Hugenoti su francuski protestanti, pripadnici Protestantske reformističke crkve Francuske. Takođe su poznati kao francuski kalvinisti.[1]
Poznati hugenot je bio Enrike od Navare, budući kralj Anri IV od Francuske, koji je morao da se odrekne protestantizma kako bi spasao život u pokolju hugenota koji se desio 24. avgusta 1572, poznatom kao Vartolomejska noć.
Hugenotske pobune 1620-ih rezultirale su ukidanjem njihovih političkih i vojnih privilegija. Zadržali su verske odredbe Nantskog edikta sve do vladavine Luja XIV, koji je postepeno pojačavao progon protestantizma sve dok nije izdao Edikt iz Fontenbloa (1685). Time je okončano pravno priznavanje protestantizma u Francuskoj i hugenoti su bili primorani da ili pređu u katoličanstvo (verovatno kao nikodemiti) ili da pobegnu kao izbeglice; bili su podvrgnuti nasilnim dragonadama. Luj XIV je tvrdio da je populacija francuskih hugenota smanjena sa oko 900.000 ili 800.000 pristalica na samo 1.000 ili 1.500. On je preuveličao pad, ali dragonade su bile razorne za francusku protestantsku zajednicu. Egzodus hugenota iz Francuske doveo je do odliva mozgova, jer su mnogi od njih zauzimali važna mesta u društvu.[2][3][4]
Preostali hugenoti su se suočili sa kontinuiranim progonom pod Lujem XV. U vreme njegove smrti 1774, kalvinizam je bio skoro eliminisan iz Francuske. Progon protestanata je zvanično okončan Versajskim ediktom, koji je potpisao Luj XVI 1787. Dve godine kasnije, Revolucionarnom deklaracijom o pravima čoveka i građanina iz 1789, protestanti su stekli jednaka prava kao građani.[5]
[uredi | uredi izvor]Hugenotski krst je prepoznatljivi amblem hugenota (croix huguenote). Sada je zvanični simbol Église des Protestants réformés (Francuska protestantska crkva). Potomci hugenota ponekad ovaj simbol prikazuju kao znak izviđanja (prepoznavanja) među njima.[6]
[uredi | uredi izvor]Pitanje demografske snage i geografskog širenja reformisane tradicije u Francuskoj pokriveno je u raznim izvorima. Većina njih se slaže da je hugenotska populacija dostigla čak 10% ukupne populacije, ili oko 2 miliona ljudi, uoči masakra na dan Svetog Vartolomeja 1572.[7][8]
Novo učenje Džona Kalvina privuklo je značajne delove plemstva i urbane buržoazije. Nakon što je Džon Kalvin uveo reformaciju u Francuskoj, broj francuskih protestanata se tokom decenije između 1560. i 1570. godine neprekidno rastao do oko deset procenata stanovništva, ili približno 1,8 miliona ljudi.[7] U istom periodu u Francuskoj je delovalo oko 1.400 reformiranih crkava.[7] Hans J. Hilerbrand, stručnjak za tu temu, u svojoj Enciklopediji protestantizma: Četvorotomni set tvrdi da je hugenotska zajednica dostigla čak 10% francuskog stanovništva uoči masakra na dan Svetog Vartolomeja, smanjujući se na 7 do 8% do kraja 16. veka, a dalje nakon snažnog progona koji je ponovo počeo ukidanjem Nanteskog edikta od strane Luja XIV iz Francuske 1685.[7]
Među plemićima, kalvinizam je dostigao vrhunac uoči masakra na Dan Svetog Vartolomeja. Od tada se potpora naglo smanjivala, jer hugenote više nisu tolerisale ni francuska kraljevska porodica, ni katoličke mase. Do kraja šesnaestog veka hugenoti su činili 7-8% celokupne populacije, ili 1,2 miliona ljudi. Do trenutka kada je Luj XIV ukinuo Nantski edikt 1685. godine, hugenoti su činili 800.000 do milion ljudi.[7]
[uredi | uredi izvor]- ^ Gilman, C. Malcolm (1962). The Huguenot Migration in Europe and America, its Cause and Effect.
- ^ Baofu, Peter (2013). The Future of Post-Human Migration: A Preface to a New Theory of Sameness, Otherness, and Identity. Cambridge Scholars Publishing. str. 243. ISBN 9781443844871.
- ^ Le Hir, Marie-Pierre (2020). French Immigrants and Pioneers in the Making of America. McFarland. str. 64. ISBN 9781476684420. „The exodus of Huguenots who left France to settle in England, Holland, Switzerland, and German principalities before sailing to British North America, created a brain drain ...”
- ^ Andrews, Kerry (2020). The Collected Works of Ann Yearsley. Taylor & Francic. str. 332. ISBN 9781000743791. „The exodus of Huguenots from France caused an early kind of 'brain drain' whereby France lost many of its most skilled workers and artisans”
- ^ Aston, (2000). Religion and Revolution in France, 1780–1804. str. 245–250.
- ^ „The National Huguenot Society - Cross of Languedoc”. Arhivirano iz originala 06. 08. 2020. g. Pristupljeno 2018-12-07.
- ^ a b v g d Hans J. Hillerbrand, Encyclopedia of Protestantism: 4-volume Set, paragraphs "France" and "Huguenots"
- ^ The Huguenot Population of France, 1600-1685: The Demographic Fate and Customs of a Religious Minority by Philip Benedict; American Philosophical Society, 1991 - 164
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Na francuskom
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Augeron Mickaël, Didier Poton et Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, dir., Les Huguenots et l'Atlantique, vol. 1: Pour Dieu, la Cause ou les Affaires, préface de Jean-Pierre Poussou, Paris, Presses de l'Université Paris-Sorbonne (PUPS), Les Indes savantes, 2009
- Augeron Mickaël, Didier Poton et Bertrand Van Ruymbeke, dir., Les Huguenots et l'Atlantique, vol. 2: Fidélités, racines et mémoires, Paris, Les Indes savantes, 2012.
- Augeron Mickaël, John de Bry, Annick Notter, dir., Floride, un rêve français (1562–1565), Paris, Illustria, 2012.
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Huguenots and Jews of the Languedoc About the inhabitants of Southern France and how they became to be called French Protestants
- Early Prayer Books of America: Being a Descriptive Account of Prayer Books Published in the United States, Mexico and Canada by Rev. John Wright, D.D. St Paul, MN: Privately Printed, 1898. Pages 188 to 210 are entitled "The Prayer Book of the French Protestants, Charleston, South Carolina." (597 pdfs)
- The French Protestant (Huguenot) Church in the city of Charleston, South Carolina. Includes history, text of memorial tablets, and the rules adopted in 1869. (1898, 40 pdfs)
- La Liturgie: ou La Manière de célébrer le service Divin; Qui est établie Dans le Eglises de la Principauté de Neufchatel & Vallangin. (1713, 160 pdfs)
- La Liturgie: ou La Manière de célébrer le service Divin; Qui est établie Dans le Eglises de la Principauté de Neufchatel & Vallangin. Revised and corrected second edition. (1737, 302 pdfs)
- La Liturgie: ou La Manière de Célébrer le Service Divin, Comme elle est établie Dans le Eglises de la Principauté de Neufchatel & Vallangin. Nouvelle édition, Augmentée de quelques Prieres, Collectes & Cantiques. (1772, 256 pdfs)
- La Liturgie: ou La Manière de Célébrer le Service Divin, qui est établie Dans le Eglises de la Principauté de Neufchatel & Vallangin. Cinquieme édition, revue, corrigée & augmentée. (1799, 232 pdfs)
- La Liturgie, ou La Manière de Célébrer le Service Divin, dans le églises du Canton de Vaud. (1807, 120 pdfs)
- The Liturgy of the French Protestant Church, Translated from the Editions of 1737 and 1772, Published at Neufchatel, with Additional Prayers, Carefully Selected, and Some Alterations: Arranged for the Use of the Congregation in the City of Charleston, S. C. Charleston, SC: James S. Burgess, 1835. (205 pdfs)
- The Liturgy of the French Protestant Church, Translated from the Editions of 1737 and 1772, Published at Neufchatel, with Additional Prayers Carefully Selected, and Some Alterations. Arranged for the Use of the Congregation in the City of Charleston, S. C. New York, NY: Charles M. Cornwell, Steam Printer, 1869. (186 pdfs)
- The Liturgy, or Forms of Divine Service, of the French Protestant Church, of Charleston, S. C., Translated from the Liturgy of the Churches of Neufchatel and Vallangin: editions of 1737 and 1772. With Some Additional Prayers, Carefully Selected. The Whole Adapted to Public Worship in the United States of America. Third edition. New York, NY: Anson D. F. Randolph & Company, 1853. 228 pp. Google Books and the Internet Archive. Available also from Making of America Books as a DLXS file or in hardcover.
- The Liturgy Used in the Churches of the Principality of Neufchatel: with a Letter from the Learned Dr. Jablonski, Concerning the Nature of Liturgies: To which is Added, The Form of Prayer lately introduced into the Church of Geneva. (1712, 143 pdfs)
- Manifesto, (or Declaration of Principles), of the French Protestant Church of London, Founded by Charter of Edward VI. 24 July, A.D. 1550. By Order of the Consistory. London, England: Messrs. Seeleys, 1850.
- Preamble and rules for the government of the French Protestant Church of Charleston: adopted at meetings of the corporation held on the 12th and the 19th of November, 1843. (1845, 26 pdfs)
- Synodicon in Gallia Reformata: or, the Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Canons of those Famous National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France by John Quick. Volume 1 of 2. (1692, 693 pdfs)
- Synodicon in Gallia Reformata: or, the Acts, Decisions, Decrees, and Canons of those Famous National Councils of the Reformed Churches in France by John Quick. Volume 2 of 2. (1692, 615 pdfs)
- Judith Still. „Huguenot”. Words of the World. Brady Haran (University of Nottingham). Arhivirano iz originala 18. 02. 2020. g. Pristupljeno 12. 08. 2020.
Spoljašnje veze
[uredi | uredi izvor]- Historic Huguenot Street
- Huguenot Fellowship
- The Huguenot Society of Australia
- Library for Huguenot History, Germany
- The National Huguenot Society Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (29. март 2011)
- The Huguenot Society of America
- Huguenot Society of Great Britain & Ireland
- Mitterrand's Apology to the Huguenots (in French)
- Who were the Huguenots? Архивирано на сајту Wayback Machine (31. децембар 2010)
- Huguenots of Spitalfields