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Razgovor s korisnikom:לערי ריינהארט

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The phonetic transcription of « לערי ריינהארט » is /lɛʁi ʁɑjnhɑʁt/ (leri raynhart).
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Welcome‎ לערי ריינהארט to Vikipedija!

[uredi izvor]
‫·‏לערי ריינהארט‏·‏T‏·‏m‏:‏Th‏·‏T‏·‏email me‏·‏‬ 04:46, 26. septembar 2015. (CEST)[odgovori]


[uredi izvor]
Pozdrav, לערי ריינהארט. Dobro došli na Vikipediju na srpskom jeziku!
Zdravo, לערי ריינהארט. Hvala na učešću u projektu. Nadamo se da ćete uživati u saradnji i da će vam boravak s nama biti prijatan.
Vikipedija na srpskom jeziku je slobodna enciklopedija koja je nastala 2003. godine. Od tada smo uspostavili različita pravila u našoj zajednici. Odvojite malo vremena i pročitajte sledeće teme, pre nego što počnete da uređujete Vikipediju.
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Potpisujte se na stranicama za razgovor pomoću četiri tilde (~~~~) ili klikom na dugme koje se nalazi iznad uređivačkog prozora — time dodajete vaše korisničko ime, trenutno vreme i datum. Takođe, nemojte se potpisivati u člancima.

Pre nego što počnete s uređivanjem članaka, pročitajte važne napomene o pisanju srpskim jezikom na Vikipediji.

Članci na Vikipediji na srpskom jeziku mogu se potpuno ravnopravno uređivati ćirilicom i latinicom, ekavicom i ijekavicom, ali nije dozvoljeno mešanje pisama niti izgovora u istom članku. Izmene latinicom u ćiriličkom tekstu (i obrnuto) i izmene „osisanom” latinicom, odnosno ASCII-jem, biće uklonjene bez odlaganja.

Nadamo se da ćete uživati sa nama doprinoseći Vikipediji i da ćete postati njen stalni korisnik. Ukoliko imate bilo kakva pitanja, slobodno se obratite meni ili drugim urednicima na nekoj od stranica na Trgu. Još jednom, dobro došli na Vikipediju, projekat slobodne enciklopedije. Srećan rad!

Pozdrav. Dobrodošao.Nebojša Bozalo 03:13, 6 Jan 2005 (CET)

  • Dear Bonzo! I was very surprised about your great work on dog breeds. I understand only a litle Serbian bacause of basic knowlede of Russian.
  • Some months ago I spend a lot of time linking all the articles about dog breeds in the languages I could find. Later I made a lot of testings at test: (not active now) and made reports to bugzilla:.
  • Regarding Category:Rase pasa and Klasifikacija rasa po azbučnom redu I have the following remarks:
    • You use extra lines when you make lists. I think it looks bether without.

  • At Klasifikacija rasa po azbučnom redu you have [[Категорија:Расе паса]]. I think it is better to show that this is a "special" article using one of the following:
    • [[Category:Rase pasa| ]] (space)
    • [[Category:Rase pasa|!]] "!"
    • [[Category:Rase pasa|*]] "*"
  • Then it will be easier also for nonspeakers of Serbian or people not knowing the en:Cyrillic alphabet to find this article (such main articles).
  • I will look at these articles at a later time. Regards Gangleri | Th | T 02:01, 30 Jan 2005 (CET)
[uredi izvor]

What I have linked in the past

[uredi izvor]
[uredi izvor]


[uredi izvor]

My English write is bad. I read well. I wish to invite Serbian breader to assistance, i prepare tables. Thanks for your help, i need it :). Your help table is excellent. --Nebojša Bozalo 00:53, 11 Feb 2005 (CET)

  • At Klasifikacija rasa po azbučnom redu you have [[Категорија:Расе паса]]. I think it is better to show that this is a "special" article using one of the following:
    • [[Category:Rase pasa| ]] (space)
    • [[Category:Rase pasa|!]] "!"
    • [[Category:Rase pasa|*]] "*"

Please give me exsample on doberman.Thanks --Nebojša Bozalo 01:16, 11 Feb 2005 (CET)

[uredi izvor]

P.S. You can see the newest changes in a category with Posebno:Recentchangeslinked/Category:Rase pasa. 22:26, 17 Feb 2005 (CET)

plese see m:Interwiki bot--Shizhao 07:24, 4 Mar 2005 (CET)

Tools for comparing pages

[uredi izvor]

I started to work on it. In this moment I can get two pages, say some number which describe their differences and to do something depending of nuber size; bigger number means bigger difference; 0 say that there are no differences. Statistic method is still pure and it can be upgraded (I'll talk with my friend to make statistics better). My method is similar to so called "edit distances" (, but (as I think) much faster because it doesn't go to "if" statement; and because of that it can compare texts (not only words or phrases). Using this method Korisnik:Millbot can guess is text written in Cyrillic, Latin or Latin ASCII alphabet. You can find the code at Documentation is inside of code, but I can help you to affiliate it with your needs. Also, I would like if someone who knows Python wants to help me :) --Miloš Rančić (razgovor) 21:11, 25 Mar 2005 (CET)

User rename

[uredi izvor]

Done :) --FiliP 11:01, 17. decembar 2007. (CET)[odgovori]