izrečene erotske tekstove i/ili druge erotske zvuke, dok novine često kombinuju fotografije i pisani tekst. Romani i kratke priče daju pisani tekst, ponekad uz ilustracije. I živi nastup (performans) se takođe može nazvati pornografskim.
[uredi | uredi izvor]Lюdi iz raznih civilizacija su stvarali dela koja prikazuju eksplicitan seks; među njima su artefakti, muzika, poezija i freske, među ostalim, koji se često prepliću sa religijskim i nadprirodnim temama.[2] Najstariji artefakti, uključujući Veneru Hohle-Fels, koji se smatraju pornografskim, otkriveni su 2008. godine n.e. u pećini blizu Štutgarta u Nemačkoj, radiokarbonska analiza predlaže da imaju najmanje 35.000 godina i da pripadaju orinjačkom periodu.[3][4]
Ogroman broj artefakata pronađenih u drevnoj Mesopotamiji sadržao je eksplicitne prikaze heteroseksualnog seksa.[5] Gliptička umetnost šumerske rane dinastičke periode često prikazuje scene frontalnog seksa u misionarskoj pozi.[6][7] Na mesopotamskim obećajućim tablicama s početka drugog milenijuma pre naše ere obično je prikazan muškarac koji prodire u ženu od pozadi, dok ona nagnuta pije pivo kroz slamku.[8][9]
Visokorazvijena kultura vizuelne erotike procvetala je u Japanu u doba ranog novog vremena.[10][11] Barem od 17. veka erotska umetnička dela postala su deo glavne društvene kulture. Prikazi polnog akta su često predstavljani na slikama, koje su bile namenjene za polno obrazovanje medicinskih radnika, kurtizana i bračnih parova. Makura-e (slike na jastucima) su pravljene za zabavu, ali i kao vodič za bračne parove.[12]
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[uredi | uredi izvor]Reference
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^
- ^ „The Pornography Industry: What Everyone Needs to Know”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „The Venus Of Hohle Fels Is The Oldest Statue Depicting A Woman’s Figure”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „5 Oldest Artifacts Ever Discovered”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Daily Life in Ancient Mesopotamia”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Gods, Demons and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „History of Pornography”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Women in Ancient Mesopotamia”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Mesopotamian Civilization: The material foundations (1997)”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Review of "Shunga: Sex and Pleasure in Japanese Art" British Museum (exhibition catalogue), 2014”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „Japanese Erotic Art Shunga – Learn All About This Art Form”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
- ^ „pornography”. Pristupljeno 24. 3. 2024.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Bright, Susie (1990). Susie Sexpert's lesbian sex world
. Pittsburgh: Cleis Press. ISBN 9780939416356.
- Bright, Susie (1992). Susie Bright's sexual reality: a virtual sex world reader. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: Cleis Press. ISBN 9780939416592. Both of Bright's books challenge any equations between feminism and anti-pornography positions.
- Hunter, Jack (14. 9. 2012), „Art or obscene? (blog)”, Ur.: Dodson, Betty, Feminism and free speech: pornography, Feminists for Free Expression 1993, Pristupljeno 8. 5. 2002
- Ellis, Kate (1988). Caught looking: feminism, pornography & censorship (2nd izd.). Seattle: Real Comet Press. ISBN 9780941104234.
- Griffin, Susan (1981). Pornography and silence: culture's revenge against nature
. New York: Harper & Row. ISBN 9780060116477.
- Gever, Matthew (3. 12. 1998). „Pornography helps women, society”. Daily Bruin. UCLA. Arhivirano iz originala 01. 01. 2012. g. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011. Student run newspaper.
- Gregory, Michele. „Pro-Sex Feminism: Redefining Pornography (or, a study in alliteration: the pro pornography position paper)”. Arhivirano iz originala 9. 8. 2002. g. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011.
- Juno, Andrea; Vale, V. (jesen 1991). Angry women. RE/Search. 13. Re/Search Publications. ISBN 9780940642249. Performance artists and literary theorists who challenge Dworkin and MacKinnon.
- McElroy, Wendy (29. 6. 2000). „You are what you read?”. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011. Defends the availability of pornography, and condemns feminist anti-pornography campaigns.
- McElroy, Wendy. „A feminist overview of pornography, ending in a defense thereof”. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011.
- McElroy, Wendy. „A feminist defense of pornography”. Council for Secular Humanism. Arhivirano iz originala 1. 9. 2013. g. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011.
- Newitz, Annalee (8. 5. 2002). „Obscene feminists: why women are leading the battle against censorship”. San Francisco Bay Guardian. San Francisco Newspaper Company. Pristupljeno 3. 7. 2011.
- Strossen, Nadine (2000). Defending pornography: free speech, sex, and the fight for women's rights. New York London: New York University Press. ISBN 9780814781494.
- Review of Strossen's book: Blumen, Jonathan (novembar 1995). „Nadine Strossen: pornography must be tolerated”. The Ethical Spectacle. 1 (11).
- Tucker, Scott (1990). „Gender, fucking, and utopia: an essay in response to John Stoltenberg's Refusing to Be a Man”. Social Text. 27 (27): 3—34. JSTOR 466305. doi:10.2307/466305. Critique of Stoltenberg and Dworkin's positions on pornography and power.
- Williams, Linda (1989). Hard core: power, pleasure, and the "frenzy of the visible"
. Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520066533.
- Also as: Williams, Linda (1999). Hard core: power, pleasure, and the "frenzy of the visible" (Expanded paperback izd.). Berkeley: University of California Press. ISBN 9780520219434.
- Williams, Linda, ur. (2004). Porn studies. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press. ISBN 9780822333128.
- Assiter, Alison (1989). Pornography, feminism, and the individual. London Winchester, Massachusetts: Pluto Press. ISBN 9780745303192. Assiter advocates seeing pornography as epitomizing a wider problem of oppression, exploitation and inequality which needs to be better understood.
- Carse, Alisa L. (februar 1995). „Pornography: an uncivil liberty?”. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 10 (1): 155—182. JSTOR 3810463. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.1995.tb01358.x. An argument for approaches to end harm to women caused by pornography.
- Davies, Alex (mart 2014). „How to silence content with porn, context and loaded questions”. European Journal of Philosophy. 24 (2): 498—522. doi:10.1111/ejop.12075. (Online version before inclusion in an issue.) An illustration of Catharine Mackinnon's theory that pornography silence's women's speech, this illustration differs from one given by Rae Langton (below).
- Hill, Judith M. (jun 1987). „Pornography and degradation”. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 2 (2): 39—54. JSTOR 3810015. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.1987.tb01064.x. A critique of the pornographic industry within a Kantian ethical framework.
- Kimmel, Michael (1990). Men confront pornography. New York: Crown. ISBN 9780517569313. A variety of essays that try to assess ways that pornography may take advantage of men.
- Langton, Rae (jesen 1993). „Speech acts and unspeakable acts”. Philosophy & Public Affairs. 22 (4): 293—330. JSTOR 2265469. Pdf. A description of Catharine Mackinnon's theory that pornography silence's women's speech, this description differs from the one given by Alex Davies (above).
- Lubben, Shelley. Secondary negative effects on employees of the pornographic industry (PDF). Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 23. 3. 2012. g.
- MacKinnon, Catharine (1983). „Not a moral issue”. Yale Law & Policy Review. 2 (2): 321—345. JSTOR 40239168. Pdf. An argument that pornography is one element of an unjust institution of the subordination of women to men.
- MacKinnon, Catharine A. (1987), „Francis Biddle's sister: pornography, civil rights, and speech”, Ur.: MacKinnon, Catharine A., Feminism unmodified: discourses on life and law, Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, str. 177, 181 and 193, ISBN 9780674298743. Preview. An argument that pornography silences women therefore acting as an infringement of free speech (see Davies above, and Langton, also above).
- MacKinnon, Catharine A. (januar 1989). „Sexuality, pornography, and method: "Pleasure under Patriarchy"”. Ethics. 99 (2): 314—346. JSTOR 2381437. S2CID 170231533. doi:10.1086/293068.
- Vadas, Melinda (septembar 1987). „A first look at the Pornography/Civil Rights Ordinance: could pornography be the subordination of women?”. The Journal of Philosophy. 84 (9): 487—511. JSTOR 2027061. doi:10.5840/jphil198784938. A defence of the Dworkin-MacKinnon definition and condemnation of pornography employing putatively relatively rigorous analysis.
- See also: Parent, W. A. (april 1990). „A second look at pornography and the subordination of women”. The Journal of Philosophy. 87 (4): 205—211. JSTOR 2026681. doi:10.2307/2026681. A criticism of Vadas' paper.
- Vadas, Melinda (avgust 1992). „The Pornography/Civil Rights Ordinance v. The BOG: and the winner is…?”. Hypatia: A Journal of Feminist Philosophy. 7 (3): 94—109. JSTOR 3809874. doi:10.1111/j.1527-2001.1992.tb00906.x. An argument that pornography increases women's vulnerability to rape.
- Various (1988). Pornography and sexual violence: evidence of the links. The complete transcript of Public Hearings on Ordinances to Add Pornography as Discrimination Against Women: Minneapolis City Council, Government Operations Committee, 12 and 13 December 1983. London: Everywoman. ISBN 9781870868006. A representation of the causal connections between pornography and violence towards women.
- Whisnant, Rebecca (2015), „Not your father's Playboy, not your mother's feminist movement: feminism in porn”, Ur.: Kiraly, Miranda; Tyler, Meagan, Freedom fallacy: the limits of liberal feminism, Ballarat, Victoria: Connor Court Publishing, ISBN 9781925138542.
- Vance, Carole, ur. (1984). Pleasure and danger: exploring female sexuality. Boston: Routledge & K. Paul. ISBN 9780710202482. Collection of papers from 1982 conference; visible and divisive split between anti-pornography activists and lesbian S&M theorists.
- Real Your Brain on Porn. Retrieved 2019-04-14.
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- „American Porn”. Frontline. PBS. Pristupljeno 1. 2. 2014. Interactive web site companion to a Frontline documentary exploring the pornography industry within the United States.
- Susannah Breslin, Contributor (20. 12. 2013). „LEADERSHIP: What Porn Stars Do When The Porn Industry Shuts Down”. Forbes.
- Kutchinsky, Berl, Professor of Criminology: The first law that legalized pornography (Denmark)
- Patricia Davis, PhD, Simon Noble & Rebecca J. White (2010). The History of Modern Pornography.
- American judge orders parents to pay $30,441 for disposing adult son's porn collection (27 August 2021). Associated Press.
- Diamond, M. and Uchiyama, A. (1999). „Pornography, Rape and Sex Crimes in Japan”. International Journal of Law and Psychiatry. 22 (1): 1—22. PMID 10086287. doi:10.1016/s0160-2527(98)00035-1. Arhivirano iz originala 16. 2. 2007. g.
- „Pornography and Censorship”. Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
- From teledildonics to interactive porn: the future of sex in a digital age (2014-06-06), The Guardian