Fransis Drejk
Fransis Drejk | |
![]() Drejk, slika iz 1591. | |
Lični podaci | |
Datum rođenja | oko 1540. |
Mesto rođenja | Tavistok, Engleska |
Datum smrti | 27. januar 1596.55/56 god.) ( |
Mesto smrti | Portobelo, Panama |
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Ser Fransis Drejk (engl. Sir Francis Drake; Tavistok, oko 1540 — Portobelo, 27. januar 1596)[1] bio je engleski gusar, trgovac robljem,[2][3][4] moreplovac, pomorski junak, političar i građevinski inženjer u elizabetanskom dobu. On je bio prvi Englez koji je oplovio Zemlju od 1577. do 1580. i postao vitez odlukom kraljice Elizabete I. On je bio zamenik komandira engleske flote. Drejk je najpoznatiji po svom obilasku sveta u jednoj ekspediciji, od 1577. do 1580. To je uključivalo njegov upad u Tihi okean, do tada područje od ekskluzivnog španskog interesa, i njegov zahtev za Novi Albion za Englesku, područje koje je sada |američka država Kalifornija. Njegova ekspedicija započela je doba sukoba sa Špancima na zapadnoj obali Amerike,[5] područja koje su zapadne flote ranije uglavnom ostavile neistraženim.[6] Godine 1586. preneo krompir u Evropu iz Severne Amerike.[7]
Gusarskim napadima na španske brodove doprineo je engleskom osvajanju kolonija, posebno u Severnoj Americi, imao značajnu ulogu u pobedi britanske ratne mornarice 1588. godine nad španskom „Nepobedivom armadom“ u bici na Lamanšu.[5][6] Nakon što je neuspešno napao San Huan u Portoriku, umro je od dizenterije u januaru 1596.[8] Drejkovi podvizi učinili su ga herojem za Engleze, ali njegovo gusarenje navelo je Špance da ga označe piratom, poznatim kao El Draque.[9] Španski kralj Filip II navodno je ponudio nagradu od 20.000 dukata za njegovo hvatanje ili smrt,[10] oko 6 miliona funti (8 miliona US dolara) u savremenoj valuti.[11]
Rođenje i rane godine
[uredi | uredi izvor]Fransis Drejk rođen je u Tavistoku, Devon, Engleska. Iako datum njegovog rođenja nije zvanično zabeležen, poznato je da je rođen dok je bili na snazi šest članaka. Njegov datum rođenja se procenjuje iz savremenih izvora kao što su: "Drejk je imao dvadeset dve godine kada je pod njegovu komandu stavljena Džudit"[12] (1566). To bi datiralo njegovo rođenje na 1544. godinu. Iz dva portreta proizilazi datum oko 1540. godine: jedan je minijatura koju je naslikao Nikolas Hilijard 1581. godine kada je navodno da je imao 42 godine, dakle rođen je oko 1539. godine, dok je drugi, naslikan 1594. godine kada je za njega rečeno da ima 52 godine,[13] iz čega sledi da je njegova godina rođenja oko 1541. Dama Eliot-Drejk, kolateralni potomak i poslednji nosilac Drejkovog baronstva, tvrdila je u svojoj knjizi o 'Porodici i naslednicima ser Fransisa Drejka' da je Drejkova godina rođenja bila 1541.[14]
On je bio najstariji od dvanaest sinova[15] Edmunda Drejka (1518–1585), protestantskog farmera, i njegove supruge Meri Majlvej. Navodno je prvi sin dobio ime po svom kumu Fransisu Raselu, drugom grofu od Bedforda.[16][17]
Zbog verskih progona tokom Pobune molitvenika 1549. godine, porodica Drejk je prebegla iz Devona u Kent. Tamo je Drejkov otac dobio imenovanje vojnog sveštenika u Kraljevskoj mornarici. Zaređen je za đakona i postavljen je za vikara od Apnora crkve na Medveju.[18] Drejkov otac je uposlio Fransisa kao šegrta kod komšije, brodarskog majstora i radili su na plovilu koje se koristio za obalsku trgovinu, prevozeći robu u Francusku.[18] Zapovednik broda bio je toliko zadovoljan ponašanjem mladog Drejka da je, budući da je bio neoženjen i bez dece, on zaveštao barku Drejku.[18]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Paris Profiles. Bibliothéque Nationale, Paris. str. Portfolio 17.
- ^ Loades 2007.
- ^ Lane, Kris E. (1998). „Smugglers, Pirates, and Privateers: The Elizabethans”. Pillaging the empire: piracy in the Americas, 1500-1750 (na jeziku: engleski). Armonk, N.Y.: M.E. Sharpe. ISBN 0-7656-0256-3.
- ^ Hughes-Hallett 2004.
- ^ a b Wallis, Helen (1984). „The Cartography of Drake's Voyage”. Ur.: Norman J. W. Thrower. Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577–1580: Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of Drake's Circumnavigation of the Earth. University of California Press. str. 143. ISBN 978-0-520-04876-8.
- ^ a b Soto Rodríguez, José Antonio (2006). „La defensa hispana del Reino de Chile” (PDF). Tiempo y Espacio (na jeziku: španski). 16. Arhivirano (PDF) iz originala 11. 1. 2017. g. Pristupljeno 30. 1. 2016.
- ^ „Sir Walter Raleigh – American colonies”. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 5. 2012. g.
- ^ According to the English calendar then in use, Drake's date of death was 28 January 1595, as the new year began on 25 March.
- ^ His name in Latinised form was Franciscus Draco ("Francis the Dragon"). See Theodor de Bry Arhivirano 2011-08-22 na sajtu Wayback Machine.
- ^ Cummins, John (1997). Francis Drake: The Lives of a Hero. St. Martin's Press. str. 126. ISBN 978-0-312-16365-5.
- ^ Hanna, Mark G. (22. 10. 2015). Pirate Nests and the Rise of the British Empire, 1570-1740. UNC Press Books. str. 46. ISBN 978-1-4696-1795-4.
- ^ Campbell, John (1841). Lives of the British Admirals and Naval History of Great Britain from the Time of Caesar to the Chinese War of 1841 Chiefly Abridged from the work of Dr. John Campbell. Glasgow: Richard Griffin & Co. str. 104. ISBN 9780665347566. OCLC 12129656. Arhivirano iz originala 25. 11. 2015. g. Pristupljeno 30. 8. 2012. Direct quote is followed by "this carries back his birth to 1544, at which time the six articles were in force, and Francis Russell was seventeen years of age."
- ^ 1921/22 edition of the Dictionary of National Biography, which quotes Barrow's Life of Drake (1843) p. 5.
- ^ Fuller-Elliot-Drake, Elisabeth (1911). The Family and Heirs of Sir Francis Drake. London: Smith, Elder & co. str. 2, 21—22.
- ^ Thomson, George Malcolm , 'Sir Francis Drake', William Morrow & Company Inc. Thomson, George Malcolm (1972). Sir Francis Drake. Secker and Warburg. ISBN 978-0-436-52049-5.
- ^ „Francis Drake bio”. Tudor Place. Arhivirano iz originala 29. 11. 2010. g. Pristupljeno 25. 2. 2010.
- ^ Froude, James Anthony (1896). English Seamen in the Sixteenth Century. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons. Quote: "He told Camden that he was of mean extraction. He meant merely that he was proud of his parents and made no idle pretensions to noble birth. His father was a tenant of the Earl of Bedford, and must have stood well with him, for Francis Russell, the heir of the earldom, was the boy's godfather."
- ^ a b v Southey, Robert (1897). English Seamen: Howard, Clifford, Hawkins, Drake, Cavendish. London: Methuen and Co.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Bawlf, Sam (2003). The Secret Voyage of Sir Francis Drake, 1577–1580. Walker and Co. ISBN 0-8027-1405-6.
- Bergreen, Laurence (2021). In Search of a Kingdom: Francis Drake, Elizabeth I, and the Perilous Birth of the British Empire. Custom House. ISBN 978-0062875358.
- Childs, David (2009). Tudor Sea Power: The Foundation of Greatness. Seaforth Publishing. ISBN 9781848320314.
- Coote, Stephen (2005). Drake: The Life and Legend of an Elizabethan Hero. New York: Thomas Dunne Books. ISBN 9780743468701.
- Corbett, Julian (1890). Sir Francis Drake. Macmillan and Co.
- Hughes-Hallett, Lucy (2004). Heroes: A History of Hero Worship. Alfred A. Knopf. ISBN 1-4000-4399-9.
- Kelsey, Harry (2000). Sir Francis Drake: The Queen's Pirate. Yale University Press. ISBN 978-0-300-08463-4.
- Kelsey, Harry (2004). „Drake, Sir Francis (1540–1596)”. Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (online izd.). Oxford University Press. doi:10.1093/ref:odnb/8022. (Subscription or UK public library membership required.)
- Lamb, W. Kaye (1979) [1966]. „Drake, Sir Francis”. Ur.: Brown, George Williams. Dictionary of Canadian Biography. I (1000–1700) (online izd.). University of Toronto Press.
- Loades, David (2007). „Drake, Francis (1540–1595) English seaman and circumnavigator”. Ur.: Hattendorf, John J. The Oxford Encyclopedia of Maritime History (na jeziku: engleski). Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 9780195307405. Nepoznati parametar
ignorisan (pomoć) - Mattingly, Garett (1959). The Defeat of the Spanish Armada. Houghton Mifflin Company.. Received a special citation from the Pulitzer Prize committee in 1960.
- Maynarde, Thomas (2020-06-10). Sir Francis Drake his voyage, 1595 — preko Internet Archive.
- Quinn, David B. (1996). Sir Francis Drake as seen by his contemporaries: an essay. Providence, R.I.: John Carter Brown Library.
- Rodger, N. A. M. (1997). The Safeguard of the Sea: A Naval History of Britain 660–1649. London.
- Sugden, John (2006) [1990]. Sir Francis Drake. United Kingdom: Pimlico. ISBN 978-1-8441-3762-6.
- Whitfield, Peter (2004). Sir Francis Drake. NYU Press. str. 8. ISBN 9780814794036.
- Wilson, Derek (1977). The World Encompassed: Drake's Great Voyage, 1577–80. Harper & Row. ISBN 9780060146795.
- Hakluyt, Richard (1880). Payne, Edward John, ur. Voyages of the Elizabethan seamen to America. Thirteen original narratives from the collection of Hakluyt. London: Thos. de la Rue & Co.
- Andrews, Kenneth (1984). Trade, Plunder and Settlement: Maritime Enterprise and the Genesis of the British Empire, 1480-1630. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0521276986.
- Beding, Silvio A, ur. (2016). The Christopher Columbus Encyclopedia. Beding Springer. ISBN 9781349125739.
- Bicheno, Hugh (2012). Elizabeth's Sea Dogs: How England's Mariners Became the Scourge of the Seas. Conway. ISBN 978-1844861743.
- Bown, Stephen R. (2012). 1494: How a Family Feud in Medieval Spain Divided the World in Half. St. Martin's Press. ISBN 9781429941303.
- Bradley, Peter (2009). Spain and the Defence of Peru, 1579-1700. Bradley. ISBN 9781409297123.
- Benson, E.F (2015). Sir Francis Drake. Books on Demand. ISBN 9783734004797.
- Bundschuh, Jochen; Alvarado, Guillermo E, ur. (2012). Central America, Two Volume Set: Geology, Resources and Hazards. CRC Press. ISBN 9780203947043.
- Crompton, Samuel Willard; Goetzmann, William H (2009). Francis Drake and the Oceans of the World Explorers of New Lands Series. Infobase Publishing. ISBN 9781438102474.
- Dean, James Seay (2013). Tropics Bound: Elizabeth's Seadogs on the Spanish Main. History Press. ISBN 9780752496689.
- Flanagan, Adrian (2017). The Cape Horners' Club: Tales of Triumph and Disaster at the World's Most Feared Cape. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781472912541.
- Guasco, Michael (2014). Slaves and Englishmen: Human Bondage in the Early Modern Atlantic World. University of Pennsylvania Press. ISBN 9780812245783.
- Hoffman, Paul E (1999). The Spanish Crown and the Defense of the Caribbean, 1535–1585: Precedent, Patrimonialism, and Royal Parsimony. LSU Press. ISBN 9780807124277.
- Kaufmann, Miranda (2017). Black Tudors: The Untold Story. Oneworld Publications. ISBN 9781786071859.
- Konstam, Angus (2011). The Great Expedition: Sir Francis Drake on the Spanish Main - 1585-86 (Raid). Osprey. ISBN 978-1-84908-245-7.
- Lane, Kris; Bialuschewski, Arne, ur. (2019). Piracy in the Early Modern Era: An Anthology of Sources. Hackett Publishing. ISBN 9781624668265.
- Lawson, Philip (2014). The East India Company: A History Studies In Modern History. Routledge. ISBN 9781317897651.
- Loades, D. M (2003). Reader's Guide to British History, Volume 2. Fitzroy Dearborn. ISBN 9781579582425.
- Lindsay, Ivan (2014). The History of Loot and Stolen Art: from Antiquity until the Present Day. Andrews UK Limited. ISBN 9781906509569.
- Marley, David (2008). Wars of the Americas: A Chronology of Armed Conflict in the Western Hemisphere. ABC CLIO. ISBN 9781598841008.
- Mason, A. E. W (2018). The Life of Francis Drake. Pickle Partners Publishing. ISBN 9781789125771.
- Mitchell, Andrew W, ur. (1981). Operation Drake, Voyage of Discovery. Severn House. ISBN 9780727820075.
- Oakeshott, Walter (2010). Founded Upon the Seas: A Narrative of Some English Maritime and Overseas Enterprises During the Period 1550 to 1616. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781108013420.
- Perry, Maria (1996). The Word of a Prince: A Life of Elizabeth I from Contemporary Documents. Boydell Press. ISBN 978-0-85115-633-0.
- Spate, Oskar Hermann Khristian (2004). The Spanish Lake. Volume 1 of Pacific since Magellan. ANU E Press. ISBN 9781920942168.
- Sugden, John (2012). Sir Francis Drake. Random House. ISBN 9781448129508.
- Thrower, Norman Joseph William (1984). Sir Francis Drake and the Famous Voyage, 1577-1580: Essays Commemorating the Quadricentennial of Drake's Circumnavigation of the Earth. University of California Press. ISBN 9780520048768.
- Wagner, John (2013). Historical Dictionary of the Elizabethan World: Britain, Ireland, Europe and America. Routledge. ISBN 9781136597619.
- Wilson, Derek (1998). The World Encompassed: Drake's Great Voyage 1577-1580 Drake's Great Voyage 1577-1580. Allison & Busby. ISBN 9780749003227.
- Cassels, Sir Simon (avgust 2003). „Where Did Drake Careen The Golden Hind in June/July 1579? A Mariner's Assessment”. The Mariner's Mirror. 89 (1): 260—271. S2CID 161710358. doi:10.1080/00253359.2003.10659292.
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Vice Admiral Sir Francis Drake c1540-1596
- Oliver Seeler's website "Sir Francis Drake"
- Francis Drake
- Mission to rescue Drake's body
- Children's books on Drake
- Hand-coloured map depicting Sir Francis Drake's attack on Saint Augustine from the State Archives of Florida
- Kraus Collection of Sir Francis Drake From the Rare Book and Special Collections Division at the Library of Congress
- Drake's methods of Navigation Arhivirano na veb-sajtu Wayback Machine (16. januar 2008)
- England's first slave trader
- „Queen Elizabeth I's Sea Dogs”. History Press. Macmillian Distribution.