Šablon:Cite web/dok
Ovo je dokumentaciona podstranica za Šablon:Cite web. Sadrži informacije o korišćenju, kategorijama i drugom sadržaju koji nije deo originalne stranice. |
Ovaj šablon se koristi na > 386.000 stranica, tako da će promene na njemu biti široko primećene. Molimo da bilo kakve izmene testirate na podstranicama šablona /pesak ili /testovi, ili na sopstvenoj korisničkoj podstranici. Razmislite i o pokretanju rasprave o izmenama koje nameravate da unesete na stranici za razgovor pre njihovog primenjivanja. |
Ovaj šablon se koristi u standardnoj instalaciji Autovikibrauzera (AWB). Ako ga planirate menjati, promeniti mu namenu ili nominovati za brisanje pravovremeno obavestite korisničku bazu i one koji održavaju AWB na stranici Razgovor o Vikipediji:AWB. |
Ovaj šablon koristi Lua modul: |
{{Cite arXiv}} | arXiv predštampe |
{{Cite AV media}} | audio i vizuelni |
{{Cite AV media notes}} | audio i vizuelne linijske note |
{{Cite bioRxiv}} | bioRxiv predštampe |
{{Cite book}} | knjige |
{{Cite conference}} | konferencijske novine |
{{Cite encyclopedia}} | uređene zbirke |
{{Cite episode}} | radio ili televizijske epizode |
{{Cite interview}} | intervjui |
{{Cite journal}} | akademski dnevnici i radovi |
{{Cite magazine}} | magazini, časopisi |
{{Cite mailing list}} | javne poštanske liste |
{{Cite map}} | mape |
{{Cite news}} | članci vesti |
{{Cite newsgroup}} | onlajn diskusiona grupa |
{{Cite podcast}} | podkastovi |
{{Cite press release}} | saopštenja za javnost |
{{Cite report}} | izveštaji |
{{Cite serial}} | audio ili video-serijali |
{{Cite sign}} | znaci, spomen-ploče |
{{Cite speech}} | govori |
{{Cite techreport}} | tehnički izvještaji |
{{Cite thesis}} | teze |
{{Cite web}} | veb-izvori koji nisu obuhvaćeni gorenavedenim |
Vidi još: | |
Ovaj CS1 šablon se koristi za generisanje izvora za veb izvore koji nisu okarakterisani drugim CS1 šablonom.
[uredi izvor]Kopirajte praznu verziju za korišćenje. Sva imena parametara moraju biti napisani malim slovima. Koristite „|” (cev) između svakog parametra. Obrišite neiskorišćene parametre kako biste izbegli nered u prozoru uređivanja. Neki primeri mogu uključivati trenutni datum. Ako datum nije trenutan, onda
Za reference sa zaslugom autora
Za reference bez zasluge autora
{{cite web |url= |title= |last= |first= |date= |website= |publisher= |access-date= |quote= }} |
Vertikalni spisak | Preduslovi | Kratke upute / napomene |
{{cite web |url= |title= |last= |first= |author-link= |last2= |first2= |author-link2= |date= |year= |editor-last= |editor-first= |editor-link= |editor2-last= |editor2-first= |editor2-link= |department= |website= |series= |publisher= |location= |page= |pages= |at= |language= |script-title= |trans-title= |type= |format= |arxiv= |asin= |bibcode= |doi= |doi-broken-date= |isbn= |issn= |jfm= |jstor= |lccn= |mr= |oclc= |ol= |osti= |pmc= |pmid= |rfc= |ssrn= |zbl= |id= |archive-url= |archive-date= |url-status= |access-date= |quote= |ref= |postscript= |subscription= |registration= }} |
last last last2 editor-last editor-last editor2-last url, archive-date archive-url url url |
required required |
- Ako je ime parametra u koloni Preduslovi, u pitanju je preduslov za polje levo.
Biranje između {{Cite web}} i {{Cite news}}
[uredi izvor]Pre 2014, urednici su morali da odluče da li koristiti {{Cite web}} ili {{Cite news}} na osnovu karakteristika veb-sajta. Međutim, u 2014. godini većina razlika između ova dva šablona su uklonjene.
Od 29. jula 2016, {{Cite web}} i {{Cite news}} imaju sledeće razlike:
- {{Cite news}} se može koristiti za oflajn (papirne) izvore gde {{Cite web}} generiše grešku nedostajuće URL adrese kada URL nije naveden.
- {{Cite news}} podržava parametre
dok {{Cite web}} ne podržava.
Ali kada im se da isti set validnih parametara, njihov rezultat je potpuno isti:
Cite web: | Silverman, Dwight (15. 07. 2011). „Microsoft envisions a universal OS, but it might not be called Windows”. Houston Chronicle. Hearst Corporation. Pristupljeno 26. 05. 2015. |
Cite news: | Silverman, Dwight (15. 07. 2011). „Microsoft envisions a universal OS, but it might not be called Windows”. Houston Chronicle. Hearst Corporation. Pristupljeno 26. 05. 2015. |
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |last=Doe |first=John |publisher=Open Publishing |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John (30. 04. 2005). „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |last=Doe |first=John |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John (30. 04. 2005). „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Encyclopedia of Things. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |last=Doe |first=John |date = 30. 04. 2005 |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John (30. 04. 2005). „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |last=Doe |first=John |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John. „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.nfl.com/rulebook/digestofrules |title=Digest of Rules |publisher=National Football League |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „Digest of Rules”. National Football League. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
Korišćenje parametra „format”
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.indiapost.gov.in/Pdf/Customs/List_of_Psychotropic_Substances.pdf |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |publisher=International Narcotics Control Board |format=PDF |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „List of psychotropic substances under international control” (PDF). International Narcotics Control Board. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
Strani jezik i prevedeni naslov
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=Honi soit qui mal y pense |last=Joliet |first=François |date = 30. 04. 2005 |access-date=1. фебруар 2025. |language=француски |trans-title=Нек се сраме они који мисле зло}}
- Joliet, François (30. 04. 2005). „Honi soit qui mal y pense” [Nek se srame oni koji misle zlo] (na jeziku: francuski). Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
Korišćenje parametra „author-link”
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=My Favorite Things, Part II |last=Doe |first=John |author-link=John Doe |publisher=Open Publishing |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John (30. 04. 2005). „My Favorite Things, Part II”. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=Our Favourite Things |last1=Doe |first1=John |last2=Smith |first2=Peter |last3=Smythe |first3=Jim |publisher=Open Publishing |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopaedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- Doe, John; Smith, Peter; Smythe, Jim (30. 04. 2005). „Our Favourite Things”. Encyclopaedia of Things. Open Publishing. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=Index of Sharp Things |publisher=Open Publishing |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „Index of Sharp Things”. Encyclopedia of Things. Open Publishing. 30. 04. 2005. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=Index of Sharp Things |date = 30. 04. 2005 |website=Encyclopedia of Things |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „Index of Sharp Things”. Encyclopedia of Things. 30. 04. 2005. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.example.org/ |title=Index of Sharp Things |date = 30. 04. 2005 |access-date=1. фебруар 2025.}}
- „Index of Sharp Things”. 30. 04. 2005. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |date = 30. 04. 2005 |format=PDF |access-date=1. фебруар 2025. |language=Greek}}
- „List of psychotropic substances under international control” (PDF) (na jeziku: Greek). 30. 04. 2005. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
Korišćenje parametara „archive-url” i „archive-date” (i neobavezno „url-status”) za veb-stranice koje su arhivirane
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |title=List of psychotropic substances under international control |date = 30. 04. 2005 |format=PDF |access-date=1. фебруар 2025. |archive-url=http://web.archive.org/web/20050907150136/http://www.incb.org/pdf/e/list/green.pdf |archive-date = 07. 09. 2005}}
- „List of psychotropic substances under international control” (PDF). 30. 04. 2005. Arhivirano iz originala (PDF) 07. 09. 2005. g. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
{{cite web |url=http://joanjettbadrep.com/cgi-bin/fullStory.cgi?archive=currnews&story=20060405-01shore.htm |title=Interview with Maggie Downs |date = 31. 03. 2006 |publisher=The Desert Sun |archive-url= |archive-date = 26. 04. 2006 |url-status=live}}
- „Interview with Maggie Downs”. The Desert Sun. 31. 03. 2006. Arhivirano iz originala 26. 04. 2006. g.
{{Cite web |url=http://www.wunderground.com/global/stations/03772.html |title=London, United Kingdom Forecast : Weather Underground (weather and elevation at Heathrow Airport) |publisher=The Weather Underground |access-date=1. фебруар 2025. | archive-url=http://www.webcitation.org/5yo0HaAk7 |archive-date = 19. 05. 2011 |url-status=live}}
- „London, United Kingdom Forecast : Weather Underground (weather and elevation at Heathrow Airport)”. The Weather Underground. Arhivirano iz originala 19. 05. 2011. g. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025.
Korišćenje parametra „quote”
[uredi izvor]{{cite web |url=http://www.webexhibits.org/daylightsaving/c.html |title=Daylight saving time: rationale and original idea |website=WebExhibits |year=2008 |access-date=1. фебруар 2025. |quote=... Lord Balfour came forward with a unique concern: 'Supposing some unfortunate lady was confined with twins ...'}}
- „Daylight saving time: rationale and original idea”. WebExhibits. 2008. Pristupljeno 1. februar 2025. „... Lord Balfour came forward with a unique concern: 'Supposing some unfortunate lady was confined with twins ...'”
[uredi izvor]Sintaksa
[uredi izvor]Nested parameters rely on their parent parameters:
- parent
- OR: parent2—may be used instead of parent
- child—may be used with parent (and is ignored if parent is not used)
- OR: child2—may be used instead of child (and is ignored if parent2 is not used)
- Where aliases are listed, only one of the parameters may be defined; if multiple aliased parameters are defined, then only one will show.
By default, sets of fields are terminated with a period (.).
[uredi izvor]This template embeds COinS metadata in the HTML output, allowing reference management software to retrieve bibliographic metadata. See: Wikipedia:COinS. As a general rule, only one data item per parameter. Do not include explanatory or alternate text:
- Use
|date=27 September 2007
not|date=27 September 2007 (print version 25 September)
Use of templates within the citation template, is generally discouraged as many of these templates will add a lot of extraneous HTML or CSS that will be rendered in the metadata.
COinS metadata is created for these parameters:
- any of the identifiers (
, etc)
[uredi izvor]None of the cs1|2 parameters are deprecated.
[uredi izvor]Autori
[uredi izvor]- last: Surname of a single author. Do not wikilink—use author-link instead. For corporate authors or authors for whom only one name is listed by the source, use last or one of its aliases (e.g.
). Aliases: surname, author, last1, surname1, author1.- author: this parameter is used to hold the complete name of a single author (first and last) or to hold the name of a corporate author. This parameter should never hold the names of more than one author.
- first: Given or first names of author; for example: Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Firstname M., Sr. Do not wikilink—use author-link instead. Aliases: given, first1, given1. Requires last; first name will not display if last is empty.
- OR: for multiple authors, use last1, first1 through lastn, firstn, where n is any consecutive number for an unlimited number of authors (each firstn requires a corresponding lastn).
Aliases: surname1, given1 through surnamen, givenn, or author1 through authorn. For an individual author plus an institutional author, you can use - author-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the author—not the author's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: author-link1, authorlink, authorlink1, author1-link, author1link.
- OR: for multiple authors, use author-link1 through author-linkn. Aliases: authorlink1 through authorlinkn, or author1-link through authorn-link, or author1link through authornlink.
- name-list-format: displays authors and editors in Vancouver style when set to
and when the list useslast
parameters for the name list(s).
- vauthors: comma-separated list of author names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional author names in doubled parentheses:
|vauthors=Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corporation))
- author-link and author-mask may be used for the individual names in
as described above
- authors: Free-form list of author names; use of this parameter is discouraged because it does not contribute to a citation's metadata; not an alias of last.
- translator-last: Surname of translator. Do not wikilink—use translator-link instead. Aliases: translator-surname, translator1, translator1-last, translator-last1.
- translator-first: Given or first names of translator. Do not wikilink—use translator-link instead. Aliases: translator-given, translator1-first, translator-first1.
- OR: for multiple translators, use translator-last1, translator-first1 through translator-lastn, translator-firstn, where n is any consecutive number for an unlimited number of translators (each translator-firstn requires a corresponding translator-lastn). Aliases: translator1-last, translator1-first through translatorn-last, translatorn-first, or translator1 through translatorn.
- translator-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the translator—not the translator's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: translator-link1, translator1-link.
- OR: for multiple translators, use translator-link1 through translator-linkn. Aliases: translator1-link through translatorn-link.
- collaboration: Name of a group of authors or collaborators; requires author, last, or vauthors listing one or more primary authors; follows author name-list; appends "et al." to author name-list.
- others: To record other contributors to the work, including illustrators. For the parameter value, write Illustrated by John Smith.
- Note: When using skraćene fusnote or referenciranje u zagradama styles with templates, do not use multiple names in one field, or else the anchor will not match the inline link.
[uredi izvor]- title: Title of source page on website. Displays in quotes. If script-title is defined, title holds romanized transliteration of title in script-title.
- script-title: Original title for languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc); follows transliteration defined in title. May be prefixed with an ISO 639-1 two-character code to help browsers properly display the script:
... |title=Tōkyō tawā |script-title=ja:東京タワー |trans-title=Tokyo Tower ...
- trans-title: English translation of the title if the source cited is in a foreign language. Displays in square brackets after title; trans-title is included in the link. Use of the language parameter is recommended.
- script-title: Original title for languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc); follows transliteration defined in title. May be prefixed with an ISO 639-1 two-character code to help browsers properly display the script:
- Titles containing certain characters will display and link incorrectly unless those characters are encoded.
newline | [ | ] | | |
space | [ | ] | | |
{{bracket|text}} | {{pipe}} – |
- This parameter is required and will generate an error if not defined. On errors, main, help and template pages are placed into Category:Articles with incorrect citation syntax. Set
to disable categorization; mainly used for documentation where the error is demonstrated.
- website: Title of website; may be wikilinked. Displays in italics. Aliases: work
- type: Provides additional information about the media type of the source; format in sentence case. Displays in parentheses following the title. Examples: Thesis, Booklet, CD liner, Press release. Alias: medium.
- language: The language in which the source is written. Displays in parentheses with "in" before the language name or names. Use the full language name or ISO 639-1 code. When the source uses more than one language, list them individually, separated by commas, e.g.
|language=French, German
. The use of language names or language codes recognized by Wikimedia adds the page to the appropriate subcategory of Kategorija:CS1 foreign language sources; do not use templates or wikilinks. Note: When the language is "English" (or "en"), no language is displayed in the citation. Note: When two or more languages are listed there is no need to include "and" before the last language. "and" is inserted automatically by the template.
[uredi izvor]- date: Date of source being referenced. Can be full date (day, month, and year) or partial date (month and year, season and year, or year). Use same format as other publication dates in the citations.[date 1] Required when year is used to disambiguate
links to multiple-work citations by the same author in the same year.[more] Do not wikilink. Displays after the authors and is enclosed in parentheses. If there is no author, then displays after publisher.
- For approximate year, precede with "
", like this:|date=c. 1900
- For no date, or "undated", add as
- year: Year of source being referenced. Use of
is recommended unless all of the following conditions are met:- The template uses
, or the template is{{citation}}
, or|mode=cs2
- The
format is YYYY-MM-DD. - The citation requires a
- The template uses
- orig-year: Original publication year; displays after the date or year. For clarity, please supply specifics. For example:
|orig-year=First published 1859
or|orig-year=Composed 1904
. Alias: origyear - df: date format; sets rendered dates to the specified format; does not support date ranges or seasonal dates. Accepts one value which may be one of these:
– set publication dates to day month year format; access- and archive-dates are not modified;mdy
– as above for month day, year formatymd
– as above for year initial numeric format YYYY-MM-DDdmy-all
– set publication, access-, and archive-dates to day month year format;mdy-all
– as above for month day, year formatymd-all
– as above for year initial numeric format YYYY-MM-DD
- ^ Publication dates in references within an article should all have the same format. This may be a different format from that used for archive and access dates.
[uredi izvor]- publisher: Name of publisher; may be wikilinked if relevant. The publisher is the company that publishes the work being cited. Do not use the publisher parameter for the name of a work (e.g. a book, encyclopedia, newspaper, magazine, journal, website). Not normally used for periodicals. Corporate designations such as "Ltd", "Inc" or "GmbH" are not usually included. Omit where the publisher's name is substantially the same as the name of the work (for example, The New York Times Co. publishes The New York Times newspaper, so there is no reason to name the publisher). Displays after title.
- place: Geographical place of publication; generally not wikilinked; omit when the name of the work includes the location; examples: The Boston Globe, The Times of India. Displays after the title; if work is defined, then location is enclosed in parentheses. Alias: location
- publication-place: If any one of publication-place, place or location are defined, then the location shows after the title; if publication-place and place or location are defined, then place or location are shown before the title prefixed with "written at" and publication-place is shown after the title.
- publication-date: Date of publication when different from the date the work was written. Displays only if year or date are defined and only if different, else publication-date is used and displayed as date. Use the same format as other dates in the article; do not wikilink. Follows publisher; if work is not defined, then publication-date is preceded by "published" and enclosed in parenthesis.
- via: Name of the content deliverer (if different from publisher). via is not a replacement for publisher, but provides additional detail. It may be used when the content deliverer presents the source in a format other than the original (e.g. NewsBank), when the URL provided does not make clear the identity of the deliverer, where no URL or DOI is available (EBSCO), if the deliverer requests attribution, or as requested in WP:The Wikipedia Library (e.g. Credo, HighBeam).
- agency: The news agency (wire service) that provided the content; examples: Associated Press, Reuters, Agence France-Presse. May be wikilinked if relevant.
[uredi izvor]- series or version: When the source is part of a series, such as a book series or a journal where the issue numbering has restarted.
Lokacije u izvorima
[uredi izvor]- page: The number of a single page in the source that supports the content. Use either
, but not both. Displays preceded byp.
. - OR: pages: A range of pages in the source that supports the content. Use either
, but not both. Separate using an en dash (–); separate non-sequential pages with a comma (,); do not use to indicate the total number of pages in the source. Displays preceded bypp.
. Hyphens are automatically converted to en dashes; if hyphens are appropriate, for example: pp. 3-1–3-15, use|pages=3{{hyphen}}1–3{{hyphen}}15
or|at=pp. 3-1–3-15
.- nopp: Set to y, yes, or true to suppress the
notations where this is inappropriate; for example, where|page=Front cover
- nopp: Set to y, yes, or true to suppress the
- OR: at: For sources where a page number is inappropriate or insufficient. Overridden by
. Use only one of|page=
, or|at=
- Examples: page (p.) or pages (pp.); section (sec.), column (col.), paragraph (para.); track; hours, minutes and seconds; act, scene, canto, book, part, folio, stanza, back cover, liner notes, indicia, colophon, dust jacket, verse.
[uredi izvor]- url: URL of an online location where the text of the publication can be found. Cannot be used if title is wikilinked. If applicable, the link may point to the specific page(s) referenced. Remove tracking parameters from URLs, e.g.
. Do not link to any commercial booksellers, such as Amazon.com. Invalid URLs, including those containing spaces, will result in an error message.- access-date: Full date when the content pointed to by url was last verified to support the text in the article; do not wikilink; requires url; use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations.[date 1] Not required for linked documents that do not change. For example, access-date is not required for links to copies of published research papers accessed via DOI or a published book, but should be used for links to news articles on commercial websites (these can change from time to time, even if they are also published in a physical medium). Note that access-date is the date that the URL was checked to not just be working, but to support the assertion being cited (which the current version of the page may not do). Can be hidden or styled by registered editors. Alias: accessdate.
- archive-url: The URL of an archived copy of a web page if the original URL is no longer available. Typically used to refer to services such as WebCite and Internet Archive ; requires archive-date and url. By default (overridden by
) the archived link is displayed first, with the original link at the end. Alias: archiveurl.- archive-date: Date when the original URL was archived; preceded in display by default text "archived from the original on". Use the same format as other access and archive dates in the citations. This does not necessarily have to be the same format that was used for citing publication dates.[date 1] Do not wikilink. Alias: archivedate.
- dead-url: the default value of this optional parameter, if omitted, is
. Equivalent values are y or true. When the URL is still live, but pre-emptively archived, then set|dead-url=no
; this changes the display order, with the title retaining the original link and the archive linked at the end. When the original URL has been usurped for the purposes of spam, advertising, or is otherwise unsuitable, setting|dead-url=unfit
suppresses display of the original URL (but|url=
is still required). Alias: deadurl.
- template-doc-demo: The archive parameters will be error-checked to ensure that all the required parameters are included, or else {{citation error}} is invoked. With errors, main, help and template pages are placed into one of the subcategories of Category:Articles with incorrect citation syntax. Set
to disable categorization; mainly used for documentation where the error is demonstrated.
- format: Format of the work referred to by url; for example: PDF, DOC, or XLS; displayed in parentheses after title. (For media format, use type.) HTML is implied and should not be specified. Automatically added when a PDF icon is displayed. Does not change the external link icon. Note: External link icons do not include alt text; thus, they do not add format information for the visually impaired.
- URLs must begin with a supported URI scheme.
will be supported by all browsers; however,ftp://
may require a plug-in or an external application and should normally be avoided. IPv6 host-names are currently not supported. - If URLs in citation template parameters contain certain characters, then they will not display and link correctly. Those characters need to be percent-encoded. For example, a space must be replaced by
. To encode the URL, replace the following characters with:
sp | " | ' | < | > | [ | ] | { | | | } |
%20 | %22 | %27 | %3c | %3e | %5b | %5d | %7b | %7c | %7d |
- Single apostrophes do not need to be encoded; however, unencoded multiples will be parsed as italic or bold markup. Single curly closing braces also do not need to be encoded; however, an unencoded pair will be parsed as the double closing braces for the template transclusion.
[uredi izvor]- ref: the citation's HTML anchor identifier. When set,
generates an anchor with the given ID (theid
attribute in the citation's<cite id="ID">
HTML tag). Setting|ref=ID
identifies the template as a target and allows wikilinking to full references, especially useful with short-form citations like shortened notes and parenthetical referencing. The special value|ref=harv
generates an anchor identifier suitable for use with {{sfn}} and {{harv}} templates. When|mode=cs2
defaults to|ref=harv
[uredi izvor]- id: A unique identifier, used where none of the specialized identifiers are applicable; wikilink or use a template as applicable. For example,
|id=NCJ 122967
will append "NCJ 122967" at the end of the citation. You can use templates such as|id={{NCJ|122967}}
to append NCJ 122967 instead.
These identifiers create links and are designed to accept a single value. Using multiple values or other text will break the link and/or invalidate the identifier. In general, the parameters should include only the variable part of the identifier, e.g. rfc=822
or pmc=345678
- arxiv: arXiv identifier; for example:
(before April 2007) orarxiv=0706.0001
(since April 2007). Do not include extraneous file extensions like ".pdf" or ".html". - asin: Amazon Standard Identification Number; if first character of asin value is a digit, use isbn. Because this link favours one specific distributor, only include it if standard identifiers aren't available.
- asin-tld: ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US; valid values:
- asin-tld: ASIN top-level domain for Amazon sites other than the US; valid values:
- bibcode: Bibcode; used by a number of astronomical data systems; for example:
- biorxiv: bioRxiv id, a 6-digit number at the end of the biorXiv URL (e.g.
for http://biorxiv.org/content/early/2016/10/01/078733 or http://dx.doi.org/10.1101/078733) - citeseerx: CiteSeerX id, a string of digits and dots found in a CiteSeerX URL (e.g.
for http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi= ) - doi: Digital object identifier; for example:
. It is checked to ensure it begins with (10.
).- doi-broken-date: Date the DOI was found to be non-working at http://dx.doi.org. Use the same format as other dates in the article. Alias: doi_brokendate, doi-inactive-date
- eissn: International Standard Serial Number for the electronic media of a serial publication; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space. Alias: EISSN
- hdl: Handle System identifier for digital objects and other resources on the Internet. Alias: HDL
- isbn: International Standard Book Number; for example:
. Dashes in the ISBN are optional, but preferred. Use the ISBN actually printed on or in the book. Use the 13-digit ISBN – beginning with 978 or 979 – when it is available. If only a 10-digit ISBN is printed on or in the book, use it. ISBNs can be found on the page with the publisher's information – usually the back of the title page – or beneath the barcode as a number beginning with 978 or 979 (barcodes beginning with any other numbers are not ISBNs). For sources with the older 9-digit SBN system, prefix the number with a zero; thus, SBN 902888-45-5 should be entered as|isbn=0-902888-45-5
. Do not convert a 10-digit ISBN to 13-digit by just adding the 978 prefix; the last digit is a calculated check digit and just making changes to the numbers will make the ISBN invalid. This parameter should hold only the ISBN without any additional characters. It is checked for length, invalid characters – anything other than numbers, spaces, and hyphens, with "X" permitted as the last character in a 10-digit ISBN – and the proper check digit. Alias: ISBN - ismn: International Standard Music Number; for example:
. Hyphens or spaces in the ISMN are optional. Use the ISMN actually printed on or in the work. This parameter should hold only the ISMN without any additional characters. It is checked for length, invalid characters – anything other than numbers, spaces, and hyphens – and the proper check digit. Alias: ISMN - issn: International Standard Serial Number; eight characters may be split into two groups of four using a hyphen, but not an en dash or a space. Alias: ISSN
- jfm: Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik
- jstor: JSTOR reference number; for example:
will generate JSTOR 3793107. - lccn: Library of Congress Control Number. When present, alphabetic prefix characters are to be lower case.
- mr: Mathematical Reviews
- oclc: OCLC; WorldCat's Online Computer Library Center
- ol: Open Library identifier; do not include "OL" in the value.
- osti: Office of Scientific and Technical Information
- pmc: PubMed Central; use article number for full-text free repository of a journal article, e.g.
. Do not include "PMC" in the value.- embargo: Date that pmc goes live; if this date is in the future, then pmc is not linked until that date.
- pmid: PubMed; use unique identifier.
- rfc: Request for Comments
- ssrn: Social Science Research Network
- zbl: Zentralblatt MATH
[uredi izvor]- quote: Relevant text quoted from the source. Displays enclosed in quotes. When supplied, the citation terminator (a period by default) is suppressed, so the quote must include terminating punctuation.
[uredi izvor]- editor-last: Surname of editor. Do not wikilink—use editor-link instead. Where the surname is usually written first—as in Chinese—or for corporate authors, simply use editor-last to include the same format as the source. Aliases: editor-last1, editor1-last, editor-surname, editor-surname1, editor1-surname, editor, editor1.
- editor: this parameter is used to hold the complete name of a single editor (first and last). This parameter should never hold the names of more than one editor.
- editor-first: Given or first names of editor, including title(s); example: Firstname Middlename or Firstname M. or Dr. Firstname M., Sr. Do not wikilink—use editor-link instead. Aliases: editor-first1, editor1-first, editor-given, editor-given1, editor1-given.
- OR: for multiple editors, use editor-last1, editor-first1 through editor-lastn, editor-firstn (Aliases: editorn-last, editor-surnamen or editorn-surname; editorn-first, editor-givenn or editorn-given; editorn). For an individual editor plus an institutional editor, you can use
- editor-link: Title of existing Wikipedia article about the editor—not the editor's website; do not wikilink. Aliases: editor-link1.
- OR: for multiple editors, use editor-link1 through editor-linkn (alias editorn-link).
- name-list-format: displays authors and editors in Vancouver style when set to
and when the list useslast
parameters for the name list(s)
- veditors: comma separated list of editor names in Vancouver style; enclose corporate or institutional names in doubled parentheses:
|veditors=Smythe JB, ((Megabux Corporation))
- editor-linkn and editor-maskn may be used for the individual names in
, as described above
- editor-linkn and editor-maskn may be used for the individual names in
- editors: Free-form list of editor names; use of this parameter is discouraged; not an alias of editor-last
- Display:
- Use display-editors to control the length of the displayed editor name list and to specify when "et al." is included.
- If authors: Authors are first, followed by the included work, then "In" and the editors, then the main work.
- If no authors: Editors appear before the included work; a single editor is followed by "ed."; multiple editors are followed by "eds."
[uredi izvor]- lay-url: URL link to a non-technical summary or review of the source; the URL title is set to "Lay summary". Aliases: lay-summary, laysummary.
- lay-source: Name of the source of the laysummary. Displays in italics and preceded by an endash. Alias: laysource.
- lay-date: Date of the summary. Displays in parentheses. Alias: laydate.
Opcije prikaza
[uredi izvor]- mode: Sets element separator, default terminal punctuation, and certain capitalization according to the value provided. For
, element separator and terminal punctuation is a period (.
); where appropriate, initial letters of certain words are capitalized ('Retrieved...'). For|mode=cs2
, element separator is a comma (,
); terminal punctuation is omitted; where appropriate, initial letters of certain words are not capitalized ('retrieved...'). To override default terminal punctuation use postscript. - author-mask: Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text. Set author-mask to a numeric value n to set the dash n em spaces wide; set author-mask to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, "with". You must still include the values for all authors for metadata purposes. Primarily intended for use with bibliographies or bibliography styles where multiple works by a single author are listed sequentially such as skraćene fusnote. Do not use in a list generated by
,<references />
or similar as there is no control of the order in which references are displayed. You can also use editor-mask and translator-mask in the same way. - display-authors: Controls the number of author names that are displayed when a citation is published. To change the displayed number of authors, set display-authors to the desired number. For example,
will display only the first two authors in a citation. By default, all authors are displayed.|display-authors=etal
displays all authors in the list followed by et al. Aliases: displayauthors. - display-editors: Controls the number of editor names that are displayed when a citation is published. To change the displayed number of editors, set display-editors to the desired number. For example,
will display only the first two editors in a citation. By default, all editors are displayed.|display-editors=etal
displays all editors in the list followed by et al. Aliases: displayeditors. - last-author-amp: Switches the separator between the last two names of the author list to space ampersand space (
) when set toy
, ortrue
. Example:|last-author-amp=yes
- postscript: Controls the closing punctuation for a citation; defaults to a period (
); for no terminating punctuation, specify|postscript=none
– leaving|postscript=
empty is the same as omitting it, but is ambiguous. Ignored if quote is defined.
Potrebna pretplata ili registracija
[uredi izvor]Citations of online sources that require registration or a subscription are acceptable in Wikipedia as documented in Verifiability – Access to sources. As a courtesy to readers and other editors, editors can signal the access restrictions of the external links included in a citation.
Four access levels can be used:
: the source is free to read for anyone (this applies in particular to articles in open access) -
: a free registration is required to access the source -
: there are other constraints (such as a cap on daily views) to freely access this source -
: the source is only accessible via a paid subscription
As there are often multiple external links with different access levels in the same citation, these values are attributed to a particular external link.
Access level of |url=
[uredi izvor]Links inserted with |url=
are expected to be free to read by default. If not, editors can use one of
to indicate the relevant access restriction.
Access level of identifiers
[uredi izvor]Links inserted by identifiers such as |doi=
are not expected to offer a free full text by default. If they do, editors can use |doi-access=free
(in the case of |doi=
) to indicate the relevant access level. The following identifiers are supported:
Some identifiers always link to free full texts. In this case, the access level is automatically indicated by the template. This is the case for |arxiv=
, |biorxiv=
, |citeseerx=
, |pmc=
, |rfc=
and |ssrn=
Ambiguous access parameters
[uredi izvor]The parameters |registration=yes
and |subscription=yes
can also be used to indicate the access level of a citation. However, they do not indicate which link they apply to, so editors are encouraged to use |url-access=registration
and |url-access=subscription
instead, when the restriction applies to |url=
. If the restriction applies to an identifier, these parameters should be omitted.
These parameters add a link note to the end of the citation:
- registration: For online sources that require registration, set
, ortrue
); superseded by subscription if both are set. - subscription: For online sources that require a subscription, set
, ortrue
); supersedes registration if both are set.
Setting |registration=
or |subscription=
to any value other than y
, yes
, or true
will generate an error message.
[uredi izvor]TemplateData za Cite web
Ovaj šablon formatira referencu veb-sajta korišćenjem pružene informacije, kao što su URL i naslov. Koristi se samo za izvore koji nisu ispravno opisani određenim šablonima za navođenje knjiga, časopisa, izvora novosti itd.
Parametar | Opis | Vrsta | Status | |
URL | url URL | URL lokacije na mreži gde se može pronaći tekst publikacije. Zahteva šeme tipa „http://...” ili srodnu šemu protokola „//...”
| tekst | obavezno |
Naslov | title | Naslov izvorne stranice na veb-sajtu; prikazaće se sa dodatim navodnicima. Obično se nalazi na vrhu veb-pregledača. On nije ime veb-sajta. | tekst | obavezno |
Prezime | last last1 author author1 author1-last author-last surname1 author-last1 subject1 surname author-last subject | Prezime autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink”; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore | kratak tekst | predloženo |
Ime | first given author-first first1 given1 author-first1 author1-first | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink”; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore | kratak tekst | predloženo |
Veza do autora | authorlink author-link subjectlink subject-link authorlink1 author-link1 author1-link subjectlink1 author1link subject-link1 subject1-link subject1link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o autoru; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Spisak autora | authors people host credits | Spisak autora kao spisak slobodnih formi. Korišćenje ovog parametra nije preporučljivo, „lastn” i „firstn” su poželjniji. Upozorenje: ne koristite ako se koristi prezime ili bilo koji njegov pseudonim. | tekst | neobavezno |
Prezime 2 | last2 author2 | Prezime drugog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink2”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 2 | first2 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali drugog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 2 | authorlink2 author2-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o drugom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Datum izvora | date | Pun datum kada je izvor objavljen; ako je nepoznat, umesto njega koristite parametar „access-date”; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze | datum | predloženo |
Godina izdavanja | year | Godina kada je izvor objavljen; umestno nje koristite parametar „date”, ako su i mesec i dan takođe poznati | tekst | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika | editor-last editor1-last editor editors | Prezime urednika; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze; umesto njih koristite parametar „editor-link”; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika | editor-first editor1-first | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali urednika; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „editor-link”; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore; pseudonim za „editor1-first” | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika | editor-link editor1-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o uredniku; možete da dodate sufiks sa brojem da biste dodali dodatne autore | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 2 | editor2-last editor2 | Prezime drugog urednika; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „editor2-link”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 2 | editor2-first | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali drugog urednika; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 2 | editor2-link editor2link editorlink2 | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o drugom uredniku. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Veb-sajt | website work | Ime veb-sajta; možete dodavati unutrašnje veze; prikazaće se u kurzivu (iskošeno). Posedovanje oba parametara „Izdavač” i „Veb-sajt” je suvišno u većini slučajeva
| tekst | predloženo |
Identifikator serije | series | Identifikator serije kada je izvor deo serije, kao što je serija knjiga ili časopisa | tekst | neobavezno |
Izdavač | publisher | Ime izdavača; možete dodavati unutrašnje veze. Posedovanje oba parametara „Izdavač” i „Veb-sajt” je suvišno u većini slučajeva.
| tekst | neobavezno |
Lokacija izdavanja | location | Geographical place of publication; usually not wikilinked; omit when the publication name includes place; alias of 'place' | tekst | neobavezno |
Stranica | page | Stranica u izvoru koji podržava sadržaj; prikazuje se posle „str.” | tekst | neobavezno |
Stranice | pages | Stranice u izvoru koji podržava sadržaj (ne ukazuje na broj stranica u izvoru); prikazuje se posle „str.” | tekst | neobavezno |
U | at | Može da se koristi umesto parametara „page” ili „pages” gde je broj stranica neprikladan ili nedovoljan | tekst | neobavezno |
Jezik | language | Jezik na kojem je izvor napisan, ako nije srpski; koristite jezični kod određenog jezika; nemojte da koristite ikone ili šablone | tekst | neobavezno |
Naslov pisma | script-title | For titles in languages that do not use a Latin-based alphabet (Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese, etc). Prefix with two-character ISO639-1 language code followed by a colon. For Japanese use: |script-title=ja:... | tekst | neobavezno |
Prevedeni naslov | trans-title trans_title | Naslov na srpskom jeziku, ako je izvor naveden na stranom jeziku; preporučuje se parametar „language” | tekst | neobavezno |
Vrsta | type | Dodatne informacije o vrsti medija izvora; oblikujte u rečeničnom slučaju | tekst | neobavezno |
Format | format | Format dela nazvanog „url”; primeri: PDF, DOC, XLS; nemojte da navodite HTML | tekst | neobavezno |
Drugi | others | Koristi se za beleženje drugih (neautorskih) doprinosa delu, kao što su „Ilustrovao: Džon Smit” ili „Preveo: Džon Smit”. Samo jedan parametar „others” je dozvoljen: npr. „Ilustrovao: Džon Dou”; „Preveo: Džon Smit” | tekst | neobavezno |
Izvorna godina | orig-year origyear | Izvorna godina izdavanja; pružite detalje | tekst | neobavezno |
Mesto izdavanja | publication-place | Mesto izdavanja se prikazuje posle naslova; ako su parametri „place” ili „location” takođe dati, prikazaće se pre naslova, sa prefiksom „napisano u” | tekst | neobavezno |
Datum izdavanja | publication-date | Datum izdavanja kada je različit od datuma pisanja dela; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze | datum | neobavezno |
Izdato preko | via | Ime subjekta koji hostuje izvornu kopiju dela, ako je različit od izdavača. Ovaj subjekat je obavezan da ne menja delo. GitHub, SourceForge, CodePlex, Jutjub, Vimio, Dailymotion i Netfliks su primeri servisa posvećeni delovanju u ime izdavača, ali Archive.org, Vikimedijina Ostava i grc.com su to uradili u određenim prilikama.
| tekst | neobavezno |
Bez str. | nopp | Postavite na „y” da biste sakrili „str.” i zameniti je sa „stranica” ili „stranice” kada je prikladno (kao što je „Naslovna stranica”) | tekst | neobavezno |
arXiv | arxiv | Identifikator arXiv-a elektronske predštampe naučnih radova | tekst | neobavezno |
ASIN | asin | Amazon standardni identifikacioni broj; 10 znakova | tekst | neobavezno |
ASIN DNN | asin-tld | ASIN domen najvišeg nivoa za Amazon sajtove, osim SAD | tekst | neobavezno |
Bibcode | bibcode | Bibliografski referentni kod (REFKOD); 19 znakova | tekst | neobavezno |
biorXiv | biorxiv | Identifikator biorXiv-a; 6 cifara | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
CiteSeerX | citeseerx | Identifikator CiteSeerX-a; nalazi se nakon paramentra „doi=” | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
DOI | doi | Digitalni identifikator objekta; počinje sa „10.” | tekst | neobavezno |
DOI pokvaren datum | doi-broken-date | Datum koji je DOI utvrdio pokvarenim | tekst | neobavezno |
ISBN | isbn | Međunarodni standardni broj knjige; koristite 13-cifreni ISBN kad god je to moguće | tekst | neobavezno |
ISSN | issn | Međunarodni standardni serijski broj; 8 znakova; može da se podeli u dve grupe od po četiri znaka korišćenjem crtice | tekst | neobavezno |
jfm kod | jfm | Jahrbuch über die Fortschritte der Mathematik klasifikacioni kod | tekst | neobavezno |
JSTOR | jstor | Identifikator JSTOR-a | tekst | neobavezno |
LCCN | lccn | Kontrolni broj Kongresne biblioteke | tekst | neobavezno |
MR | mr | Identifikator Matematičkog pregleda | tekst | neobavezno |
OCLC | oclc | Broj onlajn računarskog bibliotečkog centra | tekst | neobavezno |
OL | ol | Identifikator otvorene biblioteke | tekst | neobavezno |
OSTI | osti | Identifikator kancelarije za naučne i tehničke informacije | tekst | neobavezno |
PMC | pmc | Broj članka PubMed centra | tekst | neobavezno |
PMID | pmid | Jedinstveni identifikator PubMed-a | tekst | neobavezno |
RFC | rfc | Zahtev za broj komentara | tekst | neobavezno |
SSRN | ssrn | Društvena naučno-istraživačka mreža | tekst | neobavezno |
Zbl | zbl | Identifikator časopisa Zentralblatt MATH | tekst | neobavezno |
ID | id | Jedinstveni identifikator koji se koristi kada nijedan od drugih navedenih identifikatora nije primenljiv | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa | url-access | Classification of the access restrictions on the URL ('registration', 'subscription' or 'limited') | tekst | neobavezno |
URL arhive | archive-url archiveurl | URL arhivirane kopije veb stranice, ako, ili u slučaju, da URL postane nedostupan; zahteva „archive-date” | tekst | predloženo |
Datum arhiviranja | archive-date archivedate | Datum kada je izvorni URL arhiviran; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze | datum | predloženo |
Status URL-a | url-status | Ako je postavljen na „no”, prikaz naslova će biti prilagođen; korisno kada se URL arhivira preemptivno, ali i dalje „živi”
| kratak tekst | predloženo |
Datum pristupa | access-date accessdate | Pun datum kada je pristupljeno izvornom URL-u; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze | datum | predloženo |
Citat | quote | Relevant text quoted from the source; displays last, enclosed in quotes; must include terminating punctuation | tekst | neobavezno |
Referenca | ref | Identifikator sidra; može biti meta viki veza na pune reference; posebna vrednost „harv” generiše sidro pogodno za šablone za generisanje harvardskog načina citiranja | tekst | neobavezno |
Postskripta | postscript | The closing punctuation for the citation; ignored if 'quote' is defined
| tekst | neobavezno |
Neophodna pretplata | subscription | When set to yes, displays ”(subscription required)” to indicate an online source that requires subscription | tekst | neobavezno |
Neophodna registracija | registration | When set to yes, displays ”(registration required)” to indicate an online source that requires registration | tekst | neobavezno |
Razdelnik | separator | The punctuation used to separate lists of authors, editors, etc.; a space must be encoded as   do not use an asterisk, colon, or hash mark
| tekst | neobavezno |
Lay URL | layurl | URL link to a non-technical summary or review of the source; alias of 'laysummary' | tekst | neobavezno |
Lay source | laysource | Name of the source of the laysummary; displays in italics, preceded by an en dash | tekst | neobavezno |
Lay date | laydate | Date of the summary; displays in parentheses | tekst | neobavezno |
Maska autora | author-mask | Replaces the name of the first author with em dashes or text; set to a numeric value 'n' to set the dash 'n' em spaces wide; set to a text value to display the text without a trailing author separator; for example, 'with' instead | tekst | neobavezno |
Prezime 3 | last3 author3 | Prezime trećeg autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink3”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 3 | first3 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali trećeg autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 3 | authorlink3 author3-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o trećem autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 4 | last4 author4 | Prezime četvrtog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink4”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 4 | first4 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali četvrtog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 4 | authorlink4 author4-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o četvrtom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 5 | last5 author5 | Prezime petog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink5”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 5 | first5 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali petog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 5 | authorlink5 author5-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o petom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 6 | last6 author6 | Prezime šestog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink6”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 6 | first6 author6-link | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali šestog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 6 | authorlink6 | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o šestom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 7 | last7 author7 | Prezime sedmog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink7”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 7 | first7 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali sedmog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 7 | authorlink7 author7-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o sedmom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 8 | last8 author8 | Prezime osmog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink8”. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 8 | first8 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali osmog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 8 | authorlink8 author8-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o osmom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime 9 | last9 author9 | Prezime devetog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze, umesto njih koristite parametar „authorlink9”. Ako se definišu devet autora, samo će se osam prikazati, a „et al.” će se prikazati umesto poslednjeg autora. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime 9 | first9 | Ime, srednja imena ili inicijali devetog autora; nemojte da dodajete unutrašnje veze. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do autora 9 | authorlink9 author9-link | Naslov postojećeg članka na Vikipediji o devetom autoru. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Razdelnik imena autora | author-name-separator | Changes the separator between last and first names; defaults to a comma and space; a space must be encoded as   do not use an asterisk, colon, or hash mark
| tekst | neobavezno |
Razdelnik autora | author-separator | Changes the separator between authors; defaults to a semicolon and space; a space must be encoded as   do not use an asterisk, colon, or hash mark
| tekst | neobavezno |
Prikaz autora | display-authors displayauthors | Number of authors to display before 'et al.' is used; default is to do so after 8 of 9 are listed.
| broj | neobavezno |
Znak „ampersand” za poslednjeg autora | lastauthoramp | When set to any value, changes the separator between the last two names of the author list to 'space ampersand space' | tekst | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 3 | editor3-last editor3 | The surname of the third editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor3-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 3 | editor3-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the third editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 3 | editor3-link editor3link editorlink3 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the third editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 4 | editor4-last editor4 | The surname of the fourth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor4-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 4 | editor4-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fourth editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 4 | editor4-link editor4link editorlink4 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fourth editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 5 | editor5-last editor5 | The surname of the fifth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor5-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 5 | editor5-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the fifth editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 5 | editor5-link editor5link editorlink5 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the fifth editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 6 | editor6-last editor6 | The surname of the sixth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor6-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 6 | editor6-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the sixth editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 6 | editor6-link editor6link editorlink6 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the sixth editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 7 | editor7-last editor7 | The surname of the seventh editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor7-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 7 | editor7-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the seventh editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 7 | editor7-link editor7link editorlink7 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the seventh editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 8 | editor8-last editor8 | The surname of the eighth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor8-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 8 | editor8-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the eighth editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 8 | editor8-link editor8link editorlink8 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the eighth editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Prezime urednika 9 | editor9-last editor9 | The surname of the ninth editor; don't wikilink, use 'editor9-link'. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Ime urednika 9 | editor9-first | Given or first name, middle names, or initials of the ninth editor; don't wikilink. | kratak tekst | neobavezno |
Veza do urednika 9 | editor9-link editor9link editorlink9 | Title of existing Wikipedia article about the ninth editor. | Naziv stranice | neobavezno |
Izdanje | edition | Specify the edition or revision of the source, when applicable. For example: '2nd' or '5.1'. What you supply here is suffixed by ' ed.' | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa Bibcode-u | bibcode-access | Ako je ceo tekst dostupan sa ADS-a putem ovog Bibcode-a, oktucajte „free” | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa DOI-ju | doi-access | Ako je ceo tekst slobodan za čitanje putem DOI-ja, otkucajte „free”. | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa HDL-u | hdl-access | Ako je ceo tekst slobodan za čitanje putem HDL-a, otkucijte „free”. | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa Jstor-u | jstor-access | Ako je ceo tekst slobodan za čitanje na Jstor-u, otkucajte „free”. | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa OpenLibrary-ju | ol-access | Ako je ceo tekst slobodan za čitanje na OpenLibrary-ju, otkucajte „free”. | tekst | neobavezno |
Nivo pristupa OSTI-ju | osti-access | Ako je ceo tekst slobodan za čitanje na OSTI-ju, otkucajte „free”. | tekst | neobavezno |
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