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S Vikipedije, slobodne enciklopedije

Sporoi (grč. Σπόροι) ili Spori je prema vizantijskom piscu Prokopiju (500-560) bilo staro ime za Ante i Slovene. Prokopije tvrdi da su Sloveni i Anti govorili istim jezikom, ali nije izvodio njihovo zajedničko poreklo od Veneta (kao Jordanes), nego od naroda koje on naziva Sporoi.[1]

Rimski činovnik Jordanes napisao je o Slovenima u svom delu Getika (551): "premda potiču od jednog naroda, nose tri imena, a to su: Veneti, Anti i Sklaveni (ab unastirpe exorti, tria nomina ediderunt, id est Veneti, Antes, Sclaveni); ili modernim rečnikom rečeno Zapadni Sloveni, Istočni Sloveni i Južni Sloveni.[2] Tvrdi da su Veneti bili preci Slovena i Anta i dodaje da su nekada zvali Veneti a da se sada obično (mada ne bez izuzetka) zovu Sloveni i Anti.[3]

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Reference[uredi | uredi izvor]

  1. ^ Gruševsьkiй, Poppe & Skorupsky 1997, str. 57
  2. ^ Kmietowicz, Frank A. (1976). Ancient Slavs. Worzalla Publishing Company. „Jordanes left no doubt that the Antes were of Slavic origin, when he wrote: 'ab unastirpe exorti, tria nomina ediderunt, id est Veneti, Antes, Sclaveni' (although they derive from one nation, now they are known under three names, the Veneti , Antes and Sclaveni). The Veneti were the West Slavs, the Antes thf; Fast Slavs and the_Srlaveni, the South or Balkan Slavs. 
  3. ^ Getica, str. 5

Literatura[uredi | uredi izvor]

  • Kmietowicz, Frank A. (1976). Ancient Slavs. Worzalla Publishing Company. „Jordanes left no doubt that the Antes were of Slavic origin, when he wrote: 'ab unastirpe exorti, tria nomina ediderunt, id est Veneti, Antes, Sclaveni' (although they derive from one nation, now they are known under three names, the Veneti , Antes and Sclaveni). The Veneti were the West Slavs, the Antes thf; Fast Slavs and the_Srlaveni, the South or Balkan Slavs. 
  • Barford, Paul M. (2001). The Early Slavs: Culture and Society in Early Medieval Eastern Europe. Cornell University Press. str. 36. ISBN 978-0-8014-3977-3.